Reunion of a Rape

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#3 of Tales of Abuse

So instead of some romantic story for Valentine's Day, I decided to wait just after midnight to bring you...the sequel to my most hardcore non-con series. Julia's life is once again shattered as the two men that once terrorized her return to her life. This time she has a cub to raise, and not even she is safe. Instead of being super dark in tone like the first two this one ends up a little more hopeful and playful. Don't worry though...still super fucked up!

If you haven't read The Alley and Breaking Limits yet, go check them out first, you sick sick fuck xD


Julia sighed as she carefully gathered a tray full of empty coffee mugs, briskly returning them inside to the café's kitchen for washing. The attractive rabbit's hair swayed back and forth, the scarlet length accenting her violet eyes and dark magenta painted lips.

She was looking forward to her weekend off, finally being able to spend some quality time with her daughter. She was a single mother, her past relationship complicated to say the least. Everyone loved her daughter though, the crossbred bunny cub irresistible with her soft brown fur and her little bear ears.

Julia felt like the proudest mother in the world caring for her young daughter, the seven year old bright and optimistic in a world that had bared her in such a cruel way. Julia had found a way through the years to return to a somewhat normal life, but every now and then would fall back into old habits. Just last week she had been tasked to cleaning the café's bathroom, the stench of the mess left behind reminding her all too well of the man that had fathered her child.

Life had been good though, her closest friends banding together to help her support the young child, and despite all she had been through, Julia maintained a healthy outlook on the world around her. She felt relieved as her shift finally came to an end, the rabbit quickly changing out of her work clothes before meeting her friend out front. Her close friend, a punky zebra had come to give her a ride. The square rimmed glasses and navy blue Mohawk pointed her out from a mile away, Julia running up to give her a hug.

She was extra excited for the ride home, as she had been promised she would finally meet her friend's new boyfriend. "So where is he?" the rabbit asked cheerfully as their hug broke. The zebra nodded over to the car behind her as the passenger door opened, Julia's smile fading as her heart sunk to the pit of her stomach. Out of the car, stepped a buff, chubby bear, sunglasses hiding the expression in his eyes as he looked over at Julia. It was him, the abusive rapist that had fathered her child.

Adrenaline coursed through the rabbit's body as she looked over at him, the bottom of her lip quivering as her body fought equal urges of hurting and pleasing him. Images hit her head, the first was her bashing the bear's brains in, the next was instead her lips sealed around his thick cock. Anger filled her as she stepped forward, her tight folds soaking wet as she reached out her paw, choking down a swallow as she spoke with fake brightness, "Nice to meet you?"

The bear let out a toothy grin as he fought back certain urges himself, clutching her paw as he growled out a low, "Likewise." Shivers crawled up the rabbit's back as she shook his paw, an agonizing lust filling her senses at the very touch of the vile man. Her friend continued to smile innocently as she their interaction seemed quite normal on the outside, the zebra stepping into the driver's seat to start the engine. As the other two went to take their seats, the bear grabbed Julia's ass with a firm squeeze. She said nothing but deep down her mind screamed with a thousand words.

The drive was uneventful as they made their way to Julia's home, the rabbit terrified as her friend unknowingly brought her attacker closer and closer to their daughter. The rabbit was unsure which emotion would prevail as only a few blocks remained on their journey, her fear or her lust. The silence was finally broken as the zebra suddenly spoke, "Unfortunately I can't help with the chores today Julia, but Tim can if you don't mind the company of a stranger."

The zebra chuckled as she took the offer so lightly, the rabbit glaring at the bear in the front seat, knowing damn well that name must have been a facade. As the car turned into the rabbit's driveway she made a quick judgement call. Her daughter had left the front door with her baby sitter behind her, and Julia outweighed the pros and cons of her obsessive lust and the safety of her daughter. The bear chuckled as he watched the cute cub bounding towards the car, "Cute kid, the father must be rather handsome!" Julia swallowed a bit of contempt as she looked to her zebra friend, giving a fake smile as she said, "Thanks for the offer, I'd love the help!"


