Brightest of Lights, Darkest of Nights

Story by frozenthrone on SoFurry

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A story that the wonderful Gruffy wrote for me and I expanded upon. A story about a paladin who comes home to find things aren't quite how he expected. Hope you guys like it.

Brightest of Lights, Darkest of Nights

The arrival of the wolf never caused much of a stir in the small village, because he went out of his way to make it so. The arctic wolf of many adventures, for he was a man of note, at least by names and whispers and rumors, found it much more preferable to pass undetected. After a long adventure the last thing he needed was a flock of villagers swarming him hoping for a tale of his noble exploits. The thought of the village girls swooning over the deeds of Fendrel Everglow, or Sir Fendrel Everglow, Holy Knight of the First Rank of the Order of Solemn Peace, as his official title went, made the white wolf grimace. Hence, even now, as his steed trotted along the familiar path leading onto home farm, the cover of darkness was a comforting cloak. Fendrel was secretly glad for the respite from the crowd that would otherwise be swarming him during the day. The dark did not bother the wolf, clad as he was in full plate armor, a paw holding the reins while he kept complete control over his stallion, Tybalt.

Tonight moonlight and the stars would be his guide. The wolf enjoyed the familiarity of the surroundings as he rode along. His latest quest had taken him far away from home, and already several moons had passed. He felt almost mournful that so much time had been spent, even with the satisfaction of a job well done - and the hefty bag of gold such a deed awarded to him. Oh yes, the wolf was proud of his success in apprehending those highwaymen, thieving on the king's roads and causing mayhem on one of the important routes into the southern provinces. Well they would no more, with five of them rotting in the gaols and the other seven of them were rotting in the gutter, he thought with a vicious smile, full of pride.

The path seemed to wind on endlessly, Fendrel thought wryly, trying to resist the temptation to urge the horse into a greater trot. It really had been too long, he thought, already looking forward to the warmth of his home at the farm, the one surely peaceful place in this tumultuous world, offering warmth, food, shelter and most of all, indeed. The wolf's smile softened, even, as he imagined the other kind of warmth provided by his home. Maybe even now the sweet deer would be peeking through the window, waiting to see a glimpse of a riding wolf approaching the safe, cozy farm with tidings from the great world and, indeed whatever a big, muscular wolf could bring home for someone eager to see him after months apart. Such thoughts could make being a sword and bow-wielding warrior a truly worthwhile effort, even considering all the dangerous and dirty business he had to go through before coming home. Fendrel smiled wistfully as he rode, all too aware that his armor was suddenly becoming tighter, especially around his codpiece.

The last bend on the road wound through the forest and finally revealed the fields surrounding the house, not large but comfortable enough for two furs, the wolf thought with pride, of its sturdy log and stone construct and the warmth offered by the stove in the cozy kitchen. He could see the lights through the windows...a few candles, likely, probably a nice hearty meal cooking...his mate had some appetite alright, there would surely be enough for a weary riding wolf, too.

"Ha!" the paladin declared and snapped the reins to give the horse one final push for the home stretch.

He rode directly into the shelter and reined the horse in, making sure that there was water in the trough and some oats to munch on, and even these small acts brought a smile to the wolf's muzzle, for it wasn't a strange inn or a tavern where he was putting his horse for the night, but his very own home farm. He even decided to forego removing and putting the away the saddle for now...he simply couldn't wait to go and see his deer, the pleased surprise on his face that his presence would create, he thought, his tail doing an almost uncharacteristic amount of was not common to find such displays of jollity from the serious warrior wolf of so many famous deeds and means of corporal punishment for evildoers.

With his sword swinging much like his now awakened tail, the hero swaggered across the home yard and reached the door, a heavy wooden thing with great wrought iron hinges. He stood there for a moment, again running through his precious memories of the deer, simply so that it would be even sweeter to discover the deer in person...maybe even now stirring on his cooking.

The great wolf took a deep breath, pulled the door easily open, and stepped inside, with a beaming smile over his vicious muzzle.

"Salutations!" Fendrel called out with gusto, eyes open into the room, their kitchen and living area, comfortably furnished for long evenings.

His quick survey told that the fire was burning indeed, and the smell of food was prominent alright, but there was no sight of the deer. His scent was in the air, which he sampled quickly with a loud sniff, strong enough to tell his accustomed nose that he'd just recently been just was a fact...a few shed hairs off his fur, for example, would leave such a fresh trail of scent...that and something else...something...

...he sniffed again, and smelled someone else, someone...quite potent, but of a different kind...not his mate...not least not instantly...somehow distracting, he thought, standing at the doorway...ears perking under a helmet...surveying... Fendrel couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he had known the scent from somewhere.

His paw flew to the hilt of his sword when he heard the noise...some kind of a low rumble...a hiss...several sounds in succession, in fact, he noted, feeling a strange stirring inside him...tensing again...familiar instincts that had served him so well for so long on his line of business, he thought.

