Cabin Break: Chapter 1

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#2 of The Cabin Break Saga

Cabin Break & The Cabin Break Saga, are © Ghosty/Ghostwolf.** _ _**

All Characters within this story, its subsequent chapters and sequels are © Ghosty/Ghostwolf.** _ _**

Please do not redistribute this work in part or entirety anywhere.

The author (Ghosty/Ghostwolf) posts stories EXCLUSIVELY to

This story has strong incestuous themes and various sexual acts and fetishes are covered throughout. If you are uncomfortable or have objection to these themes please stop reading now! Otherwise, please read on and enjoy Cabin Break (2.0).

_ Many Thanks to LeiLani and EXos for their proof reading and suggestions during the early drafts of this version of Cabin Break _

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The original version of 'Cabin Break' can be read here:

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Please leave comments.

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Cabin Break

Chapter 1: Directionless Desire

A gentle rush of air swayed ancient pine trees and caused ripples on the large lake in their midst. Encasing this grand forest was a range of mountains; both dominating and majestic at once. Even in the summer the tallest of them had a snow peaked top; it lent a contradiction to the area that made most individuals smile at the contrast. One individual was not smiling however - Samuel Prydien.

Sam gazed out over the landscape and while he appreciated the view, was reminded by his surroundings of just how far away he was from everything he had wanted. It had only been three days since their arrival in the mountains and Sam realized how much he was missing his friends and favourite activities. He had hoped to join some of his friends as the local climbing wall, swimming pool, or perhaps spend a quiet rainy afternoon playing video games with them. Most of all he had hoped that early in summer break he might have a girlfriend. With a quiet grumble the teenage grey wolf leaned heavily on one of the cabins supporting beams. He was missing out on the summer he wanted, but despite his situation he couldn't help but be impressed world immediately around him.

He stepped away from the cabin and looked over the surrounding area. Almost forty meters from the front of the building the grounds made a gentle slope away before sharply turning into a sheer cliff; some ten meters ahead of the vertical drop large pine trees swarmed, their tops almost drawing level with the mid-level plateau on the mountain side where the cabin was situated. Looking down over them he could see an enormous lake that filled almost his entire field of vision. As he considered its size, he realized that a family staying on the far side of the lake might be enjoying some sun or swimming and not he or anyone else would be any the wiser.

To the east he saw trails head off into the mountains; one of them led to the top of the mountain they were on, others deeper into the forest or to other less obvious hills or even another nearby mountain. Turning to the west he saw the main dirt road and a well trodden footpath that led to the lake below and several sheltered outcrops of rocks that provided sheltered bathing areas as well as ideal sun spots.

He smiled and turned back north to the cabin; it was an impressive site to behold. A large two storey cabin framed by bushes and trees to provide some shelter from the elements, but it also perfect access to daylight. Sam smiled; if he ever had the choice he would have wanted a home like the cabin he was currently staying in. The top of the mountain above seemed to dominate the scene though; Sam compared it to a grand castle or citadel over looking a small villager's home; in some way he felt there was some truth to the thought.

"Dinners ready Hun" his mother called. Sam grunted quietly to himself and grudgingly moved back indoors. He was more than a little on edge; he had a warm tension building inside him, and it had been since before he had left for the cabin. The young wolf was growing quickly and had urges to satisfy, but with no fixed routine for the last week he had not found a chance to relieve himself of his sexual frustrations. Tonight though, he had a plan.

Before he and his mother had left from home he had snuck some adult magazines into his bags that he had attained from his friend Lance. He smirked to himself briefly as he planned to make use of them that evening, hoping his mother went for another after dinner trail walk. He was learning quickly that she would leave for around two hours for a walk and as it looked like a clear night he had no worries about her movements.

The cabin though large on the outside, seemed truly monumental on the inside. Sam remembered how awestruck he had been when they first arrived; the grand room dominated much of the lower floor as it encompassed both a large bay window, a massive fireplace and seating area as well as leading into the open plan kitchen from several directions. The dining room shared the vast open space as well as the same view the bay window, even though it was on the other side of the room and it lead to the stairs which, opened up into a large walkway that over looked much of the lower floor. Both floors had extra rooms filling up the additional space and Sam let a smile cross his muzzle as he looked to the bedroom he had chosen at the top of the stairs. When his mother had asked why he had chosen that one, he had simply replied 'It had the best view in or out of the cabin.' He recalled that his comment had made his mother smile at his sentimentality.

