Boy Who Barked Dog

Story by Eiji Otaka on SoFurry

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One guy who wants to fight for animal rights finds out that some dogs really are just no good horny mutts.

This is the last of a series of collaborations with FA: Howler and my personal favorite. It's long but the smut comes early and stays for your pleasure.

Boy Who Barked Dog

By Eiji Otaka and Howler

Nick filled out the form before turning it into the girl sitting at the front window, he had hope that the activist group would accept him. The group was looking for new members to raid animal testing labs and rescue any and all animals inside, Nick figured this was the perfect group to join on campus as he had always felt strongly about animal rights himself so it was a good fit.

"Mr. Lee just walk through the back door and someone will see you." The young woman said pointing in the direction of the door, she pressed a button to unlock the knob and allow him to enter inside.

"Thanks a lot ma'am." Nick replied slipping into a dimly lit hallway an open door at the end of the hall.

Strange barking noises sounded from all directions as he strolled by the many locked and closed doors, Nick could almost swear he heard a moan devolve into a howl but he shrugged it off. "Some strange place this is." Nick mumbled to himself as he neared the open office ahead of him.

A tall man stepped out of a side room and shook Nick's hand, the air thick with the smell of a kennel. "Good afternoon Mr. Lee I'm Jacob and I'll be your interviewer today please take a seat." Jacob said closing the door behind them as Nick walked past, the boy was very much Nick's own age not much older than nineteen.

"Well, Mr. Lee, can I call you Nick?"

"Of course."

"Well, Nick, we're happy to see you're interested in joining our pack, there's too many people out there who neglect the rights of animals and we need people like you to help us change that," said Jacob with professionalism beyond his years.

"Well, I've always felt strongly about animals, they share this planet with us and have just a much a right to it as we do," said Nick.

"I'm glad to hear you say that Nick, you sound like the type of guy we'd like with us. How do you feel about dogs?"

"Oh I love dogs, I used to have a retriever when I was a boy. He was literally my best friend growing up until I lost him to some drunk driver," Nick said, eyes starting to tear up, "But I got that bastard good, when I tipped off the police to the meth house he was running."

"Really?" said Jacob, with obvious admiration, "We most definitely could use a man like you. You've got just the passion for this type stuff we need."

"Great, so when do I start sir?" Nick asked excitedly smiling happy to be accepted into the group.

"Well first you need to drop your pants...." Jacob said blankly.

"W...what!?" Nick shouted flabbergasted at the man's words.

"You heard me boy drop em, or else." Jacob spat out.

"Yeah or else what weirdo?" Nick replied ready to bolt for the door.

"Well, I can give it to you the hard way, obviously." Jacob stood up and leaped over the table, faster than Nick could dash back. Nick tried punching him, but Jacob easily grabbed his fist and shoved him into the table, pressing his face against the hard wood. "You see Nick, we're closer to animals than most activists, we're just a bunch of horny dogs in truth, but we're horny dogs with a cause. And, you, whether you like it or not, are the perfect addition to our pack."

Jacob's words get rougher and growl-like as he speaks, body pumping up with muscle as he rips open his shirt and undoes his pants with an increasingly fuzzy hand. "Mmm you smell good pup, you'll make a fine addition to my little...harem." Jacob chuckled.

"I never agreed to this when I signed up to help with the animal rights protest, you t...tricked me!" Nick squirmed under Jacobs firm grip.

"Meh and what ya gonna do about it big boy, mine now!" Jacob growled in dominance.

"Your fucking sick you bastard!" Nick spat.

"You'll come around once your seeded then you'll see things our way." Jacob growled his nails growing longer....darker.

Nick felt slender nimble fingers unbutton his jeans and slip his undies around his thighs, his face red with embarrassment and shock. Tears streamed down Nick's cheeks as he squirmed around on the man's desk, the pervert much stronger for some unknown reason. He looked back as best he could in his position and was thrown into shock and horror at the sight he found at the corner of his eye. Jacob was changing, literally mutating into a beast! The guys lips were dark, and fur was growing all over his bare skin, black dots sprouting in an ocean of white fur. His, muscles, they were bulging rapidly! He was probably about twice his size in terms of muscle mass now, and it was obvious, the guy was not human. If it wasn't the muzzle and floppy ears proving that, it was the thick red canine cock, beaming near his ass. The rod was drooling like the guy's muzzle. He was a fucking were dog! A dalmatian were dog!

"Holy fuck!" Nick screamed loudly horrified at the freak of nature that he was pinned under.

"Go ahead and scream boy no one is going to save you, in here were free to be what we truly are and you will to. Once you're bred you'll be a willing scout in our goal, soon canines of all sorts will be the dominate species...and your going to help us Nick!" Jacob howled wagging his thin white canine tail.

"Fuck you you perv I'll never be so perverted, only in your own twisted dreams rover!" Nick cursed.

"You'll see or feel rather, we canines will have our day yet!" Jacob growled.

"Animal rights doesn't mean making people animals you fag!" Nick howled.

"But by being like animals, in this case canines, will make humans better appreciate those who have fur. In addition to that, their instincts will let, them be the horny beasts they really are on the inside," sneered Jacob as he began sliding his doggy cock into Nick, "I gotta say I'm surprised though, most humans would have fallen for my musk by now, makes taking you all the better."

"Your nothing but a twisted monster, let go of me you faggot!" Nick groaned kicking his legs, the feeling of the canines hot rocket between his legs making him gag.

"A fur fag and proud of it babe!" Jacob panted heavily thrusting himself deeper into the boy.

Nick trashes his lean but athletic body as much as he could before managing to connect with the creatures groin, the beast howled in pain slipping out of his ass long enough to crawl for the door. "You can't escape me pup your marked now, my scent is all over you and you'll be back you hear me!" Jacob barked out between whimpers as he sank to the floor in pain.

Nick ran down the hall frantically pulling his pants up as he sprinted past the countless locked doors, reaching the way he'd came he desperately tried to force his way out. Nick kicked and smashed at the door with his legs until the cheap door gave way, not bothering to look back at the woman from before he quickly dashed out to front entrance to safety. Ducking behind a closed utility shed Nick buttoned himself back up and tried to relax, his heart beating rapidly a cold sweat breaking out onto his skin. Was it real did he just see a man become like some monster from out of a horror movie, Nick rose to his feet and stumbled back towards his dorm room hastily.

Walking into his dorm Nick made a beeline for the bathroom, hands trembling and knees shaking he slips off his jeans and tee shirt. Standing in nothing but his undies Nick noticed a large wet spot across the crotch of his boxer briefs, the underwear tenting strangely and an unsettling tingle in his privates. Slipping his undies off Nick gasped at his cock's new appearance, his circumcision scar was gone and his man hood was covered by his newly regrown foreskin.

"What the hell is this? I know damn well, my cock didn't look like this, this morning. That horny ass dog freak! My god it was real! and this must be what he meant about me coming back... Fuck! Maybe I can still wash it out my system," Nick said with obvious panic in his voice as he readied the shower.

Stripping off his undies, Nick steps into the hot shower taking a soapy towel and rubbing his body down with suds, his cock was beaming for attention, forcing him to give a long glance from time to time as he cleaned.

