Werewolf 101

Story by ColinLeighton on SoFurry

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A military couple accepts an offer to become werewolves for a new army program. General sexy transformations and werewolf romping ensures.

I've been going through an obsessing-about-werewolves phase lately, so this was pretty much bound to happen. I wanted to write something that dealt with the possibility of the military attempting to use werewolves as an improved form of solider. It was supposed to be a one-off but I *may* do some sequels of some sort...no promises though. I am notoriously slow at sequels (as how the second Colyn & Colton story is still unfinished), but who knows. A army camp full of attractive, sex crazed gay werewolves? Gotta admit there's some story potential there.

This story features another (after my top favourite, rimming, which you'll find in almost all my stories) of my favourite story kinks...female-to-male transformation. Not everyone's cup of tea I guess, but something about a cute girl turning into a hot male wolf just appeals to me. Anyhows, remember if that or sexy gay werewolf action isn't your thing, you're on the wrong part of this site (or the wrong site altogether!) - otherwise, enjoy!

*Note: If you really want to visualise the werewolves in this story, I used the art piece "Brisco by Night" by Damalia on DA for inspiration. Check it out, it's a totally awesome piece of a super-hot werewolf (licks chops).

Werewolf 101

by Colin Leighton

"Remember, this is final" the recruiter was saying as I bent to sign the release form.

Behind me, I heard my girlfriend chuckle. "You really think after all this time we haven't considered that?"

The recruiter was unperturbed. "Maybe," he said, rubbing his hand through his hair. "But it's beyond me why anyone would intentionally choose...this." He put up a hand. "Oh, I know, you're serving your country, but there are so many other ways to do that, without..." he didn't finish.

Cassidy and I exchanged a glance. "It's your job to promote this new program" I said, signing my name, Edward Sanders, on the line where it specified a signature. "You're supposed to be convincing." Cassidy snickered again, and I hid a grin. The recruiter didn't know that she and I had been sold on this program from the moment we'd heard it introduced to us.

"I was assigned to this job when I got back from my tour in Iraq" the man said. "I didn't choose it. And I don't understand why you'd choose this. It's like...suicide, almost."

I finished checking off the boxes that specified, yes, I was 100% healthy, no, I had never smoked, and no, I did not have any allergies. Strange that this soldier had braved combat in hostile situations and yet he was terrified by the idea of a little fur? I shook my head and stepped aside so Cassidy could fill out the last of her forms. Of course, with a life-altering choice such as this, the past month had been filled with endless paperwork, but thankfully, we were finally at the end. We'd just arrived at the military research facility after a long ride in the dark back of a truck. Our superiors said that the facility's location was being kept secret for obvious reasons, which was understandable...but still I felt just a pin-prick of wariness. It really was a strange project we were getting ourselves into, very much Jason-Bourne-government-conspiracy stuff.

"Last chance" the soldier called as a facility staff member pointed us to the door. We just waved, but as we left the lobby he yelled again "If you go in there, you'll never come out."

I was a Marine, Cassidy a naval ensign, each awaiting our second tour, when a very strange offer came to us. One day, we each received a notice saying that we had been selected for a very special new program, and that we would be contacted by a program representative in the new future. We'd laughed about it and joked that the program probably just had to do with military PR or something else that catered to the whims of faraway politicians.

That changed only two days later when a second notice arrived, asking us to report to a meeting the following day, in order to discuss our reassignment. So dutifully we'd reported to duty and arrived along with about two dozen others who'd received similar notices. The meeting room was filled with an assortment of puzzled faces as we waited to learn why we'd been summoned. Most of us were men; Cassidy was one of only three women present. We joked among ourselves and speculated on the reasoning behind why we were all there. I don't think any of us could ever have imagined the real reason.

Finally a general I didn't recognise took the stand and told us that we were going to watch a video and listen to a couple doctors, who would present the general idea of the program. We were also subjected to a severe lecture about what would happen to us should anyone dare to share details of the program with the public, or even worse, the media. By this point Cassidy and I were getting pretty curious about what we'd been brought into.

