Doctor Hypno's Rule

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#21 of Adult Story One Shots

Another bear hypnosis story, took me a little while to upload here due to life's stress. :P

Peter's off to see a hypno therapist in a superhero world, but what he doesn't know is that his therapist has some underlying abilities...

I hope you all enjoy, and I would love to hear what you all think! ^_^

There was hesitance in the bear's step, he lifted his knuckled and dropped it as he turned away in embarrassment. This whole idea was asinine, and to believe that he might do it... According to his therapist he needed it though, and Jose had never been wrong. She was a leading therapist, and she said that he needed to find someone who could help unlock his mind get to the bottom of his problem.

The young bear in question was named Peter, and his life was anything but good. Peter had locked many of his memories of childhood away from himself due to serious trauma having to do with his father, and while he couldn't remember what happened he knew that it must've been bad as it was a moot point with his mother.

Turning back towards the door, Peter bit his lip as he approached and prepared to knock when a voice from within called out. "You can come in, Peter. You made an appointment, you don't have to be nervous," the voice that spoke to him sounded extremely trustworthy and so the bear opened the door and found himself scooting in.

Sitting in a comfy looking chair was a bear in a button up shirt and sleek black fur, his smile was impressive as he somehow showed all of his teeth yet he gave an impression of a reserved personality. Standing from his chair the bear held his hand out. "I'm sorry for taking so long..." Peter muttered in embarrassment.

"It's alright," the bear said as he shook Peter's paw, "a lot of people who come here their first time don't immediately come in, but don't worry after this first session you'll find yourself practically running in," the well dressed bear chuckled as he gestured for Peter to take a seat. "Now I'm sure you know who I am, but I feel that it's important to properly introduce myself in person," the bear said as he touched himself on his chest, "I am Doctor Danier, and I'm a hypnotherapist. I hate to toot my own horn but I am known as a leading example in my profession, but don't feel pressured by that fact," he said calmingly as he took the seat he had been sitting in first.

Feeling compelled Peter blushed and coughed into his hand. "Well I'm Peter Thademus, and as you know from my file I'm currently working as a computer technician at a local law firm," he felt awkward explaining himself.

"Mmhmm," the doctor said as he marked it down as if he hadn't known this knowledge prior to their meeting, "well that's the formalities out of the way. Now, Peter. I'm sure that you know why you're here, but as you were rather vague in the description on your form I would like to hear what it is exactly you want me to help with," as he spoke Peter found himself becoming alarmingly calm, and while it worried him he couldn't deny how soothing the bear's voice was.

"Well... as of late, I've been having nightmares. People tell me that I've been shouting out my dad's name, and it's been interfering with multiple aspects of life such as social and..." a blush spread across his muzzle and he tried to stop himself from saying it but the doctor just seemed so trustworth, "sexual..."

A satisfied smile appeared on the Doctor's face. "I'm glad that you're willing to open up to me with your issues, Peter. Now, for today I will be doing a simple hypnosis induction just so that we can create a feeling of familiarity, yes?" he asked his patient.

A guarded look appeared on Peter's face as he slightly tuned out the doctor's voice. "You're not going to run some sort of clock that increases my payment, are you?"

Doctor Danier just laughed and shook his head while he wiped away a tear from his eye. "No, I don't do that sort of thing. I don't collect payment until the end of our sessions, and that's a flat fee I promise you."

Peter was silent for a moment as he glanced at the roof before he looked back at the doctor with a more accepting look. "Alright. What do we have to do then doctor?"

The doctor pulled out an average looking timepiece and held it in his paw. "All you have to do is look at this fine piece."

Feeling that he couldn't resist rolling his eyes Peter sighed. "Are you serious?" he asked rhetorically before watching the watch swing back and forth, but as he watched it nothing happened. "Is there supposed to be some point to thi..." but there was a glint off of the watch of... something, and Peter was out.


Doctor Danier watched as his patient's eyes narrowed for a moment before they widened with widening spirals in them, and he knew that he had the bear in his control. "Peter, can you hear me?" he asked the bear.

"Yes," Peter answered.

"Peter, do you trust me?" the doctor asked.

