The naughty Math Teacher - Incomplete

Story by KrystalLvr on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

Well, here's the story I've been working on since last year. It contains cock vore amongst other things. A fellow teacher seduces a slutty/nerdy student of her's.

I really do hope you like it, and comment! <3 It is far from completion, but for now, you get to see the fruits of my efforts.

It wouldn't be like any other day for the buxom fox. She was the talk of the school with her big DD breasts and the way she wore her clothes. Her style was quite different from most in the school. It was very dark, gothic you could say. It was an old style by now but she just loved wearing it. It really brought out her eyes and her fur, especially with the colors that she liked mixed in. The reds, dark blues, and blacks worked so well with her body. She still had to dress appropriately according to the school rules but she always found a way around them. For instance, she would unbutton some of the buttons on her top during a hot day clearly showing off the top of her red bra to any who was horny enough to see. Sometimes the waistband of her panties would peak out of her pants, giving everyone a good idea how truly slutty she was. Her panties were always so unique and slutty. They fit so well with the rest of her look. She always loved the attention her body brought her, each day bringing great excitement. She was able to score some hot guys and chicks from time to time, always calling them after class to have a taste, and some were quite feisty. Some were lucky enough to get messages now and then inviting them over her house for another round.

There was another side to her, though, and none of her students even knew about it. She loved vore. She couldn't get enough of it. She found herself always wanting role-plays with females and guys alike online. These situations ranged from incest to public, having either her being consumed in many different ways or being digested in a sexy dragon's stomach. She would shiver as she thought back on that one role-play, her panties getting a little wet under her skirt. Recently, however, she experimented on one of her student body, a delicious kitty, and she tried to eat her and it worked! She couldn't believe her own body, being able to take in such a big person, but she did! She could hear the cries of her favorite pet as she squirmed about and tried to escape her grip but she was doomed to become a part of the fox. Once she finished the big meal, she would rub her big belly in admiration, noticing the kitty's imprints as she moved, feeling the girl's life pass away within her. It fueled her inner predator and she had to have more! She practiced on hookers and prostitutes as to not bring any attention to herself at her school, getting better and better at it, her breasts becoming larger and larger. She would grin to herself as she groped one, knowing how many people were used to give her such big heavy breasts. She would be able to easily pass this big change off with her student body, knowing that her students would just think that maybe she got a boob job during one summer.

She would grin lightly as she snuck a hand to her big rear, giving it a good feel, licking her lips lightly as she remembered how she got is so big. She decided to try out another kink one day that she saw online, anal vore. She enjoyed watching and acting out consuming someone with her rear in role-plays and she finally decided to give it a try herself. When she had one of her usuals eating out her ass, she decided to push backward, and to her surprise, her rear stretched around her face. She would gasp and moan in pleasure as her victim started to squirm but it made her that much more eager to swallow her. Her rear stretched and stretched around the girl's smooth skin, eating her just like she did with her maw. It felt so good this time around, her pleasure nerves being touched in such an erotic way. It was like she was swallowing a very big dildo with her ass, having trained with her toy stash just to see how far she could go. Her butt would soon reach the ground, her stomach nice and round like usual, but having orgasmed much more this time around. She would lick her lips as her stomach digested her prey just like every other meal, her butt plumping out bit by bit with every meal afterwards.

She would be -so- hot under her skirt now as she looked back on her previous encounters. She got off on ending life and there was nothing like it! She just couldn't stop herself as she ate and ate and ate! Men and woman alike weren't safe from her voracious appetite, but that's when she heard it. She could hear moaning from the girl's bathroom. She could faintly hear some muffled murmuring and faint squeals. She had to know what was making such noises so she decided to creep into the bathroom. She would peek her head around the corner to get a better look, and that's when she saw it. Her eyes bulged out of her sockets when she noticed a hermaphrodite horse and her large cock. It was no ordinary cock at all! It was almost two feet in length and probably 4 inches wide. She saw a tail sticking out of the cock tip. It looked so delicious yet it frightened her knowing that it could swallow something as big as that, a kitty by the looks of it. The tail was long and she followed it down the cock to those very observable bulges in the shaft. The kitten was heavy chested, by the looks of it, her nipples poking out against the shaft. Her eyes kept looking down and down and then she saw the horse's nuts, they were large! She could see the kitten's body piled up in one of them, moving against the thin flesh. She was making visible imprints in it as she moved in vain against the strong muscles in the cock. The nuts were as big as melons due to how many victims this girl has done away with. With that cute kitty tail sticking out of the mare's cock, the horse was almost done with her victim. How she could stand with such a heavy cock and nuts was beyond her. Maybe this wasn't her first, the look of the horse's face a good hint of it, drooling all over herself. The horse didn't bother to strip down, her big DD breasts poking out against the girl's tight shirt. Her jeans were pulled down just slightly, her panties barely visible under those big horse nuts. The girl looked like she was a nerd with her glasses and choice of clothing, but those panties of hers told another story. The panties looked like to be boy-shorts, quite fitting for such a nerdy girl, but they probably helped in hiding her gifted package The thong looked like they were custom made, the words written on the front quite fitting for the mare. The fox would giggle to herself as she read the words, the words having a double meaning that the fox could easily understand. She would grin to herself as the mare and the fox were probably the only ones who did. "What a naughty slut!" she thought. The panties were hot pink in color and in black letters were the words she had giggled at, "Well Hung" She walked around with such a vain show of pride. "What a really dirty skank!" she thought again. She would watch intently, knowing what was soon to come for that kitten as her tail was fully slurped up by the ravenous cock.