"I can't believe that fucker tried to rape me," lamented Nick, as he moved to wash between his butt cheeks. Grazing his asshole, he gave sudden moan of pleasure from its new sensitivity, his cock twitching at the sensation. "Wh...What?" crooned apprehensively. Dropping the towel, he rubbed his fingers against his ass, noting a thick coat of fuzz and that his pucker was swollen and pushed out a bit. Another touch caused him to moan again, before noticing his other hand was stroking his cock. He quickly pulled his palm away from his shaft and took his shower mirror to get a better look at his butt hole. A bolt of trepidation shot through him when he saw the thick black pucker eyeing back at him between his slightly spread furry cheeks.

"Fuck...He's turning me into a horny mutt. I've gotta resist... He wants me to beat off until I'm just begging him to fuck me... Well that dog face bastard won't win," curses Nick as he steps out the shower and dries off, avoiding his cock and asshole as much as possible.

Dressing himself Nick noticed his friend Rodger slipping on his baseball gear, the smell of sex wafted into his nose.

"Hey Rodge did you get lucky last night?" Nick smiled weakly over to his roommate, both boys eyeing each other grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah I made it with Lisa last night it was just as fantastic as I hoped it would be, man she was so hot last night!" Rodger smirked looking over at the clock. "Oh shit I gotta go I'll see ya later dude!" Roger shouted as he frantically zoomed out the door.

Nick's nostrils drank in the smell of fornication and cum, his own cock becoming more erect than in the shower. "Fucking mutt!" He huffed...


Rodger had a great baseball practice session with his intramural group, and was in the lockers changing back to his casual clothes. Taking his time, he made a couple phone calls while there, trying to see if he could tap Lisa's ass again tonight as the rest of the players left which had him in the locker room all alone. Lisa unfortunately, had plans for a girl's night out with her friends and left Rodger hanging. Ending the call, he slipped off his baseball pants, to stand shirtless, wearing only his jockstrap as he heard footsteps nearby.

"I just love boys in athletic wear, so ripe for the taking," called out a gruff voice behind him. Rodger swiveled his head in the direction he heard the voice, ready to tell whatever fag it was to get moving, but to his shock he saw a buff naked guy covered in dotted fur before being slammed chest first into the lockers.

"Who...What the fuck are you?!" cried out Rodger as a padded paw-like hand grasped his ass, hot breath swimming past his ear.

"Me?! My name's Jacob, but from now on you can call me Alpha," said Jacob, licking his ear while rubbing his dripping red pointy cock between Rodger's ass cheeks. His coat of fur was thickening as his face pushed out to a full muzzle, tail wagging at the sexual conquest he was about to have.

"Get off me queer I'll fucking kill you, let me go you sick bastard!" Rodger screamed before a large paw hand gagged him silencing his pleas.

"You don't understand sport I need you to do me a favor, I need you to finish off an acquaintance for me." Jacob cooed soothingly into Rodger's flopping ear, the Dalmatian man thrusting deep inside the poor boy.

"Mmmm....nooo!" Rodger's screams were muffled under the canines grip, with the locker room clear no one could hear the sounds of sex anyway.

The sounds of gay sex mingled with the popping of flesh and wailing cries, joints snapped and bones stretched with increasing furor. "Oh my God what the fuck is happening to me it hurts so....uggh!" Rodger's groans of pain suddenly devolved into moans of ecstasy, his cock tenting the front of his jock.

"That's it pup, enjoy my rocket filling you up. You'll be a nice addition to the pack," barked Jacob as he thrust harder into Rodger, starting to work his knot against the boy's swelling dark pucker. Rodger could only growl pleasurably in response as a black saddle of fur crossed his back, growing thick as brown fur did likewise to his chest and crotch. A lengthening tongue hung from darkened lips, drool hanging with it as teeth sharpened to fangs. At this point Rodger was grinding his furry rear against the dalmatians cock as a bushy tail slowly sprouted from the top of his ass. His wet dark nose could tell there was a distinct canine musk flowing around them, and this only drove Rodger's lust to new heights. He felt doggy instincts pressing into his skull with every push of Jacob's knot to enter him, each time getting more forceful as the haze in his brain grew thicker. Black claws grew out his nails as his hands swelled and coated themselves in brown fur, his new claws scratching the lockers while leathery pads puffed up under his palms. He had instinctively started standing on the balls of his feet to push his rear harder into the shaft. His feet in turn swelled into thick paws, black claws curling out his nails as thick fur coated his toes and up his reformed legs to meet with his furry crotch.

"Take this knot like a good bitch boy!" cried Jacob as with a powerful thrust his jammed the bulb into Rodger's ass with a loud squish. At that moment it was like the floodgates opened and canine urges flushed into Rodger's brain. His balls swelled with doggy seed as fur enveloped his foreskin, still-human shaft. With an involuntary bark, the foreskin became a thick furry sheath and slid down to reveal a nine inch red dog cock with a bulging knot at the base. Rodger's eyes rolled into his skull as his furry face pushed out into a drooling muzzle. The human reborn into a horny German Shepherd dog boy, barked in climax as his knot tensed and surged thick yellow gobs of canine spunk into his straining jockstrap. The sudden orgasm caused Rodger's doggy pucker to squeeze Jacob's throbbing rocket and set the dalmatian alpha off. Musky gushes of corrupted cum filled Rodger's insides and sealed his transformation into a were dog. The feeling of being seeded by the alpha washed away all traces of Rodger's human mind, and he howled in rapture at his new being.

"I have a mission for you Rodger, find Nick and finish the transformation that I started in him. I was unable to cum inside him and without ingesting our juices he can't be complete, I don't care how you do it just make sure he joins the canine side. Do you understand me my pet?" Jacob growled his hot spunk sloshing around within Rodgers bowels.

"Yes my Alpha I won't fail you, he will join us by the next full moon master." Rodger howled out squeezing Jacob's rocket and pushing back with his tight tail hole.

"Very good pet report to me with any updates you have, I want to cum in that boy's ass personally." Jacob growled waiting for his knot to soften, his large paws petting Rodger like an obedient puppy.

Rodger groaned as Jacob pulled out licking the new converts fuzzy head lovingly, the two males panted and huffed catching their breath. The sexy shepherd boy turned to face his creator sinking to his knees, Jacob's maleness at the horny canines eye level. Without a word Rodger licks and lathers Jacob's phallus before it has a chance to retreat into its sheath. The horny mutt covers his alpha's shaft with saliva and quickly brings it back to full hardness, knot bulging and all.

"See, this is the horny mindset I want you to pass on to Nick, bring out the dog in him so he willingly takes my cock into his muzzle like a good pup," coos Jacob, Rodger nodding in compliance before taking the doggy dick into his maw and drinking down the copious pre leaking from it. With a few strong sucks and a couple thrusts, Jacob is feeding the new beta his musky cum, cock never tiring, balls always filled. "Alright, pup, go start your mission. I hope to hear from you soon."

"Yes, my Alpha," barks Rodger as he rises from the cock and shifts back to his human form. His cock stuck in its doggy form, as it slides into its sheath as the crotch fur recedes. Jacob slaps him on the ass, before they slip on their clothes, and head out. Jacob leaves Rodger with his number and goes back to the club office, while Rodger heads back to his shared dorm room.


