Post-Holiday Blues

Story by Arktisk Raev on SoFurry

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#1 of Holiday Blues

First real attempt at writing, be kind!

Alright, this was something that I wrote up on paper at work today because there was NOTHING going on. Brought it home, edited it up a bit and finished it off. I'd like to think this is my first real attempt at writing and thanks to a great friend of mine, Klaus Nightfur, I'm actually posting it online!

Critique away! (I've never written a yiff scene before, and this first chapter is really just one long drawn out one, so pointers and the like are welcomed, though I did just intend for this to be kinda mainly an introduction to the main character Jason.) I'm comfortable enough to say that he's a reflection of my own mental and physical self, but since I'm truly terrible with thinking up new characters or new names, I'm just sticking with something generic.

Hope you enjoy!

Well, here I was, just like I was told.

My large white tail flicked nervously behind me as I walked up the steps to Chris's apartment. The wolf had admitted over a dating app that he had a weakness for slim, feminine foxes like myself, and considering the pictures he had sent me, I was in no position to refuse his invitation.

I took a nervous breath as I raised my hand to the door and knocked, hoping that I had read his address right. Or that the address he had given wasn't some horrible prank.

A few short moments passed before the door swung inwards, granting me my first in-person view of Chris. The wolf was a few inches taller than me, standing at 6'2", and had jet black fur everywhere aside from the white tips of his ears and tail, and the guy clearly worked out. His biceps alone were enough to make me weak in the knees. He looked down at me with a friendly smile and warm brown eyes before stepping to the side, granting me entry to his home.

"Evening Jason!" Chris said as if I was some long-time friend of his instead of just a guy he started talking to on an app just one week ago. "How was your day?"

I mentally sighed. 'How was your day' was typically the way I responded when someone I didn't want to talk to or have an interest in messaged me. Call me vain. I know I do.

"Well, I didn't die driving home from work," I smiled as I stepped inside, murring quietly to myself as the warmth of the wolf's apartment began fighting off the cold that had seeped into my bones. "So that's always a good thing."

"I know I'd be pretty upset if you couldn't make it." Chris chuckled as he stepped up behind me, pulling my coat off gently and hanging it up by the door.

For a guy only interested in a one-night stand, he was being quite the gentleman.

All I could do was blush as I kicked off my boots. I had rarely ever actually met someone in person for this kind of thing, but the holidays had been particularly hard on me this year and left me craving something physical, so when Chris took my hand in his and started leading me into his apartment, my heart skipped a little.

To understand what I was feeling as we passed by the living room and kitchen and headed for the stairs, you have to know that I get very anxious in any social setting, so it makes it very hard to relax enough to really enjoy meeting new people. This introverted issue I can't seem to kick is in direct opposition to my need for physical comfort. It doesn't need to be sexual, I just need contact with someone, which is why I don't really mind that I'm now standing in Chris's bedroom, gazing down at a remarkably skimpy cheerleader's uniform laid out on his bed.

I'd get physical comfort tonight at least, and hopefully that would chase off my depressed thoughts for a good while.

Chris wrapped his strong arms around my chest and pressed himself against my back.

"I figured you might be up for wearing this for me," The wolf sounded embarrassed, quite the change from the confident attitude that made me step out of my warm and cozy prison shell for the first time in a long time. "If you don't want to, that's fine though."

My mind began wondering what would happen if I refused to wear the skimpy outfit. If I didn't, this would more than likely only be a one night thing, but if I did, maybe this stud of a wolf would bring me over more. That would do wonders in making me feel less lonely.

I mentally snorted at myself. As if there would be any hesitation either way.

I stepped away from Chris, feeling a surprising amount of resistance from him, and stepped up to the bed. I unbuttoned my shirt as I walked, pulling it off before I reached down to pick up the small tank top with U of M on the chest. It fit quite snugly as I pulled it on, conforming to pretty much every small curve of my chest and shoulders. It felt incredibly comfortable; I wasn't looking forward to having to take it off.