The screen blinked to life, and a man appeared on the screen. "Welcome!" he exclaimed cheerily. "If you are watching this video, then you are one of a very select number of American servicemen and women who've been chosen for what may become the US military's most ground-breaking program in history. I don't think there is any reason to take our time presenting what is being offered to you, so let's get moving."

The screen blinked again and an image appeared, of an old 15th century woodcut of something - a werewolf - attacking some people. The image shifted and flicked between several movie stills, most of which I didn't recognise (I'm not a horror movie fan) but all of which featured werewolves. The man kept talking as the images begun to include artwork which portrayed the beasts in more favourable light. "Werewolves have been a part of the world's mythology for as long as humanity can remember. Practically every culture has shape-shifters as part of their legends, and in modern years werewolves have become even more well-known through the popularity of fantasy and paranormal film and writing. Most believe that such creatures exist only in human imagination, and for hundreds of years, academia has believed that as well. You can then imagine our shock when we discovered that, werewolves, which are also known as lycanthropes, I might add, are real."

There was a slight pause in the video, enough for a hush to settle around the room and silence any quiet conversation between soldiers. Cassidy and I exchanged a glance. Could we believe what we were hearing?

"This discovery presented an interesting opportunity for us. Werewolves are stronger than humans, have greater endurance, have amazing healing abilities, and are much harder to, well, kill. How many lives might be saved if America's wars are fought by werewolves - dog soldiers, if you will - instead of humans?"

The guy never mentioned how they'd discovered that werewolves truly existed, or how they'd found out all these details in the first place. He moved right on to the clincher.

"Of course, some problems presented themselves. For one, the issue of shifting. If, for whatever reason, a solider starts shifting while in combat, it might make him more vulnerable to attack, even if for just a moment." The video showed a cartoon of a man starting to turn into a wolf, getting shot, and falling dramatically to the ground.

"Of course, a change had to be made. What if a werewolf, once changed, never returns to human form?" The video cartoon guy resurrected himself, turned into a wolf, looked at the viewer, and gave thumbs up.

The screen returned to the scientist, for that was what he was, who'd been talking the whole time. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly what we have accomplished."

The whole room was silent in shock. We watched in fascinated horror as the scientist explained that the research facility had modified the werewolf virus to an extent that any person, once infected, could never return to human form. Essentially, they had created biologically designed soldiers. And when the screen showed live footage of a couple buff wolf dudes exercising, I think we all started to believe.

After that, the video progressed rapidly, explaining that now that the virus was developed and working properly, its creators only needed people willing to inject themselves with it. Every soldier summoned to the meeting had been carefully selected, we learned. We were all between 20 and 30 years old; we all weighed between 110 and 230 lbs; all stood between 5' 4" and 6' 4"; none had any health issues; and, perhaps most importantly, none of us had any family to speak of. We had been selected because we could disappear and no one would care.

It was scary when you thought about it.

But when the scientist explained that every person thus selected was being given the option to (permanently) change into a werewolf, it really began to take perspective. Especially when they explained some of the advantages of being a werewolf:

· Increased hearing, scenting ability, and physical strength -

· Immunity from almost all human diseases

· Endurance and metabolism far exceeding the most ablest of humans

· The ability to heal almost any wound, no matter how severe

Before we left, one of the supervisors told us that we had a week to reach a decision about which direction our lives would be taking at this point.

I think Cassidy and I had both decided before we finished the video.

"I'm accepting the offer" was the first thing she said when we got back to our house.

She said the words with a clarity and certainty that I felt within myself as well. "So am I" I said. Neither of us could really put into words our reasoning for this decision, and we never really discussed it - we just made the choice and moved right on from there, without backwards glance.

"We're kind of on a tight schedule so you'll actually be getting the injection today" we were told as the facility staff member assigned to us, a woman named Tina, led us back to the lab where our lives would change forever.

Cassidy's and I couldn't control our grins. For us, the sooner, the better.

"How long will it take after the injection before we...change?" Cassidy asked.