Nick stood in front of his mirror gaping at his floppy cock, the shaft leaking copiously as he paced around his bathroom. "Why won't it go down why the fuck am I so horny all the time, maybe if I touch it it'll stop...I" Nick swooned stumbling back onto his toilet, his pants and underwear between his legs.

An intense heat grew between his legs as Nick's cock burned, the skin of his penis becoming darker, more pink. "Ohhhh.....ahhhh, my cock's burning up oh fuck!" Nick groaned his maleness changing shape right before his very eyes.

He panted as the burning sensation tickled his brain with pleasure, the tip of his penis growing pointy and streamlined at it lengthened and swelled. His formerly seven inch cock growing to an blushing red ten inches as it dribbled pre cum. With each inch it grew, his foreskin thickened and slid down his cock until it was little more than a hairless sheath bunched at the base. The deep pink skin of his new canine spear began secreting a cock slime as a knot bulged at the base, throbbing with need for attention.

"Oh fuck, I'm so horny... I've got a dog's dick... A fucking dog's dick! But it's so hard... I... I need to stroke it... Just a little," Nick groaned and panted through a mouth filled with pointed teeth. He grasped his shaft, and rubbed it as he closed his eyes. Images of dogs fucking and licking each other's privates flashed through his mind as a thick golden fur covered his swelling balls. He felt an urge to just dive into doggy lust before his pointed ears caught the sound of the door unlocking.

Panicking, Nick tried to pull his pants up in time, but was too late as Rodger walked in the door eyeing him playfully.

"Hey! It's not what it looks like, I... I was just changing," quickly said Nick.

"It's cool dude, calm down. We all gotta have a stroke from time to time. As a matter of fact I could use one myself, why don't we help each other out, just between us?" replied Rodger stepping close to Nick. Nick could smell an even stronger aroma of sex permeating off his room mate, he also had a familiar thick musk intermingled with it, but Nick couldn't put his finger on what it was. Rodger grabbed his hand and led him into the bedroom, sitting on Nick's bed as he pulled his pants down. The musk seemed to be getting stronger and Nick, went a little hazy as he let his roommate get a good look at his dog cock, forgetting the guy should be weirded out by the mutated shaft.

"What a nice cock you got there, buddy, all pointed and pink. It's pretty big too," said Rodger before grasping Nick's shaft, eliciting a deep moan from the guy. He took Nick's hand with his other, and wrapped it around his own cock, the hairless sheath sliding down to reveal his own rapidly hardening canine cock. Nick panted in pleasure, and looked in wonder at Rodger's penis, his horny brain slow to process why the guy had a dog cock like he did. Canine musk was filling the room as they jacked each other's shafts, pre cum dribbling down their fists as fur grew up from their fuzzy balls and coated their bunched up sheaths.

"That's right... Give in to the dog inside you. It'll please our Alpha Jacob..." cooed Rodger. These words suddenly broke the trance Nick was in, and his eyes bulged in fear of what was happening.

"Oh shit! A dog freak like that guy!" Nick yelled. He quickly pushed away from Rodger and punched him in the face to distance himself. Rodger growled in anger at the rejection, his rocket just as angry.

"You can't escape the Alpha Nick he wants you in his harem, he'll never quit hunting you...resistance is futile buddy." Rodger howled out angrily his fangs bared, drool dripping from his lips.

Nick retreated back into the bathroom locking the door to keep his beastly roomate at bay, Rodger banged on the door clawing at it frantically. "I want yourrrr cock Niiiick just a taste, please c'mon!" Rodger growled humping into the door wildly.

Nick huddled up near the toilet, resisting the urge to open the door and let Rodger have what he wanted. He could still smell the thick musk the dog boy had released into the area, but held his ground. After a few minutes the banging at the door stopped and the lustful odor waned. Nick meekly opened the bathroom door, peeking outside to see the room empty. Relieved that the sex crazed were dog was gone he got dressed. He needed to take some time to clear his head, and it was about time to go to the gym for his workout. Perfect opportunity to get away from his dorm room if Rodger came back.


Rodger was outside the dorm building, on his cell calling Jacob about his temporary failure.

"I nearly had him my Alpha, but he broke away at the last minute. I hope you're not mad at me," Rodger whimpered.

"No my sweet beta, I'm not angry. It's still early in the day and I'm sure you'll find other opportunities to tempt him. Won't you?" said Jacob on the other line.

"Of course Alpha! I already plan on heading to the sauna at the rec. center to convert Nick's workout partner, once Carlos is changed, he'll coax the canine in Nick until his tail is wagging!" Rodger replied excitedly.

"Good, I expect to hear from you soon, my pet. Now get going."

Rodger almost barked in affirmative as he quickly made his way to the rec. center. He had to catch Carlos before he left for the gym.

The rec center was quiet for a weekday morning as Carlos draped his white towel around his waist, heading for the sauna he made sure to strip before stepping inside. Sitting down upon the wooden bench Carlos relaxed himself sighing contently, the thick stream quickly filled the small sauna. A door opened and raspy breathing could be heard, Carlos could see nothing past the white steam. A heavy musk permeated the sauna as feet padded near Carlos, the smell of wet dog rising up through the hot steam.

"Hey buddy mind if I take a seat?" The raspy voice asked from the haze of steam.

"Not at all dude go fer it!" Carlos replied calmly his nose twitching.

"Thanks buddy I appreciate it!" The voice said chuckling.

As Carlos felt a soft furry object bat against his leg, the musk became stronger causing his cock to tent the towel around his waist. Carlos mind grew hazy as he felt his towel being pulled away, a large fuzzy hand resting on his crotch.

"Hey fa......ooooh that's feels kinda nice, keep it up dude!" Carlos moaned feeling something large and furry straddle his lap, strangely soft palms rubbed up along his hardening shaft.

"You like that do ya boy?" The voice cooed into Carlos ear licking it lightly, the fuzzy hands groping his cock and balls firmly.

"W...who are you...what's t...that funny smell?" Carlos gasped out his skin crawling as fuzz spread across his sweating body.

"Did you ever want a dog so bad as a kid but were always disappointed when your parents said no?" The raspy male voice asked Carlos.

"Mmmhmm...I cried for days after my dad said no when I asked for a puppy for my birthday." Carlos replied leaning his head back his eyes rolled up into his head, pleasure building from the stranger's intense attentions.

"What do you smell, what do you see?" The stranger said stroking Carlos tip with a leathery palm.

"I smell wet dog's you, I feel fur across your chest and...ahhhh!" Carlos screamed cumming hard onto his chest, the stranger laying him down across the bench pressing his weight against his body.

"Won't you take this big 'ole puppy home boy, I have a task for you." The stranger growled kissing Carlos with his long muzzle, moving down his chest with a long warm tongue.

"Yes! Take me!...I mean I'll take you! Please let me have you!" moans Carlos, lost in a lustful haze as the canine musk clouded his senses like the sauna's steam. His cock was wrapped in a lightly furred sheath as it pulsed and throbbed, mutating into a musky nine in a half inch dog cock before rising out its new home and dribbling tainted pre.