"Hello!" he called out, listening even more carefully, his paw almost reflex-like on his sword...just why was there someone in the house and not responding to his calls...and was his mate there?

His ears perked as the sounds continued, causing the wolf to become even more tense. They were coming from the right side of the house, the living quarters, not the left that held the rooms where he kept his gear and the equipment for its sound, which continued, the same strange rumbles and hisses and...was that breathing...working to stiffen his spine and to curl his fingers...teeth baring, too.

He had called out and spoken, which meant that any chance of a surprise had been spoiled. Whoever was inside knew that he was there, well that someone was there and if that someone was threatening his mate even now, that meant he might only have seconds.

With his travel cape flying behind him, the wolf strode rapidly across the stone-floored room and kicked the door open, drawing his long sword instantly for the ready position, keeping his body low and ready, ready to attack, to face a foe, to attack any enemy lurking in the rooms...

He burst into the room and the sight that unfolded in front of his eyes created a feeling of cold dread that filled his veins and made every muscle in his body to tense. His energetic, muscular body froze almost mid-air, through the door and he just stood there...staring...mouth agape.

It was his mate, sweet, sweet Albin, the deer with the most beautiful white-splotched muzzle and brown, warm furs, kneeling on all fours on the large bed they had shared in sleep and passion, that familiar body displayed in such a lewd position...which would not have been such a shock if it was for the purpose of amusing his partner, which would not have been unheard of...but instead, his body was poised over someone else...someone lying on the bed...on _his _bed...

...someone who smelled of the wind and smoke and...and of lust...

A tan-shaded paw rested over the top of the head of the deer whose muzzle had been pressed down between the splayed legs of the fur on the bed, doing such an obvious up and down motion that the wolf would have known what was going on even without strong stench of rut in the air. The room reeked, practically stank of it, a foreign variety, too, surely belonging to the assailant...whoever was...

The slurping noises of his mate's muzzle going down on someone's cock made his ears burn...and the growl rising from his filled the room.

And he didn't even stop...his mate continued to suck on someone's dick while he stood there, sword drawn to slay whoever might have been causing him woe...


Someone was speaking, and it was that someone with his paw planted on top of the deer's head, a voice, slightly nasal, slightly pitched...voice coming from the near-darkness of the room, and displaying itself in a pair of gleaming eyes that appeared to be fixed onto him.

"'re back..." the voice spoke.

The wolf's blood boiled over. He was not having any of this, not having his mate being violated like this by whoever this was...this meant murder...rightfully so, he thought, as he stepped forward, his sword drawn and held at ready...if that wasn't enough to scare him off and to face his death like the coward he was, surely.

"GET OFF HIM!" the wolf yelled, hoping to rouse his mate into escape, as he stepped over, intent on impaling the intruder on his sword, to create that satisfying gush of blood that'd tell that his foe was finished.

Things happened in a the deer rolled to the side with a push from the intruder, how a tan, lean, nimble body moved to the other side and off the bed, a swinging pink cock trailing through the air, followed by a long, thick tail that flashed past his line of sight, and he was moving forward still.

The creature moved under his arm and was behind him before the wolf had the time to swivel his body around and face his foe again, sword held at ready while he observed the standing there, breathing hard...

"Run, Albin!" the wolf yelled for the deer who had temporarily disappeared from sight, pushed by this...this fur...standing there and looking at him with some gleaming eyes...a smirking feline muzzle held upright...a cocky pose for someone who was being stared down by a massive wolf warrior.

"Hello, there!" the cat spoke in that same murmuring tone, watching the wolf without seeming worry, even if he was, in comparison, a naked, scrawny male who faced one of the most famous and mighty warriors in the lands...but there was no fear on the cat's eyes, or his expression, not even on his scent that was still dominated by the smell of rut.

"Now you will die!" the wolf declared, swinging his sword up so that he would finish off this creature, this goddamn vile -

"Well not this quickly!" the cat, a damned cougar, called while he avoided the thrust with seeming ease and moved across the room and up over the bed in a flurry of a furry body, soon to be followed by the wolf who jumped and crashed onto the foot of the bed, ready to lunge and -

"AAARGH!" the wolf gave his best battle cry, swinging his sword with practiced ease...but the cougar was through the door again, into the room.

"Don't move, Albin!" the wolf desperately called for the deer, hoping that no more danger would come for him, not from this...whatever was going on here, he thought, as he released the clasp of his cloak to get rid of its possibly impeding effects during the few steps it took for him to enter into the kitchen again...

...where he found the cougar, now wearing a leather belt over his chest with small pouches on it, and in his paw, a small sword...practically a dagger, which had been drawn from a sheath that had rested on a chair...HIS own chair, the wolf realized, with further, boiling rage.