"Uhhnn, god, kitty... haah... you feel so good in me. I can't wait to turn you into another load of horse spunk" She would huff and moan, giving her big nut a hard squeeze, feeling the girl inside whimper and moan as she was probably bathing in thick hot cum of a previous victim. She would be clopping her heels against the bathroom floor, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she waited for the inevitable. "Mmm... I love doing this so much... you girls feel the best going down my cock." She moaned, a strong blush forming on her cheeks. "Yesss, that's it, squirm you slut. You wanted to suck my cock, but my cock decided to suck you instead!" She let out a horny giggle, biting her lip once more as her hand moved down to stroke her large horse dick. Unbeknownst to her, her math teacher was watching her every move, as the mare enjoyed her favorite past time. She would be huffing and neighing, her chest rising and falling with her heavy breathing as her cum started to kick in, feeling the girl starting to really squirm now as the cum started to work her down. Her blush would redden even more as she moaned, rubbing her dick harder and harder as her nut started to get really tight around the kitten. Her fur would start to fall off into a growing puddle of blue cum. The cum would start to take on the color of the fur that was on the feline, it rising and rising with every second the girl was in that ball. The girl would be weakly trying to escape her prison, the ball bulging and jumping about with every movement. The movements would slow as the mare watched in pure predator-like fashion, grinning in pure joy as she was ending another life with her cock. Her cock would bounce about in her hand as she stroked and stroked, her ball jiggling less and less. She would be rubbing at it, feeling it up with her small hand as she continued to stroke her cock. The ball would start to round as the prey was broken down into jizz. "Unnhh... mmm... she's melting down into juicy horse jizz. This is always the best part..." She was panting heavily as her tongue hung out. The ball would finally start to lift off the ground a bit, the deed done as the last bits of the kitten were melted away.

"Ahh that's the end of the kitty isn't it?" She would proudly say to herself, giving her nut a nice grope before the cum inside would start to flow into the other nut, the big one shrinking just a bit as the cum evened out.

" Mmm~... Now I need to get rid of all of the excess"

She would grin, putting one of her fingers into the cock tip to get some of the new pre a taste. It was blue in color, a very close shade to the fox who was watching so intently. She would stick her finger into her mouth and let out a moan as it tasted very good!

"Mm... just like blueberry~" She would slur out, neighing such a slutty way.

The fox had seen all of what just happened, the way the slutty horse talked down to her prey, digesting her down into thick jizz. She enjoyed it so fucking much, one of her favorite online kinks happening right in front of her. She couldn't believe it! It excited her so much that she was already schlicking her experienced pussy. This horse was just so sexy looking, nerdy but yet so naughty at the same time. Her sleek shiny long white hair framed that pretty horse snout of her's. There was no way the fox could have guessed that such a slutty nature hid in such a nerdy submissive horse. She always kept to herself in the class, rarely answering any questions that she proposed to the class. She would lick her lips, imaging herself going into the cock in her mind, bulging it out so obscenely with her curvy body, but there was no way she was going to die in such a way. If there was a way that she could have the full trip but end up coming back afterwards, she just might try it. That's when it happened, the bell rang. She would gasp and pull the hand out of her skirt, disappearing very quickly from the bathroom to get to her class and prepare the next lesson.

The horse would frown and sigh hard as she heard the bell, knowing that it was time for the next class, her cock still quite hard and her big balls aching for release, but she didn't want to be late. Her grades were priority so she neighed in frustration, waiting at least 2 minutes for her cock to soften enough so she could stuff it into her panties.

"I guess you'll have to wait till after school, Miss Cock."

She would say to her bulging panties, grinning as she zipped up her pants. She would pat her pants, walking out of the bathroom, leaving a small puddle of blue pre on the bathroom floor for the janitor to clean up. There were some clothes left in one of the stalls, everything that the kitty wore to school that day, as evidence that something naughty happened in the bathroom. They were never any panties left behind, a trophy for the slutty mare to keep to remind her of her victims. She would grin proudly to herself as she walked down the hall before entering her math class. Her whole nature would change that very moment, turning from a sneering proud slutty horse, to a submissive filly as she sat down in her usual seat in the front of the class. She would notice her math teacher's nature was slightly different than usual, her flushed state making it look as if she was sick or something else. Her eyes would stay on her teacher for a moment before moving away to her desk where she started taking out her stuff for that specified class. She was still horny and very pleased about herself; her bulge still slightly apparent in her pants, but it didn't show through her weak eyes.

She would try her best to fix her clothing, her schlicking earlier having made herself look dishambled. She would fix her hair a little before sitting at her desk, her composure still a little off due to her horniness, but she had to make it work for at least this last class. Her pussy was still quite moist, her panties quite wet due to her previous activities, so she had to be careful not to get too much attention. However, when she noticed that horse in her class she had an idea to fix both problems at once. She was going to seduce that horse by the end of the class and get her fill! She wanted that kitty cum in her holes oh so bad and it only took her a moment to get hot just by the thought of it. She was already seeing herself bent over her office desk getting pounded by that thick juicy horse-cock. A little bit of drool escaped her lip, but once that final bell rang it shook her back to reality. She would rub it off of her lip before she cleared her throat so that the students would realize that the class had just started. She would look back at the horse from time to time to see if she was looking her way but she wasn't. She was acting her usual submissive self in her class, eyes looking through her thin glasses at her notebook as she waited for the lesson to begin.

