Choose Your Own Adventure - A Waking Dream

Story by Experiment626 on SoFurry

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A dream [?] where your pets start being a bit more human.

Let me start off by saying that this took way longer to finish than I thought it would. I tried to make it in the style of the old Choose Your Own Adventure books where you were furiously turning back and forth between pages to figure out what happens next. But first, let me explain a couple things:

There are six different pairings. Try finding them all, it'll be fun! ;)

If you want to make it easy on yourself, I wrote out the section directions in words, so if you want to quickly skip to the next section, just Ctrl+F and type the number to jump to it. Should help you go a bit faster.

No cheating! It took forever to make this, the least you could do is do it the right way! But, really, do what you want; I'm just glad you're reading it!

Lastly, if you don't like this: that's fine. I'm still unsure about it myself. But if you are going to leave comments (and I hope you do, even if you didn't like it) try to be on the constructive side with your criticisms. "This is fucking dumb!" does get your point across, but doesn't really help me improve the story at all. If you want better stories (and I have a couple more CYOA stories planned) then I need actual advice.

OK, enough talking, here you go!

001 - 'What a strange dream' you think to yourself. You can't remember what it was about but you have the feeling that it was indeed strange. You do remember hearing a strange noise that you can't quite describe but you have no idea what accompanied the noise in the dream. You lay in bed for a short while longer trying to recall anything else from the dream. After a while you give up and decide it isn't worth wasting time trying to remember a dream. You make the decision to just get and start your day. It's a day off from work so you have no real obligations today, but you might as well get up and do something.

Go to section Thirty Three

002 - 'I'll start in here' you decide. You go to the closet and grab the vacuum and do the floor in the living room. As you get to the edge of the room next to the window, you open the curtain so you can clean around the edges of the carpet. As you do the room lights up brightly and you stand for a moment enjoying the warmth and light from the sun. You put the vacuum away and stand for a moment looking at the room. 'You know, I should open the rest of the windows.' You think to yourself. You head back to your room to open the curtains in there.

Go to section Seventy Three

003 - 'OK, time to get back to my chores' you think to yourself as you try to find motivation. You push yourself away from the table and head toward the stairs to go back up. Before you go upstairs you walk by the door to the storage room and slow for a second while staring at the door.

Stop and investigate the room to see if something in there made the noise - Section Thirty Six

Head upstairs to let the light in the house and finish your chores - Section Nineteen

004 - You drop the notebook as you see that whatever made the noise is as big as a person. You walk a few steps to get a better look around the stack of boxes between you and you gasp when you notice what it is that made the noise. A large snake-woman is standing against the wall staring directly at you. She has the same red eyes and albino white and pink patterns as Xena, your pet snake. She's naked and has a sleek thin scale-covered body. Her head is that of a snake but she has human arms and legs. Her breasts are small but human as well and you look down and get slightly embarrassed when you recognize another part of her that is clearly human.

Go to section Thirty Seven

005 - Usually the dogs would be barking at something by now, or would at least be rolling in something unsavory. It's very unusual for them to be so quite. There's a chance they are out running somewhere and annoying the neighbor woman; knocking over and eating her trash. You'll most likely get a call later today. You ponder that for a moment more and then sigh in preparation for having to field another irate complaint from the old woman.

Go to section Forty

006 - You pull yourself back for a moment, holding her at arm's length. You start to ask what is happening but before you can fumble through the whole sentence, Xena squirms out of your grip and quickly slinks away. She darts behind a stack of boxes and although the storage room only takes up about half the basement, you quickly become unable to find her.

Go to section Seventy Two

007 - You decide not to think anymore and instead throw out all logic and kiss the impossible creature. As you put your mouth to hers, she stealthily and quickly put her arms inside your shirt and pulls it off over your head. You continue your embrace and you feel her human-like nipples pressing against your bare chest. They are far more noticeable in contrast to the cool scales covering the rest of her body sliding across your skin whenever she moves. You quickly reach down and remove the sweatpants you were wearing and your erection becomes very evident to Xena. She reaches down with one scaly hand and grasps it tightly.

Go to section Fifty

008 - You decide to check out the rustling. You go in the direction of the noise and soon you see that it wasn't the dogs. You catch a flash of black fur and realize it is the stray cat you leave food out for occasionally. You get closer and see that the cat is not at all what you remember. In front of you now is a young woman; naked, but covered in black fur. Her fur is matted in a few places and a couple tufts are sticking out in weird directions. You know that somehow this is, or was, the stray cat you see every day.

Go to section Forty Two

009 - As you finish, you relax your grip on her hips. She stays atop you for a moment and you think about saying something but before you can a noise off to your right grabs her attention and as quickly as the encounter started, it ends as she pounces off into the weeds to chase this new distraction. For a moment, you can't even move and just lay in awe of that experience. You slowly sit up and after a moment, put your clothes back on.

Go to section Seventy Four

010 - You are about to call his name when you see something furry on the ground. You get a little closer and see it's your female dog. Only, she's in a humanoid form. She's lying on the ground panting and the area between her legs is slightly swollen and red. She looks like she's just been thoroughly laid, but you also remember that she's been in heat the past couple days and that could also be the cause of it.

Go to section Sixty Six

011 - You go inside to just sit down for a few minutes and try to process everything. As great as the day was, it's also unbelievable and hard to fully take in. You sit in your recliner pondering everything and soon your mind starts to wander and then you find yourself asleep.

Go to section Eighty Four

012 - She's still lying on her back on the ground as you move closer and to your surprise she calls out "Hi, Master!" as you approach her. It stops you for a second as you realize that while this looks like a woman, or a dog-woman, or something that you can't even fully grasp right now, it's still the same pup you've had for years. You're unsure what to do now as your original resolve to bed her has wavered.

Go to section Fifty Five

013 - You feel yourself getting hard again at this provocative situation but you realize it might not be her intent. However, she has been in heat and most likely would love to be with you. And clearly she loves you. Either way, she cocks her head to the side and looks at you. You realize you've been lying still and staring at, and almost through, her for a little too long.

