Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 16

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#16 of Text adventure

The idea of this chose your own adventure is that I will write a page of a story ending in a choice of what action our hero takes next. You can then vote by commenting with your choice, I will then write the next page using the most voted on option to build a story page by page. It will be an adult story with sexual scenes and you get to chose partners, positions and such. I will look to post a minimum of once a week but with the aim of doing it twice a week whenever possible.

Well when I started this I said I was going to do like a page or two at a time, this chapter has a good 8 pages of action.

B 1

C 11111111

D 1111

E 1111111111

_ _

Wow that was one close vote, but the horny idea of capturing and using an orc was too tempting it seems.

_ _

The group withdrew from the sight of the orc and there was a whispered conversation amongst them to agree a proper strategy. The orc had some serious muscles, besides the big thick one he had been stroking. If they gave him a chance to arm himself he could be very dangerous. Still they didn't want to kill him, after all he hadn't attacked them or offered any threat at all.

It was Runo who suggested the plan they settled on. Returning to the camp to find the orc grunting, his eyes closed, his cock drooling as his hand jerked it furiously fast, his fingers plundering his ass deeper and harder. His groans were echoing down the valley and the group couldn't help but feel aroused. Jarus suddenly burst through the trees at the far end of the camp. The orc's hand let go of his weapon and grabbed his huge sword.

The pony waved at him, "Hi, I'm Jarus I'm here to distract you so you won't see my friends as they sneak up behind you."

The orc's reactions were lightening fast his head and body spun around. Only for his world to be filled with two shining naga eyes as the snake head was mere inches from him. "Relax, Orc we're not gonna hurt you, we just want some fun. You want fun too don't you."

The orc nodded and dropped his sword, then one of his many tattoo's flashed and his glazed eyes became sharp. Snarling he threw a powerful punch catching the startled naga in the jaw and sending him sprawling in the dirt, crashing into the bottle of oil, the thick liquid soaking his chest. The orc was reaching down for his sword when his vision was filled with a giant white paw. Aleoric's kick was far more powerful than the orc's punch and finished the fight, with the orc passed out on the floor.

"What the hell is wrong with my eyes?" The naga moaned as he rubbed his sore cheek. "I mean I so had him, his eyes were open he was right under my spell and then BAM. I think he loosened a fang."

Aleoric stood over the orc, leaning down he grabbed the unconsious male's thick green wrists and began to tie them up. "Now that I can see them up close some of these are Scilla tattoos. Black orcs use them to protect themselves against some magics. I saw one glow, that's why I kicked him instead of using a spell."

The bear quickly bound the orc's wrists and ankles. "Well we got ourselves a prisoner, now what do we do with him?" The bear asked glancing around the group. Runo was rubbing his cheek and trying to stop his eyes from watering. Jarus was kicking the ground with his hoof and trying not to show how erect he was. The pony had really enjoyed his time with None, however, he'd not gotten any release. Seeing a huge cock like the orc's being played with and the powerful musk that could still be scented by all of them was clearly a bit much from the horny pony. He blushed deeply shrugging his shoulders, in a general 'I don't know' gesture.

As his eyes fell on the fox he noticed the vulpine's eyes were fixed on the naga, the bear's brow furrowed in confusion. "I guess we can wait until he wakes up, see if we can find out where the rest of his tribe is. We're not far from the entrance to Kafta here, I don't want an orc tribe following us in there, or ambushing us on the way back."

Shrugging and sighing the fox wandered over to the orc. "Looks like you got him good, he might be out for a while." The fox looked at the fire and muttered. "The fires getting a little low and with no cloud cover tonight will get cold. I'm going to gather some firewood while we wait for him to wake up."

"I'll come with you, not exactly feeling too orc friendly right now, besides this little campsite stinks of orc cock." Runo said as he started to follow Kenia, the fox sighed heavily his shoulders drooping, but he didn't object.

The bear left the orc where he lay and walked over to the pony who was still hovering at the edge of the camp. The air had begun to get cold and his breath started t mist as he got further away from the fire. The blonde pony was trembling with the cold, the bear smiled at him and suddenly engulfed him in two powerful bear arms. "Hey there pony, that was quite a show you put on by the bridge. You really saved my ass."

Nickering softly and pressing into the warm bear embrace keeping his crotch a little separate still trying to hide his erection. The bear however, was not having any of it, he nuzzled the horse's tenderly, nibbling slowly up his long equine neck . "None, got you so close and then suddenly everything stopped, poor horse must be all pent up. How about you let me help you with that." The bear's paw reached down to lightly stroke the horse's erect shaft.