Julia grunted in discomfort as her body thud against the wall of her home, the bear already throwing her, just after he had greeted her with a firm slap against the face. The rabbit rubbed her puffy lip as she looked up at the bear, watching him strip his pants away, her eyes once again setting sight on his hard cock. "Your friend has a pretty nice cunt," he said as he stepped over to her, gripping her by the hair to pull her muzzle up to the tip, "Ever tasted it before?"

She sniffed at his cocktip, making out the scent of her friend's juices, coming to the awful discovery the bear had made sure to fuck her before their reunion. She slowly dragged her tongue along the edge of the hard prick, tasting the feminine aroma left over by her bestie's pussy. "Tastes good..." she murmured out as he leaned in, wrapping her lips around the thick shaft, swallowing it down.

The bear groaned out a low, sultry grunt as she deep-throated him, working her muzzle delicately over him as she cleaned every hint of her friend's nectar from his stained shaft. After a good minute he pushed her aside. He dropped his pants to the floor as she hit the floor with a thud, getting ready for a much more savage activity.

Her look was quite feral as she stared back up at the bear, her pussy glistening wet as she needed so desperately to be defiled by this man. He shot a hork of spit into her face, before turning, spreading out his asscheeks to reveal the fleshy hole beneath his tail, unwashed and stained. Julia whimpered uncontrollably as she stared at it, desperate to once again taste the filth of the man she desired to suffer for.

When the bear finally snapped his fingers, she dove in like her life depended on it, tongue scraping along the dry skidmarks as she inhaled the stench like it was the sweetest aroma she had ever experienced. Lap after lap, the hard caked on mess broke away into her muzzle, teeth scraping across the bear's assfur as she literally made out with the filthy pucker.

The bear waited until it had been mostly cleaned by his little slave before letting out a loud sputtering fart into her muzzle. Little hints of filth sprayed out over her tongue and she drooled onto the floor, her saliva stained brown as she panted desperately in heat. He chuckled as he heard the desperation in her breath, clenching his muscles as he grunted out, "Just like old times!"

A thick pile of dark brown emptied out into the rabbit's muzzle, every inch of her taste buds assaulted by the appalling taste. She choked as it filled her muzzle to the brim, clogging her throat so she gagged anxiously. She fought her stomach's protests as inch by inch, she managed to swallow down the pile of sludge, the bear only making more each time she finished what was already in her mouth.

"Shit, I had to go!" the bear finally cackled out as he finished his long dump. He pulled his pants back up, pulling his key ring out to twirl his car keys around in his fingers. "Ok, now that you've had your appetizer...hows about we grab that daughter of mine and go for a ride."

Julia stared at the bear, terrified that he must have known where she lived all along, clearly parked nearby. "Oh don't give me that," he chuckled, "I've looked you up for a good week now, quit acting like you didn't know this would happen one day!" He knelt down to push two fingers into her pussy, "Don't act like you haven't craved it!"


Julia panted out with a sick, disgusted lust, unable to speak through her gag as the bear drove them on to their next location. She felt terrible for her daughter as she listened to the young cub cry out between her legs, muzzle tied down into the rabbit's lap so every breath the child made got her mother's folds damper. Her maternal instincts begged her to save her daughter from this horrible treatment, but the feral lust inside her kept her squirting over the cub's face, deep down needing this moment to last as long as it could.

"Its ok sweetheart," she reassured the cub, fingers reaching down to tickle the young one's folds, "Be strong for mommy!" The confused cub continued to shake and spasm, so confused about the bear driving up front and why he had stripped and bound her and her mother. The bear's cock was stiff the entire drive, and he felt like it was ready to explode by the time they had finally reached their destination.