Make a move towards her - Section Ninety-Nine

Push her off you before things go too far - Section One-Hundred Fourteen

014 - You push this off you for a moment and start to remove your clothes. She stares at you with anxious excitement as you hurriedly strip entirely and as you remove the last sock she pounces back on top of you and pushes her mouth to your for another kiss. She starts to grind her body against you, creating a pleasant and slightly tickling sensation with her fur. She positions her opening perfectly and pushes back quickly. She yelps sharply as you slide entirely inside her. She sits up and starts to bounce her entire body on top of yours. You watch with joy as her breasts jiggle with each bounce and her tails moves rapidly from side to side in time with her thrusts. You grab her hips and start to move with her as she continues to ride atop you, looking down at you with a happy lovestruck smile. She continues to ride you until you feeling yourself getting close and as you gasp for breathe and come inside her, her eyes light up and she quickly bends down and kisses you happily again. You once more wrap her in an embrace and return her loving kisses.

Go to section One Hundred and Six

015 - You get to the barn and push open the door. You don't immediately hear the goat bleat so she must not be too starving yet. You go over to where the bales of hay are and you break off a couple leafs of it. You pour some of the molasses-covered goat feed on the pile of hay and carry it to her pen.

Go to section Seventy Seven

016 - She has seen you, but isn't quite near you yet and she has food now. You can stay and try to figure out what is going on. On the other hand, this may be more than you want to deal with right now and you could just as easily turn around and leave. She has everything she needs and should be fine on her own.

Leave her alone and head out of the barn - Section Eighty-Two

Stay and see what happens - Section Eighty-Seven

017 - She is startled, but only for a second, and then she hungrily drinks down the mixture now flowing into her mouth. She continues to swallow everything until you finally feel empty and then she opens her mouth but runs her warm tongue over you a few more times, cleaning your dick entirely. She sits up and turns around to face you again, still smiling lovingly. She bends over and kisses you, each of you now tasting all the fluids of your session on the tongue of the other.

Go to section One Hundred and Three

018 - It isn't much longer before you fall asleep entirely. You sleep pleasantly and dream briefly of that last encounter with your dog. The softness of her fur, the happy smile she had the entire time she was with you, her flavor and scent, the wonderful kisses. The dream memories seem too good to be true and when you wake up later you soon realize that the whole event might have just been a strange and wonderful dream.

Go to section One Hundred and Eight

019 - You head toward the study to open some windows in there and let in some light. It's probably your favorite room of the house because you can just read and relax. You have a dove in a cage in there and she sits in front of one of the windows and usually coos to herself contently and you read.

Go to section Seventy Nine

020 - The one thing you can't help but notice is her breasts. Yours eyes are constantly drawn to them as her utters have turned into large and wonderfully formed ample breasts. They are bare and pink and inviting and it's taken a lot of self-control so far not the reach out and grab them.

Go to section Forty Nine

021 - After she licks you, she turns around as If to run off again, but instead stays there, standing before you. Her tail is raised and she is presenting her swollen red pussy, glistening wet and inviting you. This is more than just the actions of a dog in heat and you now have no doubt that your dream was more than just your imagination at work and that the encounter was real. However, your dog is now back to her normal furry, four-legged self and whatever happened before most likely will never happen again.

Go to section Ninety Seven

022 - She stands and walks toward you. You're frozen in place just watching her approach. Her beaked mouth open and she surprisingly speaks. "I don't know what happened." She explains, answering your unasked question. "I was in my cage and suddenly everything started to change. Now I'm like this." She continues. "Like you." Now she is directly in front of you.

Go to section One Hundred and Two

023 - You decide to be bold. You step forward to close the space between the two of you and then you reach up and grab her breast roughly. She moans a throaty moan and tilts her head back in apparent delight as you massage her soft bare breasts. You start to get excited and slowly you lower your head and kiss the skin of her breast just above the nipple.

Go to section Sixty One

024 - "But did you want to be like this?" you ask.

"Well, it makes it easier to swat the damn flies." She responds while tracking a fly. You watch the fly too for a moment as it circles aimlessly around overhead and when you look back down you see her staring at you. You return the stare for a moment and then nervously look away. As you do, you see the fly land on her fur and without thinking you absent-mindedly swat at it. The fly dodges your swat and your land lands with a swift slap on her ass. You look up to apologize but she responds more quickly.

Go to section Sixty One

025 - It's pretty clear at this point that she isn't just interested in the conversation. Her soft hands are slowly and gently stroking your arm. You can't see her skin as her whole body is covered in pure white feathers, but her bust is sizable and every inch of her body appears to be the perfect size. It's almost intimidating to have such a beautiful creature in front of you.

Leave now before things get too intense - Section Eighty Two

Take the advance and see where this goes - Section One Hundred and One

026 - You move to allow her to reposition herself but instead she gets up and walks a short distance away. As she walks, you can see fluids glistening on her thigh, slowly leaking out of her. Then, without warning, and much in the manner of the normal goat she once was, her short stubby tail raises in the air and she relieves herself on the ground. You see the stream she is releasing and are temporarily mesmerized but when you see and hear a plop from behind her you realize that whatever you just had is over and it is time to go.

Go to section Eighty Eight

027 - You're a few feet from the door when you hear something bounding toward you. You turn just in time to get bowled over by your dog. He's a large male pit bull/Rottweiler mix. At least, he was. Now, he appears to be a large naked human with a dog head and black and brown fur covering his body.

Go to section Sixty Eight

028 - With all the thoughts running through your head you soon find yourself falling asleep. You can't even begin to make sense of how strange this all has been and you wear yourself out trying to think about it too much.

Go to section Forty Six

029 - Disturbingly, you notice the red tip poking out of his furry sheath as he continues to pin you to the ground and trap you beneath him. You keep trying to fight and get away, but your panic makes it easier for him to control your struggle. You try to roll out from under him when he raises one of his arms and paws, but he quickly pushes you face down to the ground.