Jarus nodded a little and blushed as the bear kissed his cheek. "All this time with us and you still get worried about asking us to help you with your frustrations?" The bear asked in a hushed whisper as he lead the horse further into the camp, where the heat of the dying fire could be felt by both of them.

The blonde pony blushed again as the bear guided him to sit on a log, the huge white bear slipping to his knees and pulling his robe over his head. "I... learned not to ask that sort of thing, I was a sex slave, asking for my needs to be fulfilled usually lead to punishment. I guess I'm still waiting for you guys to realise you don't need me and to leave me. Not that I think you will... I just... it's hard to ohhhh."

As he spoke the bear had pulled down the horse's silken shorts, to reveal his thick throbbing maleness. Aleoric had wasted no time engulfing the tip in his warm maw. The thick powerful bear tongue lapping over the flare, thrusting his tonguetip into the wide slit. "Ohh ohh that's so good." The horse moaned, as they bear's paws began to stroke his huge leathery orbs. They had been feeling taut ever since he left None, they were aching with unspent seed.

He looked down at the friendly bear face, the ursine's eyes were closed and his lips were curled in a smile as they stretched around the cock. He reached down, his thick fingers running through the soft fur on the bear's cheeks as he watched the bear bobbing on the first four or five inches of his thick throbbing maleness. "I still can't believe you guys saved me. Ahhh... that you care for me mmmm. I... I don't know....ooooh how to ask."

A huge paw wrapped around his medial ring and squeezed, making the horse whinnie softly, his voice carrying out into the night. He panted as he felt the bear maw working his shaft, he heard Aleoric moaning in passion and his entire body flushed as the sensations began to overwhelm him. "Oh fuck..oh Aleoric...oh please, don't stop." The horse bucked into the bear's maw, his tail thrashing, the bark of the wooden log scratching his buttocks and yet the pony didn't even notice.

"Oh my, now that is a beautiful sight to wake up too, you want to do me next big fella?" Jarus nickered loudly in annoyance as the delightful maw of the bear was removed from his cock. His balls screamed and churned, he felt like he was ready to explode. The dull throb of blue balls began to set in a few seconds later, he couldn't remember ever feeling so pent up before.

"You're awake!" The bear exclaimed at the orc.

The orc grinned widely and pushed himself upright, sitting with his legs spread wide a thick orc cock half erect just swaying there between his huge muscled thighs. Hungry bear and pony eyes followed the waving green shaft as the green skinned man replied. "Yes and you guys are my kind of people. Storm into a camp beat the owner and then stop for some hot sex. Jesus don't you just love pony cocks, they taste so good don't they? It's been years since our tribe last found a pony, but I still remember him and how he squealed when I made him cum."

The bear's head was spinning, he'd been feeling horny since he stepping into the camp and now with the taste of horse cock in his mouth and the delicious musky scent of orc meat filling his nose he was finding it difficult to think of anything but cock.

The orc licked his lips, "Of course I was pounding his ass at the time, this thick tool don't take any prisoners it always find's the right spot to hit, cause meat this big hit's them all. You know what I mean don't you pony?" As he spoke the orc moved his bound hands and grasped his thick cock with both of them. "Hey, mind if you give me some oil, after a show like that my balls are just aching, but a little lubricant will make everything smoother, don't you think?"

The bear realised they should stop this now, after all you didn't let your prisoners wank off in front of you. However, the musk in his nose and the taste on his tongue was sending signals right to his cock bypassing his brain entirely. He reached out and grabbed the bottle of oil from where it lay, a good pool of the liquid had spilled on the floor when Runo crashed into it. As he picked it up his fingers got soaked in the oil, the bear leaned down and sniffed the oil. The liquid was musky, and he realised it wasn't the orc cock he'd been scenting this whole time it was the oil. He tasted it tenderly with his tongue and for a second his mouth went warm.

"My name's Bar by the way, now please pour that on my rod, I really need to get off soon. You know what I mean don't you pony boy. Bet your balls are blue, tell you what you guys give me the oil and I'll finish off the pony cock for you." Bar said, his husky voice and words echoing in the pony's ears and Jarus suddenly realised he was standing and had taken a step towards the orc.