After the car came to a stop he moved around the backseat, unstrapping the simple bondage and grabbing the rabbit. Julia gasped as she was thrown onto the ground, the deserted location hidden behind a seemingly unused warehouse. She slid her fingers over her folds, soaked from all the panting of her daughter's lips. She looked up at the figure that stood waiting for them, her body covered in the dirt of the ground as her eyes surveyed the panther that stood over her. He cleared his throat, horking a glob of flem on her cheek, "Missed you cunt bunny!"

Julia shuddered as the sticky spit clung to her fur, the panther unlooping his belt, and unzipping his pants, the jeans and underwear falling to the ground. Before he even had the chance to be forceful the rabbit was over his lap, gulping down his barbed shaft in desperate moaning lust. "Man what the fuck did you do to her?" the panther groaned out as he gripped the rabbit's hair, "Years ago she wouldn't have been this obedient!"

The bear grinned as he stepped out of the car, holding his daughter in his arm as she kicked and squealed. He quieted her with a small slide of his paw, two fingers plunging into her tight little pussy. "Shh, there ya go," he whispered as his daughter quieted and blushed, clutching the bear as she wiggled in pleasurable confusion, "See we're here for a good time sweetie!" The small cub was flustered and yipped out little moans, but was unsure of the situation, still afraid as she looked to her mother.

"It's, al-mmm-right hon!" the cub's mother called out in between gulps, in a humiliating form of heaven as she swallowed down the panther's length. "D-don't be afraid, these two boys are gonna make you and momma very happy!"

The small mix breed nodded as she whimpered out, her father swirling his thumb around her tailhole as he kept sliding his two fingers in and out of her tight pussy, "Mmm my little girl is nice and warm aren't ya?"

The cub sighed as she gripped the bear's arm, "A-are you my daddy?"

The bear grinned as he nipped her ear lightly, "Yeah baby, daddy's home!"

Back on the ground, Julia had begun gulping and moaning, the panther sighing out as he relieved himself down her throat. "You like that hot sour piss, you nasty cunt?"

"Mhmm," she murmured out, taking a break only so her breasts could get showered in urine, "I love it...p-please sir, if you can, f-feed me your shit!"

The panther cackled out as he buried his shaft back in the rabbit's throat, finishing the rest of his piss spray, "Was hoping you'd say that, ate way too much today!"

"Ewww!" the cub whimpered out as she listened, "Why does mommy want to e-eat poopie?"

The bear chuckled as he kissed his daughter on the forehead, "Poopie taste really yummy kiddo, you should try it sometime."

The cub's face contorted to a frown as she looked over at her mother, "Mommy does poopie taste good?"

The rabbit was near orgasm as she fingered herself, each taboo detail of her surroundings peeling away her sanity, "Yes sweetie, poopie tastes wonderful, d-do you want to come have some with mommy?"

The cub looked unsure but nodded reluctantly, "O-ok..."

The bear let her go, watching as the adorable little hybrid scampered over to the panther. He sat himself down on the hood of the car, pumping his shaft with his damp paw until it stunk like his daughter. The cub snuggled against her mother as she watched the panther kneel down, his tail lifting up. "Watch mommy, ok?" the rabbit said, leaning up so she could drag her tongue softly against his musky rear. He wasn't too dirty but was definitely a day or two unwashed, the hint of flavor enticing her.

The rabbit pet her daughter's hair lovingly as she waited for the panther, moaning out as he let a rough fart out into her muzzle. She swallowed down the rank stench with a gag, tickling the smooth pucker again with her tongue right before the tip of a thick turd coiled out. She sucked on the tip as it began to drop out, swallowing down as much as she could before his piling mess was too much for her muzzle to hold. She caught the rest with her paws, palms holding the pile out to her daughter. She chewed, slurped and sighed as the bitter taste assaulted her senses, eyes watering as she whispered "Try it honey!"

"O-ok..." the little hybrid said as she grabbed a particularly small turd. Her voice was sour as she held the slimy piece of stinky waste, its surface smooth and dark brown, almost black. She closed her eyes as she opened her little lips, putting it in and giving it a slow chew. She shivered as she tasted the gross flavour, too naive to be as grossed out as an adult would be, but still not really enjoying it. "It t-tastes funny" she whined as she gulped the tiny piece down, her tummy rumbling a little uncomfortably.