Blades connected, the wolf's longer arms, gave him a better reach, but the cougar parried and moved to the side, making more distance between them again, his own sword held in a relaxed paw.

"Oh there's no need for all this...though I must say this is most entertaining..." the cougar murred, facing up to the wolf again, creating such a ridiculous contrast in the wolf's mind, himself, great in size and armored, the cat, scrawny and...and goddamn naked.

"Oh I've been waiting for many days...weeks, in fact..." the cougar slurred, "can you imagine that...all those weeks with Albin" He took a moment to wink lewdly, "...the two of us waiting for you to come back. He's got quite the talented muzzle you know. And a hella tight rump!"

"You vile -" Fendrel swung wildly. " - filthy - " Another swing, another miss, "-wretch!"

"Careful with that thing...I find scars most unattractive, especially on my own body!" the cougar quipped as he parried the latest thrust of a sword verbally as much as he did physically. "Though I am sure yours is well adorned...or is it..."

"I do not lose fights!" the wolf snarled in response. "And I won't lose this one either you pathetic little fuck!"

The wolf attacked again but was repelled by an almost a casual swing of the cougar's sword, causing him to miss out on the hoped-for strike that'd cause the cougar to lose his weapon...but no...he held onto it fast still, as they circled one another.

Another thrust and a parry, and the wolf snarled with frustration, circling his prey in his own living room of all places. It felt felt very, very wrong.

"Oh no need for any of this...our little friend didn't fight...not much anyhow..." the cougar was practically purring while he danced around the room "after a while he rather liked our little arrangement", keeping his sword trained at Fendrel the cougar smirked, " might as well just give up and embrace it...he surely has...finding such fulfillment doing what he's meant to...serving me... It's what you're meant to do as well little woofy"

"YOU'RE MEANT TO DIE!" the windows almost shattered under his yell.

"Oh now now..."


The cougar had lunged forward and suddenly there was a burning pain across the wolf's cheek...and with the hot trickle of blood he realized that he'd been cut. His flesh marred by the damn grinning cougar dancing around the room like a little devil...the cut was painful but only slight, he realized, and spat heavily...his bellow rising from his throat again, signaling utter murder.

"You'll pay for this..." the wolf snarled, drool flecking the sides of his muzzle as he feinted attacking the cougar's midriff. With a swift twist of his wrist he altered his strike at the feline's arm again...but the cat proved faster once again, and avoided being stabbed.


The wolf lunged forward, intent on impaling the cougar's chest with his sword while also keeping a ready stance to reflect any further strikes of the cat's own blade. He knew that his own pride had been hurt more than his skin...but the wolf decided that he would be sure to treat the cougar to a similar injury, just out of spite...just because he could. He was meant to.

"Oh, you are soooo slow!" the feline laughed the wolf's clumsy attacks. The cougar dodged, laughing that stupid clattering laughter while he avoided the armored wolf's thrust. Flicking his wrist he grazed Fendrel's brow with his dagger. The wolf snarled and growled and made one attack after another, but the cougar simply sneered, avoided Fendrel's blade and rewarded him with another shallow nick or cut. It was as if the rogue could predict where it would land even before the paladin swung. To make matters worse he was moving so much faster than the heavily bedecked, big, muscled wolf ever could. The paladin was more resilient and with great endurance, but the cougar...he was something else...something...bad...

"Surrender now...and I'll make it quick..." he growled to the puny feline, "...but not too quick...!"

He wiped the blood off his face from the dozens of cuts and stared the cougar down, feeling such immense loathing for the cat's violation of the one thing he loved most in the world. His mate's innocence destroyed by someone so vile...a leering little ugly thing who dared to do something like this to HIS his home...

"I shall enjoy playing with you..." the cougar replied, as if he hadn't heard any of the threats the wolf spouted at him, "even more than your little friend...he was the're the...prize...yes...."

"What the HELL is wrong with you?" the wolf snarled, almost senseless with rage as he brought himself to another attack on the bouncy cougar.

The wolf let out an air-shattering bellow, still intending to scare the shit out of the little creature before letting his blood out. Wielding his blade in a savage overhead grip the wolf cleaved downwards, this time the cougar barely seemed to avoid getting bisected. His anger boiling with such ferocity that it fueled his movements. Fendrel was quick and precise in his movements, not letting the cougar out of his sights for even a blink.

Suddenly the fight went sorely out of his favor. It all happened in a blink of an eye. As he ran forward, planning to skewer the cougar with his sword into the wall of the house, the cougar's paw moved... not the one holding the dagger, but the other one. The feline swept a paw across its chest as the wolf attacked, maw open and bellowing throwing a fine powder into his face. Suddenly made his eyes stung and then he couldn't see.