Sam made his way to the dining area and sat at the table quietly, dipping his head and looking at the steak dinner his mother had prepared. After a few moments of settling down to eat, Sara spoke. "You've been so quiet since we got here sweetheart; is everything okay?"

"It's nothing mom." He grumbled

"Liar." She retorted with a teasing smile. "It's as plain as day sweetie, if you looked any more miserable the weather would turn bad." She giggled.

He chuckled softly. She was right; he had always been a bad liar and one way or another the truth always came out of him. "Ok, I miss my friends." He took a bite out of his steak as he pondered what else to say. "Don't get me wrong mom, I like this place a lot but I just wish I had some friends up here to mess around with."

Sara laid her paw over his and looked into his eyes sympathetically. "I'm sorry; I guess I was being selfish getting us both away from everything back home." She sighed softly. "I'll be honest I wanted to be away from work and some of the staff, they keep trying to butter me up in the worst ways imaginable and not only that; you've been so hard to talk to recently, I guess I just wanted to spend some time away with you."

He moved his paw over his mothers and squeezed softly. "I'm sorry for being difficult Mom; I've just wanted to go out and be my own person." He pulled his paw away slowly and continued eating.

Sara sighed softly to herself again. "I know; I wanted the same things at your age. Time on my own or time with friends, I should have asked if you wanted to come and not forced you." There was a pang of regret in her tone, but she was still glad he was with her.

"Its okay Mom, we're here now. We'll just take the next few weeks in our stride ok?"

She smiled. "Alright, but to make it up to you, we can head into town in a few days; you can have as much time as you need, I'll even give you extra money for shopping if you want."

Sam smiled and shook his head, his mother was always so good to him but he felt like he treated her like dirt sometimes. He'd have to change that; she was after all still looking after him at home and away and likely would for a few years to come at least. He smiled and looked up at his mother. "You don't have to spend out more money on me, Mom. I think you should enjoy the time and spoil yourself." They both smiled and continued eating; Sara wanted to say more but she held her tongue, not wanting to spoil the good mood that had just settled between them.

* * *

After dinner Sam cleared the dishes and did the washing up to allow his mother more time to herself. After he had finished he tried to get a little more comfortable in his new surroundings and make the cabin feel more like home. He pulled out his sketch pad for the first time since he arrived and began drawing; his mind set was clear as he tried to settle himself, but females were all he seemed able to draw.

"I'm heading out now Hun." His mother called. Sam moved to his bedroom door and looked downstairs intent on telling his mother to be safe and not to go too far on her own. His words caught in his mouth as he stared down at his mother. She had dressed in tight jeans; a tight dark blue t-shirt and black body warmer with tanned leather walking boots. She had tied her hair back in a loose pony tail and gave it a gentle flick as she moved to the bottom of the stairs and looked up at her son.

Sam stammered for a moment as he suddenly thought how young and attractive his mother was and perfectly suited what she was wearing. "Y... you take c... care mom."

Sara giggled at him "That voice of yours still not fully broken yet sweetie?" Sam pouted at her with a stare of disapproval before he wished her well and headed back into his room. She loved teasing him in that fashion; she had started it when they were younger and never stopped, as they got older. It was one of the ways which made her feel younger and more connected to her son. With a quiet and loving giggle she turned and left the cabin, leaving the door unlocked and set out on one of the light walking trails to the lower hills and forest.

With a sigh of relief, Sam fell back on his bed. He was finally alone to indulge himself. He was glad he had kept track of how long his mother had been taking on her evening walks and knew he would have plenty of time to enjoy himself and relieve his physical needs. Barely two minutes had passed before he rolled off of his bed and nearly dived into his bags to find the adult magazines he had hidden in his luggage. A few moments of preparation passed as he gathered tissues from the bathroom and then returned and propped the first magazine up on a nearby shelf. He lay back on his bed raising his t-shirt and unfastened his jeans, then slid them down to his knees along with his boxer shorts. Swiftly he cupped his wolfhood and gentle massaged himself to full hardness in less than a minute. The first girl he saw in the magazine was a German Shepherd with short body fur and gorgeous long, platinum blonde hair and firm D-cup breasts. He gripped his member and started to stroke himself, thinking of all the things he'd like to do to her.

