Cabin Break: Prologue

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#1 of The Cabin Break Saga

Cabin Break & The Cabin Break Saga, are © Ghosty/Ghostwolf.

All Characters within this story, its subsequent chapters and sequels are © Ghosty/Ghostwolf.

Please do not redistribute this work in part or entirety anywhere.

The author (Ghosty/Ghostwolf) posts stories EXCLUSIVELY to

This story has strong incestuous themes and various sexual acts and fetishes are covered throughout. If you are uncomfortable or have objection to these themes please stop reading now! Otherwise, please read on and enjoy Cabin Break (2.0).

_ Many Thanks to LeiLani and EXos for their proof reading and suggestions during the early drafts of this version of Cabin Break _

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The original version of 'Cabin Break' can be read here:

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Please leave comments.

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Cabin Break


There was nothing but silence. In that perfect moment between sleep and wakefulness, the wolf caught sight of an angel somewhere between his mind and his blurred vision. He moaned softly and beckoned the angel to come to him; and she moved gracefully in his direction. As if they stood on top of a mountain with the sun rising behind her; he could see her teasing curves and flowing dark hair and as they reached for each other and he called out to her once more. Suddenly a voice cut into his ears from elsewhere.

"Sam!" The voice called out with a steady but loving authority. "Sam, get up we're leaving soon." The feminine voice called out again and the image in his mind was gone. Sam grumbled as his vision cleared and light from the real world burned his sleepy eyes. He rolled over in his bed and buried his head under a pillow. "Sam if you're not out of bed in five minutes I'm going to drag you out by your ankles." The voice came again but sharper to his ears now. He knew the threat was far from empty and had suffered on more than one occasion from being jokingly humiliated in the early hours of the morning by his mother when he hadn't gotten out of bed on time to get to school.

"Coming!" He grumbled as loudly as he dared then rubbed his eyes clear of sleep before removing the pillow from his head and looking out of the window. It was a fine day, the sun had not long risen from the far horizon and the last wisps of morning dew were gently burning off in the heat. He sighed heavily then forced himself out of bed, straightening his t-shirt and boxer shorts as he did. Catching sight of himself in the full length mirrors of his wardrobe, he paused and considered himself and the near future.

Sam was a grey wolf and at almost sixteen years old was a little taller than some of the other boys in his school year. He was well built for his age, not far above average but still enough to be proud of; his fur was white from the sides of his muzzle and down his chest all the way to his lower legs and forearms. His back was a dull smoky grey with a darker almost black patch covering the bottom of his neck to his shoulders and joining at the center of his back, this was almost mirrored on his lower back and upper thighs. His dark green eyes were bright and showed intelligence and a little naivety in spite of his newly wakened state. His hair was a little rough but short, and matched the smoky grey of his body fur. Most would say he was quite average to look at and would lose him in a crowd if they went looking for him.

Sam was, in spite of his youth and slowly expanding experience in the world, a higher than average achiever in his school life and had always made time for friends or others that struggled in class if he was done first. In earlier years this had seen him picked on occasionally but things had changed when he had lost his father and he turned on his bullies. Left to his own devices Sam had become another friendly face in his school that hid a deep personal tragedy. Not that school mattered at the moment.

Summer break had arrived and almost as quickly as it came, Sam found himself being whisked away by his mother for three weeks vacation in the mountains at a rented cabin on a large private site. Sam hated summer break, it was a prolonged and often enforced breaking up of his friends by circumstance and by families, where he found that he would regularly become reclusive or just out right anti-social. More than that, he was afraid of one truly personal thing of his being lost; his nickname - Merlin. It was a name that had been given to him by his close friends Arty, Gwen, Lance, Gary and Nhym, but he knew how fickle they could be; if enough time passed and something distracted them he would just be Sam again. He had earned his epithet not by learning magic tricks, but in how quickly he learned and became a mentor to those around him. Some had claimed in jest that his brilliance was a form of magic, but Sam had always considered it as hard work; however he enjoyed the nickname.