Go to section One Hundred and Twelve

030 - He has the look of a scorned puppy in his eyes and you can tell you won this play for power. In a sign of submission, he licks your shaft, which is now half-erect in a surprising response to the unwanted attention you were receiving the past few minutes.

Go to section Ninety Eight

031 - After everything that's happened you feel sore, and dirty, so you go inside and take a nice warm shower. You try to sort things out in your head and make sense of your day, but it's all too much to deal with and you end up just spending time relaxing in the water, letting in run over you.

Go to section One Hundred

032 - The only thing you can tell for sure, is that you don't want any of that to happen again. You can never tell anyone about your day (not that they'd believe you.) Also, and this seems more like a good decision the more you think about it, it may be time to get rid of some pets...


033 - You crawl out of bed and grab a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and throw them on. You have no plans to go anywhere today so there's no need for dressing up and you haven't done laundry set so there wasn't any clean underwear even if you had wanted to put some on. You look at the mirror on the back of your door for a moment, staring lazily at your reflection. Then you open the door and step out of your room.

Go to section Ninety Five

034 - 'So where should I start?' you ask yourself. 'I could start right here and tidy up the living room. But it also looks pretty nice out today; I could take the trash out and take care of a few things out there.' You consider you options and then come to your decision.

Start by cleaning inside the house - Section Two

Start by bringing the garbage out and working outside - Section Fifty Three

035 - As you flick the switch back on and the new bulb lights up, you notice the snake is hiding under her rock, as usual. "Good morning, Xena" you say to the rock. You no longer find your habit of talking to your pets strange. 'Besides, if I don't talk to them, I'd go crazy' you think to yourself.

Go to section Seventy One

036 - 'Well, I can do chores in a minute' you reason as you open the door to look at the storage room. Nothing looks like it's been touched in a while. You decide to just get back to work but then see a box over toward the corner that is on the floor and sideways. 'Ah, that old box fell over.'

Go to section Ninety

037 - As you are examining her she still doesn't move. You look back up and notice she has a strange look in her eyes. You can't seem to remember any words at all and after opening your mouth to speak but saying nothing, you close your mouth again and take a step toward her. She quickly turns and starts to hide behind the boxes that are still between you and her.

Go to section Forty Eight

038 - You grab the trash bag and head out to the front yard. You drop the trash in the can beside the house and then spend a moment to just enjoy the nice weather. After a moment, you notice that the quite serene day is not being interrupted and that is unsettling. 'Now where are those dogs?' you think to yourself.

Go to section Five

039 - She seems to be waiting for you to make the next move. Your head is spinning with the insanity of the situation but Xena is clinging tightly to you so you need to make a decision.

Do you accept her advances and kiss her - Section Seven

Or push her away and try to talk to her and figure out what is happening - Section Six

040 - 'Should I go look for those morons or just get stuff done around here?' you think to yourself. It would be easier to get things done around the house without the two of them underfoot but it will be a big pain to have to listen to that woman threaten to call the animal control again and have to go pick up her trash while she glares at you. 'Sometimes I hate having dogs...'

Go find the dogs - Section Sixty

Hope that maybe they're off in a nearby field and just focus on your housework - Section Sixty Four

041 - After that insane but surprisingly wonderful sex, you roll off Xena and lay on your back with your eyes closed. You are trying to get a grasp on what just happened and you turn your head to talk to her. You open your eyes only to find no one there. You sit up and look around and don't see any sign of her. You throw your clothes back on and head out of the storage room, looking all around the basement and still find no sign of Xena. Your best bet is to head upstairs and maybe she will be up there because she clearly isn't down here anymore. You don't see anyone upstairs either, so you instead sit down on the couch for a moment and just start to think about what happened and if it really happened.

Go to section Twenty Eight

042 - Your thoughts are confirmed because as soon as the cat-girl sees you she recognizes you and comes over to you. She starts to nuzzle against you and purr. Her presence is startling, and it's crazy that somehow this cat is now the size and shape of a human teenager, but at the same time it's comforting feeling her rubbing against you, and you feel good in her presence.

Go to section Fifty Seven

043 - You decide to see if you can find the dogs still and start to wander in the direction you were heading before. You get several yards and then hear the rustling of something larger run away. It's most likely the large male dog and you head in that direction, hoping he isn't dragging something dead and smelly with him.

Go to section Ten

044 - You hesitate for just a moment longer and then get up and walk in the direction the cat had headed. You half knew you wouldn't find her, but it was worth going to check. Now that you're up though, and the more you think about it, it was all just crazy and you can't fully understand how everything just happened.

Go to section Eleven

045 - 'Well, as strange and amazing as it all seemed to be, it was just a dream' you convince yourself. You shake your head, trying to physically drive any last thoughts of the experience from your memory and then you just go about your day like it was any other normal day.


046 - You wake up with a start and for a moment can't figure out what is going on. Then you remember what happened before you fell asleep. 'Wait? Was that real?' You look out the window and see the sun still high and bright in the sky so you know you weren't asleep for long. You head over to your study and open the door and sit in your recliner. You look up to see Karma, your dove, perched normally in her cage. Everything in the room looks so normal.

Go to section Forty Five

047 - You walk a short ways into the weeds and call out the names of your dogs, hoping one or both will just come to you. 'It was a long shot' you think to yourself 'and clearly it's one that isn't working.' You keep walking through the weeds when you hear a slight rustle behind you. You turn and can't see what made the noise, but if it was the dog it would have been jumping on you by now. Maybe it's just a squirrel. 'If it were a squirrel, then the dogs obviously aren't nearby or it would be breakfast by now.'

Go to section Fifty Eight

048 - You quickly step forward to where she was and say "wait!" She stops for a moment, the tip of her tail flicking back and forth nervously. You still can't even believe Xena, if this is your snake, is here; like this.