The fox sat up from her chair and started writing the current lesson on the board. It was halfway through the semester, and her class was on schedule. She knew the guys loved taking her class, her ass and tits their main focus. Sometimes, to get them to pay attention and good grades she would write special notes on their tests inclining them to do better. Some were very explicit while others were pretty straight forward including them getting head with her at some specific spot at a specific time, and then there times where they would get to use her ass and pussy till their heart's content. She did her best to get her students to do well in her own special way. She would wink at some of the males that she had these encounters with and noticed their boners right away.

"Mmm.. all right, class, we're going to talk about Logarithmic functions today."

And so went on the lecture for a half hour, her excitement rising bit by bit as she eyed her newest piece of ass. Their eyes would meet every few moments as she talked about the lesson, the whiteboard getting filled up with writing and math. Her tail would swish as she tried her best to focus on the content of today's lesson. Her somewhat long skirt would swish with her every movement, her moist pussy starting to wet the fur between her legs. Some of the canine-like furries could easily smell her now and were probably getting very excited in their own way. She would finally write down some classwork to do in the math book, writing down what problems the class would have to do for the day and turn it in before leaving. She would sit down, sighing in relief as she finally thought of an idea. She wrote down a specific message for the mare on a piece of paper folding it up. It said, "Meet me at my office after class <3 <3" She would stand up, walking over to the girl's desk where she placed the note onto the girl's desk. She would grin lightly to herself as she walked back to her desk, eying those that looked her way, knowing full well what she was planning. She would be watching the girl very intently now, interlacing her painted nailed fingers together. She had some idea of how the mare would react, but she knew she was going to enjoy it! The mare's shyness was just so adorable!

The mare always had a crush on her math teacher. She couldn't believe how pretty she was. She looked like she was in her early twenties! She always liked looking at her, seeing her as dream that she knew would never come true. She would always catch her teacher looking at her but today was different. The fox looked at her much more today and she couldn't help but feel shy. Her pants were still bulging with her still pent up arousal, her nuts so full of kitty cum. She would blush a bit as she tried so hard to focus on her classwork and that's when she saw her teacher get up and walk towards her. Her heart was racing because she didn't know what to expect. Was her teacher going to kiss her right then? Would she find out that she had a big cock? She was thinking multiple things before she dropped that piece of paper on her desk. She would swallow hard as she opened it up and read the message. Her eyes would go wide and her bulge in her pants would stiffen just slightly. This couldn't be happening! She was inviting her to her office and that usually meant one thing, she wanted her sexually! This was unexpected! Why did Ms. Hines want her; she was just a nerd! She would swallow again, trying her best to finish the classwork that she gave the class. In her mind she was seeing her foxy teacher bending her body over a desk and raping her with her hands and fucking her up her perky big ass. She would bite her lip, letting out a soft sigh as she gripped at her pants. All she needed to do was finish her math and this would happen! It was both exciting and frightening at the same time. She would swallow hard again as she looked up at her teacher, the teacher smiling back at her. She would jerk lightly, causing her glasses to jostle and slip down her snout just a bit. She would try to fix her glasses in her nervousness before looking back down at her notebook, trying so hard to focus on the math problems.

The fox would just giggle to herself lightly, swishing her long dark blue hair away from her face as she looked around the classroom. Many eyes caught her's as she looked. There were many different genders amongst the classroom. She knew most of them, having had sex with them before. There were a few fem-boys here and there and traps. She could tell the difference between the two, most femboys being flat chested. Her eyes would always return to the mare's desk, seeing her nervously trying to do her classwork. She could see her swishing tail jerking now and again with every naughty thought that crossed the cute girl's mind. She knew due to her great experience in sex, what the mare was going through mentally. She was a true slut, her mind rotten to the core. Almost every person had sexual worth, be it a pet or a "friend." There were very few that held a greater value than that. There was her master, the sexiest dragon she knew. She always found herself thinking about him now and then, especially during school. He was very fiery in bed, the only one who could tame her wild desires. His cock was the greatest, far out-matching the mare that she had her eyes set on, but she always had a thing for mare cock. The fact that the mare had a double life made her that much more enticing. That's when the bell finally rang, the horse's ears perking up knowing fully well what that meant. The fox would grin in contentment, standing up from the desk as she spoke out once more.

"All right, class, pass in your classwork for the day and I will see you again on Thursday. Your homework is on the board, so don't forget to have it done by Thursday!"

The fox would move away from her desk, taking her stuff and leading herself out, winking one last time at the mare before her big bushy tail disappeared from sight.