My next move was to slide my jeans down to my ankles. I heard a lustful growl from behind me and I blushed, suddenly remembering that Chris was watching and I was now giving him the perfect view of my ass, which was only partially covered by a pair of black lace panties. It had taken me quite some time to find lingerie tailored for males online, but the sheer comfort of the front pouch and how sexy they made me feel made it well worth the effort. I like to think I'm not self-absorbed, but even I had to admit that they made my ass look like it belonged on some female underwear model.

I stepped to the side and kicked my pants over to join my discarded shirt, then stepped into the skirt and pulled it up to rest just below my hips. I might as well have been naked for how little of my body was actually covered by the outfit.

My mind revelled in the sensation of being dressed in such a way, but it was interrupted as I felt two strong hands grip my waist and pull me back against the solid frame of my host. I felt quite a prominent bulge press against my backside, and I could only moan as it grinded against me. I didn't recall Chris having gotten undressed, but I was far from complaining at that point.

"You look incredible in that outfit." The wold growled playfully into my ear. I could only shiver and squirm against him.

Before I could even think of anything to say he pushed me forward onto the bed, giving me a moment to roll myself over onto my back and look up at him with a blush. My eyes roamed over the well-defined muscles of his body, then came to rest on the sizeable bulge barely contained within the pouch of his white jockstrap.

"Don't be shy now," He teased as he stepped right up to the edge of the bed. "You wouldn't be here if you weren't craving cock."

Don't get me wrong, I love getting talked dirty to. I also love being used for someone's release, like a living, breathing Fleshlight. But all of that at this point in my young life was just icing on the cake. I needed to belong to someone, even if just for one night of sex.

I shifted myself onto all fours and pressed my muzzle against Chris's package, inhaling deeply and getting almost drunk off of his musk. I was about to raise a hand to take off his jockstrap, but he beat me to it. He wringed his thumbs into the waistband and pulled down, letting them pool around his ankles before stepping out of them, which caused his thick, eight inch cock bounce up and down tantalizingly close to the end of my muzzle.

His furry sack hung low between his legs, and while I'm no expert, even I could tell that they hadn't released anything for some time. The proof came when I reached up and gave them a squeeze, causing his shaft to flex and release a spurt of pre that landed on my lips.

I thought it was odd that a guy this sexy didn't have more worth-while partners in his bed whenever he wanted them, but I wasn't about to complain about my situation. I leaned forward just enough to envelop the head of his uncut wolf-hood, swirling my tongue around before slipping in under his foreskin to lick up even more of his juices.

The wolf was happily groaning to himself, scratching between my ears as he started to push himself forward, catching me a little off guard as I assumed he'd be the type to want to draw out a blowjob as long as he could. I swallowed a little over half of his cock before my gag reflex kicked in, but that didn't stop Chris.

I remember being told by some very open former co-workers that to deep throat someone, you had to relax as much as possible, which is what I tried to do. I began breathing through my nose as I felt his thick shaft slide farther into my throat, but the awkward sensation still made my eyes water just as my nose came to rest in the slightly thicker patch of fur above Chris's cock.

"Oh that feels nice." The wolf sighed contentedly as he just held my head there, not moving an inch backwards or forwards as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. I did what I could to slide my tongue around his large shaft much to his delight, regardless of the discomfort.

After what felt like a blissful eternity of sucking on the motionless cock in my mouth, Chris finally began to withdraw. My saliva mixed with his pre-cum all along his fat shaft, and as more of it slid out from between my lips, strands of our juices dripped to the ground. He pulled back slowly, but eventually his head slid free of my muzzle with a wet pop.

"You're good at sucking cock, foxy." The wolf looked down at me with a smile and those calming brown eyes of his. I'm fairly certain at that point I would have been willing to let him do anything to me.

Before I could do much more than blush, he grabbed my head again and pushed his cock back into my muzzle, making me wince and causing my eyes to water madly again as he hilted himself quickly. The sensation quickly passed as he pulled back again only to slam himself forward once again.

I was getting truly face-fucked by an incredibly hot wolf with a massive dick now.

The wet sucking noises emanating from my muzzle and throat seemed to drive him wild, not to mention how his balls repeatedly slapped against my dripping wet chin, and before long, he was pistoning in and out of my muzzle with a speed I had only ever seen before in porno's.