Fendrel crashed to the wall with the cougar slipping aside, the wolf colliding with a heavy thump, sword and all, struck from his paws as his lungs let out a massive rush of air, trying to clear up his nose and maw of the strange itching that filled them...the same strange thing that made his eyes slam shut...

The cougar laughed when the big wolf first fell onto his knees and then, with another harsh cough, slammed his arms down onto the wooden floor as well. The paladin felt fear for the first time during the fight. He had run into the wall and he'd let go of his sword...he'd heard it fall...he was showing his back to the enemy...the foe. Snarling and heaving with breaths, he turned around, quickly scrambled to his feet. He raised his paws in defense, to deflect blows that might come later, from the cougar's sword. His armored arms would be enough to stop simple attacks, he knew, but if the cougar thrusted between them he wouldn't be so lucky.

"YOU BEAST!" he wolf growled, blinking as he tried to clear his eyes well enough to see again and listening for any sounds from the cougar, that would signal an attack.

It felt so difficult to breathe, as he stood there, back against the wall, moving his paws to fend off an attack that didn't come. Some of the strange powder must've gotten into his lung, like a gulp of bad smoke from a pipe it made his chest burn and feel odd, made him cough. What if he had been poisoned? The wolf wasn't sure what was going on...he couldn't concentrate on was as if the powder made it difficult to think...

"Well, well...I knew I'd get you close enough. And you even disarmed yourself! How wonderful!" he heard the cougar speak, but it sounded like it was coming from somewhere afar...not from the same room.... However close the cougar was, he couldn't really tell when he could only see vague shapes and differences in darkness and light, none of his usual acuity that had served him so well in the past...something the cougar had done had put a blackness over it...and he couldn't really form a thought...

"You...animal..." the wolf growled, drool dripping from his muzzle.

He lifted his see if the cougar was there to strike his neck with a sword and leave his poor mate without anyone to rescue him from his predicament. How could he ever forgive indeed?

"I think it'll be master from now for your little friend... oh much he has enjoyed have you...hero...little hero now...heheh...little spoiled here..."

The wolf felt faint...whatever was in that dust was...was...starting to take a physical toll on his body as well.

"Uraghh..." the wolf moaned as he finally slumped down against the wall.

"Oh well...well well... So much for the big bad wolf huh?"

"Urghh..." the wolf grunted, between his drool-dripping sharp he coughed up some of the vile dust. How much was there anyway he wondered to himself as his eyes began to droop and his head lolled to the side. His chest heaved and his breath came out ragged.

"You don't even remember you?"

He felt a touch...a brush of a tail against the side of his muzzle, then gone...leaving a little mark of the cougar's feline scent behind onto the wolf's sweaty furs.

"Why would you? Why would you have paid any attention..." the cougar laughed as he circled his prey, "well now you have no choice, of course..."

The wolf opened his eyes and saw the cougar approaching, still a bit blurry...lifting his head a little...his scent intensifying with the proximity. A vague memory flitted at the edge of his consciousness but he couldn't quite grasp it. He knew the feline from somewhere, he just couldn't figure out where.

"Say goodbye to your dull ways,'ll enjoy this so much more, I'm sure..."

He felt the brush of fingers against his neck, and his cheeks, and then...then the cougar was moving away and he was left alone there, on all fours, still gasping for air, coughing up that horrible itch away from his lungs, trying to see through his eyes that were filled with tears. The wolf felt pressure against his neck...slight, nothing...nothing like an attempt to kill him, he thought, madly...still trying to get up...lifting his head...but the pressure re-appeared...became more persistent...apparent...

He hated this feeling, of helplessness, of struggle...struggling for...for what exactly?

What struggle? It seemed like a memory long past, something from really far away. Did it even matter? He'd been away for so long...he just wanted to rest...just quietly...he liked quiet.

"Look at me..."

He felt a paw on his chin and the fingers worked to lift his heavy head up...looking at the cougar leering down to him...a brief moment... Fendrel's head swam at the sudden movement and he found it difficult to focus his eyes. The grinning visage of his captor kept sliding in and out of focus.

"Yes...yes...quite excellent"

"What...what...?" the wolf mumbled, half to himself half as an actual question.

It felt more and more like a good idea not to struggle...his breathing seemed to come easier...he still couldn't really see much, but the tension in his body was leaving in strides. The anger was there started to mean less and less with every second that passed with him panting and still occasionally coughing...blinking heavily...the dull shape of lights and the cougar visible again and again...whenever...

"" he heard the swish of fur, of paws on the floor, but that was it, "I'm sure you'll be feeling it now, big boy...something I picked up from a rather poorly informed wizard's apprentice..."

The wolf's ears perked a little, but it seemed difficult to concentrate, or really pay much attention to the voice that was speaking to him. Wizard? Since when did their village have a wizard? It didn't seem to matter much to Fendrel as he slumped there at the cougar's mercy.