Tina escorted us into a lab room and gestured at a side door. "You should shower before we inject you. You'll find towels on a shelf in there. As for the time - well, it depends on the individual, but generally you're looking at, say, 12 hours or so. The virus has to start re-writing your genetic code before the physical change can occur."

It was all like something out of a sci-fi movie, too fantastic to believe. "No last minute worries?" I asked Cassidy as we scrubbed ourselves down for the final time as humans.

Droplets fell from her wet blond hair as she shook her head. "God, no. I can't wait. I keep thinking back to when I was a kid and wishing I was a dog, or something. And now it's possible....I..." she shook her head again, and I understood. It was like a dream come true.

"Plus," she said as we dried off, "remember the werewolves they showed in the video? Those guys were...well...hot." She smirked naughtily. "I look forward to seeing what you look like all wolfed-out."

"If werewolves are superior to humans in all other categories, I wonder about sex?" I grinned back, and she giggled.

"This will only take a minute" Tina told us as we returned from the shower. "You really should take off your clothing, but if you prefer to wait until you're in your room to do that, it's fine. Just take if off before you change."

"What can you tell us about the change?" I asked as I laid down on the table. Cassidy reached out from the other table and took my hand.

Tina pursed her lips as she filled a large needle with some kind of serum. "When you first start to change, you will probably experience a lot of discomfort. Headaches, nausea, cramps - it's why we asked that you avoid food for the past 12 hours. Later on though, once the change is really going, you may begin to feel a sort of high." She aligned the needle with my arm, dabbing disinfectant on the area. "It depends on the individual, but some experience an emotional high. Or in some cases it comes out as a lot of sexual desire."

I looked over to Cassidy's table and winked at her, and she put on a mock look of disapproval. Then - there it was, the almost unnoticeable sting of the needle - and it was gone. I was infected with werewolf toxin.

I watched as she prepared the same process on Cassidy. "Is there anything else we should know? I mean, we've had all this information given to us numerous times over the past month but last minute repetition never hurts."

Tina was quiet for a moment. "You already know about the physical discomfort, so I won't go into that any further. Just remember that the physical change isn't all. You aren't merely becoming humans with fur. You will be a different species, complete with an adjusted psychological outlook. Be prepared for the possibility of being a completely different person this time tomorrow."

It was sobering, but nothing Cassidy and I hadn't heard before. So we followed Tina back to the hallway, down an elevator, to hall lined on each sides with doors like in a hotel. Tina opened one of them with an ID card. "Your transformation will occur in here. Normally we insist that individuals transform on their own, but since you are a couple, we will make an exception. After you have completed the change you'll have a few hours to recover before you'll be sent on to the Werewolf Camp training base for Werewolf 101. At which point my work is done." She paused. "Oh...and be aware that there are cameras in this room. We apologise for the lack of privacy, but for safety reasons and your own health, we reserve the right to monitor your changes."

"I'll try to remember that when my head feels like it's splitting open and I'm dealing with the reality of growing a tail" I remarked.

Tina smiled faintly. "Good luck then. You will probably start feeling sleepy pretty soon from the effects of the serum...in most cases the 12 hours prior to change will be spent sleeping. So sweet dreams." She shut the door with a click. So we were locked in. Sweet.

The room was very bare, save for a sparsely-clothed bed and a couple black cameras in the upper corners. A cooler of ice next to the door held, I determined, bottles of water. Maybe new werewolves get thirsty. There was also an unlabelled tube of something creamy, with a consistency of lotion or hair gel. I put that back. "I guess they aren't worried about us getting bored" I said, but Cassidy was already asleep.

I awoke several hours later with a pounding headache.

I cannot lie; it literally felt like my head was splitting apart, or bound to at any moment. My stomach heaved, and I could tell from the acrid smell in the air that Cassidy, who was bent over on the floor, had already lost whatever remained in her stomach. Everything hurt - my skin felt itchy; my teeth ached; my ankles felt swollen, and, yes, my balls felt pretty strange too. I normally prided myself on my pain tolerance, but this was something else. It was like my body was attacking itself from the inside out.