The strangers muzzle moved closer to his new doggy cock giving it a long slow lick, large furry balls were thrust into Carlos face and pre dribbled across his forehead. Pulling Carlos into a 69 the stranger thrust his canine cock down the changing humans throat, the boy nursed the were dog hungrily lips pursing around the dog man's pointed head. Grey fur thickening into a lush pelt of dense hairs, a fleshy nub wagging behind Carlos bubble butt, cheeks spreading open wide revealing a beautiful hairy dog pucker. As the two boys fucked Carlos tail grew curling into a grey and white fluffy tail, feet stretched into large paw feet complete with calloused pads. Blunt dark claws burst from Carlos nail beds back fur thickening and bunching, the smell of wet dog overwhelming them both.

Carlos' mind was awash with corrupted canine thoughts. All his mind could focus on was hot sex with dog men. Every taste of the dripping phallus reinforced those thoughts, and Carlos human mind barely could put up a resistance. There was a fading whisper telling him he was straight and had just fucked a girl a few hours earlier, but the powerful homo doggy instincts muted the distraction thoroughly. As Carlos embraced his newborn homosexuality, he pushed the dog's cock down his throat as far as possible, his cheeks furring and face stretching into a full muzzle. His darkened lips pursed around the slimy cock as it fed him tainted pre, wet black nose pressed into musky furry balls, and curling his mind to doggy mush. His eyes flashed a piercing blue as a furry mask covered his forehead, the increasingly paw-like hands gripping the dog boy's furry thighs with leathery palms and forcing the cock down to the knot into his muzzle. His brain delved deeper into corruption, as he pictured him as his canine self raping males, and molding them into horny dog boys while pumping them with his thick spooge. At that moment, his cock tensed up along with the red rocket in his throat, and the two were dog's balls started pumping mutative yellow jizz down each other's gullets. The burning hot cum sizzled away the last remnants of Carlos' humanity and with that, he was now a horny plotting member of the pack, ready to spread the 'word' on animal justice.

"Your such a great seducer hun that was fantastic, let's go again you sexy little beast!" Carlos panted heavily cum dripping from his fangs.

"Not yet you handsome husky, I have a chore to ask of you first. Do you work out with a boy named Nick, he's going through his canine puberty and he needs to be shown what his body can become." Rodger grinned toothily stroking Carlos gooey maleness, the German shepherd dog man coaxing the husky back into hardness.

"I work out with him all the time lover perhaps I can be of some assistance to the boy, he needs to feel how good being a canine can be!" Carlos panted opening the door to the sauna letting the steam gush out, both dogs shook the water from their fur howling joyfully.

"When he arrives you will trap him and force him to submit to the way of the canine, he must join the pack and take the Alpha's cum to become complete." Rodger ordered making out with the buff husky boy, both beasts groping and licking each other's fur nuzzling lovingly.

"Yes sir, he will howl before the sun sets!" Carlos replied licking the bridge of Rodger's muzzle.

With that done, the two were dogs shift back to their human forms, though their canine cocks still hint to their true forms. They both grab a towel and exit the sauna.

"Meet me outside the science building when you are done. We have to report to the Alpha later," says Rodger as they part ways.

Carlos was in a constant state of arousal as he made his way to the gym, stopping by the lockers to put on some loose shorts and a t-shirt. When he reached the workout room, Nick was already waiting on him, standing by the bench press.

"Hey Carlos, what took you so long, you're normally the one getting on me for being late. I thought you weren't coming, so I did all my other sets except the press, since I need a spot," said Nick, "I'll let you go first since you just got here though."

"Thanks. Sorry I'm late, I... uh, I had a girl to fuck earlier and she was taking a while to get me to bust. I just need to do the press then take a shower anyway," replied Carlos as he laid down on the bench and waited for Nick to stand ready to spot him.

Nick could definitely smell lust all over Carlos, but for some reason he only had a hint of female on him, the rest was definitely male, and there was plenty of it. Nick figured Carlos must be bi or gay and didn't want to say anything. Fair enough, he didn't plan on telling the guy he had two rape attempts by two different dog men, so they both had something to hide.

What Nick found quite amazing though was the weight of 280 pounds that Carlos could usually barely do a full set with, was being pumped up like it was nothing to him. The guy was already pretty buff but this was ridiculous... Nick's amazement was put on hold as something else caught his eye; Carlos' shorts were tented and staining. Nick found himself getting turned on by the sight, and felt a bit embarrassed, but he figured Carlos must still be horny from earlier and probably is more embarrassed himself.

"Okay, your turn," the buff Latino said quickly as he finished his set and rose from the bench.

"Alright, take fifty pounds off would ya?"' said Nick as he laid on the bench and readied to do his set. His partner took the weights down, and Nick started, pumping with as much concentration as he could muster. Carlos grinned maliciously as he stood above Nick, his balls hanging right above the guy's forehead.

As Nick pumped the weights, his thoughts wandered to all the attempts of rape he had so far today. Those sexy dog boys trying to get him to cum, and stuff him full of their cum... Damn... What was he thinking?! Nick tried shooing away the tainted thoughts, but they just wouldn't go away. His body wanted the change, and his mind was starting to give in piece by piece. It wouldn't be long before he's got Carlos pinned down over the bench press, and sliding his canine cock deep into his workout partner's ass... What the fuck?! Nick just couldn't shake the debauched thoughts from his head, a thick musk filling his nostrils with every breath. He was so busy trying to push the tainted musings away, he gave little thought to the moist drops splattering his forehead, thinking it was only Carlos' sweat. In reality, it was Carlos' musky precum, the thick fluids had been sliding down his beaming rocket, and congregating on his furry balls before dropping onto Nick's head like it had a bulls eye.

Nick finished his sets and rose from the bench quickly his head swimming, in his haste to clear his head he walked past Carlos without noticing his exposed dripping doggy cock. "I'm gonna hit the showers you coming with?"

Carlos smirked his back facing Nick, his hands stuffing the crimson cock back into his shorts. "Absolutely."

Carlos scoped the gym showers making sure the two boys were alone before putting his plan into action, sitting down onto the nearest bench he began to strip down. Nick's mind still plagued by thoughts of canine sex tried his best to ignore Carlos stripping down to just his undies, still paranoid he looked over his shoulder as if watching for some giant mutant dog to pounce.

"Aw come on bro what's with the underwear what are you afraid of, think I'm gonna bite you or something!" Carlos joked chuckling loudly as he peeled away his shorts.

"You have no idea..." Nick mumbled softly to himself turning his back to Carlos to turn the water on.

Smirking mischievously Carlos shimmied his undies down his legs kicking them away, the huge gleaming doggy phallus leaking generously. Carlos creeps up behind Nick after turning on a shower head, steam quickly filling the room and mixing with his mind-curling musk.

"You know Nick, you smell like a dog in heat. You really shouldn't resist those canine urges," taunts Carlos. Nick freezes when he hears this, and suddenly feels a rod poking him in the back.

"C-Carlos... What are you doing man...? I-I'm not gay," Nick says meekly. His instincts tells him to push his ass against the flesh rubbing above the cleft of his ass, but he resists.