* * *

Sara was feeling a little better; having now had some time to speak with her son, she could feel herself in the early stage of building new bridges with him in their relationship over the vacation. It was a beautiful evening as she walked the wide path that broke through the trees. The deep orange sunset over the mountains and a mist rolling in from the farthest part of the mountain range was a sight to behold. She wished Ewan was still with her, out on the trail; maybe even while they were alone he could have made love to her just off of the path. He was gone now, her husband was just a very fond and powerful memory but she wanted to move on and perhaps allow another male into her life, even if only for a while. There was one she trusted at her work; a Clydesdale called Paddy who had always been kind and supportive towards her. While he had made several advances towards her in the past, he had always backed off and respected her wishes when she had asked him and for that she was grateful.

As Sara wondered down the trail her mind drifted into thoughts of passionate love and deeply intense sex. The thought of mating passing through her mind made her more aroused as she continued on until it bothered her enough for her to stop for a short rest. The wolfess sat down on a large tree stump and could feel the heat in her body rising; it was like the return of a long lost friend. She could feel her body becoming more sensitive by the minute but all attempts to restrain her thoughts raced from her as her desire for a release so long withheld begged inside her for liberation. She pulled her jeans tight against her crotch and she moaned loudly as the seam of her jeans crotch parted her pussy lips and pressed firmly against her clit.

Opening her jeans, Sara slid her paw inside and began teasing herself for the first time in months. She wanted more; she flirted with the idea of making a quick trip into town herself and seeing if there were any potential males around who could satisfy her for a night or two. She shook her head and chastised herself; she was with her son, she couldn't; he wouldn't have approved if she sought company while he had none, and to sleep with a stranger no matter how exciting had its own risks.

Her paws betrayed her once more as she grasped her breast in reaction to the brief attention she had given herself between her legs. The feeling was warm and powerful and through only her t-shirt and bra her claws dug into her flesh; a soft husky growl escaped her muzzle at the sensation. As she tried to come back to her senses, she became slowly aware that it was getting a colder and the mist was rolling in faster from the mountains. She had no desire to get caught up in the mist and become lost, so she tidied herself up as best she could and headed back to the cabin, erotic thoughts still dancing through her mind as her body throbbed with desire for real physical contact with someone.

* * *

Sam was onto his third magazine; at his current rate he wondered if he would last through the vacation with the magazines he had. He turned the page and his eyes settled on the Arctic Fox girl who was quite petite with gentle curves and an ample bust. He liked this lady; he decided to stay on the pages containing her for a while, at least until he came again. He pumped his shaft slowly but firmly as his imagination ran wild with thoughts of the female in the pictures before him, oblivious to the world around him.

With barely a sound the front door of the cabin opened; Sara crept inside silently and locked the door as quietly as she could. She was eager to get to her own room and change out of her clothes as fast as possible; the walk back along the trail had made her undeniably wet between her legs, so much so that there was a noticeable patch towards the front of her jeans. Just as she moved towards her room she caught a strong scent in the air. Turning her head she noticed Sam's bedroom door was hanging open; against her better judgement she decided to investigate.

Stealthily moving up the stairs and avoiding the creaking step she could hear gentle movement and soft grunting as the scent in the air grew stronger and a little more familiar. Carefully she peered through the doorway while keeping herself out of sight as best she could. She held back a gasp as she saw her son masturbating to a pornographic magazine; part of her wanted to stop looking, but she couldn't. If she moved now he'd hear her; she quickly imagined the different conversations that might come from her actions and none of them presented a positive end.

Sam shuffled on the bed a little to get more comfortable and moved his paw for a moment to turn the page of the magazine. Sara caught herself softly licking her lips as she got her first look at her son's fully erect cock. It looked big, bigger that her husbands had been, not by much but still bigger and she imagined a little thicker. His knot was swelling, the appearance of it making her own heat rise again. Sara couldn't take her eyes off it as she slowly realised her paw had slid back into her jeans and was stroking her slit again, her own scent becoming stronger in less than a minute.

Sam stroked his cock quickly and he groaned as he could feel his orgasm approach; his eyes fixated of the magazine before him. Sara had two fingers firmly buried inside her slit and she moaned softly to herself while trying to watch; her son's movements and groans keeping her presence cloaked. He stared wildly at the female Arctic Fox in the photos then suddenly spoke his mind. "Damn, she looks like Mom!" he said with a deep throaty growl as he came across his chest with thick ropes of his own seed.