All I could do was sit there on my hands and knees, trying to focus on my breathing and ignoring my raging foxhood that was barely contained by the lacy pouch of my panties. I wasn't exactly one to make my own orgasm a priority in any sexual encounter, but the way this wolf was using me made me want to reach down and get some relief.

I was about to do just that when Chris began growling. His thrusts quickly became more erratic and he was whispering 'fuck' every time he slammed into the back of my throat. My muzzle was no longer able to bury itself in his pubic fur because it was blocked by the wolf's rapidly growing knot.

Without even a warning he made one last, hard thrust to get as deep into my throat as possible before I felt ropes of hot, wolf seed spray down my gullet. I wanted so badly to taste his cum, but I knew where my place was tonight.

I don't know if Chris heard my thoughts, or if he just wanted to reward me, but he pulled his cock all the way out of my muzzle and began stroking himself furiously and squeezing his knot to coax out two more thick jets of cum, the first of which landed on my outstretched tongue. The second painted my muzzle with a slightly off-white strand of jizz that I tried my best to lick up.

Without asking permission I leaned forward, drawing his half-flaccid cock into my muzzle again to lick up any seed that didn't make it into my mouth.

"Such a good fox to clean up my cock." Chris panted, giving me a few moments to enjoy his shaft on my own terms before pulling away.

I looked up at him with curiosity, wondering if the night was already at an end, but luckily for me, all the wolf did was grin and twirl his index finger, telling me without words that I was to turn around.

Of course I did so eagerly, shutting out the nervous voice in my head that was worried about the size of the wolf's cock. As I turned I noticed that said cock was rapidly hardening again, which made me wonder just how late he'd keep me awake.

He placed his hands on my ass cheeks, giving each a firm squeeze as he pushed me forward gently so he could kneel on the bed. He slid his hands up under the small skirt I was wearing and dragged a finger straight down the cleft between my cheeks. The treatment was making me moan and squirm, but when I tried to adjust my position to allow him better access, he brought his hand down roughly on my ass, making me yelp.

"Sorry, I can't help myself," Chris chuckled as he rubbed my lightly stinging backside in comfort. "You've got a great ass."

Much like the rest of my life, I couldn't really bring myself to say much. Typically I'd say that it was because I don't think I've got much to say, but in this situation, it was a mixture of embarrassment and straight up submission. He hadn't asked me to respond, so I simply moaned as he continued to knead my backside.

A few moments of his magical fingers working on my ass passed and I felt a finger hook itself into the back of my panties, pulling them to the side and quickly followed by Chris's hot breath grazing over my exposed tailhole. All I could really think at that moment was how much I was hoping that he'd use some kind of lube.

I was happy to be his plaything, but getting through the rest of the weekend with a sore ass caused by his massive cock wasn't my idea of a good time.

I gasped loudly as I felt a cool liquid drip over my hole, followed quickly by Chris's finger sliding into me. I hadn't even noticed him grab a bottle of lube, my mind truly is on just one track tonight.

Chris worked my tailhole with one finger for a few minutes, keeping one hand on my ass cheek almost possessively before moving a second finger in to join the first, followed soon after by a third.

I was moaning and writhing under his ministrations, wishing he'd let me tend to my own aching erection as it strained against my panties. Chris, however, kept growling at me every time I tried to move my arm. He really had me in his clutches, and I loved it.

The wolf pressed his fingers in deep one last time, eliciting a girly yelp from me, then withdrew them, leaning down to nibble playfully on my ear as he re-adjusted himself. His legs now rested in between mine, and he used that position to lever my own legs further apart.

Chris lifted his lubed shaft and rested it between my cheeks, taking a moment to savour the sight of the position I was in. "This is a good look for you."

My white furred cheeks burned red with a blush, but my throat caught because I knew that he knew, that I knew I loved it. A rare moment of inter-personal clarity on my part.

I kept my thoughts to myself as I felt Chris align the head of his thick shaft up with my eager tailhole, and I think I surprised both of us when I pressed back against it, popping the drooling head past my ring with little resistance thanks to the wolf's earlier work.

"Didn't think you could get any more eager." Chris chuckled and he held onto my waist and pressed firmly into me, sinking half of his wolfhood inside my ass.