Despite my aching body, I still managed to pull together and put my arm around Cassidy. She was shaking all over, and felt very hot to the touch. "Stay strong baby" I whispered, feeling her trembling. The front of my face was really getting achy now. It felt like my skull was about to explode, and I could feel my spine beginning to ache too. That would be the tail...

"I'm...ok" Cassidy whimpered. "I just wish my body would stop fighting it and start changing."

As if by magic the skin on her arm started to darken.

Or maybe it had already been darkening and I just hadn't noticed. But now it was impossible to ignore that Cassidy's skin was becoming a bluish-black colour, unlike any human skin I'd ever seen. It spread down her arm towards her hand, growing darker and darker. "Baby! Your arm!" I cried, staring in fascination.

Cassidy's face broke out in a smile for the first time since we'd woken up. "It's starting" she murmured, eyes wide. Her fingernails were starting to get darker too, and seemed to be narrowing. Suddenly my eyes drifted to my own hand...and yes, the skin was blackening faster by the second, the nails growing narrower and yet longer. I turned it over and was amazed to see the dark shadows of paw pads beginning to appear. My hand was becoming a paw.

"Honey, we have to get out of our clothes" Cassidy said suddenly. "I want to watch the transformation and anyway they'll rip."

Damn. Tina had warned us about that. I stood up, ignoring my aching chest, and started undoing the buttons on my shirt. At least we were wearing civilian clothes that could be removed quickly. Cassidy was stripping off her blouse and bra in a haste and attitude of disinterest that indicated she did not intend to ever put them back on. My shirt was tossed carelessly to the side; off came my boots, far too slowly; then my socks, revealing that the darkening of skin was here as well. Not only that, but my foot seemed to have grown narrower, and my nails were again becoming dark and narrow. I jerked my jeans down and away and shed my boxers. There. Free.

Cassidy had also shed everything she wore, and it was clear that the change was working its magic on her. Her skin had turned dark all over her breasts and belly and shoulders, and was spreading up her neck. Little pin-pricks of fur were beginning to appear on her torso as well, the next step.

"Fuck!" I yelped, as a sudden jolt of pain shot through my backside, the kind that stops your mind just for a moment.

"Ned!" Cassidy exclaimed. "It's your tail!" Sure enough, when I reached around I felt a nub of something where formally there had been nothing. It was smooth and small and hairless, but even as I touched it I could feel it throb and grow. An incredibly strange feeling...but I looked forward to having a tail. Especially once it got some hair on it.

"Do you have one yet?" I asked, and when she turned to show me - yep, sure enough, she had a stub of a tail too, and like mine it was lengthening by the minute. I think it was right there, when we grew our tails, that the pain started to fade for me. Or maybe it didn't fade, but was just blocked out by the incredible euphoria of emotional glee that hit me as I watched fur begin to blossom all over my body. My head still ached, but I was beginning to feel aroused too, by the way my cock begun to rise and swell and harden. It too was changing; the skin was getting redder, and the tip had started to narrow into a point. I gripped it with one paw-hand and grabbed Cassidy's shoulder with the other, pulling her to me in a kiss.

Maybe it was odd how we were making out like teenagers just as our bodies were growing fur in all the places no human wants hair, but we were both rapidly being driven crazy with the rush of the moment. Cassidy's hair was only half as long as it had been a half-hour ago, and it too was changing colour, from golden blonde to a luscious black. Both of our hands were more like paws than hands now; our paw-pads were clearly visible; our nails had become claws; and black fur was spreading over the back and down our fingers. In my mouth, I could feel my aching teeth growing. It is an insanely peculiar feeling to feel one's teeth grow, grow larger and lengthen into points, into fangs. My tongue was growing too, and it slipped over them in a mouth that was momentarily not large enough for the fangs and tongue it housed.