Julia was overjoyed as she devoured another thick piece of shit, mashing her teeth against the thick pungent surface. "Good girl, I know it tastes strange, but look how happy we are making your father." She nodded over in the bear's direction, seeing the gruff adult furiously pumping his aching cock as he watched the girls eat.

The cub was so confused, terrified for her life just moments ago, but now so overwhelmed at having met her father finally that all she wanted to do was please him. "So, when..." she gulped, grabbing another of the smaller logs to slide into her mouth, "When he yanks his peepee, he's happy?" She chewed the gross log slowly, gagging a bit as she had trouble getting past its pungent taste.

"Yes honey," Julia explained brightly, "Remember how he touched you, how good it felt...daddy's doing that to himself right now, and watching us eat poopie gets him really excited!"

The cub chomped down on more crap, as her and her mother successfully shared the entire load together, both muzzle's stained a deep brown. "M-mommy?" the cub asked so confused as to how all the manners she had been taught were now being undone by her own mother.

"Yes dear?" she replied, holding her daughter in a hug before licking the panther's asshole clean.

"H-how come daddy and the kitty spit on you and hit you?"

Julia smiled, "Oh sweetie, mommy likes being put in her place, they would never do that to you, and it gets mommy when she gets to eat daddy and kittie's poopie!"

The cub looked very frustrated as she pouted to her mother, "That makes no sense mommy, why would you like that?"

The rabbit giggled as she slid a couple muddy fingers over her daughter's folds, causing her to shudder, "You'll understand when you're older baby, for now let's just let daddy and kitty make us feel really good, ok?"

The cub shook in sudden misunderstood bliss, clutching her mother's paws, "Mmm, y-yes mommy!"

The bear got to his feet as he finally heard his daughter submit, her done almost as desperate as her mother's as they both lay in a dirty heap waiting or the two men to use them. "You've done well" he said as he grabbed the rabbit's hair, pulling her muzzle down over his cock, the hard shaft filling up her throat, brown saliva pooling out over his waist. "Both of you did so well!" he added as he scritched his daughter's hair, the little hybrid nuzzling into his paw, overjoyed for making up so much lost time with her estranged father. "Look at mommy kiddo," the bear said softly, the cub turning her attention as she viewed the hard cock slamming in and out of the rabbit's muzzle, "Do you wanna try that too?"

The cub looked a little anxious for a moment, but then nodded her head enthusiastically, "Yes, I wanna make daddy very happy!"

"That's my girl" he said happily as he pushed the rabbit away.

The panther grabbed her and slid her muzzle over his own cock with a low "Yeah, come here slut!"

The cub opened her mouth as if about to receive a lollipop, an innocent look in her expression. The bear groaned as he gave his shaft quick milking, a small spurt of precum shooting out into the young hybrid's mouth, "Try that sweetie."

The cub slurped it around for a moment, a smile appearing on her face as she was happy how much better it tasted than the scat from earlier. "It tastes like my favourite chips!" she giggled, thinking of her love of salty snacks. The cum was a little more bitter than the usual bag of crisps, but she almost liked that better.

"Good girl, try and get more from daddy!" he egged her on, petting her soft hair as she wrapped her lips over his head, sucking on it like a bottle.

Julia howled out nearby as the panther had shoved two of his fingers into her ass, sliding them in and out, "Relax bitch or I'm going in dry!" Julia made her best effort to relax the muscles of her bowels, she wasn't faking the pain from the lubeless stretching of her ass, but she tried to remain quiet, ecstatic that she would soon be getting anal. "That's better," the panther growled as he kept working his fingers in and out of her tight rump. He leaned down with his free paw for his pants pocket, fishing out the bottle of lube he had brought. He squirted out a small glob of the slippery liquid, stroking it over his cock as his barbs flared out with excitement.

