A Father's Love, Chapter Six

Story by Boleynna on SoFurry

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#6 of A Father's Love

There was blood everywhere, blood on the walls, the floors, the ceiling, and the furniture. Josh lay on the floor, shaking. I pulled the needle from his neck. He looked up at me.

"You..." he hissed.

His body was covered in bloody holes. I licked the blood off the needle.

"Never again!" I said, then plunged the needle into his chest.

His eyes rolled into the back of his head, then he was still.

"Camile you've dropped a stitch!" Miss Bailie hissed.

I looked up at her.

"What?" I said.

It was only a dream, Josh was probably off at the pub with his friends.

"You have dropped a stitch," Miss Bailie said, and she snatched my knitting from me to fix it.

"I'm sorry Nanny," I said.

I poured myself some more tea and took another biscuit.

"Don't eat too many of those, you'll spoil your dinner," Miss Bailie said.

"Wouldn't be a bad idea," I said softly.

I sipped my tea quietly.

"Hush, now," Miss Bailie said.


George the butler entered and bowed.

"A Mr. William to see Miss Dane," George said.

Miss Bailie turned her head to me, she looked furious but she didn't say anything. Then she turned back to George.

"What does he want?" she hissed.

"He wants to speak with Miss Dane," George said.

"May I?" I said to her.

"You may," she said.

Will was standing in the Main Hall. He bowed to me. I wished he hadn't.

"Afternoon," I said.

"Afternoon," he said.

"You came to see me?" I started.

"Yes," Will said.

He looked around.

"Is there somewhere private we can speak?"

"This house is hardly private," I said softly.

I looked over my shoulder.

"The Library, we won't be bothered there," I said.

The Library was quiet, so quiet I started to have second thoughts. Josh could be hiding there, listening, eager to report to Daddy or blackmail me.

"Mr. Bridshaw likes you," Will said.

"Course he does," I said.

"No, he really likes you," Will said. "He talks about you every day, well to me he does."

My lips curled into a small smile. A small flame burned inside me.

Mr. Bridshaw loves me! I cried happily in my mind. He loves me!

Then Will put his paws on mine. I hadn't realized I'd been gripping my skirt so tightly, my knuckles were white.

"It's okay, it's okay to use your fingers," Will whispered in my ear.

The hall seemed longer today, probably because I was still a little drowsy. Then I bumped into someone. She squeaked and hurried past me. I turned to see who it was. It was a striped hyena femme, she hardly looked older than me. She hurried down the hall, watching me nervously. I don't think she knew the back of her dress was still open and her corset was visible, her blonde hair was coming out of its bun. She appeared to have come from Josh's room. I fought the urge to knock on his door, but then a sad little voice in my head said, "Thank god it wasn't me."

I closed the door behind me and crawled into bed. I didn't feel like dinner. I couldn't sit next to Josh, sit next to him where he could put his paws on me. I think Uncle Atlas knew... I think everyone knew, but they didn't care or want to say anything.

I stared up at the ceiling. I think it would have looked nice with clouds and angels pained on it. Yes, that was it. A blue sky with white clouds and chubby little angels with pink and blue wings, then when I'd wake up I'd know everything was well. But who would see the angels and clouds at night?

"Camile are you ready?" Miss Bailie's voice asked, she knocked on the door.

"I'm not going," I said.

"You have to eat," Miss Bailie said.

"I'm not hungry Nanny," I said lazily.

"Your father wants you downstairs," Miss Bailie said.

"I don't want to go, tell him I'm unwell," I moaned.

Surprisingly she left me alone. What a relief, I breathed.

I closed my eyes. My bed was so soft and comfortable, I didn't want to get up.

"Oh Mr. Bridshaw," I said softly, stroking the quilt.

I smiled and breathed a deep sigh, rubbing my belly, lightly scratching at the fabric of my dress. One of my paws stroked my thigh, pulling my dress up and caressing my fur.

I ran my paw up my thigh to my nether region, my fingers stroking over my lower lips. They were a little wet. I let my fingers wander a little further. They brushed over my nub, my body quivered a little and I sighed softly. I rubbed my nub with a single fingertip, circling it. I think my body enjoyed that, I could feel myself getting wetter, my lips seemed to swell a little. My fingers moved a little deeper, one of them wandered inside me. Was this what Will meant by "it's okay to use your fingers?" It felt nice.

I moved my finger in and out of me, my palm rubbed against my sensitive nub.

There he was again. His sketchbook in hand, but then he set it aside. He tugged off his shirt and my jaw dropped a little. He was gorgeous, tall and muscular, his fur golden in the lamplight. He moved toward me, his muscles rippling. He climbed onto the couch with me, hovering over me. His nose just inches from mine. he ran his fingers through my hair, rubbing his nose against mine, his paws stroked my face and shoulders.

Then he sat up and unbuckled his belt and entered me, kissing me softly. He kissed my neck and shoulder, gently stroking my breasts. He snaked his paws beneath me and pulled me close to him.

"Mr. Bridshaw... Richard..." I moaned.

Someone would hear me... but I didn't care.

I pushed my finger a little deeper, my wetness seemed to be sucking on my finger.

My nipples stiffened, pressing against my corset. Damn the lacing, I couldn't reach it with my one paw, and I didn't want to take my other paw away. I slipped in a second finger, increasing my thrusting.

"Richard.." I moaned a little louder.

My muscles clenched round my fingers, my body quivered a bit as a wave washed over me and I cried out.

My fingers were drenched, there was a musky but sweet smell about the room. All was silent, then- KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!

"Camile? Camile are you alright?" Miss Bailie asked.

My face flushed. Oh god!

"Yes! Yes, I'm alright! Everything's alright! I just saw a mouse!" I lied.

I think she believed me.

"No mice are welcome in this house!" Miss Bailie said.

I lay back on my bed.

"Damn," I whispered.