Shaking his head to clear his mind he stepped out into the hallway and headed for the bathroom. Sam hoped the water would wash away his thoughts and the fact that he was to be stuck in a cabin for three weeks with only his mother for any real company. He sighed and shook his head again as he entered the large bathroom and began to run the shower. He loved his mother; she had always been supportive, caring and loving. With a smile he remembered birthdays and family nights out; she wasn't a bad mother, she was more fun than most of his friends parents put together and was prone to teasing and occasional pranks, however he felt that she was becoming fussier about his life as he got older. He knew there were going to be changes as he continued to get older and wondered if it was why she wanted to take the trip in the first place. Sam just wanted more space to be himself and make his own decisions, but he sensed his mother still wanted to be involved in his life. He was hardly one to blame her as he reflected on that thought; the loss of his father had affected them both deeply and they had grown close, although he wondered if she might ever find another mate or even re-marry.

Sam stepped into the shower and jumped out rapidly, nearly pulling the shower curtain down on himself. "COLD!" He howled through the house; the sound of a soft giggle caught his ears from downstairs. "MOM!" He called out knowing that he had fallen foul of one of his mother's playful morning tricks.

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A warm scent of tea leaves was heavy in the living room of Sara's home. She sat and sipped at the beverage in her paws; giggling quietly to herself after her son's outburst of howling down the stairs at her for turning off the hot water. She had told him to set his alarm clock earlier so that he would be awake and ready for their trip into the mountains, but with unfathomable teenage logic, Sam had opted to sleep longer than be awake and ready.

The room was filled with a heavy and warming orange glow from the morning sun, but long shadows of fading twilight still spread across the room. The wolfess stood slowly and gazed around the room, eager to be away from her home. She had so many memories here with her family, both good and bad, but now she felt as if loneliness was the only one there now and it was closing in on her. The loss of her husband almost five years ago had certainly left its mark. An unexpected crash with a drunk driver had taken a loving and dedicated husband from her and their son; from then on she had been the most dedicated mother she could be to fill the void of Sam's deceased father. Being that kind of mother had its cost though and she had spurned advances of anyone who had tried to truly love her again. Even her best friend Tanya who had known her for so long, had a barrier before her; regardless of it though, their friendship had remained strong.

In spite of her troubled past Sara was a truly beautiful grey wolf; at thirty-four she was everything she hoped to be physically. In her school days she had been part of the gymnastics team and had even joined her friends in kick boxing classes. The results from those early years had carried through as she did her best to stay fit and healthy; she was well toned and had a figure that curved both neatly and generously. To look at her in the day light one would see her fur as pure white, but at night time and only under softer light she seemed to almost radiate a soft pale blue aura, in truth it was just a very odd pigment close to the roots of her fur, but it made her seem all the more desirable. Her long raven black hair reached almost to the middle of her back and framed her kindly face within a deep contrast of colours. Her eyes were like glittering deep azure blue stones that brimmed with her feelings; Sara's friends had once remarked that if someone were to stare too long into her eyes they might fall into a trance or become hypnotized.

She had risen early for their trip to the cabin in the northern mountain ranges, not to spite her son, but due to troubled dreams she had been having of late. It wasn't so much the dreams that troubled her, more the emotions they made her feel. The feeling of physical love had not been with her for nearly five years and every night for the past month she had been having slowly increasing dreams of being comforted in the arms of another who she could never really see; or having her sexual desires fulfilled by the same figure who always seemed just beyond her ability so see clearly. She worried over these thoughts as she tried to be a strong mother to her son; a reliable and loyal figure who would never betray him. The problem was that it had worked when Sam had been younger and had just lost his father, now he was growing up faster and seemed to be grasping for his own space and freedom or perhaps a change in life. Sara wondered if it was the latter that was giving her the concerns and if she had denied herself for so long that any shift might upset the delicate balance of their family relationship.