The mare would be troubled still, not knowing what she should do about the message she had received from her busty teacher. She had many nights where she imagined being taken advantage of by the fox, but then she had thoughts of taking her with her horse cock. She was just -so- conflicted! She didn't know what she was going to do at her teacher's office, or if she was going to do anything at all! She knew the fox had plans and she probably wouldn't be able escape her teacher's office once the door was closed. She would gasp finally shaking herself from her trance, having drawn circles on her notebook for the past 2 minutes. She would blush, feeling very embarrassed at that moment. She would look around, trying to see if anyone had noticed her lack of subtlety with her desires. She would gasp lightly as she met eyes with another student, the student grinning wickedly. The student was a female, and probably one of the females that her teacher fucked on the side. She was a red-furred vixen. She would snicker as she leaned over to her and whispered in her ear, "She's going to fuck you dry. I hope you're ready for it!" She would giggle, returning to her laptop as she messaged some people on Facebook referring to the nerdy horse and the teacher's plans for her. The herm mare would swallow hard, eying that girl for a moment before looking back at her notebook. That's when the bell rang, most of the students getting up from their desks and leaving after their sexy teacher. She would notice her teacher winking at her before she vanished from sight. The mare was just stunned, unsure of what to do. Her heart was beating faster and faster. She would look down at her empty notebook thinking of what she should do. "Was this a good idea?" She thought. What was the fox going to really do to her? There was only one way to find out, she had to just go to her office. She was so hesitant to do this, constantly thinking over the idea in her head as she packed her stuff away. Her hooves would clop on the smooth floor, her tail swishing about as she bent over, her perky butt sticking out in the air as she grabbed her sling on. She would stand up again, looking around nervously as she went over to the door of the classroom. She would clear her throat before disappearing from the classroom.

The fox was grinning as she walked towards her office. She could see some of her students in the corner of her eyes as she walked. They were following her, wondering what the fox would do to that mare that was far behind the rest of the crowd. She was basically the goddess of the school and she knew it! She enjoyed being the center of attention, and it made her so wet downstairs, but this time she had another girl to fuck. This one was a bit more special than the rest. She had a big cock and it did such great things that she loved. Maybe she could use her to fulfill her fantasies. She could easily call over another whore or prostitute and feed her to the mare cock and get off as she watched. There was so many delicious things that she could do, easily exciting her even further than before! These thoughts would quicken her pace to her office, very eager to get this whole sexy escapade going! She would take a deep breath as she reached her door, unlocking it with her special key and entering it right afterwards. She would leave it unlocked for the poor mare, knowing she would soon be following her into it. She would sigh hard, her blush so thick on her cheeks. She would resist fingering herself, opening up the desk drawer to make sure everything she needed was in there. She would hear a knock, her ears perking up almost instantly, grinning fiercely as she knew who it was on the other side.

The mare would look down at her feet as thought about what was going to happen. She wouldn't know that many other students were watching her, the news of the mare receiving a note from the hottest in the school spreading very quickly. Her tail would whisk behind her as she walked, her big breasts jiggling slightly with each clop her hooves made. She would hold her laptop to her chest, concealing her heavy chest from view for the moment. Her crotch was bulging as well, getting her looks from both females and males alike. She was used to it by now, a side-effect of voring so many with her gifted member. Her balls were easily visible as well in her jeans, a light sloshing coming from them as she clopped along. Her face was still blushing as thought of her teacher's proposition, getting closer and closer to her teacher's office. She would look up for a moment, seeing her teacher's ass disappearing from sight in her office. Her door would be left open by a crack, inviting the mare in to her lair. She would note that a few people were hovering by her office, waiting for the mare to enter it so they can hear all of the naughtiness that would ensue. Some would look at her, as she got closer, grinning at her with such sexual interest. She would swallow hard, reaching out her hand to knock on the door. She would hear her teacher's soothing and seductive voice say, "Come on in, Iris~"

The fox was still fishing through her drawer as the mare walked into the office. The mare would go bright red as she noticed what was within the drawer. There were dildos of many sizes, a few vibrators, butt plugs, a strap-on, and many other different toys that looked like they were meant for a dungeon. She would swallow, starting to back up before the foxy fox spoke up- Mmm... Hi, dear~, glad you could make it!" The fox would grin to her, showing off her teeth as she moved in very close to her, her hands gripping her perky butt as she pulled her body close. The fox would let out a hungry moan as she felt that bulge push against her body. It felt amazing! "You -are- big!" She would claim, sounding like she was a giddy school-girl. She would reach a feel against those tight jeans, licking her lips as she leaned in even closer, their snouts mere inches from each other. The mare felt amazing, but the fox had to see it for herself! She was blushing so red, her heart racing as she know had her moment with this sexy nerdy mare. She had to explore every bit of her body than just her cock. She would push her body to the door, closing it with a slam, their breasts smooshing together as she started to french her right then. She would stick her tongue into the mare's mouth, eying the shocked mare as she was violated. The fox's pussy would be so wet now as she took the mare, her body so hot with arousal. She wanted to make this mare bitch her's. The fox would close her eyes as she let herself be consumed by this moment.

The mare would be so nervous and she was right to be so. This fox had so many dirty thoughts in her head. She was about to say something to the teacher until she saw the toys in her teacher's drawer. She was left speechless. She had never seen so many toys in one place before. She would gulp hard, blushing beat red as she started to have second thoughts. She would start to back up before the fox gripped her butt, causing her to gasp loudly in surprise and slight sexual excitement, feeling those pretty hands smoosh and squeeze her perky butt. "Ohh... Ms. Krystal~" she would shiver, letting out a moan and whine as her tail swished against the door. It was actually happening to her! Her teacher was going to frisk her, strip, and fuck her. She just couldn't believe it! She would bite her lip as she felt her big bulge and big balls press into her teacher. The cum would slosh around inside as the fox complimented her "Mmhh... but, Teacher... it's your office~ Everyone is going to hear us!" Her teacher would grin to her, whispering into her ear, "That's the point, Iris, they're supposed to." She would giggle, licking at the girl's ear, causing the mare to shiver. The mare let out a moan as she felt her cock groped by the fox, moaning out hungrily, feeling her cock stiffen and start to fill with blood from her arousal. She would let out a small yelp, feeling those eyes staring right through her- "Mmhh Ms. Krystal... uh... What are you doing?" She would stutter out nervously, her eyes wide in her sexual fear. She would let out a huffed moan as she was pushed and pinned to the door, her breasts being squished against the older woman's, blushing beat red just like her teacher was. She would let out a muffled moan as the fox frenched her, feeling that mature tongue lick into her mouth, moaning as it licked all around. Her body would shiver with need for more, causing her body to relax slowly, her sling-on slipping off and falling to the floor as she gave in. Her nature was slowly changing, taking on a different nature than her nerdy self.