"Oh don't you worry about a single thing anymore big boy...your days as a uppity knight are over now!...a new day has come...oh yes...time to stop worrying...and start serving like a good pup"

The wolf only barely realized that something pink and smelling very distinctly of cougar was now brushing against his cheeks, smearing a slick layer of pre-cum over them. He was being marked. Covered in the nasty scent of the nasty cougar, who seemed to have no shame whatsoever. Streaks of it were on his cheeks. Specks of the foul liquid were flung on his face as the barbed shaft bounced playfully on his nose. There seemed to be more...erupting simply from the simple act of the cougar stroking his leaky tip against the fallen wolf's muzzle. The wolf wasn't sure why he couldn't didn't do anything to stop him...he knew he was physically more than capable...hell, he could simply snap his muzzle open and bite that cougar's offending dick off, just like that...let him do any mischief then, if he didn't bleed to death.

"Yes...go know want a taste..." the cougar purred lewdly while continuing to tease his tip against the wolf's lips, "...just go's's not hard at's what you do to your little friend, isn't it...suck that hot little deer like deer cock, don't kiss some cat cock too,'ll be doing a lot of it from now on...yes...go on...just have a nice good taste..."

Fendrel snuffled quizzically at the length of cougar meat as it bounced on his muzzle. The scent of feline overwhelmed his senses as he was forced to nuzzle his captors cock. Slowly but surely the pale white fur on Fendrel's face was coated with slick pre. The cougar, while a trickster and a scoundrel, only had so much patience and self control. He had caught the wolf and was now ready to break him in as a new toy for his game. Even though he knew he would enjoy spending as much time humiliating the wolf as possible, he also knew that he wouldn't be able to resist the urge to do some kind of initial exploring right away. He nudged his thumb rudely between the wolf's lips and pushed a little, which prompted the wolf to obediently open muzzle. Resistance just didn't seem to make any kind of sense to why not open his maw?...why didn't hurt...the cougar wasn't hurting him. Even the burning pain on his cut cheek seemed to be waning.

"Yes...there we go...nice big bad wolf maw...hmm...stick that tongue out..."

And he did, passively pushing his big, red tongue out and letting it just flop from his muzzle. The cougar, pinching himself by the base of his shaft, stroked the wet tip of his dick against that grooved muscle and spurted another merry load of pre-cum over the wolf's tongue. He tasted it alright, the acrid taste of cat didn't sit well with the wolf. Fendrel reflexively drew back and was rewarded with a cuff behind the ears and slap in the face by the cougar's red length. The big warrior immediately let out a high pitched whine, much like a pup. Slowly he opened his maw again, folded his ears back, and looked up expectantly at the cougar. The vile taste still clung in his mouth but he didn't care as much anymore, he just wanted to be a good boy. Some of the pre flopped over his muzzle in the flow of drool from his maw as he let the cougar rest on his tongue.

"Yes...yes...oh purrrrryes...there and here we go...just a little taste for you..."

The cougar stared at the wolf's confused eyes and enjoyed the submissiveness he saw - knowing so well that the powerful magical collar had stolen much of the wolf's will. He had procured the talisman from an all too randy wizard's apprentice who had created it...for what purpose, the cougar wasn't quite sure, but he had been quite adept at coming up with many usable ways to employ such an useful artifact. Calming a guard dog, tricking an acquaintance into a quick romp, all of that was chump change to what he was doing now. Subduing a mighty wolf that was probably his most wicked deed yet. Unfortunately he knew his time was limited. The collar would only cause a temporary sense of weakness and submission. If used properly however, the sense of subservience could remain ingrained the subject's psyche, otherwise the effect would slowly fade over time. Luckily the cougar had gotten pretty adept at making these changes ever so permanent.

The cat let out a pleased snarl and roughly grabbed the wolf's muzzle. He deciding that his time at playing slow were over. Now he wanted to get his reward. He would take what was now his to claim and do whatever he wanted. The cougar had always wanted a chance with the wolf ever since he had boyishly spied on the wolf and deer from across their plot of land. His family used to live nearby the paladin's farm. The feline would often come over to help Albin out with daily chores when Fendrel was away. Fendrel in his righteousness and crusades used to be a role model for the feline. He used to find any excuse to come over to the farm. But one year his family had fallen into hard times and had to move away. He was forced to join the thief's guild to even scrape by with a semblance of a living. Hadrian was quite disappointed that the wolf hadn't recognized him when he had come back to visit several years later. Dejected, he had left again without a word. Slowly his admiration for the wolf turned into envy at some point...and his own skills grew the wolf became more of a target. He coveted the happiness they had, for the power, for...for everything that came with being a famous hero. Saving lives and being righteous was just too much work though. It was also quite lacking in certain ...privileges.

Such as the privilege of doing what he was just about to take.

"Oh yes..."