I gave another yelp as I was split open, the dull throbbing in my ass telling me that tomorrow would be a sore day for my backside.

Chris didn't let up, however. If anything, my groans fueled him to press harder until his crotch came flush with my ass. He growled loudly once he hilted himself inside me, giving my ass another firm smack before leaning down to nibble on my ear again.

"You fit me perfectly." He chuckled between breaths as he started to pull out, making me writhe underneath him. "I'm definitely going to need to keep in touch with you."

He forced his way back in, getting another yelp out of me as he reached forward with his hands to grip my shoulders. Feeling his strong hands grab me like that as he began a more rhythmic thrusting made me forget all about my personal issues. At that moment, as Chris picked up the pace and began truly thrusting into me, I belonged to someone.

I was his to use as he wanted, and I was completely fine with that. For tonight, I wouldn't be alone.

The wolf grunted each time his shaft slammed home, the wet squelching and slapping noises he we were creating were driving us both crazy. Chris's knot was swelling up again, and with each hard, wet thrust, it spread my tailhole open just a little bit more.

Chris was panting away above me as he pounded himself into my ass at a truly remarkable pace, one I had never experienced before, I swore I felt sweat drip from him brow and land on the small of my back. Perhaps it was drool; the wolf was well and truly breeding me at this point after all. His hands were still gripping my shoulders, but they were squeezing much harder now, hard enough I think to have left at least a slight bruise.

While my mind tried to focus on anything but the painful pleasure of being split open by Chris's massive cock, I felt his knot press against my abused ring one last time. The pain that jolted through my body must have overloaded my brain because I barely felt it slam home inside of me, though I did notice just how wet my panties had just become and how Chris's grunts and pants had turned into a bark of pleasure as his balls emptied themselves into me.

I panted heavily, wincing at the soreness in my backside as my mind slowly collected itself and began registering everything around me again. Chris was still panting, but he had let go of my shoulders and was now caressing my ass cheeks almost lovingly. I turned my head just enough to be able to see him smiling to himself with his eyes closed.

I think he must have forgotten who he was with, because what happened next was something I never thought I would ever experience in my life.

"That was fucking amazing Chelsea." He sighed happily, opening up his eyes.

I quickly looked forward, panting heavily and hoping he hadn't noticed me looking back at him. He had been imagining someone named Chelsea? No wonder he was alright with me wearing lingerie, and the cheerleader outfit suddenly made a lot more sense.

My mind normally seeks out the worst-case scenario, it's a habit of mine that I can't really shake, much like my social anxiety and my almost inherent inability to talk to people on a personal level, and this scenario seemed near the worst of the worst cases.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." Chris's breath had caught in his throat as his brain caught up with his mouth, but I decided to play the gentleman and pretend I hadn't heard.

I'm good at pretending to not be hurt after all, another inherent skill I seem to have perfected.

"What are you sorry for?" I said between breaths, turning my head to give him a smile. "That was amazing!"

Chris visibly relaxed before leaning down to nibble on my ear again. 'Oh thank god he didn't hear me calling him the wrong name. I can still fuck him again in the future.' My mind put the words in his voice, and I felt the sense of hopelessness creep back into my consciousness. Normally I could deal with it, but even as the wolf settled us both down on the pillows with his knot still locked inside me, the voice began telling me that I had likely just been involved in ruining someone's relationship, or perhaps I was just a rebound? A revenge lay?

I couldn't tell which was worse.

So there I was. Lying in bed with a now softly snoring wolf that had called me Chelsea, his big knot keeping us from separating.

I know I said I was a physical person and I needed physical comfort like cuddling, but at that moment all I felt like doing was leaving. I wanted to get home, get to my own bed, with my own pillows and my own blankets, maybe try to distract myself with some shows online to take my mind off of the fact that I now felt lonelier now then I had before I got here.

Unfortunately for me, the wolf's knot would keep us tied together for quite some time, and my mind began overworking itself with my usual worries and personal issues that it eventually burned itself out and I fell into a blissfully empty void of sleep.

And there it is! Hope you enjoyed! There will be more coming, I just don't know how long it'll be before the next chapter thanks to work though, but it IS coming!