Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:26 Finally There

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#26 of Bowser

The next morning, Bowser fixed the car, and the 2 headed off. After about 20 minutes, they make it to the hotel. They go in. "Room 245" Jewelia takes the keys, and they head off. They reach their room, and unlock the door. They enter the room. Jewelia and Bowser pick their rooms. Jewelia picks a room with a queen sized bed, tv, 2 dressers, and a walk-in closet. Bowsers room has a king sized bed, tv, bathroom, and normal closet. They unpack. Jewelia goes into Bowsers room. "You finished yet?" Bowser nods. He looks at Jewelia. "You want to watch tv?" "Sure." Bowser walks with Jewelia to the main room. They turn on the tv. "How about Wreck it Ralph?" "Sure...Doesnt really matter." Jewelia puts on the movie Wreck it Ralph. Bowser falls asleep. "Hehehe..." Jewelia wispers to herself. She takes out an air horn from her bag. She puts the horn next to Bowser. EEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!! Bowser jumps. Jewelia laughs. Bowser gives her an angry look. She continues to laugh. She drops the air horn, and goes in her room. Bowser picks up the air horn, and puts it in his shell for later. Jewelia was in her room on her bed. She drifted off to sleep. Bowser walked in, and placed the air horn next to her ear. EEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!! Jewelia didnt wake up. This scared Bowser. He shook her. She still didnt wake up. She sudenly gets up. "When I pull a joke..I know whats comming back at me." She sits up. Bowser sits next to her. He puts one hand on her belly. She looks up at him. "Its just...So...I cant explain it. Im so happy about the new baby, and Im as happy as Ill ever be...But something tells me this isnt right.." "I feel the same way. Dont feel sorry though. Itll be fine. I promise." Bowser takes a good look at Jewelia`s eyes. They seem to sparkle. Bowser hugs Jewelia, and they both go to sleep. Until Next Chapter!!!

Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:27 6 Months Pregnant & Junior`s Nightmare

Bowser and Jewelia were in their rooms, asleep. Bowser Jr walks in Bowser`s room. He walks to Bowser`s bed, and shakes Bowser`s hand. Bowser wakes up. "Papa?" "What are you doing in here Junior?" Bowser gets out of bed, and heads to the door. Junior...

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:25 Almost fun

Bowser and Jewelia were on their way to a hotel. Jewelia was asleep in the back seet. Bowser was driving. They had just gone to a gas station, so their gas tank was full. Jewelia woke up. "Have a nice nap?" Bowser asks. "Yeah. We both did." Jewelia...

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:24 Pregnant-3 Months

Bowser and Jewelia were in the throne room. Jewelia now had a throne next to Bowser`s. She is 3 months pregnant. Her belly is just to the point where you can tell she`s pregnant. Bowser looks down at her. She looks back up at him, and smiles. Bowser...

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