Fingers curling around the wolf's slightly slack jaws, Hadrian thrust the entirely of his slick, pointed shaft into the wolf's muzzle. He didn't care that Fendrel started making hollow gagging sounds that were usually the result of a substantial length of cock suddenly being stuffed into an unprepared maw. The hot pleasure washed over the cougar who purred, his tail batting the floor almost violently as he kept himself firmly planted in the wolf's muzzle. Fendrel for his part let out deep hot huffs around the cougar dick that had suddenly invaded his maw. It took all his effort to keep from chocking on the huge length. Meanwhile Hadrian simply enjoyed the feeling of the wolf's breaths washing over his groin and his belly. The strange, gurgling noises the once dignified warrior made were simply icing on the cake, the cougar thought as he reveled in his captives discomfort.

"Hmmmm...yes...yes...I knew you had it in you, wolfy boy... I bet the boys at the barracks get to enjoy your sweet mouth every time you visit don't they?"

The cougar gave the wolf a few encouraging strokes over his brow while he kept his dick pumping well inside the wolf's muzzle. The slick heat undulated with the wolf's breaths and the occasional gag or a swallow, and it felt supremely enjoyable for the cougar. He even avoided starting to hump until it looked like Fendrel was going to pass out from lack of air. The wolf's tail even started to wag as he serviced the cougar. Whatever shred of dignity the paladin still had caused him to blush when he realized what he was doing. Hadrian felt like he simply couldn't hold on for any longer when he saw the moment of realization in Fendrel's eyes.

The rogueish cougar let out a snarl and thrust viciously into the wolf's muzzle. He was going to simply fuck it. Hadrian's hips simply pounded back and forth, enjoying the sensation of that wet tongue against his barbs, and the occasional scrape of teeth against his shaft. Hadrian watched as his cock was going in and out of his conquest's mouth, balls slapping relentlessly against the humiliated wolf's chin while he was taken.

Hadrian couldn't last long, and he didn't even want to. He pulled out quickly and finished the job with some rapid stroking action that led into a great, rippling orgasm. The cougar fired several spurts of watery cum from his cock onto Fendrel's face as he was gasping for air. It was enough to cover the wolf's muzzle and then some. His entire face soon became a dripping mess. The cougar closed his eyes and rode the waves of pleasure as they coursed through his body. Eventually, let out a deep snarl as he felt sated...if only for the moment.

"Well look at you there...pretty little thing...I can tell this look suits you...wolfy..." Hadrian mocked as his tail whipped behind him.

The wolf looked up at the cougar, dazed and not quite sure of what was going on. His mind was slowly returning, but not enough to realize how much of a predicament he was in.

"Hmm...I quite enjoyed this end. You make quite the muzzle slut. I better try the other end next just to make sure you're just as good there. But first, why don't you clean all that mess up. Just with your paws though. I want you to take off those useless steel things from your paws and really clean your face with your fingers. Don't miss a drop or you'll be punished." Hadrian's tail whipped out and slapped against Fendrel's nose to emphasize his point.

With a panicked yelp Fendrel scrambled to remove his gauntlets before his master ran out of patience. The small part of his mind that was his own was screaming at him to think about how foolish it was to submit to such a scrawny runt, but his psyche was too much in a scramble for him to really think too clearly.

"Yes, won't you need those will you, wolfy boy?" Hadrian crooned, "Don't forget to suck up every drop. It's good for you, isn't it? You know it is...oh yes...go on...go on, wolfy boy...We don't have all day pup!"

Off came the greaves with a clatter as the wolf flung them away. Sitting down on his haunches, as the heavy steel gloves dropping to the floor, his fingers groped over his muzzle...scooping up the slick goop the cougar had left there. Even before one of his paws had finished collecting its creamy load Fendrel had shoved his other one, coated in cougar cum of course, into his maw. Lapping at the sticky treat the paladin couldn't help but whine as he choked down the foul tasting cum. All the while Hadrian never broke eye contact with his fallen foe. A smirk graced his lips as he watched the former "Holy Knight of the First Rank" lap up another man's load. The cougar gave his shaft the occasional tug to keep himself especially hard while watching the wolf humiliated himself. Occasionally a spurt of pre would shoot onto the floor as Hadrian stroked himself. The liquid didn't even get a chance to cool as Fendrel would quickly lunge to clean up the spot.

"And don't forget to suck those fingers nice and clean, wolf."

The paladin did make sure not a drop was wasted. With loud, deep, slurping noises that made the cougar cackle, purr, bouncing from one paw to another looking at the proceedings with delight, Fendrel sucked his fingers dry as if he were cleaning a bone of marrow. When he finished cleaning himself the collar flashed a bright green and once again Fendrel was completely enthralled.

"Oh come on, Albin, come out of the bathroom, come on and see what happens next!"

