The Hypno Bunny ( Part 4)

Story by nictheman on SoFurry

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Sorry for the shortness of the story, it looked longer in my head but here it is, the forth and mos likely final part to my story The Hypno Bunny. Thank you all for enjoying this series and i will do more in the future. I would love to hear ideas from you too! :)

The Hypno Bunny (Part 4, probrably final for this series unless i get more ideas for it)

By Nictatew

Amy looks up with wide eyes as he is caught in such a dirty act. He looks down and realizes how hard really is, the tent in his diaper at full mast. "Ummm, this isn't what i looks like, i h-hate these diapers" He says with a nervous tone, obviously lying to both himself and Rebecca. "Oh you hate them huh? Then i guess you wouldn't mind me changing you then?" The wolf shakes his head wildly "Nuuuu, i want my diap-, i mean uh..." He says, revealing the truth. All he can do is blush heavily. "Yes mommy, i love my diapers, please help me. I want to make it all sticky" Rebecca giggles and smiles "So you lied to mommy then, about hating diapers." Amy whimpers "Yes mommy, please don't spank me. I promise ill be a good puppy from now on" He pleads. Rebecca smiles and walks towards him. Amy only cringes and shuts his eyes as he guesses he's gonna get spanked again. He is surprised when nothing happens at all. In fact Rebecca passed him and sat on a chair. Rebecca pats her lap "Come here silly puppy, i know your sorry. Mommy will let this one slide. Sit in mommy's lap." Amy beams with happiness, shes not gonna get spanked after all.

Amy crawls over to Rebecca, messy diaper swaying behind him along with his hard cock. Amy manages to climb up into Rebecca lap with a little help. Once he relaxes in her lap, his mess spreads even more, even managing to find its way into the crotch of his diaper where it cakes his hard cock which only makes it pulse. "Oooooh" He says with a loud, pleasure filled moaned. Rebecca only giggles "Such a smelly little girl you are, im surprised such a big mess could come out of that little body of yours" Amy blushes "Im sorry i stink mommy, but it feels so good" He sniffs the air and moans as his reeking diaper reaches his nose. Rebecca giggles "I dont care if you stinky baby girl, and im glad your enjoying yourself." Amy blushes "M-mommy c-c-can i be yours foreva? I know this was intended to be a punishment b-but im so happy here." Rebecca smiles and takes a hold of the wolf's tented crotch, rubbing out and down which causes loud moans to slip from his muzzle. "T-thank you mommy..."

Amy is extremely horny by this point, wanting relief in his cock so bad. Rebecca smiles and keeps pumping up and down on the tented diaper, caking mushy mess all over his cock, pulsing with each pump. "oooh, mommy, why cant i cum. I want to cum so bad." Rebecca giggles and smiles. "Because i put a special ring on there so you can only cum when i say you can. You can cum when you start begging mommy to let you cum in your stinky diapee" Amy blushes and moans louder as Rebecca gives his cock a squeeze through the diaper, his face bright red. His tongue is sticking out of his mouth now. He's panting and moaning with ecstasy, eyes closed and bucking with each pump and squeeze. "Please mommy, make me sticky. Please, im begging you." Rebecca giggles and only pumps faster and when it seems like she is never gonna take the ring off, she deliberately slips it off and the wolf howls softly and groans.

Hot streams of cum shoot out from the wolf's cock, spurt after spurt splatting against the crotch of the diaper. The wolf moans the whole time through the best cum of his life. Rope after rope sprays into the stinky diaper, filling the with the smell of sex and arousal. Eventually as he spray of cum starts to calm down and you notice small streams of cum escaping the leg holes, the already full diaper couldnt soak up all the cum so it just went through the leg holes instead. Amy sighs in relief and yawns, such a big cum has taken a lot out of her. "M-mommy, can you make me *yawn* be your baby girl forever and ever?" Amy asks with heavy eye lids. "Sure i can baby girl, now go to sleep and you will wake up happier then ever." Says Rebecca. The last thing Amy says before she passes out is "I-i love you mommy...." And hes snoring softly. Rebecca smiles "You are now my baby girl forever" She says in her hypnotic tone. The quickly changes the stinky wolf, making sure to get off ever bit of mess, urine, and cum. She wraps his furry butt in a thick diaper and finishes off the look with a pink onesie that says "Mommy's little girl". She sets the sleeping wolf in her crib next to the her bed. "Good night baby girl"

The end......? (You tell me)