Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 15

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#15 of Text adventure

The idea of this choose your own adventure is that I will write a page of a story ending in a choice of what action our hero takes next. You can then vote by commenting with your choice, I will then write the next page using the most voted on option to build a story page by page. It will be an adult story with sexual scenes and you get to chose partners, positions and such. I will look to post a minimum of once a week but with the aim of doing it twice a week whenever possible.

Sorry this chapter is late and very very sorry for not finding the time to reply to all your comments, I do appreciate every vote I get. I hope this weeks installment helps.

B wait and offer to free the Manticore won by a landslide

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Aleroic sighed and gave the Naga and fox a sympathetic smile. "He isn't all bad, maybe we could try to help."

"Oh come on bear you don't have to be the hero all the time!" Kenia half shouted, half spat at the bear in exasperation.

"Yeah, I mean you can't trust everyone in the world." Runo added sliding up behind the fox.

"This guy has literally enslaved hundred, maybe thousands, of people for their entire life!" The fox ranted hardly noticing the snake.

"Yeah!" The naga agreed patting the fox on the shoulder.

"I mean the damn lying snake was bad enough, but this guy could really do some damage!" Kenia shouted standing right in front of the bear who had stood silent for the entire exchange.

"Yeah!" Runo agreed and then his face twisted. "Hey... that hurts, I mean ok I held you hostage and stuff but I mean... I thought... you know that we were friends now. Brothers in arms and stuff, putting it on the line to save our illustrious, if seriously misguided, leader."

A few seconds of stunned silence followed as the two stood awkwardly in front of the bear. Aleoric stood still with a stern expression on his face as he regarded his two companions. Runo and Kenia exchanged slightly worried glances as the bear continued to stare them down.

Suddenly Aleoric exploded into action, grabbing the naga in one paw and the fox in the other. He pulled them into a powerful bear hug. "Thank you, for trying to save me." The two exhaled a worried breath as one and then returned the hug relaxing against the huge bear.

"That's ok big guy, anything for a friend." The fox replied closing his eyes and relaxing into the hug.

"Exactly, anything for a friend." Runo added his eye's fixed on the fox as he returned the bear's embrace.

"Ok, look I'm sorry about the damn lying snake comment." The fox said and then added with a grin. "Although you are a snake and you did lie."

"You call that an apology?" The snake sniffed lifting his head and turning away from the fox.

"No, I call it teasing a friend." The fox replied with a wink.

"Well ok then."



"You two want us to leave?" Aleoric asked with a chuckle. "Give you a little alone time to bond?"

Kenia blushed and looked away embarrassed, however the naga just grinned. "Sure, I'd love some alone time with the little fuzzy..." His sentence was interrupted by the sudden appearance of None.

The manticore looked tired and sweaty, his fur was out of place and clear tear stains could be seen on his cheeks. "Oh, I figured you guys would have been long gone by now." He said a little confused.

"We want to help you!" Jarus blurted out before anyone else could say anything. "How do we free you from your curse?"

None blushed a little and smiled his eyes, however, already gave his answer. "I don't think it's possible, it would take someone or something with the power of a god." He shook his head sadly. "I cannot be freed from this curse, but I thank you for the offer, in all my thousands of years no-one has ever thought to try and release me."

Aleoric stepped forward. "We might find something on our quest, after all we found you and you have the powers of a god. If we find someone powerful enough we will be back."

The beast nodded the gratitude evident on his face and the tear slowly slipping down his cheek. He reached out to Jarus and placed a lion paw on his shoulder as he held out his halberd, shaft towards the pony. "Here, you won't find a better weapon and you will need something better than that cheap sword you have to survive Kafta."

The pony took hold of the weapon, it felt natural in his paws like he had been wielding it all his life. None shall pass leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You are a special person, I wish you safe journey and long life. Good luck to you all, now please leave, the curse of the valley will force me to press you into another round of the game if you don't cross soon."

The horse threw himself at the manticore, hugging tightly as the other's began to walk. "We'll be back with a way to break the curse, I promise."

"If you do come back I promise to let you win the game again, even if you don't find a way to break the curse. The pain would be worth a few minutes of your company." None whispered into his ear and then pulled back from the hug saying. "Now go."

Jarus turned and followed his friends, trying not to look back holding the halberd tightly as they walked. Kenia and Runo were out in front, the bear walked side by side with the pony. Nobody spoke, there didn't seem to be anything that needed saying. Still the silence was a comfortable one, the group feeling at peace with each other fully for the first time since the night in the cave after they all met.

The sun was setting by the time they reached the other end of the valley. As they were about to look for a place to camp for the night, Kenia's sharp eyes spotted something. A light coming from the woods a few hundred meters away. It looked like a campfire. unwilling to set up camp without knowing who their neighbour for the evening would be the group agreed to scout them out.

What the group found shocked and amused them all. An orc scout, clearly belonging to one of the clans they had taken the valley to avoid, all on his own and fully enjoying himself. The muscular green skinned male was naked by the camp fire, a bottle of oil open by his thighs, his dark green skin shining where the oil had been rubbed in. His body was covered in black tribal tattoos showing his allegiance to his tribe. His hand was wrapped around a green cock almost ten inches long and so thick even the hulking male's huge shovel sized hands couldn't wrap fully around it.

His chest rippled with muscles, sitting just above an impressive gut. The orc had his eyes closed and was laying on his side. one hand grasping his cock and the other had two fingers deep inside his ass. The group hadn't been noticed and they pulled back to discuss what their next move should be.

Vote for your choice by commenting below.

A. Kill the orc, orc's can't be trusted just because he'd pleasuring himself doesn't mean he would be friendly.

B. Leave the orc be, he hasn't spotted them so why not hide.

C. Scout the area, where there's one orc there may be more. Of course this may mean the orc finished his fun and moves on.

D. Announce themselves and offer to join the orc for an evening of fun. He may not call his friends and he seems to enjoy stimulation to his ass, the group is more than capable of keeping one orc happy for the eveing.

E. Sneak attack and capture the orc, the group wants to have some fun with him, but Orcs of this area are savage slaver tribes and can't be left to wander free.