The fox would break the kiss with the mare, a long trail of saliva connecting their tongues until it broke off- "Mmm... wow, girl. You're a great kisser!" She would smirk at her, giving her ass another squeeze before releasing the iron grip that she had on the mare. She would stand away from the girl, examining the mare with discerning eyes. She would hold her chin as she grinned afterwards. "Hmmm... You're innocent on the outside but on the inside you're just a hungry dirty slut aren't you! I wonder if you'll resist me if I try to pull your jeans down~" She would giggle naughty-like, reaching right for the zipper, slowly pulling it down. She wasn't the type to bang around the bush. If she wanted to do something, she would do it right away. She knew this would draw a response from the mare and that's exactly what she wanted. She would lick her lips in anticipation, her heart never stopping its quick beating.

The mare was stunned and dazed by the kiss from the experienced foxy. She had never been kissed like this before, not by any male or female. Her eyes were a little glazed from that feeling of letting go when it was broken by her teacher grabbing her ass again. It would cause to jump and let out a light moan- Nnhh... Th-Thanks, Teacher. -she would blush again, looking all shy and innocent. She couldn't help it with this fox. She just had this kind of aura that she couldn't resist. She would swallow hard as she heard what the fox said next and it would take her by surprise. The words were so naughty and harsh, but she wasn't wrong. Part of her didn't want to admit to it while another part was proud about it. She would bite her lip and shake her head. "N-no... I'm not a dirty slut, teacher. You're wrong!" Her cock would harden even more as listened, bulging her jeans even further. She would neigh in embarrassment and looked away. The next thing the fox said caused her to panic. She would yelp and neigh as she tried to stop those hands from unzipping her jeans but she failed, feeling her junk start to push through it, her boy-shorts peeking out through them. She would try to cover it up, her jeans starting to show a bit of stress from the pressure of the cock pushing against them. "N-No! Teacher!" She would whimper out, trying to zip her pants back up but she couldn't she was just far too excited now.

"Mhmmm... That's what I thought. You're excited aren't you! You love being with me. Am I too much for you? We're just getting started!" The foxy would grin evilly, taking out one of her toys, sticking it in her mouth and sucking on it like it were a dick. She knew this would arouse the mare even more, her tongue licking all around the toy, her ears twitching back and forth as she eyed the girl. She would pull it out of her mouth, the toy all sloppy with her drool. "Mmm, tasty plastic~ hehe!" She would move in close again, waving the toy in front of the mare's face. "I know you've used things like this before, haven't you?" She would giggle, moving over to sit on her office chair where she would spread her legs out, giving the mare a good view of her soaked panties. "God I need to scratch my itch. I love it when I have an audience~" She would grin towards her. "Mmm... I'm going to need some help here. Mind taking my skirt off, dear, like a good student?" She would smirk harder, wondering if she would do it. She had a feeling the mare would, and probably enjoy it very much.

The mare would whine in humiliation, the fox knowing exactly where to hit her ego each and every time. It was getting harder and harder to resist this vixen of a math teacher. She would blush deeper as she saw her take out a dildo toy, those lips and tongue sending great shivers down her spine as the fox sucked and licked the toy. She would let out a weak neigh, her tail swishing back and forth as she watched, her cock still stiffening in her pants. It was getting so tight that she was starting to whimper in pain. She really didn't want to reveal herself to her teacher but she really had to release the pressure growing in her jeans. She would keep her eyes on the fox as she moved and sat in the chair, her eyes darting right to those delicious panties of her's. They were so exotic and special. The inner demon within her saw it as the best prize she could ever have. She would swallow hard as she heard what the fox asked; biting her lip as she knew that she might be involved in pleasuring this goddess. She would hesitantly move towards the fox, her junk bouncing with her every move. She knew the fox was looking at it, but a part of her enjoyed the attention. She would swallow again, slowly moving her hands to the girl's thighs, gripping them. She slowly slipped her hands up and up and gripped the underside of the girl's skirt, slowly pulling it down. Her heart was racing. This was happening; she was stripping her math teacher! She would shiver, pulling and pulling, revealing the girl's thick tasty thighs. "Oh-oh my... You're... You're Beautiful... Krystal" She would drop the Ms., relating to her more as an equal than just her teacher. She was starting to drool as she looked upon the fox, her cock hardening even more. She would wince in pain, wanting so badly to release the tension and that's when she broke. "K-Krystal... can... can I release the tension? I'm going to rip my pants if I don't do it soon!" She would almost beg to the fox, biting her lip as she just realized what she just said. She just wanted to let her cock free, that's all. It's not like she was going to use it on the fox!

