Tony's new toy

Story by willyS on SoFurry

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New Story Read and Review. It features characters from Alpha and Omega. LillyXTony if you don't like don't read

Tony had a thing for Winston's youngest daughter Lilly. She was smart, funny, outgoing, enthusiastic, beautiful, and, according to Eve, still single. Her fur was the purest white and as soft as silk, Lilly's eyes were as violet as a sapphire and her voice was as gentle as a breeze. Tony loved how she could make his day great even when nothing was going his way. When he found out Lilly needed a job to help pay for school he offered her a position as his cleaning lady. She was reluctant at first but soon agreed when no one else would hire her. Today was the day they were going to meet to discuss her payment and hours.

It was a beautiful Thursday morning when Lilly pulled in to Tony's driveway. She shut off the engine, got out of her car and walked up to the front porch. She rang the doorbell and waited as the muffled sound of Tony's footsteps got closer. She couldn't stop her thoughts from going to Tony. He was just so handsome. I could definitely see myself with him if he wasn't like my second father she thought. She'd had a crush on Tony ever since she was 16 years old. He was just so perfect to her. He had a great laugh, smile, personality, and, according to her mother, a rather large endowment. She's spent most of her teenage years fantasizing about him, and about being married to him and being able to call him her husband. The door opened and Tony stood in the doorway, blinking momentarily when the sun hit his eyes. He shook his head and his jaw seemed to drop three feet when he saw Lilly. He flinched slightly but quickly regained his composure.

"Lilly! Why don't you come in?" Tony greeted her enthusiastically before stepping aside and allowing her to walk in. "Do you want something to drink? Or would you rather get right down to business?" Lilly noticed that while Tony was talking to her, he was trembling slightly. She started to subtly run her eyes over Tony's body, taking in its surprisingly fit and muscular nature. He was wearing a checkered flannel shirt, worn blue jeans, and brown hiking boots. Lilly continued to eyeball Tony until his voice snapped her out of the silent reverie. "Lilly, are you okay?" Tony asked.

"I'm fine, I guess I just zoned out for a minute. Not professional I know but I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately," she explained.

"If you don't feel up to it we can reschedule our meeting, I don't need a cleaning lady right away."

"No, I need this job, please continue." Lilly mentally scolded herself for letting her daydreaming almost make her lose her chance at this job. She would have to learn to control her "tendencies" around Tony.

"Follow me Lilly. I've got something that will help you relax."

"No really Tony I'm okay now."

"I don't want you to have to force yourself to stay awake, now come on." Lilly followed Tony as he walked down the hallway. She noticed all the pictures on the walls were of Tony and his son, but none of Garth's mother. Tony led her through the kitchen and then the living room until she was standing outside of a room that could only be a sun room. It was full of windows and there was a calming, rainbow colored light emanating from it. Tony stopped.

"If you'll just step in here I'll help you relax like I promised." Tony stood aside and Lilly walked through the door stopping as soon as she crossed the threshold. The light dancing all through the room was just so pretty. Lilly felt herself relax almost instantly and felt her mind go blank. The colors were beginning to cloud her thoughts but she didn't mind, she was too blissed out to care about anything at this point.

Tony watched as Lilly entered the room and froze. Her expression told him enough, that she was completely relaxed and in a state of total suggestibility. He smiled as he remembered buying that sun catcher off of an online store. He laughed at first when the ad said it was guaranteed to work, but now he was smiling as he watched it give him his money's worth. Tony slipped on a pair of sunglasses before entering the sun room.

"Lilly take a seat." She did after he put his hands on her shoulders and guided her on to a couch. "I'm going to put a tape in and I want you to keep watching the pretty colors but listen to the tape, it will make things so much clearer. I'll be back to check on you in a few hours." Lilly didn't really hear Tony leave she was to focused on the pretty lights and the wonderful and yet familiar voice on the tape. She cleared her mind and let the tape reorganize her from the inside out.

Tony came back two hours later to find Lilly completely naked and wearing a simple pleasured expression on her face.

"Hello master, how may I serve you?" Tony smiled to himself. Oh yes, this will be fun.

To be Continued...