Do you grab her arm and try talking to her - Section Fifty Two

Or just wait to see what she does - Section Fifty Three

049 - At this point you are still staring at her and saying nothing and the silence is starting to get uncomfortable. You either have to say something or just make your move. You look again at her face and her floppy ears and small nubs of horns are almost cute. Her eyes look to be both inviting you in and also warning you off so it's very hard to tell what to do in this moment.

Do you take the chance and make the move? - Section Twenty-Three

Talk to her to see if she can explain what's happening - Section Fifty-One

050 - After a minute of getting used to the new and odd sensation, the feeling of her scaly grip on you starts to feel quite good. As she is pumping you with her hand, you reach down and find the soft fleshy spot between her legs. Aside from her nipples, this is the only part of her body not covered in scales and you quickly work your finger up into her slit. Her head snaps back instantly as you finger her. Now that your kiss is broken, you lower your head and use your tongue to tease her nipples. Her breasts are small, but still large enough to be attractive, and combined with her amazing hand, you are very turned on.

You decide to end the foreplay and lower her to the ground. She is positioned underneath you and she wraps her legs around your back as you use your hand to guide yourself in to her. Her tongue is snapping at your face rapidly as you thrust into her. She still hasn't made a sound but her tail is flicking almost as wildly as her tongue and her hand are constantly slithering up and down your back. Suddenly, a strange thought occurs to you: 'She's a constrictor.' And without thinking further about it, you bring up a hand and close it on her throat. She tightens her grasp on your back with her legs and you start to pound her harder and quicker. As you get closer to cumming you tighten your grip on her throat, almost choking her entirely. She throws her head back and opens her mouth in a wordless scream. You give a final thrust into her and feel your own orgasm. You release your grip and she slowly inhales, still riding the ecstasy she feels as you continue to empty your seed into her.

Go to section Forty One

051 - You look at her and do start to find her cute, but more importantly, this whole thing is insane and you need to know what happened. "How are you like this?" you blurted out. "I mean, like, how are you like a human? Well, not a human, but you aren't a normal goat. I mean..." you start to ramble and stutter as your nerves and the absurdity of the question and the entire situation get the best of you.

"I don't know" she replied. "Everything was like it always is and then suddenly I was like this. I don't really remember what happened or how it happened."

Go to section Twenty Four

052 - You reach out and grab her arm. Now that you can feel her scaly arm in your grasp, this all seems so incredibly strange and impossible. Your disbelief and train of thought are both broken as she suddenly turns back to you and wraps you in a tight embrace. Her face is inches from yours and you are staring directly into her serpentine eyes. This is impossible and yet you know it is happening. Her tongue flicks across the skin of your cheek as she continues to tightly hold on to you.

Go to section Thirty Nine

053 - Not knowing what to say, you stay silently for a moment and wait for her to react. Unfortunately, after only another brief hesitation, she turned and vanished into the storage room. You stand, still in a bit of a daze for a while and then decide that somehow it was all just a strange illusion. You decide that there is no reason to keep standing here and just decide to go about your chores.

Go to section Thirty Eight

054 - You start to rub your sore back with your head and you begin to complain but before you can the goat moves in close and kisses you. Much like her appearance, the kiss is a bit rough but also surprisingly pleasant. You don't make any effort to stop her and soon you forget about your back and wrap your arms around her, enjoying the kiss fully. You break the kiss and pull the shirt off over your head. You bring her close again and start to lick and nibble at her breasts as you undo your pants. When you finally wiggle free of your clothes, you lay her down on the straw-covered floor of the stall. Despite the smell, you are comfortable and the creature underneath you has you very excited.

Go to section Eighty Three

055 - You walk over to her and without warning she yells "play!" and jumps at you. She knocks you over and is just looking at you playfully, her eyes bright and full of joy at seeing you. Her excited tail still shaking her butt back and forth.

Go to section Thirteen

056 - You still know that everything from earlier really happened but now it seems even more crazy than it did while it was happening because everything seems to be back to normal. And as much as you wanted normal, it's hard to make sense of things now.

Go to section Thirty Two

057 - You start to feel more than just comfortable. You get excited as this female nudges against you, purring wonderfully. You start to remove your clothes and she looks at you with excitement. As she touches you you feel how soft her fur is, and it's impossible to describe how good it feels as she touches you. You slowly run your hands over her body. Her soft fur thins out slowly, ending in a small patch of bare skin around each nipple, and the start to grope them. She looks at you and seeing her face you move in and kiss her. Her chest is now pushed against you, her soft breasts heaving rub against your chest. You move your hand down and you start to rub between her legs. She elicits a sharp mewl and her tail flicks to one side as your fingers find just the right spot.

Go to section Seventy Five

058 - You can either turn around and go figure out what made that noise. It almost certainly isn't the dogs, so it won't help you find them, but they also probably won't get into any more (or less) trouble by you stopping to investigate.

Look into what made the noise - Section Eight

Continue looking for the dogs - Section Ten

059 - You move closer and the dog suddenly hears and sees you. She quickly looks over and as you recognizes you her tail starts wagging ferociously. Her tail wagging back and forth, shaking her butt with it, makes her puffed and swollen vagina that much more evident.

Go to section Twelve

060 - 'Well, there's a chance they aren't at her house yet' you think to yourself. You go to the side yard and scan the few acres of field between your house and the next. The weeds are pretty tall so you can't see anything currently, but with the slight breeze, a lot of weeds are rustling and the dogs could be the source of any of that movement, or, knowing your luck, none of it. You sigh again and start to trudge into the tall weeds to see if maybe you can find them.

Go to section Forty Seven

061 - With strength not unusual of a goat, she bucks forward and pushes you hard against the wall of the pen behind you. You feel a sharp pain in your back after slamming against the wall but the pain quickly diminishes and the surprise and shock of the action was what got to you more.