"Oh Ned, Tina didn't lie" Cassidy moaned. "This really is an arousing experience." I kissed her heartily in reply, feeling in doing so that her face had begun to grow outwards, starting the process that would for her muzzle. My face ached, and yet it was with anticipation that I awaited my own muzzle growth. Really, my head was the only part of my body experiencing any discomfort now; the ache in my stomach had long since ended; and the feeling of fur covering my body was an able antidote to the itchiness which had plagued my skin beforehand. Of course, there was the now ever-present aching of my cock, which was now a dark red and had grown far longer and thicker than I ever had been as a human. I squeezed it again, and somewhere in my head an image appeared of myself atop another werewolf, thrusting under his tail -

His? The confusion lasted only a second for it left my head, because Cassidy was kissing me again and it was harder now because her muzzle, although far from complete, was becoming more pronounced. Not only that, but my own was growing too, and I could see my nose, which was turning black, much clearer than ever before. It was a gratifying feeling, that expansion of my face, a relief for my fangs and tongue imprisoned into too small a space.

I could feel my tail getting much longer, long enough to wag, which it was doing. "So, so horny" Cassidy mumbled absently. I dropped my head to her chest and licked at one of her breasts, which looked smaller now that they were covered in fur. Sucking on a nipple was harder now that I was rapidly losing my lips, as my muzzle grew ever outward, but I found that the benefit of having a long wolf tongue is that you can draw as much or more pleasure using it as compared with human lips. I licked at my girlfriend's breasts lustily, and, I thought, she must really have liked that because she was whining and moaning and whimpering like a deranged person. My cock ached and my balls felt stretched tight and my feet felt really weird too, but I couldn't look, until -

I was jerked from my concentration of licking by the realisation of feeling something poke my leg where nothing should have been. I released Cassidy's breast, which really did seem smaller covered in fur, and looked down. My belly and legs were completely fur-covered now, as were Cassidy's, but there was another change that I wasn't expecting, because jutting from her groin was a red wolf cock very similar to mine. Oh, hers wasn't quite so long or thick, but by the way it was throbbing and growing it soon would be. Her feminine parts were as gone as if they had never existed at all, and as I watched in fascinated horror, the skin at the bottom of her lupine sheath swelled too, larger and larger, as her balls descended.

I should have been horrified, watching my girlfriend change both species and gender, but instead, my mind, high on the joy of transformation, moved right over this as if it were nothing. So Cassidy was becoming male. I could live with that. In fact, somehow it seemed vastly preferable that way. As I stared in rising delight at the changes Cassidy had undergone, my now mostly fur-covered tail wagging; face bulging into a muzzle; ears beginning their migration up my head; legs rising as my feet - now paws - adjusted to a digitigrade stance; my now mostly werewolf mind rationalised this new development: when I actually thought about it, I could not find any attraction to women, or to the idea of females period. In a matter of a few seconds I ran through my head images of all the girls I'd ever dated; of the actresses I'd crushed on as a teenager, but they were as uninspiring as plain white walls. It wasn't that I was suddenly attracted to men; actually, no human seemed even remotely attractive. My mind told me that as a werewolf I was attracted to other werewolves, but all the werewolves that my imagination supplied were male; all had broad shoulders and muscled torsos; all had broad masculine muzzles and sturdy hips and thick red wolfcocks and plumb dark-skinned tailholes under their bushy tails.

As a werewolf, I was 100%, shamelessly gay.

So I did exactly what my werewolf mind suggested I do: I grabbed Cassidy's new wolf dick and held it against my own throbbing length.

Cassidy gave a moan and looked down. "What the fuck is that?!?" she cried, or rather, he cried - for I could see now why his breasts had seemed smaller, actually, his entire body was becoming less feminine by the second.

"It's your cock" I said calmly, rubbing it against mine. By this point my transformation was nearly complete; only my head was still partly human. Cassidy seemed to be at about the same pace; his head still had some human features, but the rest was all wolf.

"My cock?" He stammered, sounding more confused than horrified.

I nodded, seeing more and more of my muzzle interrupting my vision. "Yes. You're a boy werewolf now."