"Oh but I smell it on you Nick...I smell your arousal your need to be filled, our Alpha can help you with that hun." Carlos laughed.

"They got you too, oh God no!" Nick shrieked backing away from Carlos slowly.

"You were merely penetrated Nick you can't fully be free until you accept the Alpha's cum inside you, either orally but preferably anally. Once seeded you'll see the power your body can have, the pleasure your new form can bring you and to those around you. Resistance is futile Nick you can only run for so long before you'll go mad with lust and pounce the nearest living thing and fuck it's brains out. You need us Nick and we need you to help build our pack...our takeover of humanity!" Carlos growled out face protruding into a long muzzle foam streaming out from the corners of his maw.

"Stay back you sick fuck don't make me hurt you!" Nick shouted trying to be threatening.

"Ha ha, pffft...boy please you have no power until you accept your infection and give yourself over to it!" Carlos burst out laughing deviously.

"No....NO!" Nick moaned feeling his underwear tent out a few more inches, red dog dick standing out amidst the white fabric.

"I can smell your erection growing just relax and give yourself to me." Carlos whined needful of his own pleasures.

"Noooooowwwwllll.....grrrr...." Nick growled scaring himself more with the noise then his workout buddy's deformities.

Carlos tensed his muscles his changing ears pealed back, Nick made a break for the exit when he became blocked by his friend.

"No escape this time Nick, you're joining the pack whether you like it or not, and I'm going to be the one to bring you to the Alpha for breeding," said Carlos, grabbing Nick and pinning him against the wall. His buff Siberian husky form was dripping wet, which only furthered the musky smell of wet dog in the showers. He lapped at Nick's face, drenching him in doggy drool, eyeing his buddy's lips as they blackened. He gave a quick grin, before he started humping his foot long bestial spear against Nick's chest, molesting him as best he could as the red slimy cock, smeared precum over the infected humans chest.

"Ahhh... S-Stop... Grrrr... Oh god... So... Good.. Hah, damn you," cried Nick with an increasingly feral tone. He had to stop himself from grinding back into Carlos' big dog cock with his own as the musk wrapped around his body. Carlos' tongue was diving into his throat and feeding him tainted saliva, and the effects were taking a toll on him. His nails darkened, slightly pointing as his hands grasped the husky boy, not sure whether to embrace him or repel him.

"Yeah, Nick... I can smell it! I can smell the lust rising from you, and the animal starting to break out. Let it free! Be your own dog!" barked Carlos, lost in his own lust and the thick musk between them as his eyes started rolling back. Nick's doggy cock was slapping against his exposed knot, and the sensation was putting him over the edge. Thick foamy drool poured from his muzzle as his furry balls swelled and pulled up. With a loud series of lustful barks, Carlos rocket blasts torrents of contaminated yellow canine cream all over Nick's chest and abs.

Nick could feel his skin absorbing the splashing of cum over his chest and developing a musky thick golden fur as a result. He nearly came himself from the frenzied humping, but his whittled humanity fought back and he took the opportunity to knee Carlos in the nuts.

The husky howled in pain as he dropped to the floor, Nick dashed out while yellow fluids dripped down his body.

"Grrrrah! You can't run forever Nick! Soon you'll be begging for cock like a horny bitch!" cried Carlos.

Nick streaked across the campus not caring about being seen in the nude, luckily his dorm room was with in feet of the gym so it was of little consequence. 'Jesus Christ no please God no this can't be happening, that fucker is turning my friends into freak jobs!" Nick sobbed throwing himself onto his bed.

Warm sticky seed mixed into the fur on his front, Nick's eyes shoot open wide...mirror! Running into the bathroom Nick observed the latest round of changes to his body, running his hand through his slimy chest fur made him nearly retch into the sink. His dark nails seemed to pulse and throb with his racing heart beat, his canine dick still ram rod hard bobbing with every step Nick took. His hands explored his rear and found even further changes there as well, a fleshy nub with a small ring of fuzz around it jutted out above his ass crack.

"Fucking hell!" Nick's face drained of all color as the ultimate realization dawned on him, he was slowly changing into one of them and he couldn't stop it.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Nick wailed out in white hot rage.


Carlos made his way to the science building, seeing Rodger waiting for him, a look of obvious disappointment to see him coming alone.

"What happened?" he asked somewhat downtrodden, he knew the Alpha wouldn't like this.

"I had him pinned in the showers, and even doused him in my cum, but he wouldn't crossover. He nailed me in the nuts and got away," whimpered Carlos, lowering his head in shame.

"Well, you tried. I'm sure you edged him closer to our side if he was covered in your cum. Poor pup," consoled Rodger, rubbing Carlos' nuts gently in their shorts, "Unfortunately, the Alpha won't be pleased to hear this." Rodger dialed up Jacob's number and was met by a calm greeting on the other end.

"How did things go?" asked Jacob through the speakerphone.

"Well, I brought Carlos into the pack as planned, but he failed to turn Nick to our side. His balls even took a hit."

"Don't worry my pets, I'm not angry. The day isn't even over and I'm sure Nick is about crazy from lust and paranoia. He'll be one of us soon, be it by rape or his own libido. And, when he is, I'll fill him up with my seed until he's second to none in canine contamination. Now find any friends of his that he hangs with a lot and breed them. I want Nick to have no one to turn to but the pack, understood?"

"Yes, my Alpha," replies Rodger and Carlos in unison.

"But since you two have done so well in your attempts to please your alpha's wishes, I want you to come to the pack office for a doggy treat." says Jacob. Rodger and Carlos' eyes lit up at hearing this and panted in excitement.

"Thank you, my Alpha! We'll be there soon," says Rodger before hanging up. Both him and Carlos' pants were tented in anticipation, and they dashed to the pack's office.

They arrived there at the office in record time, seeing a woman at a desk who grinned as she looked up at them.

"The Alpha will see you now," said the receptionist. The boy's faces grinned lustfully as they noticed the prime scent of a heated bitch was emanating from the woman. Carlos rubbed his cock through his shorts as they past her, a furry tail slipping out from under the leg of his shorts.

They could smell Jacob's scent leading them to the door at the end of the hallway, moans, howls, and barks echoing about. Amongst their Alpha's scent were those of at least two dozen other dogs, and their heads filled with all the hot orgies they'd be having; especially the mass of sex there would be when all humanity was of the canine breed.

The office door was wide open allowing the two boys to stroll in, Jacob was fully changed standing on his hands and knees on top of his desk. Their Alpha's canine ass thrust up into the air Jacob's hairy dog pucker and balls displayed for both to see, the Dalmatian man's thin tail wagging in anticipation of the fun to come. "Wanna Play?" The lead dog barked out seductively.

"Yes sir!" Both the Alpha's pets said unanimously as they began to strip down, Rodger kicked the door shut with a bare foot that began to stretch into a sexy canine foot paw.

Rodger approached his master from behind licking his extending maw with a growing lust filling his soul, Carlos slid under Jacob's balls on his work desk to play with them. "All work and no play makes puppy a dull boy!" Rodger moaned pressing his red hot pecker against the Alpha's warm anus, Carlos licked at his master's sack eager to finally taste his Alpha's seed for himself.