Go to section Fifty Four

062 - 'Well, I can go through a couple of them now while I'm down here' you decide. You open the box again and start digging deeper into it. You find some old trading cards, a model car you built a while ago, and a notebook. You pull out the notebook and open it to see what was written in it. You are about to start reading when you hear another noise. This time you know for sure it is in this room and you turn to look at the other side of the room where it came from.

Go to section Four

063 - After setting the toy in the box you grab a couple of the pictures that were at the top of the collection of junk in this box and smile as you look see a picture from your trip to the lake in high school. The next picture is you chasing the dog you had as a little kid. 'I guess I have to go through this stuff sometime soon' you make a mental note as you put the pictures back in the box.

Keep going through the boxes - Section Sixty Two

Get back to doing chores - Section Thirty Eight

064 - You decide to ignore everything else for now and just go get some stuff done in the back yard. You pick up a few things sitting around the yard and lazily toss a few things in the trash. Then you decide that since you're out here, you should go feed the goat. You've been up for a good chunk of the day already and haven't fed her yet.

Go to section Fifteen

065 - You search the field for a bit, scouring at least an acre or so, but as you get close to the edge of your backyard you realize that you just aren't going to find the dog. You shout out their name and silently wait for something, but there's no major movement and you give up.

Go to section Sixty Seven

066 - You haven't gone close enough to be seen yet, and you take a moment just to stare at her form. She's a greyhound so she has a very fit and sleek form. Her breasts are small and her fur is short on her body. She starts to move her hand toward her mound and you quickly decide you should go and help. Just before you do, though, you hear the rustling of something large again, only further away, and realize that the male dog must have just finished with her and is now running off.

Forget about the dog running away and take care of the greyhound - Section Fifty-Nine

Chase down the male, and leave the female here to satisfy herself - Section Sixty Five

067 - Since you are basically in the backyard now, you might as well go into the barn and feed the goat. You forgot to give her a second chunk of hay last night, so she's probably quite hungry. And if you don't feed her now, she might break out of the pen again and start trashing/eating everything in the barn.

Go to section Fifteen

068 - As usual, he is happy to see you and wants to play and wrestle. He jumps off you to the side, but as you start to get up he knocks you over again. You grab his arm and pull him to the ground too, so as to not be completely pinned by this now massive creature, but he quickly rolls over and away from you.

Go to section One Hundred and Seven

069 - That certainly gave you a lot to think about. This whole day seems crazy now but every moment of that was incredible. Crazy or not, that's something you will remember fondly forever. You stand there for a bit longer, thinking fondly to the beautiful bird lying in the other room and the time you had together just moments ago. You almost go back in to the study before you decide that you really should leave her be for the time and go about your day.

Go to your room and try to think things through a bit - Section Twenty Eight

Continue with chores and trying to get things done - Section Sixty Four

070 - You decide to do the laundry first. You throw all the rest of your dirty clothes in the hamper and bring it down to the basement. You dump the clothes in the washer and pour in some soap. After turning it on you watch the water fill up for a moment and then close the lid and turn to go back upstairs. You see the snake tank over against the side wall behind the pool table and the bulb is out. 'Oh, I hope that hasn't been out too long.' You think to yourself. You look in and see the thermometer and the temperature is still high enough so you just grab a replacement bulb and swap out the blown one.

Go to section Thirty Five

071 - "You really need to come out more" you say, still talking to the snake. You reach up and open the small window at the top of the wall to let some of the warm air into the basement. You start daydreaming again while staring blankly at the tank and feeling the slight breeze coming in the window and then you think you hear a noise. 'Huh' you exclaim barely audibly. It came from the other room in the basement. 'Probably a box settling in the storage room or something happening outside or something.' You tell yourself.

Go to section Three

072 - After a while you determine that she doesn't want to be found. 'Maybe that was just some weird hallucination' you think to yourself. Either way, you stop searching for someone that might not even be there and just decide to go about your day. You pick up the few boxes that got knocked over or haphazardly moved and then you go upstairs.

Go to section Nineteen

073 - As you enter your room you kick the crumpled up clothes you left on the floor last night. 'Maybe I should start on this laundry sooner rather than later' you mutter aloud as you bend and throw the clothes in the hamper in the corner of your room.

Pick up and wash the dirty clothes - Section Seventy

Ignore the dirty clothes for now and keep doing what you were doing - Section Nineteen

074 - Now you aren't sure what to do. Your mind isn't fully clear yet after that ordeal. Although you care significantly less now, the dogs are still running loose somewhere. And since you're outside you should take the time to go feed the goat in the barn. A part of you still wants to neglect any chores you should be doing and see if you can find the cat and maybe get an explanation of what happened. And how she became like this.

Continue the search for the dogs - Section Forty-Three

Go feed the goat - Section Fifteen

Try to find the cat, and some answers - Section Forty-Four

075 - You lie her on her back in the weeds and you climb on top of her. You kiss her again briefly and then start to move your mouth along her body. You playfully lick each nipple, and as you do, her hear her purring loudly. She is gently kneading your back as you continue to kiss your way down her body. When you get between her legs you gently kiss her clit lightly and she shivers quickly with anticipation. You start to lap at her now moist entrance, giving yourself a slight chuckle thinking about eating a pussy's pussy. You start to get more aggressive and push your tongue inside her. Her claws come out slightly. You then start to suck hard on her clit and she kneads your back harder, this time with her claws extended. You shudder at the initial pain of her claws but it starts to feel good and you suck hard and nibble her slightly as she scratches a set of marks up your back.

Go to section Seventy Six

076 - Soon she gets tired of your teasing and becomes aggressive and controlling. She pushes you over and gets on top of you. She lowers herself down and with a furry paw grabs you and pushes herself down, taking all of your hard-on inside her in one quick movement. You gasp at the sudden feeling, but she gives you no break as she continues to thrust on top of you, clearly working toward her orgasm at her own pace now. She is sitting up, kneading your chest and scratching your skin as she bounces up and down atop you. You watch her furry breasts bounce slightly as she moves. You grab her hips and try to help control the movement but she grabs your hands with her claws and pushes them up next to your head. Laying down now she kisses you as she continues to fuck you. She starts to quicken her pace and you can only assume she is getting close. You thrust upward against her movements now and find a rhythm that matches hers. You start to get close to your own orgasm as she howls out. As she comes, you grab her and thrust hard into her and she leans in and bites your neck roughly. You push hard into her one last time and feel yourself come. As you move under her, filling her, she makes a mewling purr.