Cassidy was breathing really deeply as I rubbed our cocks together. My new paw-pads were perfect at this. "I'm a male" he said, a statement, not a question. "God, it feels great when you do that."

"Yeah you are" I growled happily, "and a really hot one too." It was true, that. My new boyfriend was incredibly hot; the black fur was glossy and gorgeous, and his now broad, masculine shoulders and narrower hips gave him the perfect build. His female breasts had completely melted away and been replaced by the pecs (and below that, the abs) of a very fit male. If I craned my head around, I could see that he had a fine furry tail and a perfect ass and of course his cock and balls were large enough that I couldn't ask for them to be bigger.

"Speak for yourself" my mate growled back, grinning wolfishly. The last of the human features were slipping away from him; his muzzle was complete; no human skin remained. "You'll have to teach me how to be a boy."

"Seems like your body already knows" I snickered, and he kissed me. Kissing was different now, more of a pressing of our muzzles together as our tongues danced and intertwined. My muzzle was complete too; all those weak human traits gone, replaced by the dominant genes of werewolf. There was a feeling of triumph; the werewolf having won out over the human, and as the reality of the finished transformation set in, I could not stop myself from throwing back my head and howling unrestrained at the ceiling. Seeing the pipes and wires and metal brought just a twinge of discontent to my mind; a werewolf doesn't belong in an artificial, man-made environment; he belongs with his pack in the wild, where there is no ceiling save for the tree canopy and the sky. This moment of unease lasted only for a few seconds though, because Cassidy was howling too, and our deep, longing howls echoed off the walls. It was true, what Tina said...neither of us were the same psychologically any more than physically. It was like the wolf had possessed us and became part of us at the same time. We'd both accepted Cassidy's gender changed without much concern, and our delight at the finality of being wolves left us looking back on our time as humans as an unimportant yesterday, something not worth remembering.

We were both panting when we finished our howl, and our cocks were still painfully stiff in my paw. "I want you to fuck me" Cassidy said suddenly, his yellow eyes shining with lust.

My werewolf mind suddenly knew that this was what we needed to finish off the afternoon's events. And no sooner had the thought entered my mind than it blocked out all other thoughts entirely. Once my consciousness locked in on the possibility of sex, no other thing in the world seemed important or worthy of concern. "I need you" I said in reply.

Cassidy dropped to all fours, raising his tail high. I found that standing on four legs, while still not so natural as two, did feel much easier than it had when I was human. I sniffed hungrily at the other werewolf's hole, an area of dark skin that smelled delightfully musky and inviting. The scent was so appetising that without hesitation I begin lapping at his hole contently, sampling his taste and hearing a pleased murmur of contentment escape from Cassidy's muzzle. I'd always thought dogs were distasteful in some of the areas they put their tongues, but somehow now that I was a werewolf, licking under my boyfriend's tail seemed very natural and desirable indeed, polite even. He certainly had no misgivings, not judging by the way he lifted his tail higher and arched up into my licks. Feeling encouraged, I licked harder, tilting my muzzle to the slide in a sudden need to taste Cassidy's insides.

"Fuck, Ned" Cassidy groaned. "I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am."

"Damn right I am" I grinned. "Don't ever look down on the back door; you taste just fine."

"Just don't stop" he growled, and I licked harder and felt muscle give way, and then I was stretching my tongue deep inside him, the taste of musk and ass so much stronger. Cassidy whimpered and I continued licking as best I could, harder now with my tongue thus confined. He kept up his whimpering as I explored his passage, unable to keep quiet as I enjoyed the taste of werewolf tailhole. I should add again that by this point, neither of us cared about anything whatsoever beyond sex, well, that and each other. All human concerns were gone, replaced by a deep animal need to mate.