The fox was going to indulge this mare as much as she could, biting her lip as she saw how hesitant the mare was in approaching her. She just couldn't take her eyes off of that cock, the glimpse of the boys shorts the mare wore edging her on. She wanted to see it all, underwear and that beautiful junk she knew hid within it. Part of her wanted to worship it and another wanted to go down inside of it. There were just so many things that she was thinking about. She was starting to drool before she felt those nice hands grip onto her skirt, feeling it being pulled down slowly, revealing her meaty and fluffy thighs. She would grin as the mare complimented her, her shapely perky butt out of sight for the moment as it rested on that leather chair. She would kick her legs a bit to get the skirt off the rest of the way, her stockings, panties, and heels the only things left. She would keep her legs spread as she heard the mare beg for release, knowing the poor thing couldn't withstand it anymore, but she had to push her just a little further. She would rub that rubber toy against her naughty lacey panties, letting out soft moans before she spoke once more. "You're going to have to do that yourself, Iris. I'm your teacher after all. You can't order me around, but I sure can order you around, huh?" She would grin hard, crossing her legs once more to hide that juicy prize from the mare. She would lean forward, playing with the zipper as she sniffed deep of the mare's arousal. She couldn't believe how overpowering it was as she thought, "Oh my god! She smells scrumptious! I can't wait to give it a taste!" She would start to drool heavily before she shook herself back to reality. She would look up at the mare, pressing her muzzle to the mare's crotch before she opened her mouth to speak. "Now be a darling and unzip these evil jeans so I can see the beauty hiding within?"

The mare was just getting so excited. She was getting closer and closer to the point of no return with this fox. The way this fox was teasing her, it was just so cruel! Her legs were starting to shake with pleasure, blue pre starting to stain her boy-shorts, but the fox wouldn't be able to see since they were black in color. She would let out a wet pant as she felt her teacher's muzzle press to her crotch, giving her face a soft hump before nodding in agreement. "Yes, Krystal, a fellow student is supposed to do as her teacher asks. I'll... I'll unzip my pants for you." She would swallow hard, so very hesitant in doing this but she gave her teacher her word. She would grip her zipper, pulling it down all of the way, more of her package pressing out of the hole. She would then reach for the button, the last thing holding in her monster, slowly unbuttoning it. Her underwear would slip out along with her cock, it having hardened enough to peek out towards the next target it wanted, but the fox was only focused on using it for the time being. It was large, so thick and full of blood. The musk it was releasing was just -so- strong as it pulsed for the fox and mare. The veins were very apparent across it, the flesh so hot to the touch. Her nuts were still hidden away within the panties, looking so big and round with their contents. The mare had no idea that the fox watched her consume a kitty with her cock, so she hoped the fox would think she hadn't released in quite a while. The mare would reach for her cock, her thumb playing with the end of it as she meekly looked at her teacher, feeling so embarrassed but also -so- relieved that she was able to finally release the pressure on her member. "Ahhh, Teacher! Don't look~" She would plead, already starting drool, the blue pre dripping out from the cock tip. It wasn't fully hard, but knowing the fox, it was going to be soon enough!

Her whole face would change once she saw that beautiful cock get released right in front of her, the tip of it hitting her snout, leaving a small trail of blue pre on it which she licked up with her experienced tongue. "It tasted like blue raspberry...? Why?" She wondered. She resisted the urge to grip the cock, wanting to look at it more closely. Not all of it was released, she knew that for sure. This girl had a big dick and she wanted every inch inside of her! She knew getting the rest of it hard wouldn't be a problem. She would lick her lips as she planned before speaking up again "Mm... darling, your cock is wonderful. How did you get it so big!?" she asked curiously, knowing with her master it was a result of all of the cock-voring he had done. This mare she wasn't sure about, did she have the same ability to use a part of their body to make her cock and nuts bigger? She knew the mare wouldn't say exactly what she wanted, however, but she had to try!

The mare would huff in her heated state, feeling a lot of her blood flooding right to her giant cock that now hung out from her panties. Her nuts were so hot and full, and she needed to unload their contents so badly! She would look down at her teacher with needy and slightly hungry eyes. She was at the right spot where she could easily start consuming her right away but she had to resist those deep carnal needs. She would moan and groan in her lust, wanting her teacher to suck and feel up her cock. She wanted to cum -so- badly! Her ears would shift as she heard her teacher's question, thinking back to when it all started. Her friend was a fox, like her teacher here but she was gothic in nature. This fox and the other had such wild natures, very similar she realized. They both had the same name too! This must have been some kind of coincidence! They both also had blue hair, but not in the same style. This foxy friend of her's had a feline friend and they came over for the night for a get to together. The fox had naughty plans for the three of them and had them watch a naughty film, but that's when it got fuzzy. When she was drinking a drink that the fox made up for her, she passed out, a plan made by the fox she realized, but when she woke up the next morning, they were both gone, and her bits were so much bigger. Her tits were of a DD cup size and her schlong was much larger than before. Her nuts were so full and quite big. They were of a melon size and just so heavy. She had to release the pressure so she did what came natural to her and rubbed her cock until she got off. She made such a mess of her living room, but the cum was of a different color, a color that matched the fox that had disappeared. She really didn't understand all of it until later. She had cock-vored them both while she was knocked out, her cock doing something it was never meant to. She wasn't sure how to convince this fox of what she had done, but her teacher was asking so she had to give her some kind of story. "Ms. Krystal, I took some enhancements pills I found online and it worked! My cock got so large and so did my breasts! I was just curious and wondered if they would work. I wasn't the most endowed horse before I took them. Many females found themselves unsatisfied with my small size of 6 inches" She would bite her lip, looking away in fake shame. She hoped the lie would work on the fox.