Rodger was soaking Jacob's doggy pucker with his gooey pre, as his Alpha's tail swished across his chest. The horny shepherd dog boy slid his thick shaft into the hungry hole, and moaned at how tight and warm it was. Inch by inch, he pushed his red rod into the Alpha's pucker, Jacob's hole taking every bit of it until he reached the knot. With a drooling pant, Rodger began thrusting into Jacob like no tomorrow, the joy of being able to mount his Alpha filled him with pleasure, and fueled his thrusts. Jacob barked in excitement, and soon was grinding his ass back into the powerful thrusts of his beta. Carlos had lathered Jacob's big furry balls in his drool before swallowing the big leaking baton down his muzzle. His long tongue curled and wrapped around the musky dog penis, drinking in its fluids and enjoying the hormone filled cock slime secreting from it. His doggy desires were being fulfilled, as with every lap of his tongue, he knew it would bring him closer to swallowing his Alpha's corrupted cum, and tasting the essence of an Alpha dog. Carlos' nose was bumping against Jacob's knot as he tried to stuff the bulge into his muzzle, the ecstasy had Jacob barking and drooling infectious foam. His amber eyes half rolled

into his skull, he felt the bestial instincts pull at him for his pups to please him.

"Shove that knot in me boy, my prostate demands it!" barked Jacob as he ground his ass harder into Rodger's crotch, "And you pup, swallow that knot like a good puppy, and you get a thick yellow treat.

Rodger woofed in excited compliance as he jammed his knot against his Alpha's thick black pucker. With three hard pumps, the angry red bulb squished into the needy dog's anus. Jacob barked in rising lust as the thick knot in him sat against his prostate, rubbing against it with every hump. Jacob's tongue lolled out of his drooling muzzle as the pleasure skyrocketed. In unbridled feral desire, he scooped the huskys doggy cock into his maw and skillfully swallowed it, knot and all. The feel of his Alpha stuffing his entire shaft into his muzzle spurred Carlos to force his master's red bulge into his mouth. With a hard bob of his head the red meat slipped in and all three of the horny were dogs had knotted something. Tainted feral lust exploded in their brains, leaving their doggy minds with nothing but the rut as their focus. It wasn't long before their big fuzzy balls churned rapidly and the three of them were spurting pints of yellow bestial cum into each other's bodies. Rodger howled in the triple climax, singing loud enough for the three of them. His call was met by the barks and howls of horny were dogs in the other rooms as their balls boiled and rushed thick semen into their plugged orifices.

"Good boys you have pleased your Alpha well, now go and finish changing Nick's buddies my pet's your victims are waiting." Jacob growled petting the two sexy were dogs gently.

"Yes master!" The two canines barked out inhumanly in unison, tails wagging feverishly with tongues lolling from their slobbering muzzles.

Jacob slapped their furry asses before the two slowly changed back to human form, and slipped their clothes back on. Rodger licked Jacob's cheek with a long tongue then he and Carlos headed out the door, eager to please their Alpha.


Nick sat on the bed in his dorm room, wracked with paranoia and lust. Two of his good friends were turned into sex crazed were dogs, and were trying to make him like them. But, he couldn't help but wonder: maybe they'd always been were dogs and he never noticed. What if they had planned for him to join them, the moment he applied to join the animal rights group? He just wasn't sure of anything anymore, except that he was near constantly horny and slowly changing into a beast.

"What the fuck am I going to do?" he lamented, "How many more of my friends are really dog men in disguise?"

Nick moaned as his cock throbbed between his legs, the pulsing meat leaked endlessly collecting into a thick puddle across his bed sheets. Grabbing his rocket he began to stroke it idly groaning a bit at his touch, the firm shaft curved upwards a bit it's purple veins pulsing with every heart beat. The thick slimy spire of flesh continued to self lubricate itself as Nick beat off, his furry balls growing in size churning thick tainted canine fluids. As he turned chest against the mattress Nick moaned humping the pillows wildly, strange short barks crossed his dark lips as his hips bucked. His dark nails gripped the sheets as they grew into thick black claws, giving him a good grip on the mattress as he humped furiously. His ass cheeks spread nicely as his dark pucker twitched with the pleasure his shaft was receiving. With each hump the end of his spine pressed out, the small nub he was sporting stretched into a small hairless tail, swishing softly as the dog in Nick surfaced further. Nick was panting like the beast he was becoming as he ground his crotch into the bed, eyes rolling up as his tongue lengthened flat and lolled out the side of his mouth. Frothy thick drool hung from his tongue and chin as his nose darkened and became moist. It felt so good letting the animal free, and the doggy instincts were pounding into his skull, twisting his brainwaves. Slowly, but surely he would soon be a faithful member of the pack, ready to breed into humans at a moment's notice. His improved nostrils were picking up the thick odor of his own musk, and he could tell it was rapidly growing pungent with canine lust and hormones. A large part of his brain screamed in joy at this knowledge, telling him it was good to smell like the animal he was. On the other hand, a weakening but still potent side was scolding him for giving into his twisted desires, begging him to stop before there was no turning back. With that last thought, Nick let out a dog-like whimper, unsure of what to do with himself.

That is, until he heard a knock at the door.

"Rodger... oh shit!" Nick gasped aloud, despite his fear the crimson penis remained rock hard and drooling.

"Hey Nick open up it's Alex I need my stuff back that you borrowed last week, open up dude!" A friendly voice said.

"A...Alex is that really you man?" Nick sniffed the air cautiously ready to run from a trap.

"Of course bro c'mon let me in G!" Alex exclaimed knocking on the door insistently.

Covering himself up Nick opened the door to the dorm looking over the boys shoulder nervously. "Dude your alone right?" He asked the skater boy.

"What's wrong with you of course I'm alone!" Alex huffs impatiently his foot tapping on the ground.

"Ok come in but make it quick will ya, I...uh...gotta study soon." Nick lied closing the door behind them.

"Where's my backpack full of books Nick?" Alex asked looking around.

"Over by the bed." Nick replied softly his massive canine stiffly tenting his running shorts.

Alex makes his way to the bed, kneeling to grab his bag, with a hand on the bed, before he stops to look at his palm. He finds that its covered in a wet musky slime, and sniffs his hand before shaking his head to ward off the fuzziness it brought on.

"Dude, you're bed is soaked in some weird smelling juice," Alex says as he notices the odor actually permeating around the room itself, "It smells funny in here too... Kinda good." Alex has an increasingly hazy look to his eyes as he stares at Nick, noticing the big tent in his shorts. "Were... Were you jacking off in bed before I came here?" Alex's pants start to tent themselves as he deeply stares at Nick's crotch, oddly finding himself enjoying the stain spreading across the front of them.

"W-What are you talking about...? You're one of them, aren't you?! You can't hide it from me. I can smell how horny you're getting just looking at me!" accuses Nick with lustful paranoia as he slowly backs away, trying to keep his own lust in check along with keeping Alex away if he's another were dog.

"Whaaat?" asks Alex blankly, his mind clouded from the doggy musk Nick was releasing into the room.

"You heard me! Take... Take your pants off and prove to me you're human. If you're not there's no doubt you'll have a cock like mine," Nick's words were driven by his apprehension but subconsciously by the horny were dog boiling for freedom inside him. It wanted another males bare body near his own, and it wanted to breed that body to furry climax.