It was this need that led me to reluctantly pull my tongue from his passage, licking my chops as I momentarily leaned back. "I want to start humping you but I don't want to hurt you" I muttered, as much to myself as to Cassidy. Then, before he could reply, it hit me. The tube of creamy substance in the cooler. I rushed from Cassidy's side as he stared at me curiously, flipped up the top, and grabbed the tube. I knew right away what it was. How it got there...had they known this was going to happen? I shrugged that thought away - why should a werewolf care about the thoughts of humans? My strong werewolf paws tore the tube in half in one motion and I dumped the cold liquid all over my ridiculously long, painfully hard wolfcock, saving the last of it to rub under Cassidy's tail and into his hole.

"Fuck, Ned, I need you so bad" Cassidy growled as I finished lubing up. The cold cream on my hot cock made my skin tingle, but I ignored it, lining up my eager shaft with his waiting hole. "Here it comes, bitch" I muttered, gripping his shoulders. God, how I needed him. I was possessed with the primeval need to fuck.

Maybe I should have gone slowly since it was his first time taking it up the ass, but I was too worked up for that. Instead, I drove my throbbing length up into him and hilted him right up to my knot, which was already swollen to half its full size. Cassidy let out a long, throaty groan. I yanked my cock out and slammed it in again, my paws tight on his shoulders. After those two desperate first thrusts I worked into a more steady pace, humping him evenly in fashion that best insured that every thrust had his passage stroking my cock perfectly. My tongue hung from my muzzle as I panted heavily, my eyes clenching shut as my cock drove into him, because it just felt so absolutely wonderful. Any sex I'd had as a human, with a girl, was nothing compared to this. We werewolves were sexual beasts, and for us, males were meant to fuck males. That was crystal clear as I pounded my knot against Cassidy's back door. He was moaning and howling and spitting words, mostly "fuck." That was another thing that had changed - his voice. It was deep and masculine, no resemblance to his female human voice at all.

My knot was mostly swollen but I wasn't ready to knot him yet. I wanted to stretch this mating out; it was our first mating as werewolves; Cassidy's first sex as a male. It had to be memorable. That didn't mean though that I was going tender and careful; I was fucking him hard and ruthlessly, deep animal rutting, but he didn't seem to mind. "You're a good bitch" I growled, stopping just in time to prevent my knot from slamming into his hole. Strange that when Cassidy was a woman, I'd never once breathed that word to him, yet now that he was a hot masculine male werewolf, it seemed a very appropriate word.

"Just...keep fucking me" Cassidy hissed, "and I'll be your bitch." I grinned and attempted an even deeper thrust, earning a yelp of pleasure from him, but on the next thrust he growled "only remember that the next time we fuck, your ass is mine." I grinned broader, perfectly ok with that. It was clear that our relationship would be one between two tough dominant werewolf dudes. One of us might take the receiving end when we fucked, but overall, neither of us would ever truly be submissive to the other.

His ass felt like it had been made specifically for my cock, every thrust feeling like slipping a hand into a glove, a perfect fit. I was gripping his shoulders so hard that my claws dug into his fur, but he wasn't complaining. We'd gotten to the point now that every time I thrust in; he pushed back into the thrust, allowing me to go deeper than I'd ever thought was possible during sex. It was on one of these amazingly deep thrusts that I felt something building within me and realised that if I did not knot Cassidy soon, there wouldn't be any reason to. The very next thrust I adjusted my angle. My knot was already pretty swollen, but after a rutting like this, his hole had to be stretched pretty good anyway.

It took only a few hard humps to get my knot in. I didn't slow down then though, because getting it in was only part of the job. I could release until my knot was as deep as it could go. Cassidy was howling insanely, driven mad by pleasure, and I could feel the mounting ecstasy beginning to overrun my mind as well. And when my knot lodged thrust and wouldn't go any further, I knew we had reached the end. This was confirmed when he clamped down his muscles on my dick and I felt an explosion of amazing....oh, it was too amazing to put into words. I bit down on the back of Cassidy's neck, not hard, but enough to feel his neck vibrating as he howled. My keen werewolf nose caught the scent of werewolf seed. Cassidy's seed. The ultimate confirmation that he was male. My own was filling his ass and I could still feel the orgasm continuing, long after it should have ended - but that was judging by what human sex had been like, and to this there was no comparison.

