OC: Rikuto Nightingale

Story by ScruffyTheFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Fursonas

Updated and finished.

Name:Rikuto Nightingale Species: Fennec/Nightingale (bird family)

This is a hybrid character, it is mainly a Fennec, the word "Nightingale" is a bird, the only "bird" thing about this hybrid is his wings. (yes, just wings)

Appearence: Primary/Secondary/Finer details


Rikuto's glistining fur is a deep midnight black,. His hair is the same(black), but with emerald green streaks running down above his eyes. (This is his primary color, spanning his whole back and on his shoulders, the top of his muzzle and upper half of his face, ears, ending at his knees(outer thighs) and his elbows on his arms.).


Inner thighs down to his feet, belly, tip of tail, ear fur, and the ears are white. (This being the Secondary color, spanning anything not mentioned on the primary, like belly up through thr frontal neck, under and sides of his muzzle, lower half of his face.)

Between the primary and secondary colors lay a green outline dividing them.

His ears, are the usual length a fennec would have, big and pointy, but his entire right ear is colored emerald green due to dipping it into radio active waist, so it kinda glows.

Eyes/Finer Details

His glimmering eyes complement his tribal marking, emerald green and reflective and somewhat glowing with his markings. (tribal marking, ask me for a referance to what kind)

Finer details/Marking/Tatoos/Paws/Wings

His wings are on his back, and are angelic type wings. The outside of his wings are midnight black and the inside of the wings are white. Also, in the inside of his wings, the white fades into emerald green towards the bottom. His wing size, the top should only be a few inches above his head, and bottem should reach a few inches below the hips, and the length should be atleast a few inches away from arm length. (whatever would be semi realestic)

He bears a light emerald green tribal marking on the left side of his shoulder, they glow brightly in the dark while out hunting, and turn a glowing bright blood red when angry and in rage and his eyes following with this glow.

His tongue is also emerald green. And his legs are not digitized.


The his nose is also emerald green, his paw pads and feet pads aslo follow green. A special feature on his face is, under both his eyes are three little spots of green. The two tatoos he has, is a green Spade emblem that is overlayed (on) around his eye, the second tatoo being 5 black star tatoos that are on his waist, in a curved line that starts small to big downwards.

Clothing: A light grey hoodie that wraps tightly around him, sleeves rolled up. Black and green striped leg stockings that stop half way up his thigh. The Hoodie being specialy made to fit winged furrys. This is his at-home attire, his normal clothing would consist of black jeans and a green t-shirt

Accessories: He is a avide hunter and treats nature with a undieing passion, he carrys a bow with a quiver under his left wing.

Personality: Living out in the wild, and being a country natured boy, Rikuto is shy around others in public. He keeps a good work ethic when working with on his farm, and hunting out in the wild. He also recently fell in a puddle of green radiating substance that gave him his wings, markings and odd green color traits about him. He is a homosexual due to poor relation ships with the oppisite sex, and usualy chats with his online boyfriend when not working in the pasture or hunting.

Apparent Age: teenager Gender: Male Height/Length: 5ft8 Orientation: Homosexual

Sexual details: Ball size: Plump fox nuts ^^ Barbed: No Cock color: Emerald green Cock diameter(inches): 3inchs Cock length (inches): 9inches total, Cock Shape: Canine Knot Diameter(inches): 3inch around, 4.5 inches in length, Knotted: no Sheath: yes Uncut: No