"Uh...Sure," replies Alex, taking his pants and boxers off maybe a little too quickly. The canine stench flowing about had them both feeling horny and needful for the touch of another, and Alex had pretty much forgotten the straight guy he was for the moment. To Nick's surprise, Alex

revealed a pretty 7 in a half inch human cock, though the thing was dripping plenty of pre cum.

"Oh... You... You're... Never mind... Sorry about that," says Nick as he stares at his buddy's cock, a bit of drool forming at the corner of his mouth.

"Alright man, you're turn," says Alex as he slowly steps closer to Nick. Nick only stutters, not sure what to do, though a voice in his head tells him to pull his shorts down, he doesn't have time to answer it. Alex had grabbed his waistband, and slipped the tented shorts down in no time. He was hit with a building lust and shock when he saw the nearly foot long beast cock his buddy was sporting.

"Oh my.....Nick....your cock!" Alex gasped grinning stupidly, the human rubbing his cock against Nick's grinding on it with heated abandon.

Nick howled softly at his friend's attentions his trembling hand grasping both their cocks, their combined warmth adding to the pleasure. Both boys could feel the beat of their hearts through their firm throbbing tools.

"What are you Nick?" Alex asked gazing into the boys blue eyes, chest heaving as he drank in the musk that seemed to be everywhere in the dorm.

"I....I'm trouble Alex you should stay away from me!" Nick pleaded with the boy struggling to maintain composure.

"Oh...and why is that buddy?" Alex replied softly stroking Nick's cheek his lust growing with each breath he drew.

"I'm tainted meat Alex, I could make you...different." Nick moaned feeling his balls tingle, knot swelling to it's full girth.

Alex didn't even return a reply as he guided Nick to his pre soaked bed. Sitting his infected friend down, Alex knelt to face Nick's throbbing red shaft, taking deep whiffs of its powerful musk.

"What are you doing?" mumbled Nick, the haze over his mind blocking out his resistance.

"Just... Want a taste," answered Alex with a whisper before grasping the beaming cock and sticking the pointed tip into his mouth. The taste instantly washed over his palette and invigorated his lust, causing him to stuff as much of the cock into his human mouth as he could. The savory cock slime coating the insides of his cheeks as the contaminated doggy pre poured down his throat. Nick growled in lust at his friend's eager blow job, he instinctively put his clawed hands over the back of Alex's head and forced him further down his slimy rod. The two of them were guided by feral, lust only able to please the desires of their flesh.

Alex worked the slick shaft down his throat before Nick gave a loud moan, hot sticky infectious cum sprayed down his gullet and he swallowed it all eagerly. Nick howled loudly as his balls finally emptied themselves of his rich cum, the warm yellow goo streaming from the corners of Alex's mouth. The orgasm was so powerful it caused Nick to fall back onto his bed passed out from shear euphoria, Alex pulled of his cock stumbling back before falling onto the carpet his mind buzzing.

"Fuck I feel grrrreat!" Alex groaned before lapsing into a deep sleep, both boys kicked their feet and pawed at the air.

Unknown to Alex his body had been contaminated and would slowly devolve to that of an animal, nothing more then a dog in heat ready to mate at any given opportunity. The change could happen either faster or slow it just depended on how quickly he gave into his canine lust.

Less than a half an hour after they passed out, Alex woke up, groggy but still horny. He looked over to Nick as he got up, seeing the sheathed red cock exposed to the still musky air. He felt his penis kick up a dribble of slightly yellowish pre at the sight before sliding his pants back on.

"I can't believe I sucked a guy off... I can't believe I want to do it again..." Alex mumbled, grabbing his bag and heading out the door. Alex was almost in a dream as he walked down the halls, his cock just wouldn't go limp and he couldn't stop fantasizing about dog cocks. His head was swimming when he suddenly was grabbed by Nick's roommate and a person Alex didn't recognize, they dragged him into a empty restroom, and grouped into the big stall and looked over him.

"Doesn't he smell familiar?" said Rodger, ducking down and sniffing his crotch.

"Yeah, he smells like an initiate to me, and he's got Nick's musk all over him," replied Carlos, grabbing his behind and giving it a good sniffing as well, "He's definitely got the seed planted in him."

"Then we should make it sprout," grinned Rodger as he stood up and licked Alex's cheek with a lengthening tongue.

"What... What are you guys doing?" asked Alex, still in his dream like state, and being pushed deeper into it as now the musk of two were dogs were surrounding him.

"Easy now boy just relax and breathe in deep, that's it buddy forget about your worries your cares they don't matter anymore." Rodger cooed into the woozy humans ear, the two men shedding their clothing like they had so many other times that day.

"Rise c'mon stand up, on your feet boy! That's right now turn around, hands up against the wall...good boy." Carlos chimed feeling his mouth push out into his familiar muzzle, foamy drool flowing down his chin and neck as he took in the boys hairy pucker.

Alex couldn't think or fight back even if he wanted to which he didn't, it all felt to good to be wrong or bad for him like Nick had warned. "Do whatever you like I won't fight you, I...I need more cock!" Alex mumbled in his daze, both were dog's exchanged naughty glances at one another.

"Looks like Nick did all our work for us and that means his own resolve is weakening!" Carlos laughed happy that things were moving more in their favor for once.

"You heard the man let's give him what he wants hmmm?" Rodger quipped stroking his cock slowly. d

"This may hurt but only for a minute , somehow I don't think you'll mind." Carlos growled grabbing Alex's hips and shoving his prick deep into the boy.

"AHHHH!" Alex wailed before quieting down letting his cherry being popped for the first time.

Alex hips rocked to the Huskys rhythmic thrusts letting the large canine dick wedge deeper into the boy, had anyone walked into the restroom the sounds of gay sex would have been overwhelming and undeniable.

"Harder....faster...come on...oh...give it to me!" Alex shouted letting his jaw hang open feeling it loosen, his shoes felt wrong and his back itched intensely.

"I feel funny it it...uggnn... supposed to feel this way?" Alex groaned his open palms pressing against the tile, claws popping from his fingertips like popcorn.

"Oh yes, savor it my friend the first time is always the best!" Carlos cried knotting the boy with a moist slurp.

"Oh God!" Sobbed Alex his toes bursting through his shoes the leather tearing away from the insoles, his heels rising off the ground.

Alex's shirt split and ripped down the center of his haunched back, a line of black fur racing across his spine.

"Awwwrrrrr... ahhh!" Alex's groans changing into growls and raspy pants of lust and transformation, a stubby docked tail breaking free from his skin as frothy saliva poured out his mouth.

Tan fur spread along Alex's ass and thighs creeping over to cover his enlarging sack of flesh, vicious growls of power rolled through the boy. Ears lifted and shifted with sickening precision, sounds of flesh tearing and snapping filled the small stall.

"Rrrrooo...rrroo...grrrr..." Alex snarled giving up speech entirely at least for the moment, thick callouses puffed up on his hands and also at his feet.