The fox would listen in to the girl's story, not fully believing it. The mare was lying to her, but she didn't know how much she was lying. She would finally move her hand to the girl's horse-cock, rubbing the top of it, feeling how it tensed and throbbed in her hand. Such a magnificent cock this mare had, the skin of the shaft so warm and soft to the touch. She would try and grip it, but her hand wasn't able to grip around all of it. She needed this cock in her, now! She just needed to seduce this mare slut further so she could have her do whatever she wanted. She would press her hand firmly on the cock, tracing her nailed fingers all the way to the girl's hot pants, rubbing the front of them as she admired the pink lettering on the front. "Huh. Why would such an innocent nerdy mare choose to wear such slutty panties, hmm? Are you sure this whole nerdy thing is a front for what you really are inside? Are you a dirty skanky mare-slut? Is that it?" She would grin fiercely at her, tracing her nails along those big horse nuts hiding from her. She would grab one of those nuts with her hand, feeling it slosh about with their contents. They were still quite large, the kitty cum within causing them to retain their large size. She wasn't able to grip all of it! Much like her master, this girl's body took what she vored and enhanced her junk and breasts that much more. The fox was just mesmerized by how they felt, but she pulled away as she felt that mare cock slide further out from the mare's panties. She didn't want to excite the mare too much now!

The mare was getting so excited! The way her math teacher was teasing her and talking down to her was just so exhilarating! She couldn't stand it! Her cock was getting harder and harder from the way the fox was touching it, feeling those nailed fingers run along it, the light squeezing, the groping at her nuts. Her nuts were getting so hot, churning that cum around as the muscles within squeezed at the contents. The words that came out of the fox's mouth took her by surprise. Her heart would jump and she would neigh in slight horror at what she said. "I'm... I'm not a-ahhh god! Teacher, your hands~ they're so skilled!" She wouldn't be able to finish her sentence as those hands of the fox's kept feeling the poor mare up, causing her horse cock to jump, bumping the fox's snout as it got fully hard. It was quite big for a horse cock, and the mare wasn't sure if this fox could take it. This was her first time with the fox after all. She would reach her hands down to her hot pants, giving them a feel as she blushed very brightly. "Uhh... I... Well I..." She wasn't able to find her words as her heart raced with excitement. She would twitch as her cock throbbed and swayed in the air in front of the naughty horny fox. She was openly panting as she reached for her cock, yanking on it to get it away from the fox. "I thought it fit my large cock, ma'am. Is that so wrong? I am really hung, you know, and it looked cute on me, Krystal." She would try to play it cool, but she was getting so horny from this girl's skillful teasing. She was having a hard time staying in control of her own actions. She might as well not even be wearing the hot-pants, her huge member sticking out of them so obscenely.

Well, they definitely do look cute, but deep down I think you're just a hungry naughty horse slut. That's what I think, and Krystal has never been wrong~ -she would giggle, shaking a finger at her through her sultry yet needing gaze, whining out hungrily as the cock was pulled away from her by that naughty and very slutty horse standing in front of her. This whole act was just so arousing to the blue fox, standing next to such a skilled member that could swallow people whole, and if she wasn't careful, it could easily swallow her as well. She would have to keep her dominant attitude towards this mare if she was going to come out of this alive, but her slutty-like nature was just yearning out for that cock, to ride it and take it inside of her holes. She would bring the tip of rubber toy to rub against the underside of the cock, knowing it would drive the mare crazy. The fox knew she could easily the sound the mare's cock with the toy in her hands, but she wanted her pussy to swallow it first. She would place the toy down between her legs as she took a moment to look down at herself, finally having enough fun of her own as she started to unbutton her blouse, doing it button by button, taking her time as she smirked and grinned at the mare. Once she finished unbuttoning the last button, she would flare her chest out, causing her big globes to part her shirt, her lacey bra looking so sexily as her big tits were barely held in by it. "Mm... there we go, had to let the ladies out... I was getting far too hot." Her chest looked so heavy with the weight that was held up by it, but her breasts were so full looking, probably too big for the mare's hands to cup them entirely. Her nipples were very hard and perky in her bra, showing how horny she was becoming. She would leave the top on as she gave her breasts a good cupping, squeezing them together. "I bet you would love to put your big horse cock right between these wouldn't you, slutty mare? Hehe~" She would lick her lips seductively as she rolled her tits around in her lithe and painted hands. She wanted to consume this girl's mind with lust so she could easily control her, have her do anything she wanted her to. She just hoped that the mare didn't lose control of her cock in the process, not wanting to end up inside it.

She would watch the fox through her lusting eyes, unable to stop herself from looking at the beautiful teacher, her cock aching so badly as the teacher talked her down again, trying so hard not to show her true nature. She was quite the slutty mare, but her cock was always getting hungry as well. "I'm... I'm not a slutty mare... aahhh oh god~" Her body would jerk as she felt that toy rub the underside of her cock, feeling her cock jump in her hands as she tried so hard to stay in control of it, seeing the kitty pre at the tip, it dripping along the underside of her cock until it dripped to the carpet of her teacher's office. Her pussy folds weren't fairing any better, making quite the stain in her hot-pants. She was thinking about pulling them down as well, wanting to save her panties from what was soon to come with this dominant teacher. Her mind was still going strong, but it was weakening bit by bit under her teacher's touch and words, completely confounded by her power over her own horse body. Submitting to this teacher was becoming much easier to do, finding it so tiring and so futile to fight back against her teacher's charms. She would watch with heated need as she saw her dominant, no, her teacher, unbutton her top, more and more fur being revealed with each button she undid. Her cock would jump and flex as those big mounds of flesh were finally revealing, a whiney neigh escaping her lips as she saw them flare out, so full and so tempting. The mare wanted to squeeze them so badly, to rut her huge cock between those tits and she would be caught mid-fascination as her teacher asked her that very same thing, if she wanted to fuck her teacher's tits with her cock. She would bite at her lower lip as she tried so hard to say no, but she failed horribly. "Ahh... te-teacher... yes, this m-mare wants to fuck your tits with her mare cock..." She would stutter those words out, gasping as she couldn't believe that she said that, her heart racing that much faster as she was slowly giving in to her teacher.