*Go to section Nine *

077 - You lean over the fence of the pen and drop the hay in the corner. You look around the pen and back in the far corner you see the goat. You realize, though, that she isn't her normal self. She's now a humanoid form. She has dirty-white fur covering her whole body and small nubs of horns sprouting from either side of her forehead. She gets up and comes a little closer and you can see her strange-looking goat eyes are still the same.

Go to section Sixteen

078 - You lie there for a while and almost nod off once or twice so you finally decide to just head inside. After all, you can't slack off all day, despite how much you may want to. You get up on your feet and start to walk toward the house.

Go to section Twenty Seven

079 - You open the door to your study and the first thing you notice is that the bird cage is knocked over and lying on the floor. Without thinking or consideration, you pick up the cage and go to set it back on the shelf next to the window.

Go to section Eighty One

080 - You get inside and it seems dark. It was so gorgeous and sunny outside and coming inside now, the light just seems dim. You open a couple windows about the house and draw open all the curtains to let in some of the fresh air and sunlight.

Go to section Nineteen

081 - It's when you actually see the rest of the room while putting the cage back that you notice the bird. She's in the other corner of the room sitting in your leather recliner just staring over at you. She, however, is no longer a small dove. She is now a human-sized stunning woman with white down-like feathers covering her body. You are so astounded by the sight in front of you that you accidentally drop the cage back onto the floor.

Go to section Twenty Two

082 - The day has been eventful enough for now so you just decide to go lie in the backyard a while and enjoy the fresh air. It will give you a chance to clear your head and just take a break from anything you should be doing or thinking about or anything that's going on.

Go to section Seventy Eight

083 - You waste no more time and start to kiss her again. Instead of rushing straight into it, you first use your hand and slide a finger inside her. She bleats softly as you push your finger as far as it will go and start to work it in and out of her. She continues to noisily moan as you use a second finger and start to work her harder. You also stop kissing her and move your mouth to her breasts again, kissing and biting the soft skin and then the nipples themselves. She gets noisier as she nears an orgasm and you quickly move your mouth down and lick her clit ferociously as you thrust your fingers hard into her. This drives her over the edge and she bleats loudly as she comes and writhes on the floor as you slowly continue to move your fingers inside her. She grabs your hand and pulls it out and you kiss her once more, this time moving into position and thrusting your now rock-hard erection into her. Having already had an orgasm, and the assistance of your tongue, she is wet and you slide in with ease until your full length is inside her. You immediately start to thrust roughly and she grabs you and pulls you into her harder as you thrust. You continue to ride her and as you get closer to coming you grab her breasts and roughly knead them. You feel yourself about to come and pinch and squeeze her nipples hard as you push deep inside her and release. She grabs your arms hard and holds you to her as you slowly move in and out, milking yourself into her. Finally, as you completely finish and your dick starts to soften, she starts to stir.

Go to section Twenty Six

084 - When you wake up, you get up with a start and instantly remember everything that just happened. You look at a clock and realize you'd only been asleep for an hour. You rush outside and hope to find something to prove that you weren't going crazy and that everything that you thought just happened really happened.

Go to section Ninety Six

085 - Although you're afraid of what you might find, you decide to head back outside. You put on some clothes and walk out the back door and into the yard. The sun is still shining and it seems like a pleasant day. At hearing the back door open, the goat starts to bleat from in her pen. You hear the dog bark at her a few times, teasing her, and then he runs out of the barn and bolts across the yard after some unseen game. Just a normal dog.

Go to section Fifty Six

086 - 'Before I get too lost, I guess I should get something done today' you mumble to yourself. You stand back up and turn the TV off. You have laundry that needs to be done, a few dishes to wash and garbage to take out. Also the goat needs to be fed. Apparently, you have more to do today than you thought. It's surprising how quickly all this stuff piles up if you don't stay on top of it during the week.

Go to section Thirty Four

087 - You decide to see this through. The goat comes over to you and as surprising as all of this is, you still are startled slightly when she says "hello" in a throaty and raspy voice. You manager to mutter a 'hi' in response and for a moment you just stare at her body as she stand openly in front of you.

Go to section Ninety Four

088 - You grab your clothes and hurriedly work them back on as you hastily exit the barn. Getting outside you breathe in the fresh air and suddenly realize how stale and slightly foul the air and the stench in the barn was. You breathe deeply again and enjoy the fresh scent once more. After the strange but still pleasant coupling in the garage, you really aren't sure what to do with yourself now.

Stay outside a bit and enjoy the nice weather - Section Eighty-Two

Head inside to shower and relax - Section Thirty-One

089 - You decide it's best to go relieve yourself now and avoid a very awkward situation later. You stop her and excuse yourself for just a second. You start to go and before long hear a rustle behind you. You expect her to come up from behind you and you tense slightly but she never does. When you finish you turn around and see that she is no longer there. The rustle you heard must have been her wandering off. Luckily, it was still quite the fun time you had. But, now that the fun is over you may as well head back inside and get some more stuff done around the house.

Go to section Eighty

090 - You walk over and pick up the box. As you lift it an old toy clatters out. You set the box back on the edge of the table it fell from and then pick up the action figure. 'Oh cool' you think to yourself 'I thought I gave all my old toys away.' You spend a moment turning the toy over in your hands and moving all its joints and then open a flap of the box and put it back in.