The wolf barely registered the appearance of the deer, the deer, _his _deer, out of the bathroom, his face covered in the same blank expression the wolf now held, courtesies of the collar that used to adorn his neck. Albin wasn't as strong willed as his mate, and had long ago fully given himself over to the cougar.

"You wait right there and watch, sweetheart," the cougar crooned to the naked, blindly staring deer, "you'll get your fun too, but first...first I've got to do something else...oh yes...get the rest of that off, wolf, you won't be needing it any time soon...and most likely not at all anymore...isn't that fine?"

The fallen paladin did not complain nor resist. He simply stood up and removed each piece of his armor, letting it clatter carelessly onto the floor. First his cuirass, emblazoned with the holy symbol of the Knights of Peace, was discarded. Next his grieves went, followed closely by the chainmail vest underneath. With each removed piece of armor more and more of bulky, well-trained muscles, the tools of his unusual trade, were put on full display for his onlookers to enjoy. Only the cougar was really able to, anyway, the deer simply stared dully, seeing what was there, a sight that usually set his blood a boil, but this time eliciting almost no reaction.

"Hmmm...excellent..." the cougar commented as he watched the Fendrel strip.

He spent some time simply groping the wolf, feeling up the muscles he had been secretly envious of for so long. So long out of reach but no longer. Hadrian knew that he could not push his own body to create such bulk, no, it just would not happen. But now he that he had the wolf it was enough for now. The cougar ran his paws over the wolf's body, felt it... and soon, he would take it.

"On your paws and knees then bitch, and let's make this look good, pup, we've got an audience, and all."

Fendrel quickly settled down without a complaint and simply stared ahead of him, barely reacting when the cougar crouched behind him and slapped each of his large, firm buttocks in turn. Yelping like a kicked puppy the paladin whirled around to nuzzle up against the cougar's groin. He lapped experimentally at the bobbing cock as he looked up expectantly at his master. Hadrian, for his part, couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sudden turn of events. Laughing out he waved his hand in a twirling motion for Fendrel to turn around again.

"Hmmm...yes...very good...very lift that tail..."

Fendrel's tail immediately shot up obedient as ever he would be now, exposing his vulnerable crevice for the cougar's lustful gaze and his paws. Fingers stroked along his crack to seek what would be found there.

"Oh I bet a big wolf like you doesn't usually take it up the ass...but that's going to change from now on isn't it." Hadrian chuckled.

The cougar spat onto his fingers and smeared some of the glistening stuff onto the wolf's pucker before he simply lined his tip up with the wolf's possibly virginal asshole and began to push, knowing quite well what his barbs could do to such a vulnerable opening. There were sudden snarls and grunts coming from the large male, his body tensing, muscles popping as he was so suddenly taken by the happily purring cougar whose paws grabbed onto his tail.

"No growling bitch! You will behave or you will know a pain you'll never forget." Snapped Hadrian as he gave the firm ass in front of him a few swats. He couldn't help but gasp in pleasure as the wolf clenched reflexively around his length in response and simply let out high pitched whines.

"Well heeeere we go...pumpedy-pump, pup..."

The cougar rode his new bitch hard and fast, enjoying the extreme tightness of his hole. Fendrel's seldom used love tunnel was gripping the cougar's length like a velvet vice. Hadrian reveled in the warmth as he listened to the occasional pained whine and enjoying the sounds of defeat coming from the wolf. The rough treatment was soon too much for Fendrel. His forearms buckled as he slumped forwards. The small part of what was left of the paladin couldn't help but anguish that he couldn't even keep up with the cougar's stamina. Truly he had been taken now, and there would be no other choice for him but to service the stronger male. With that realization the collar flashed blue before fading. Whatever former ideals the paladin had were buried under a well ingrained will to serve.

Fendrel's engorged shaft had crept out at some point during his humiliation and was now bobbing lewdly as he was fucked. At least he could learn to enjoy the constant pounding on his prostate that was causing him to spurt copious amounts of pre underneath him and along his belly. He could feel the pleasure building and was sure he wouldn't last more than a few minutes. All he had to do was relax.

Meanwhile Hadrain was lost in his own world of pleasure. Things had turned out even better than he had expected. He knew the victory was his and that there wouldn't be any future resistance from the wolf. He understood his place now, and would continue to even after the collar is taken off. Such a cute wolf bitch, the cougar thought as he thrust once more into the wolf and flooded the paladin's rear with his cougar spunk. Hilting himself into the mountain of muscle underneath him he exulted in the feeling of painting Fendrel's insides with cum. The wolf might not have recognized him when he first returned, but now he'd never forget him.

"Well wasn't that nice..." the cougar mumbled, sitting back again as he slipped out of the wolf, looking at the messy crack with little droplets of white falling along its furrowed length.

"Hmmmm...yes...yes...Albin, come on here, I think there's some clean-up for you to do here!"