With a soft sigh Sara finished the remainder of her mug of tea and cast the thoughts from her mind. Their vacation was all that mattered at the moment; a chance to spend some time together and connect again. All she really wanted was to stay close to her son; Sara just hoped that Sam would understand why she had taken such extreme measures to get away from her troubles and the stresses of her work.

As she strolled leisurely through her home, Sara found herself drawn to the back porch. Taking a moment to herself, she stepped out and looked over her garden and swimming pool. A smile crossed her muzzle and she remembered her time working for the forestry commission. She had always loved the outdoors and the work she did in the wilderness. The wolfess longed for a chance to indulge her adventurous side again and work in the wild places of the world; she had even dressed in jeans, boots and a flannel shirt to get in the mood. The necessity of a higher paying office job had quelled thoughts of adventure years ago though, and while it had made life comfortable for both her and her son the fantasy always remained; something she was pleased she was finally getting the chance to act upon with this vacation.

Behind her, Sara could hear the heavy foot falls of her son descending the stairs. With a playful grin she turned and leaned on the patio doors frame. Sam did not look impressed and wore a deep scowl across his face. Sara suppressed her need to giggle at her son's appearance. "Anyone would think you just walked in from the rain Hun." She said struggling to keep the mirth from her voice as she watched the teenager finish pulling on his arctic camouflage t-shirt which went well with his jeans and dark tan coloured walking boots.

Sam glowered at her for a moment. "Was turning the hot water off that early last night worth it?" He grumbled as he tried to sound manlier.

Sara stepped into the house and strode confidently up to her son, cupping his still damp cheeks in her paws. "Absolutely." She said at length and swiftly followed up with a joyful laugh before she kissed his cheek. Sam huffed and shrugged off the prank when he saw how it made his mother smile, and smiling had been something he had seldom seen her do in the last month. Sara pointed through to the dinning room and began to guide Sam in. "Breakfast is on the table Hun. I'm afraid it's just a cold one today, but we'll get something fresher when we're on the road."

Sam nodded then took his seat at the table. Judging by the brochures and maps on the table Sam guessed his mother had been looking over the details of their trip for some time. "So which cabin are we staying at in this place again?" He asked quietly as he began to eat his cereal.

He felt a paw gently grip his shoulder as his mother reached over him and pointed to the centre of the northern range on the map. "Here. I spoke with the ranger and he assured me it was the best cabin on site. It's got easy access to the lake, there are dozens of trails near by for walks and it has the best view in the whole area."

Sam gave a begrudging acknowledgement of the description of the site. "And for those of us who don't want to walk or swim all the time?"

Sara swatted her son's muzzle playfully and shook her head. "There will be plenty for you to do Sam." She said with a heavy sigh. "Just try and enjoy it."

"I'm taking my camera and sketch pad with me." He said flatly.

Sara read the intent in his voice and smirked. "Well so long as you don't spend your entire time sitting inside drawing dirty pictures or chasing girls with your camera I'm fine with it."

Sam's mouth dropped open as he stared wide eyed at his mother. "MOM!" He barked as an embarrassed flush ran through his cheeks. Sara just smiled back before kissing him softly on his forehead then ruffling his hair. She moved away from him and headed to her bedroom so he could finish his breakfast while she gathered the last of her things.

As she busied herself in her bedroom, she stopped and gazed out to her garden once more; her eyes settling on the swimming pool. She imagined herself stepping out of the rippling water wearing a sliver scaled swimsuit with matching gloves and sarong, along with some rings, anklets, bracelets, and a necklace to capture the moment. In her momentary daydream she envisioned a figure approaching her with arms open and the intent of a lover. She sighed softly and wondered if such a fantasy would ever come true. As she gathered the last of her belongings she called out to her son. "Sam, are you ready to go?"

"Ready when you are." He called back to her.

Sara glanced back at the room and caught her reflection in the mirror and smiled. "A change of scenery will make it all better." She whispered to herself before she grabbed the keys to her truck and headed downstairs to meet her son and begin their adventure into the mountains.