Go to section Sixty Three

091 - There's no way you are going to stop this now and you grab her and pull her butt up to your face. You tease her for a moment by sucking on her now hard and excited clit and you feel her tail thump across your forehead a couple time as it rapidly flies from side to side. You then lap away at her, enjoying her wetness and the juices now coating your tongue. Meanwhile, her warm tongue and mouth cover you and she starts to close her mouth and suck at you, moving her tongue from the base to the tip of your cock. You feel a brief involuntary shudder or excitement wash through you as she clamps down slightly with her teeth and holds you tight as she starts to bob her head, her pointed canines rubbing against your shaft. You push your tongue inside her and try to distract yourself from the intense pleasure to help prolong the experience. You explore her with your tongue and she squirms excitedly. She pants heavily and then chuffs a few times quietly as she hits her orgasm and her tail and entire but wag on top of you. Soon, however, the taboo nature of this bizarre coupling and the immense pleasure you are receiving brings you to your own orgasm. Suddenly, as you start to come, your bladder reminds you of your forgotten urge and you are unable to stop yourself as you start to let loose not only semen but piss.

Go to section Seventeen

092 - She is making you feel amazing with her warm tongue and the view directly in front of you is almost too enticing to pass up. You are about to reach out and grab her and pull her closer when you feel the urge to pee. Having just gotten off, it isn't unusual and you should go piss quickly to avoid an embarrassing incident. However, her mouth feels too good to stop her and right now you want nothing more than to bury your face in her under fur and start licking away.

Ignore the urge and just enjoy the moment - Section Ninety-One

Stop her for a minute and quickly go pee in the weeds - Section Eighty-Nine

093 - As you finish, he lies on the grass submissively on his back and even as you start to get up, he doesn't move from this position. Even more erect now due to the underlying eroticism of your dominant actions and his licking, you decide to return the earlier favor. You move your erection, now slick with piss and saliva, and line it up above his tail. He lies waiting for you to show your own dominance and you hesitate only for a moment before you push yourself inside him. He chuffs as you enter him entirely. You continue to push into him and soon find yourself enjoying the entire thing. You grab his furry sides as you continue to thrust into him, his tail wagging slowly underneath him. As you start to near the end, you grab his bright red cock and quickly stroke it, not wanting him to go entirely unsatisfied, despite his earlier invasion. He must have been quite excited already because after only a few strokes he erupts and starts to cum all over himself. With that display, you can't contain yourself much longer and you grab him with both hands and thrust deep inside him one final time and spew your seed into him. After you finish and come down from the ecstacy, you pull yourself out of him with. You start to get up and he licks your cock a few times, cleaning off most of the fluids and fecal stains that were on there.

Go to section Thirty One

094 - You open the door and go inside the pen and she steps closer to you. She is an arm's length away and watching you. You find her slitted eyes both wonderful and unnerving. You slowly look her up and down entirely and she doesn't seem to mind. Her pale white fur is dusty and dirty in places, more of a grayish yellow. Even between her legs seems to be fully covered in fur and only her chest appears bare.

Go to section Twenty

095 - You step into the living room and stretch out. You glance over at the window and enjoy the dull sunlight filtered into the room by the curtain. You grab one of the throw pillows off the floor and toss it back onto the couch: it must have fallen off when you were up watching TV last night. You plop down on the couch and turn the TV on. Flipping through a few channels you don't find anything too interesting and just settle on the morning news. Your mind starts to wander and you quickly drown out the anchorman with your own thoughts.

Go to section Eighty Six

096 - As if on cue, you get outside in time to see the stray black cat from the neighborhood slinking along the side yard. 'I must be losing it' you think to yourself. The cat stopped for a minute and looked at you. You feed the cat almost every day so she is used to you and doesn't run off. You just stare at the cat for a minute and neither you or her moves. Then, finally, when you determine that you must be crazy, the cat clearly winks at you and then hops off into the tall weeds at the edge of the yard.

Go to section Ninety Seven

097 - It was amazing and unbelievable, but at least now you know it really happened. Somehow, that day was real. There's nothing to do now, as everything appears to be back to normal, but remember it in all the detail you can. Well, that and hope that you have another "dream" like that again.


098 - He continues to lick you and you decide to totally display dominance and show him that you won't deal with this sort of thing again. You start to pee as he licks you and he flinches slightly. He begins to lick you again, lapping up urine as it flows out of you, trickling down either side of his face.

Go to section Ninety Three

099 - You wrap your arms around her and pull her close for a kiss, which she happily returns. Her tail wags ferociously and she kisses you. Although a bit sloppy, her kiss is warm and enjoyable. You enjoy the feeling of her fur against your arms as she wiggles happily in your embrace. You can feel the tight, toned muscles in her body flexing as she moves happily and sensuously on top of you.

Go to section Fourteen

100 - You lie in your bed and stare at the ceiling for a few minutes with a surprisingly blank mind. Before too much time passes you are fast asleep. When you wake up again only an hour or so has passed but it feels like much longer. You feel oddly refreshed, although still a bit sore and that serves as a reminder that what just happened did, in fact, somehow really happen.

Go to section Eighty Five

101 - You decide to make the move. "You're so beautiful!" you manage to say. Her big gorgeous eyes light up and you both grab each other. You press your mouth to her beak in a kiss that starts off awkward but as soon as you fit your mouth to hers, becomes incredible. After a minute she breaks the kiss and then nuzzles her beak against your neck. You pull back for a moment and just look at her, standing before you. You quickly pull off your clothes and wrap your arms around her again. You pull her down to the floor with you slowly and then kiss her again. Now that your clothes are off and she's kissing you again, your erection becomes painfully obvious. But she rubs her amazingly soft body against yours and she moves her hips up and then brings them back down. As she does, without any hesitation, you line up with the spot between her legs and she continues to slide her hips down. As you push deep inside her, her wings spread in reaction. You move slowly with her, continually kissing her and enjoying every sensual movement. You use your hands to caress her entire body. She leans down and you bury your face in her chest, feeling the soft feathers against your skin and smelling the slight musk in them. You caress her firm feathered breasts as you continue to move in a slow and loving rhythm with her. She coos gently as you continue. You don't want this to end, holding her and feeling her against you, feeling yourself inside her. Everything about this moment is perfect. You get caught up in the moment with her and kiss her deeply as you get closer to finishing. You start to breathe heavier and keep the slow speed but push a bit further inside her with each thrust. Every coo sounds sexual now, and she closes her eyes and seems to be enjoying this as well, and as you look at her gorgeous face you push hard inside her and feel yourself cum. This orgasm is strong and intense and as you writhe beneath her, she pushes hard against you unexpectedly and lets out a coo that is louder and different than the others, her beak slightly open and her eyes squeezed shut. You can tell that she too just got off and as you continue to spill wave after wave inside her you pull her head down and kiss her passionately again.