Hadrian sighed when the deer trotted over and began cleaning his length, with his mouth of course.

Fendrel had been so close to climax. When his master had claimed him, he was only a few thrusts away from finishing. Now instead he was left empty and sticky. He could feel the rivulets of seed dripping down his rear. He slowly reached down to finish himself off but stopped when he caught the cougar's gaze. When Hadrian shook his head now, Fendrel quickly dropped his head in disappointment, flattened his ears, and crawled over. He might as well help pleasure his master. He mused if he would be allowed to get off that night as he diligently joined his mate in cleaning their owner's juices.


Several days later the cougar was happily observing his two thrall playmates working the fields today, making sure that the crops grown on the farm were to be harvested in due time. Finding himself in charge of two obedient...farmhands, each clad in only their small leather loin cloths seemed almost like a dream come true for the cougar who happily pranced around the courtyard. Occasionally he stopped to admire their sweaty bodies as they worked. The bulging of their aroused genitals through their leather loincloths was a nice touch, too, the cougar thought, unable to stop his own paw from dropping to rub the front of his own loose pants. Watching his thralls was giving him the usual urge to just retire into the house and do some proper playing...or maybe right there in the yard...why not?

Shame that a distraction came too soon. His ears perked at the sound of footpaws approaching. From his vantage point it seemed that someone was arctic fox, brilliantly white in the sunlight that made the cougar squint...and smile, too, as recognition occurred.

"Well, well!"


Hadrian swaggered to meet the fox, a process that involved a lot of shoulder-patting and grinning between the two, occasional partners in crime as they were, very familiar with each other by now, and their greeting showed as much. A few moments of talking later the fox's ears perked, and he looked about.

"Ohhh you don't say..."

"Oh yes I am..."

"Goodness me..."

The cougar grinned naughtily and patted the fox's rump, just above that curiously swishing tail.

"Well, why don't I show you, then, if you so insist on not believing me..."

"Oh by all means," the fox winked, already licking his lips.

The cougar clapped his paws.

"Oh, boys, come here, you two!"

The wolf and the deer dropped their rakes and wandered over to the yard where the cougar and the fox stood together. They stopped in front of the cougar and watched him expectantly.

"All yours Merrick," the cougar murred into the fox's ears, "Take your pick."

"Is that even a question?" the fox chuckled. "Of course I must enjoy our friend Fendrel, or is it cum dump now? I had some trouble with him a year back. Something about not swindling nobles out of their money or some rubbish like that. I'll gladly pay him back some trouble in kind...heheh...Say, Hadrian, do you think you could give him back some of his personality? I want him to remember me while I give him something to remember murrr..."

"Anything for a partner in crime. They don't call us thick as thieves for nothing." Hadrian replied. With a snap of his paw and a murmured command phrase he restored some of Fendrel's personality, but kept his mental submissive shackles in place. "Don't be too long now" the cougar said with a wink before walking back into the house with Albin.

Hours later, Merrick was slumped onto an armchair in the cozy living room of the house, still panting with his tongue lolling out of his muzzle. His cock hard and his knot still mostly swollen, his shaft pointed somewhat accusingly at the wolf on all fours on the floor in front of him. Fendrel, for his part, had a look of horror plastered on his face as he finished cleaning the last of the fox's cum from around his sheath. The wolf winced every time his shifting caused a little cum to dribble down his rear and down his leg. Hadrian observed all of this with some delight, himself seated nearby on the couch, the deer seated by him, servicing his shaft.

"Well that was..."

"He is quite enjoyable," the cougar replied.

"Yeah..." the somewhat dazed fox spoke, "I must say...I must say that's some...some good thing you've got on here."

"And it can only get better," the cougar replied, "if you agree to help me...."

The fox giggled.

"What kind of help you could need? You seem to have everything going quite well here."

"Oh everything is well, but it could be better," the cougar grinned.


"Why should we be happy with only this..:" the cougar waved his paw, "when a lot more could be done...a lot indeed..."

"What do you have in mind?" the fox questioned.

"You help me find more...friends...and you'll get all the benefits..."

"Oohhhhh..." the fox giggled rudely, already imagining what could come of such an arrangement.

"Indeed..." the cougar replied, "you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Anything to help," the fox winked.

"Oh yes...oh yes indeed..." the cougar stated, "but there is one thing, though..."

"Hmmmmmmph?" the fox mused.

The cougar left the deer and walked over to the seated fox, naked as the day he was born, of course, leering down at the fox while he smiled, and put a paw onto his shoulder.

"Weeeeell....there might be something you could do for me too...something little...not a lot...not a great deal at all...and I'm sure you'd enjoy it...and not much of a price to pay for what we have in mind?"

The fox's tail bristled...before he grinned.

"Well it is a small sacrifice, is it now?" the white fox licked his lips and leaned forward.

The cougar purred.