The bear stopped staring at the bottle and turned to pour a large helping over the thick orc cock. Bar gasped and bucked his hips, the musky scent intensified in the camp as the slurp, slurp sound of two huge orc hands, stroking a cock so thick he needed both hands to get fully around it, filled their ears.

The bear's eyes couldn't tear themselves away from the green meat, it was so thick, shimmering in the firelight. The orc's hands were huge, almost as big as his own paws and yet far more calloused, from years of hard practice and fighting. The head of the huge green treat was actually pink as the bear got close he could see the orc was preing, the pre was mixing with the oil and the scent changed subtly. His mouth was full of saliva and the bear had to swallow before he drooled right down his front. He heard a soft moan and a nicker and looked up. Right above him he cold see the orc's lips wrapped around the thick throbbing horse cock as the pony thrust back and forth into those dark green lips.

The bear recoiled a little in shock, turning his muzzle away but he misjudged his turn, his muzzle slapping right against that thick pulsing length. The super strong musk of the oil flowed into his sinus, dominating him. His cock was screaming at him, his stomach was groaning and before he knew it his lips were fastened around the thick orc cock. Part of his mind was trying to get him to stop but his entire body was on fire, he needed this cock, he thrust down as far as he could go, suckling on the meat, the oil coating his muzzle and tongue. It wasn't enough, the bear desperately needed more. His head bobbed on the hot length faster and faster, he lapped over the huge pink cocktip lapping up the orc's pre hungrily.

He felt oil covered orc hands stroking his cheeks and ears, everywhere they touched they spread oil. The bear's heat grew by the second, he couldn't stop himself he was desperate for more. His paws reached out fondling the two huge orc nuts, as his nose was pressing into the orc's crotch, he deep throated the huge phallus. He had to get it inside him, he needed it, nothing else matter. He felt musky fluids landing across his face and could hear the whinnies of Jarus as the horse came at last. Pulling back to spray the bearded orc face with lashings of hot horse spunk. He jerked his cock desperately his hips trembling as his cock sprayed hot creamy horse spunk into the grinning orc face.

With the cock out of his muzzle the orc began to talk. "Mmm there's a good bear, you love orc cock don't you? Mmmm you just can't get enough of my taste can you? Oh yeah bear suck me, suck me good and I'll give you a sweet orc treat."

To Aleroic's ear's the words almost sounded like the orc was taunting him, but he knew that the orc was firmly tied up. The bear was the one in charge, he was the one who would do what he wanted, he just so happened to want to suck on the thick tasty cock Swallowing every drop of bitter pre, his mouth still warm and alive with the sensations he had never felt before.

As he sucked he heard Jarus nicker in surprise, he thought about stopping but then he decided that if anything was wrong the horse would let him know. He felt two huge hands grabbing his hips lifting them up.

"Oh, looks like your pony want's a ride, mmm I think the two of us will enjoy a spitroast bear for supper." The orc boasted, his voice was definitely far too confident and cocky for the bear, but as he felt a thick cocktip pushing inside him he didn't have time to think. He moaned around the cock in his mouth, grasping and tugging on the orc's balls. Jarus was apparently in a hurry, still pent up it seemed as he thrust in hard, almost violently. Sharp pain shot up his spine, and as he started to pull off the cock to tell Jarus to go gentle, two strong orc hands caressed his cheeks. He nuzzled into those oil soaked palms and returned to sucking the cock in his mouth, bobbing earnestly.

"There's a good bear, he's all in now, it'll start feel so much better soon, just don't fight it." The cock inside him started to thrust into him hard and fast, he moaned as the thick meat pressed against his sweet nut. His cock sprayed a few drops of pre onto the floor. He felt a thick calloused paw grasp his throbbing maleness. His mind screamed a warning but his body ignored it, his hips thrusting into the firm grip.

"Oh shit...oh shit... I'm gonna." Bar moaned his hands grabbing the bear's head holding him on his thick cock, as it throbbed against his tongue. His mouth was flooded by lashing of thick orc cream. The male behind him suddenly picked up the pace thrusting harder and faster, huge nuts smacked against the bear's taint as a thick cock jackhammered uncontrolled into the bear's rear. It was too much for him, his senses overloaded with musk he found himself crying out around the thick meat in his mouth, his cock pulsed as his seed was jetted onto the forest floor.