The fox could tell that the mare was starting to give in, the nature of the mare's eyes changing from a stronger glance to a softening one, the best sign of a growing submission in any person. She was well experienced in the art of domination, and there are very few who can resist her charms. There was one weakness she had, and it was wolves and or very dominant males who knew exactly how to push her buttons. This mare was far from it, at least for now, and she was going to get into this girl's head if it was the last thing she did. She finally caught her in her eagerness, watching her moan out for more as responded to a question with such a needful reply. "Mm... I know you are such a slutty mare, slut. You're going to be mine, slut, all mine~" The twitching of the mare's cock was just so delicious, knowing that cock would soon be plunging her holes as she pushed her hair to side, flicking it about as she moved a few of her locks over her ear, rubbing a finger along her foxy lips, murring out as she beckoned her with a finger. "Then what are you waiting for, girl? Get your cock over here~ Your mistress wants to taste it~ She would lick her lips so hungrily with her tongue, eying the cock with her light blue eyes, running her hands up her thigh as she grinned.

The mare would be left dizzy, unsure of what she should be doing. Listening to her teacher was becoming much easier to do, as if she was being guided by her every word. She would neigh in submission, her face so red and horny. She wanted to give into this teacher; she needed to give in to her, to make it easier on herself, to give up all control to this math teacher. She would let out a wanting moan as she saw her teacher flaunt her blue hair, that certain flare causing her heart to flutter, her eyes weakening even further as shave gave into her teacher's charms, opening her mouth to speak. What she said was quiet and weak, already becoming a toy to the teacher's will "Yes, mistress... your will is my command... My cock is your tool to use as you please. Ahh..." Her ears were red with blush as she moaned and whimpered, the mere mention of those words causing her body to ache and her balls to tighten up. The contents within would slosh about as she walked over towards her teacher, her snout lowering in obedience and submission. She would widen her hips as she yanked her pants all the way down, stepping out of them as she kicked them to the side. Her tail would whisk about as she presented her cock towards her teacher, the tip yawning just a little as she held it close to that beautiful muzzle. Her hot pants were still on, but for how long she didn't know. The tip was still dripping with that different colored cum, not ashamed that she was such a slutty mess in front of such a beautiful creature.

She knew she broke the girl, the way she was reacting and hesitating, unable to keep her eyes off of the beautiful fox. She was done for, and those words of affirming submission really made her tingle. She always loved it when she broke a girl, the whole act always making her so wet with anticipation, always waiting for that affirmation of power that she knew she held over each girl. She only just started eying this mare differently today, and she broke her within hours. Most of the time, it takes a few days or a whole week to break one, but this girl just gave in so easily. She must have wanted this secretly all along, but was far too ashamed to admit it or actually ask her to do it. The girls/guys always secretly wanted it, but were never able to admit to it, but this girl was quite the slut. This girl was a cock-vore slut, and she knew she could easily control her using that strong desire against her. She could hold onto a victim or 'meal' to get her to do whatever she wanted. "That's a good girl!" She would giggle, gripping at the hot pants the girl was wearing, smirking hard. "I don't think you need these anymore... don't want to hide those beautiful balls from me, do you, slut?" She knew how she would answer, but she would pull them down those nice legs, revealing the big balls full of kitty cum, murring out hungrily as she let gravity drop them all of the way. She would lean in to muzzle at those balls, sniffing deep as she darted her tongue across them, moaning out loudly at the lovely before she drew her tongue up the cock until she reached the tip, giving it a kiss as she smirked hard, knowing that that action along would drive the mare nuts. "My, you taste absolutely wonderful~" The mare did, perhaps it was some kind of trait that the cock developed after taking in so many meals. She would have to be careful, so she didn't end up becoming another. She would eye her seductively before she drew her tongue across the cock tip, making sure not to get near the slit, plunging her mouth over the tip slowly, inch by inch of it sliding into her muzzle. Her eyes would widen as she took it in, the flavor was so strong, but she had to have more! Her eyes would start to fog over as she took more of it in, her throat stretching as she kept on swallowing the mare cock. She would cough and gag lightly as she swallowed and swallowed, her eyes tearing lightly, causing her make-up to run. She would moan and murr around it, her lips reaching the girl's trimmed muff, the girl's balls smacking into her chin as she whimpered about the cock, so much of it going down her throat. Her skills in vore allowed her to take in bigger cocks than most girls, and she was proud of that trait. She would brace her muzzle as she looked up at the moaning slut that she just owned, before pulling herself all of the way off of the cock, her lips dripping with saliva as she rubbed at them with her fingers. "God, you're so big, slut. I couldn't have gotten any luckier."

(And that's all that i have written so far. Thanks for reading! <3)