I don't know how long it was before we were left panting and trying to comprehend our incredible new existence. Sometime after we'd tied I had climbed off Cassidy's back so we were ass-to-ass, an unusual feeling but one definitely desirable. We were both panting heavily from the exertions of our transformations and rutting; however, I didn't feel overly tired. It was true though that we werewolves were supposed to have greater metabolisms in comparison with humans.

We'd been tied for a half hour or so when Cassidy looked over at me. "I've been wondering. Now that I'm a male, do I need a new name?"

My ears perked. "A new name?"

"Well, Cassidy isn't particularly masculine" he said. "Generally a girl's name."

I considered that. "Not always. There was that wild west outlaw...Butch Cassidy, that's it. I watched the movie about him once. Robert Redford played his sidekick. If a badass outlaw can be named Cassidy, I'm sure it's appropriate for a badass werewolf."

He grinned at me. "That's a great answer. Anyway, I'm still Cassidy, but a better version thereof."

"We're both improved on" I agreed. "This is so much better than...before."

Then my cock spurted inside him again and we licked each other's muzzles and words weren't necessary.

Tina explained some details later (we remained tied, to our delight, for long over an hour). "You might want to know why Cassidy's a guy now" she told us as we waited. They'd given us both some loose athletic type shorts but otherwise we were nude (who needs clothes when you've got fur?).

"Sure" I shrugged. "We're both happier with this arrangement now though, so it really doesn't matter."

Cassidy grinned and fondled his dick through his shorts. "Damn right you are, stud."

Tina smirked. "I figured as much, see as how you behaved on the camera." Oh - I'd forgotten about being watched - but really, I could have cared less. I was a werewolf fucking my mate and I didn't have any need to be concerned with what humans saw or thought. All human limitations and modesties had departed with my human psychology.

"Anyway," Tina went on, "it was decided after some test changes that for the ultimate success of the program, it would be best to have all our werewolf dog soldiers be male. For one thing, this eliminates the issue of females coming into heat. The few women who became female werewolves became very erratic in behaviour during their heat cycle, which could potentially be detrimental to the rest of the group. It eliminates the possibility of a male being distracted from duty because he's thinking about the girl in heat." She smirked again. "We were even more convinced that this was the route to go when we discovered, more or less by accident, that about 75% of male werewolves are exclusively homosexual anyway. We believe this originated because in a normal wolf pack, only the alpha male is allowed to breed females. In the case of werewolves, which are obviously a form of intelligent life, most males choose other males as mates, which increases pack harmony and bonding and eliminates unnecessary fighting over females."

"It makes sense" I agreed, grinning. Cassidy was playing with my tail.

Tina nodded. "The serum we use to change new werewolves is designed to change anyone it infects into a male werewolf, regardless of their human gender. Originally we were only going to accept male applicants, but after testing a few female volunteers, we decided it was safe to accept women too. We have yet to have a single werewolf complain after his transformation."

"Don't look at me to be the first" Cassidy said, holding up his paws. "I'm thrilled to be a dude."

"Good" Tina said. "Well, your ride to Werewolf Camp is on its way. I think you'll be quite happy there. Like real wolves, werewolves are happiest when with others of their own kind."

I pictured a place (a forest, could I hope?) with lots of attractive werewolves who'd accept Cassidy and I into the pack. Yes, I was looking forward to that. And the smirk on Cassidy's muzzle told me he had the same thoughts.

"Oh, one more thing" Tina told us, right before she left. "Congratulations. By successfully completing your transformation, you've completed the first step of Werewolf 101."

So that was how Cassidy and I became a gay werewolf couple, two more members of the US military's new werewolf program. Would the program be a success? Would werewolves submit to human leadership? Would we be willing to fight the human's wars, about which we cared very little? Would our instincts, motivated mainly by our needs for food/hunting and sex, not necessarily in that order, get in way of our duties as members of the American military? All this would remain to be seen. All we knew for sure was that it was a glorious new beginning, and today we entered a new world.