Sara quickly placed her other paw over her mouth to stifle a gasp of shock and quickly crept back downstairs to the bathroom before her own climax hit. She was stunned; not just by what she had seen and heard, but by her own actions. Her heart thundered in her chest and she yearned for a release; desperation drove her on as every step became one of sexual torture. Sam cleaned himself up then thought he heard footsteps and the click of a door. "Mom, you back?" he called out while quickly dressing himself again and sprayed a little deodorant to mask his heady scent.

"Yes Hun, I just... I just needed to pee really badly on the way back." She called back half moaning as she locked the door and stripped herself naked before laying on the bathroom floor and massaged her soaking slit and warm breasts.

"You okay Mom?" Sam called back.

"Just fine sweetie." She said as composed as she could manage then bit her lip as her orgasm over took her and she moaned loudly. Sam chuckled to himself and shook his head at the muted sound he could hear from the top of the stairs. He doubted his mother's claim and instead speculated that she was taking a heavy dump that she simply didn't want to admit to.

Sara lay twitching on the bathroom floor for a moment before she cleaned herself up. She looked at herself in the mirror and had a moment of realization; she had seen what she wanted - she wanted to mate with her son. She scolded herself and shook her head, placing her paws either side of the sink bowl as she did. Her mind raced with the illicitness of the idea even though her mothering instincts fought against the notion. "No." She whispered to herself trying to deny the thought, but the scene she had just witnessed in her son's room played over and over in her mind and she found herself getting wet once more. She growled quietly to herself; she had soaked her underwear and jeans already and her scent was still strong. All she knew in that moment was that she had to get to her room, fast.

As quickly as she could Sara dressed herself in her sodden clothes and left the bathroom heading straight for her bedroom, while trying to look as normal as possible. She could hear Sam in the kitchen washing something; his hands, she hoped. She quickly closed her bedroom door then changed into a long dark blue silk nightgown. It was far from appropriate considering the thoughts she had just been having, so she wrapped a thick white bathrobe around herself to make her feel more covered and more like her son's mother. She left her underwear off to help keep as much of her scent down as possible, though the idea of being both aroused and with so little clothing on made her feel a little vulnerable, but excited. "I'm going to start a fire mom, you okay with that?" Sam barked through the door.

"That's fine sweetie." She said softly as she thought more about her chosen attire and the thoughts she had been having before. Sitting on the bed and slowly curling herself into a ball, she started thinking about her son and how much she meant to him. She considered his mental state and what might happen if she made her own advancement on him. Would he spurn her and tell the authorities? She started to worry and tried to shake the thoughts from her mind.

"Mom, Suppers on, it'll be done in a moment."

Rising from the bed Sara settled herself and stepped into the main room, looking at her son through archway to the kitchen. "Thank you sweetie." She said as normally as possible and sat on one of the large couches curling her tail around her legs. "So, what shall we do tonight?" The wolfess asked with a sheepish smile as she watched Sam gather their evening snack.

Laying their drinks and a small plate of cookies on the table in front of the fire place, Sam looked up and caught his mother's odd expression. In his mind something was amiss and he saw why; his mother had already dressed for bed and the sun was still setting, though the day had cooled dramatically. "You didn't get caught in a rain shower did you?" He asked curiously.

"What makes you say that?" Sara replied with confusion masking her concern.

Sam nodded towards her. "I just wondered why you changed for bed so early. Did your clothes get wet?"

"Oh!" She barked softly with understanding. "No it didn't rain I just walked through a muddy patch and got my boots and jeans a little damp." She said calmly. "The mist is coming if fast too and I really didn't want to be out in all that."

Sam nodded in acceptance. "Do you want me to put your stuff with the rest of the laundry?" He asked, trying to stay helpful.

"I'll get it before I got to bed sweetie." She said smiling at him and inwardly breathed a sigh of relief as Sam shrugged in acceptance of her statement. "So what are we going to do tonight?" She asked again.

Sam looked about the room as he thought about what to do. He got up and strolled over to the bookshelves and game chest. After rummaging around for a few minutes he pulled out a pack of cards. "Do you play poker or black jack Mom?" Sam asked.

Sara grinned wildly to herself, she knew how to play poker, she and her husband used to play strip poker on quiet nights before Sam was born. "Poker sweetie. I used to be pretty good at it." She said as she tried to mask a subtle purr in her voice.

Sam sat back down and shuffled the cards before dealing a five card hand. Sara looked at her cards, a pair of tens, two of hearts, eight of diamonds and a Queen of hearts. "I'll take two." She said dropping the two and the eight. Sam dealt her two more cards, a Queen of clubs and a nine of diamonds.