Nearby, Julia's daughter was moving her muzzled back and forth, the first couple inches of the bear's cock submerging in and out of the tight young muzzle. "You're really good kiddo," the bear groaned out as he stroked the back of her neck, "Daddy feels wonderful!" The little hybrid grinned immensely as she heard those words, working her muzzle faster over her father's shaft.

Julia was moaning passionately as the panther buried his length into her rear, not even bothering to give her time to get used to it. The stings were harsh as the feline barbs scraped against her inner walls, the rabbit panting in a frenzy as she was mounted doggy-style. "Yeah that-a-slut!" the panther jeered as he bucked his hips, cock slamming deep into her, "Nothing like a dirty cunt's asshole!"

"Oh god I missed you two!" the rabbit moaned out, pussy squirting as she reached climax from all the humiliation. The orgasm caused her anal assault to become more pleasurable, her eyes rolling back as she lay into the feline's rough thrusts.

The panther grinned deeply as he thud his cock deep and hard, his breath tensing up as he got closer to blowing his load. He looked over to the bear as he heard him groan out, eyes widening as he saw the little cub swallow a thick load of ropey cum, her cheeks bulging as some of it ran down the front of her chest. The cub moaned gently as she gulped down the taste she had learned to love, the sight and sound of such a naughty act finally pushing the panther over the edge. He cried out a loud spasming moan as his barbs hooked into the rabbit's insides, cum coating her anal cavity to the brim.

All was quiet as all three adults achieved orgasm, the little cub finally squeaking out a confused response, "Umm, d-did everybody get tired?"

The girl's mother chuckled as she pat the dirt next to her, coaxing her daughter over to her as she waited patiently for the feline's barb's to unhook. "C'mere sweetie," Julia said gently as her daughter snuggled up next to her, "Did you want more of that yummy creamy stuff daddy made for you?"

The cub nodded frantically as excitement overtook her, "Yes mommy, it was really good and I want more!"

The rabbit nodded to her daughter, wincing as she felt the barbs loosen, and the panther's prick slide out of her asshole. "Ahh, o-open your mouth honey!" she moaned out as she stood up, leaning her rump over her daughter's waiting maw. She sighed out as she squeezed hard on her stomach, a bubbling fart ringing out as all of the panther's cum squirted out of the rabbit's tailhole, raining down into the hybrid's waiting muzzle.

The little bearbunny guzzled down the musky mixed semen, leaning up slowly to slurp and suck at her mother's backside. She kissed the rabbit's aching backside, small drips of blood, big gushes of cum and the odd hint of waste being searched out and devoured by the cute little hybrid. There was no hint of fear or shyness in her now, the cub now obsessed with guzzling as much cum as possible. She actually began to whimper and pout when her mother was finally clean, moving her head back so her mom could plop down beside her, "Thank you mommy, that was soooo yummy!!"

The rabbit kissed her daughter on the forehead, clutching her closely as she kissed her forehead, "I'm glad you had fun babygirl." As she huddled over her daughter, the two spent men approached her, vicious smiles filling their expressions.

"You two are coming with us!" the bear spoke as he winked to the rabbit, "After all...wanna make sure I give my daughter a loving family!"

Moments later the mother and daughter were curled up against each other naked, the space around them pitch black. Julia rubbed her tongue against her daughter's as she locked her muzzle against hers. "Mmm, that was pretty good sweetie," she said as she broke the kiss, "I think daddy will really like that!"

The cub giggled as she looked over at her mother, "Your breath still tastes like poopie mommy!"

"Sorry dear" Julia giggled with a blush.

"It's ok mom, I'm...uh, I'm starting to like it."

The rabbit smiled softly as she ruffled the girl's fur, "Good girl."

A sudden latch like sound rang out as light poured into the pair's vision, the panther opening the trunk of the car the two females lay in. Instead of fur there were smiles from the two captives as he said in a calm voice, "Ok pit stop girls, sure hope you're thirsty, 'cause we both gotta take a leak!"