Go to section One Hundred and Five

102 - You still haven't gotten over what a beautiful sight she is and haven't responded to her yet so she snaps you back to life with a question. "Do you like me now?" Now you come out of your daze and look into her eyes. Mostly black with a slight red iris around the edge, her eyes are stunning. Suddenly you feel yourself starting to drift off into thought again and realize you have to answer her.

Tell her how beautiful she looks - Section One Hundred and One

Ask for more detail about how this all happened - Section One Hundred and Four

103 - She breaks the kiss after another minute. You look at her happy fuzzy face and she seems sated at the moment, not that you have the energy for another round immediately, and you sit up. She happily runs a small lap around you and then bounds off into the field through the tall weeds before you can say anything. You gather your clothes and re-dress, waiting for a moment to see if she returns. After it's evident that she has found something else to hold her interest, you head inside.

Go to section One Hundred and Ten

104 - You ask her what happened and she just looks at you for a second. "I don't really know what happened. Like I said, everything was normal and then this just happened. It was very sudden and I don't really know why." She then grabs your arm. You feel how soft her hands are and the feathers on her arm brush against yours. "I like being your size though. I like being able to talk to you. I always liked when you sat in here, just completely content, reading to yourself, occasionally mumbling something aloud or humming a song to yourself." With her beak she can't quite smile but she seems to be fondly recalling these thoughts. "I like watching you."

Go to section Twenty Five

105 - Afterward, you lie together for a time, neither moving from that spot or releasing each other from your embrace. Eventually she falls asleep and you hear her coo softly in her sleep. You look over and see her lying cutely next to you. A hand on your chest, and her wings tucked tightly to her back and sides. You stoke her softly a few times before getting up and quietly putting your clothes back on. You decide to sneak out of the room and not disturb her.

Go to section Sixty Nine

106 - After you finish, you just enjoy the kissing and continue to hold her, absent-mindedly petting her. Soon she gets up, off of you and you are for a moment disappointed but she then turns around, straddles your chest, and leans over to take you into her mouth. With her butt now only a foot from your face and her tail wagging happily as she laps away at you, you see her pink slit glistening with how wet she is from excitement.

Go to section Ninety Two

107 - You continue to try and get away from the overly playful dog but it soon becomes apparent, to both you and him, that he is the bigger and stronger of the two of you. Soon the wrestling becomes less playful and more of a show of dominance. Being the breeds that he is, he has a lot of competition in him and if he can take control and be the dominant "pack-leader" then he will.

Go to section Twenty Nine

108 - You get up and head outside, just to satisfy your curiosity. Almost as soon as you get outside, your female dog comes running into the front yard from the field to the side of your house. The greyhound is just a regular dog excited to see her owner and stands on all fours before you, wagging her tail excitedly, waiting for you to play with her. You reach down to pet her and she quickly and happily licks your hand.

Go to section Twenty One

109 - Having already taken too much of this from him and letting this go much further than it should have, you decide not to stand for this and find the energy to push him off you while he is distracted by his action. You quickly scramble on top of him and force him to the ground. "Bad dog!" you yell as you shove him against the ground where you had laid moments ago. Now angry and feeling violated, you push him hard against the ground. He tries to get up but you have found new strength and he only manages to roll over before you pin him to the ground again.

Go to section Thirty

110 - You get inside and head straight to your room. You lie down on your bed and close your eyes, just thinking about the craziness that this day has suddenly thrown at you. You breathe deeply and can still smell sex and you think of how wet and warm the dog was as you licked away at her. You feel a slight twinge of arousal and decide to try and focus on something else for the time being. You let your mind wander to other things and soon lose your train of thought entirely.

Go to section Eighteen

111 - Your fears soon become realized as you feel the tip of his erection against you. Both his large paws are on your back, pushing you against the ground. After a moment of struggle, he finds the opening he wanted, and in the manner of dogs displaying dominance to one another, he starts humping his erection into you. Luckily he doesn't go fully inside you at first, and although this is painful, at least your muscles start to relax as he eases himself deeper and deeper. This goes on for a bit and then you realize he starts to be more interested in the sex than the play for dominance.

Go to section One Hundred and Nine

112 - Now face-down to the ground, he pushes you hard into the ground and you realize that at this point, you can't do much to fight back. Clearly he is the dominant creature in this struggle and you haven't done much to prove otherwise. You turn your head and see that a full erection is now hanging out of his sheath and is disturbingly close to your face.

Go to section One Hundred and Thirteen

113 - He moves away slightly and you think you might finally be free to get up, but you find he actually tugs your pants roughly, tearing them slightly, and pulls them off your body. The situation now seems helpless. He sticks his snout into your ass for a moment and his large tongue leaves a trail of slobber across your anus.

Go to section One Hundred and Eleven

114 - You grab her and pull her off of you. She looks dejected and you try to explain that you're confused as to what's going on. She seems to be listening to you but suddenly she blurts out "sorry Master!" and runs off. Being still only a few years old, she probably thinks she's in trouble. Despite her strange new appearance, she's still a puppy. You try to chase her down but being a greyhound, there's no way you're fast enough to catch her.

Go to section Sixty Five