"I'll take three." Sam said, dropping his unwanted cards and dealt himself three more cards then smirked to himself. "What have you got mom?" he asked with confidence.

"Two pair, Queens over tens." She said as she lay her cards face up.

"So close" Sam said with a soft grumble. "Two pair, Jacks and sevens." He gathered the cards up and placed them on the bottom of the pile.

Sara's mind started to wonder back to a time when she had played with her husband but imagined her son in his place stripping for her and showing off his younger body. The wolfess began to carefully hide lusty looks at her son between hands, so he wouldn't notice as they played. Several hands went by and Sara was sure by now if he were stripping, he'd be naked.

"Full house!" Sam called out with joy at finally beating his mother. Sara clapped her paws and accepted the defeat on the hand. Sara suddenly sat up and pulled off her bathrobe, showing her nightgown. The shimmering blue silk caught the reflection of the firelight and Sam watched her carefully as she dropped her bathrobe over the side of the couch. "You okay, Mom?" Sam asked.

Suddenly realizing what she was doing Sara masked her panic; she was so caught up in her strip poker fantasy she had starting to act it out. "Oh, I'm fine Hun. Just a little warm that's all." She gazed into the fire for a moment before stretching out on the couch and taking the next hand.

Sam watched as his mother propped herself up on one elbow and gazed at her cards; he unintentionally let his eyes wonder over her luscious figure. He took in every curve of her body and watched her almost mesmerized as the flickering light of the fire danced across her nightgown. She stretched a little more and let out a soft yawn; he stared at her breasts for a moment and noticed her nipples pressed tight against the material. Quickly, he looked away as his mother settled back into the couch and wished he had a girlfriend with a body like his mothers.

The game went on for another hour as the sun dipped behind the mountains and darkness settled over the forest. Sam finally announced he was tired and wanted to go to bed after the next hand; Sara didn't stop him, he had always been good at taking rest and sleep when he needed it and knew when to call it a night.

Crawling into bed and turning his bedside lamp on; Sam pulled out the magazine with the Arctic Fox girl again. He started stroking himself to full hardness again, but in the back of his mind couldn't escape the thought of how much the Vixen looked like his mother. He smiled as the more he kept thinking about it the more it turned him on.

* * *

Sara lay on the couch for some time running her paws through her hair. "I can't believe I did that." She said quietly and in utter disbelief that she willingly striped for her son during a game of poker with barely any realization she had done it until he had spoken. The thoughts of them both naked after playing, then her son mating her were already starting to play through her mind and it made her heart race again. With a heavy sigh Sara decided that all she needed was a good nights sleep; she'd have a clearer head in the morning and could ease her mind then. Quietly she got up and started to head to bed. As she moved she caught the sounds of movement and soft growling from Sam's bedroom once again. She stopped and listened carefully for a moment then without a sound, snuck up the stairs and listened outside his door.

Sam was lost in his thoughts; he imagined the Arctic Vixen's delicate paws stroking his member instead of his own paw. Moaning softly as he imagined her licking and sucking his cock, he spoke with a firm growl as if she were kneeling over him. "Mmm yes like that, use your teeth a little." He wanted more though; as appealing as a blowjob was he wanted to mate her now and not just in his minds eye. "God you're so tight." he growled deeply as he imagined sliding into her pussy for the first time. He dwelled on that thought for a while and could feel his body building up to orgasm. "Damn you're so hot." He whimpered "You're just like my Mom."

Sara let out a soft squeak as she realised all the time she had spent listening to her son she had been getting wetter and wetter, but saying that who ever it was in his magazine was just like her was too much. She didn't have to touch herself; the thought was powerful enough to make her matt her inner thighs. She hurried to the bathroom to clean herself up once more before heading to bed.

* * *

Unable to sleep, Sara tossed and turned as wild thoughts teased at her mind; it had only been an hour since she had listened in at her son's door and couldn't get over how he compared another female to her. One way or another she had to sort out the situation before her feelings towards her son were out of control. The idea of having him close, touching her, kissing her, making love to her was becoming almost too much to bear.

Like a twig under too much pressure Sara's will finally snapped. Throwing back the covers of her bed and fuelled by the thought of her body against his Sara forced herself out of bed, gathered up the long skirt of her nightgown and crept through the cabin and up to her son's room. Careful not to make unnecessary noise, she opened the door and swiftly entered while staying light on her feet. Soft moonlight broke through a crack in the curtains and made her fur radiate a pale blue halo around her.