The male fucking him let go of his cock and grabbed his ass so tightly, he could feel fingernails tearing into his skin as his lover went wild on his ass. He felt streams of warm soothing liquid being jetted into him, he thanked the gods that his master at university had been a rhino, otherwise he could never have handled a horse cock with no preparation and just cum for lube.

"Fuck that was good." Bar said as he pulled his cock out of the bear's mouth. His softening green shaft shimmering with a mixture of cum and saliva. "Still its a pity, I'd rather have fucked the pony's mouth, but beggers can't be choosers. Their friends will be back soon better act fast." Alarm bells screaming in his brain the exhausted bear turned to see an orc twice the size of Bar pulling a huge cock out of his ass, he spotted Jarus unconscious on the floor just before a huge fist smashed into his face and the lights went out.

Kenia huffed and puffed as he wandered quickly through the forest, he picked up a couple of sticks and then turned to see the naga. The snake hadn't even picked up a stick yet. "We're supposed to be gathering wood."

"Mmm I always have wood for you fox." The naga replied with a wink. The fox frowned a little and turned away, looking down and picking up a few more branches. "What's wrong Kenia?"

The question caught the fox by surprise and he dropped the branches he had gathered. "N... nothings wrong with me, what's wrong with you?"

"Come on, we had a moment back there on the bridge , is that so bad? I mean there's nothing wrong with that. I like you and you..." The snake slithered closer to the fox as he spoke, reaching out a paw to the lithe fur.

"I tolerate you because they want you along!" Snapped the fox taking a few steps back. "Snakes aren't to be trusted, everyone knows that."

"Bullshit fox, you may think you can hide behind that rhetoric, but I know, you like me." The snake replied gliding close his voice getting lower as he moved closer to the vulpine, his misty breath flowing into the fox's fur. The musky smell of the oil permeated both of their noses. The snake leaned closer "I like you too." He whispered as he pressed closer.

Kenia turned to run, but naga hands grasped his shoulders and stopped him from turning away. "Don't walk away from me, I can see it on your face."

"I don't fall in love, I'm a barbarian, I fuck who I want to fuck and move on." The fox snapped and tried to back off, but a thick coil of naga tail wrapped around his feet.

"I'm a thief, what I want I steal and I want your heart." The naga said and pressed his lips to the fox's. Kenia struggled for a moment, but as he felt those thick lips nuzzling his, his resistance began to melt. His paws slipped around the naga's neck as he opened his mouth. Their tongues met and danced as their soft moans filled the quiet forest. The naga's paws slipped down the fox, reaching his loincloth he unfastened the clasp deftly and threw it to the side as he slid more coils around the fox.

The fox felt the his stomach pressing against the naga's chest the oil soaking into his fur and a strange warmth began to spread through his body. A scaled paw stroked over his inner thighs and he shuddered against the snake. His cock slipping free of it's furry sheath only to get caught up in the naga's paw. His soft scaled palm slowly stroking up and down his cock, the thousands of tiny scales pulling on his hot flesh, making him moan with pleasure and lust, his cocktip drooling pre onto the naga fingers.

The naga pulled back from the kiss with a wide grin across his face. "Yeah you like me don't you Kenia."

The fox sighed and replied. "Just shut up and let me fuck you." Before kissing the snake desperately, his tongue going wild as it plundered the naga's warm maw. He felt the thick coils moving around him and the naga paw pulling his cock guided him to a warm spot.

Smiling into the kiss the fox realised Runo was doing just as he asked, he thrust forward gently. Moaning as the snakes puckered entrance kissed his cocktip, he grasped the snake's coils and thrust again. This time his spear like cock was able to thrust into the snake, he moaned as the heat of another body surrounded his cocktip.

The fox's nose was giving him some weird signals, he broke the kiss and leaned down, licking the naga's oil covered chest as he thrust again. His cock sliding half into the snake making the naga moan with lust. Two drooling naga cocks rubbed over the fox's pert buttocks as he ground his coils around the warm furry body. The fox's tongue on his body felt good, although he was a little confused by the mammal's sudden need to lap at his oil covered scales.

Kenia's body tingled with need as with a third thrust he hilted inside the naga, he pulled back he felt his half forming knot pop free. He knew he wouldn't be able to get that back inside the snake unless he was going to tie to him. As the oil warmed his mouth and he thrust forward he knew he was going to tie this snake. He had to have this scaled creature, his paws clung around the snake's waist holding him as the fox's hips rolled. With each thrust he felt himself pressing back against the two hard naga cocks. Runo had made no move at all to get them into the fox, Kenia realised that the snake was not going to fuck him.

