A Master and Her Pet - Ride Scene

Story by Tiara_Estella on SoFurry

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#1 of Completed in Your Imagination

I randomly get ideas that I either can't finish or am too lazy to finish...so instead of letting them rot and go to waste I'll be posting them and letting you finish them however you like in your own mind. Part 1.

Arghos had spent the day cleaning and cooking happily. Not that he ever found it tedious since it was for his Master, his Mistress, but today he had an extra kick in his step. His Master was sick, sure he had been worried like mad for the first 20 minutes, but now he felt... Useful. Caring for his Master and watching over her with a careful eye. This was perfect. Of course you could also add on that his worries of her pulling something on him and surprising him were gone since the wolf was bedridden.

Or so he had believed. For now he was stripping for her. Her dark fur almost black against the red sheets as she directed each of his movements with a flick of her claw. A wave of the paw, off came his shirt. A drop of her digit and down went his pants. The only constant was the red of his cheeks as he realized his mistake in assuming that a sick wolf meant he was in charge. He knew better now as he stood there, now buck naked and she gestured for him to give her a lil turn. He obliged and when he faced her once more she was holding a bottle of lube and coating her cock in it.

When had she put th-that on??? he wondered, his breathing rapid and short as he slowly realized that she wasn't holding back. "But s-sir... Your fever." he mentioned quietly, making sure to sound as humble and worried as possible.

"As if I wouldn't take that into consideration...~" she said, a playful growl to her voice as she gestured for him to climb into her lap. "Now boy, ride me."