Getting closer, Sara stood nervously at Sam's bedside looking over him. The young wolf was sleeping peacefully the moonlight lending a softness to his features that Sara couldn't recall seeing in sometime. She smiled as her gaze traveled down the bed and she caught sight of a firmly pitched tent in the middle of thick covers. Leaning in towards her son, she softly stroked his cheek and whispered lovingly in his ear "My handsome wolf." Pulling away slowly, she tenderly kissed his forehead before carefully moving his bed covers aside.

She stared at his boxer shorts for a moment then softly let her paw glide over his straining cock. Sam didn't even flinch, but he would Sara thought to herself as she softly gripped and stroked him through his boxers. The wolfess gave a soft breathy moan to herself as she thought about what to do with him. Deciding not to push her luck too far tonight she smiled playfully; there was still plenty of time at the cabin alone with him.

Carefully pulling his boxers down to free his cock; she slowly and tenderly wrapped her paw around his member then squeezed and stroked him as she knelt at the side of his bed. Watching him closely to be sure she wouldn't wake him, she softly stroked the head of his cock with the tip of her thumb and claw. Sam groaned softly in pleasure and moved a little in favor of his mother's position.

Smiling with a nervous apprehension, Sara started to rub his balls, inner thigh and tummy as she massaged his throbbing cock; every touch getting a soft moan of encouragement from Sam. Small drops of pre-cum started to bead at the tip of his cock. Unable to resist Sara had to taste his seed and feel his member in her mouth. She leant in close and softly licked the tip clean, which she was rewarded with a soft buck up against her lips and some more pre-cum to coat her tongue with. She slowly opened her mouth and took him in slowly, her tongue wrapping and licking around his shaft. Sam moaned loudly in his sleep as his mother gently sucked on his shaft. Slowly and softly, she trailed her teeth up his member and closed her mouth tenderly around his tip to assure she would get more of his cum.

Sam was becoming restless and bucking into his mother's mouth even though he was asleep. Sara knew she couldn't go on much longer with out being caught but his knot was starting to swell, he'd cum soon and she didn't want him to waste such a load. She started sucking firmly on his tip and massaging his balls and knot, teasing his tender flesh with light caresses from her claws and fingers. She could feel his legs tense up, as he got closer to his release. Pressing the tip of her tongue to the slit in his cock tip and swirling her tongue quickly, Sam groaned loudly and bucked hard into his mothers mouth coating her tongue and throat with hot sticky cum. Sara was a little shocked at the quick bucking her son made and placed her paws on the bed, either side of him to steady herself and drank down all of his seed that he would give. After a long moment she slowly pulled away and with great care, slid Sam's boxers back up and gently replaced his bed covers. As she got up and gazed at her son, the wolfess smiled again with a mothers love; he looked exhausted and so at peace. Sara sat at his side and leant down to kiss him softly on the lips. "Good boy, Mommy's gonna be really, really good to you from now on." She kissed him softly and stroked his cheek, then slowly pulled away. "You can even take me to be yours Baby."

As Sara quietly left the room and was about to close the door she heard Sam's voice. "Don't go angel." He said sleepily with a mildly groggy tone. She froze in the doorway and turned to face her son. Almost immediately she realized what was going on; he was having a waking dream. Leaning against the doorway and stretching up in as sexy a pose as she could, her fur glowing softly in the moonlight Sara gave a sultry smile and for a moment she saw Sam's eyes flicker open but they were unfocused in his dream-like state.

Cautiously she prowled closer, moving as erotically as she could and watching his dreaming eyes try to follow her. She rested her paws on either side of his head and stared into his sleepy eyes. "You can have more," she purred huskily "you just have to ask and I'm all yours." She pressed her chest against his, her breasts rubbing softly against him through the silk nightgown. "Sleep sweetheart, just remember this in the morning." She purred in his ear then drew him into a long, slow and deep kiss. As she pulled away from him and broke their kiss she smiled to herself seeing that Sam had fallen back into a deep sleep.

Sara walked quietly through the cabin feeling liberated; she had taken the first step to deepen her relationship with her son and it was not the mantle of guilt she had expected it to be. She liked how he called her 'Angel' and she wondered what his nickname or pet name was among his friends so that she could make it more personal between them. She arrived back in her room and lay on the bed, she was heavily aroused and wanted her own release, but also wanted to keep it in check for Sam so he could be her release. Tenderly stroking her body as she dreamily fell asleep, Sara thought only about her son and a deep desire to be his mate.