The naga was showing the fox that he could be the lover the fox wanted, however, as the warmth of the oil spread throughout his body what he really wanted was to feel the naga inside him. He looked up into the naga's eyes as he thrust for a second time his knot kissing the snake's pucker as his cock slide deep inside. He smiled and reached out a paw, caressing the snake's cheek. "I want you inside me." He whispered lustfully to the naga and smiled.

Runo gasped as he heard the fox and as he realised that Kenia was looking him right in the eyes, the fox was showing the naga just how much he trusted him. The fox was defenceless in his coils, all he would have to do was let loose with his hypnotising powers and the fox would be his forever. He smiled shifting his coils so that his the tip of his penis was sliding between the fox's buttocks. All he had to do was take control of the fox's mind and he would be his forever.

Instead he contracted his coils, his cock forcing it's way into the warm ass of the fox. He held the fox in his arms, the mammal biting Runo's shoulder to stop from crying out as the unlubricated entry hurt him. They stayed in the embrace while the pain inside the fox ebbed away to be replaced by a raw passionate need. He stopped biting the naga's shoulder and looked up into his eyes and nodded. "Do it... do me, like you did Aleoric, mate with me until you fill me and I tie to you."

The fox's words were music to Runo's ears, the snakes coils began to dance around the mammal, his cock thrusting in and out of the tight clenching fox anus, as the fox's cock was forced deep inside him again and again. Their moans and gasps filling the forest with the music of their lust. Their paws clawed at each other's backs and shoulders as the pleasure of their mating overtook their minds. The snake mated him rapidly, as Kenia used the power of his hips to thrust into the naga with desperate speed.

The snake's coils around him moved faster and faster, the cock inside him thrusting deep until his ass pressed firmly against the snake's coil. The other cock stroking down his taint soaking him with reptile pre. Runo was in pure carnal heaven, the fox's cock was pressing to his prostate as the mammal's ass clenched around his hot thrusting maleness. "Oh Kenia!" He whispered as he suddenly picked up the pace, unable to stop himself, he was desperate, he needed the fox more than he'd ever needed anyone.

The barbarian cried out into the night, his hips slamming forward, his knot forcing it's way into the snake. He barked out as he tied to the snake, his balls danced as they began to empty themselves into the naga. The sudden spamsing tightness around his cock was too much for Runo and with a gasp his cock began to flood the tight little fox ass.

Their gasps and moans were heard by only the two lovers as they exchanged kisses and sweet words. The Naga kept the fox tightly in his coils as the fox's knot held the mammal securely inside him. The two kissed tenderly as the night grew colder and they pressed together to share warmth. It was as they did this that something caught the naga's eyes, a fire off in the distance.

"Look, that's a signal fire!" He said pointing to the fire on top of a hill.

The fox followed his finger. "When have you ever heard of orc tribes sending out a lone scout, orc scouts work in pairs!" The mammal suddenly squeaked, pulling his knot out of the naga roughly and grabbing his loincloth and axe. "We have to get back to the others."

The naga grabbed his wrist. "We should take care and sneak back, I can't believe we didn't look for other orc's, how stupid are we?" As he asked the question the fox leaned forward and licked the naga's chest taking a stray smere of oil off him.

"What are you doing?" The naga asked pushing the fox back.

The fox blinked, "I... I dunno, I just.. had to lick that up."

The naga reached down a paw and rubbed at the oil, he sniffed it. "Marrow musk weed, that's an odd thing to add to oil. The naga licked his finger and then hissed. "Carrack seed oil, it's a potent aphrodisiac for furred mammals, it doesn't work on naga's... or orcs!"

"It was a trap!" They exclaimed as one.

They rushed back to the camp as fast as they could while remaining stealthy. Getting to within visual range of the camp they could see dozen's of orcs in the firelight. They could also see Aleoric and Jarus bound and gagged with orcs all around them.

They glanced at each other knowing that without the bear's magic they would be hard pressed to deal with that many orcs. They pulled back into the safety of the forest to discuss their next move.

OK you know the drill vote by commenting below.

A Frontal assault

B Try and lure the orcs into the valley of the manticore, None will be able to help,

C Wait until the orcs try to move the prisoners, attack them when they are strung out on the march, cut slash and run.

D surrender to the orcs and try to plan with the other two to break free together.