A powerfully muscled chest barreled out finishing the remnants of his shirt, black sweaty nipples glistening in the light. A strong wrenching pressure filled his sinuses, his face cracked. Thick new skin crawled up Alex's penis swallowing up his maleness then spitting it out again as a deep rocket of enormous girth with a bulging knot at the base. The muscles in his face strengthened forcing his mouth and nose to pry away from his face plate, white human cum surged up and out of his doggy member the white darkening to a corrupted yellow after the first two powerful jets.

"ARRRWWWOOOL!" Alex's powerful howl could be heard throughout the campus as his completed muzzle frothed and foamed with infectious drool. His brain was flushed of its humanity, as canine urges molded his mind to a new form to match his body. To cement his new place in the pack, Carlos' knot tensed and he barked as his phallus rushed gobs of tainted doggy seed into his dark pucker.

As the two came down from orgasm they were sprayed with thick yellow fluids from Rodger's saluting shaft.

"What a sexy show pup, you'll fit in just right in our pack. The Alpha will be pleased," panted Rodger, stroking the last few strings of semen from his red tip.

"I'll make the Alpha proud, and will make sure Nick joins us as well," barks Alex confidently with his new warped mind, "He should still trust me, so I'll get him to go with me somewhere secluded and we can jump him to get him ready for the Alpha."


Nick woke up on the bed in his dorm, the sheets soaked in pre cum still with his sheathed cock hanging out. He wiped the sleep from his eyes trying to remember why was laying like this.

"Uuugh... What happened...Oh shit! Alex!" Nick shouts, quickly getting up and looking around to find his room empty.

"I guess he left... I hope I didn't freak him out. Or worse, infect him with this disease." lamented Nick as he cleaned up himself. After washing all the pre spunk from his body and putting on a fresh pair of shorts, Nick started thinking what would be his next move, but he was interrupted by his door suddenly opening.

"Nick, we've got to talk."

He looked up to see Alex standing in his doorway.

"Look man I'm sorry for what happened. I don't know what came over me. Shit I think something is wrong with me anyway," said Nick apologizing and building excuses.

"It's okay, I think part of me wanted it, so I'm not mad. But I need to talk to you about what happened, because I think you woke something up inside of me... I... I... I just need someone to talk to about this, and you seemed like the one I should be talking with. So let's take a walk in the park I don't want any weird smells influencing my thinking." said Alex.

"Okay, let's go." Nick complied, though he should have been suspicious of Alex knowing it was his canine musk that had sparked his lust while human.

"I need to show you something but....but I need to do it aways from where people can see, I need to know if you know what's going on so promise you won't scream ok?" Alex lied slipping behind a group of dark shady trees and brush.

"I won't Alex I promise I have something that's happening to me I should explain too..." Nick trailed off as Alex dropped his pants, the two boys stood silently for what seemed like an eternity.

Alex shoved his face into Nick's crotch inhaling deeply licking the fabric of his shorts, his erection straining against his friend's attentions. "I want you nick, I want you to ...give in....let go....become!"

"No....." Nick gasped eyes going wide with horror. "No not you too Alex nooo!"

"You did this to me Nick! You showed me how much of a horny dog I really am!" Alex said between licks at Nick's crotch. Nick put his hand on Alex's head thinking to shove him away, but a surge in his canine instincts had him shove the dog boy's face deeper into his crotch.

"Uuungh...I'm sorry...This... This wasn't supposed to happen... Ooooh..Ha...Ha... Alex, let me find a cure." moaned Nick attempting to resist.

"But don't you see Nick? This is the cure... The cure for humanity!" nearly barked Alex in full doggy sex-craze. He started transforming as he ripped open Nick's shorts with black claws, licking the dripping canine cock as it was freed.

Nick started drooling as the instincts drove him for more, his already tainted body twisting with further canine corruption at Alex's urgings. He growled as his dark lips and moist nose pushed out from his face, giving him a slobbering proto-muzzle as his doggy tongue hung out the side of his mouth. Gripping Alex's head his strong clawed hands puffed up as leathery pads swelled up on his palms. Golden fur lightly crawled up his arms and chest before scattering all over his body giving him the beginning of a canine pelt. His throbbing cock consistently dribbled thick pre into the doberman's muzzle as his half-grown tail flourished with thick golden fur and grew to full length, swishing in ecstatic joy. Unconsciously he kicked off his flip flops as his clawed toes swelled a bit and dark pads rose under the balls of his feet.

"That's it Nick give in for the Alpha, be his loyal pup like we are," crooned Alex.

"No!" Nick yelled as he kneed Alex in the chest and pushed him away and off his red needy cock.

"Yes Nick. It's what your body wants," teased Rodger grabbing him from the side after he slipped out from the shadows.

"It's what the Alpha wants," said Carlos restraining him as well, licking his neck and playing with his pointy ear.

"You gave us Alex on a silver platter, Nick. After you so thoroughly infected him, he was almost begging us to make him a horny were-dog and complete his change. He embraces his feral instincts, just like you should," said Rodger.

"Nick it feels liberating, like having a orgasm with every step. Just think when all humans are like us, and enjoying their inner dogs. The world will be a better and much sexier place," said Alex drunken on the joy of his change; he had drunken the kool-aid by the gallon.

Rodger and Carlos held Nick's arms and pushed his back exposing his black dogie pucker, Alex grinned as a large figure emerged from the darkness. "My my my you have given us quite a hard time haven't you boy but it seems you're finally switching teams Nick, once you've taken my cum up your firm pretty ass, you'll be batting on our side forever!" Jacob howled pushing back his sheath tucking it under his knot rubbing it some as he did so, the dalmatian alpha quickly thrust his large maleness deep into Nick's hole stretching him out.

"Noooorrrrrooo!" Nick howled, his ass filled with thick canine meat.

Jacob's tail wagged as his pets carefully held Nick down keeping him from escaping as their alpha thrust wildly, breaking the corrupted boy in with each powerful grind of his hips. Nick's golden fuzz thickened into a mature coat of rich warm fur, his eyes flashing a brilliant amber as he rocked to meet his alpha's thrusts. The pleasure reached new heights clouding Nick's mind beyond repair, bones cracked and skin stretched along with his feet into long canine foot paws. The small proto-muzzle Nick possessed creaked inch by inch into a fully formed and mature retriever snout that foamed infectious drool, eyes rolled up into their sockets as a burst of infectious blood rushed in his brain fully warping his thoughts for good. A long lusty howl of ecstasy escaped the corners of his dark lips as his canine cock exploded in a single stream of white human cum that darkened into yellow fully corrupted spooge. Rodger, Carlos and Alex began pawing and stroking at their mucus slicked rockets after Nick stopped resisting. Each weredog ejaculated across both mating canines bathing them in the same infectious seed that created them all, Jacob howled and bit into Nick's shoulder as he came deep into the retriever's hot furry ass.

" alpha! I....huff....huff...I want to make you proud of me, I want to keep our race alive by breeding into every human I can for you!" Nick growled smirking back over his shoulder at his master, both males exchanged knowing grins and loving licks. Nick now felt the urge like all the other weredog's, the urge to spread canine taint and sprout corrupted seeds of doggy lust in all humans that crossed his path. The weredog's had found a Golden Retriever to bring men and women alike into their ranks with lust and skill that only the Alpha could match.

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