"Not sure yet," the hypnotized bear answered truthfully.

"Well, Peter. I think you'll find that I'm one of the most trustworthy people you know in fact you find yourself willing to disclose anything to me, correct?" Doctor Danier knew that he was pushing a bit hard, but from what he heard of this bear from the bear's therapist he tended to be a bit stubborn which provoked a more focused attack.

Peter's eyes narrowed for a moment as he felt himself refusing, but Danier knew that it wouldn't take much to beat Peter's will, and like clockwork a relaxed smile appeared on Peter's face. "Yeah, I completely trust you doc..." Peter said in a dazed tone.

Doctor Danier chuckled as he stood to take his shirt off revealing a red material underneath momentarily. "Perfect..."


"There we have it, Peter," Doctor Danier said as the younger bear came out of trance.

Peter blinked a few times as he awoke; it had felt as if only a moment had passed but according to the time on his watch and the clock on the wall over an hour had passed. "Whoa..." he mumbled in shock as he glanced around noting that the sun was shining in directly through the window now.

"Since you took so well to this how would you feel about coming back in two days, so we can let you relax after your first session?" Doctor Danier suggested.

The idea was great as Peter felt so good after his first session of hypnosis, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all... "Alright, sir. Thank you for the great first session," he said in earnest as he stepped out of the doctor's office.

Doctor Danier beamed at the bear. "It's my pleasure, I can't wait to see you again, Peter." With that he closed the door leaving only the outline of the bear in the paned window.

Sighing in glee Peter started to leave the building and whistled happily. "I'm so glad that I went to see him..." As he walked out he noticed a superhero saving an old lady and an odd feeling of disease arose in him. "Shouldn't show off so much..." he muttered as he walked away from the superhero.


Peter walked into a local clothing store and browsed for a while; he decided that he wanted to get some new clothing, he wasn't exactly sure what clothes but something new... For a while he walked around before he found something, a pair of speedos. The kind that would grip his crotch tightly, and even though the idea was random it was also very appealing to the bear. "I guess these would be good..." he muttered to himself as he snatched them off of the counter.

Buying the speedos Peter felt a bit awkward, but even so he couldn't take his eyes off of them. How sexy he was going to look in those... maybe he'll pick up a few ladies with them... Even though he was thinking of showing off to the ladies for some reason Peter could only imagine his big bulge of a cock in the speedos...

As Peter walked out of the store he didn't seem to notice the odd glances he was receiving as he groped himself in arousal, but even if he did he probably wouldn't of cared as it seemed natural to him...


Walking into his house, Peter found himself confronted by his girlfriend who just so happened to be taking off her superhero mask. Daniellele smiled at him as she unzipped her leather bodysuit revealing her bra and panties. "Like what you see, hun?" she asked as she laid the costume on the floor allowing the bear to see her vulpine body.

Usually this was an instant turn on for him, but today it took him a bit of concentrating to get it up. "Yeah," he said semi-enthusiastically. Walking over the superhero he smiled as he smooched her. "How was work today, hun?"

Danielle shrugged as she gave him a kiss back being careful not to kiss him through a wall (as she'd done in the past). "It was good though I found a few new supervillains, it was a bit odd as they were all men wearing speedos and simple masks, but even though their outfits were outrageous they were really powerful. Each of them had superpowers were far more than I could've ever imagined, and all they said when they were arrested was how excited they were for 'master' to bust them out," she explained as they walked into their shared bedroom.

"Huh..." Peter said, and even though he was disturbed by the description of the events the word master aroused him for some reason. As he watched Danielle pull on a tight nightgown for his enjoyment he found himself oddly put off by his situation. His girlfriend was a superhero who was known as "Power Vixen" and she was deeply in love with him. A day prior he had been ecstatic about dating her, but today he didn't care at all. In fact he was rather repulsed by the woman for not only was she a superhero, but the fact that she was a woman was really disgusting to him.

Danielle was good at picking up his dissatisfaction, and so when she glanced at him she saw that he wasn't as aroused as he normally was. "Peter, what's wrong?" she asked with a sense of disease. Ever since he got home something had been off; she knew that he had been planning on going somewhere today to help with his stress, but she didn't know that it was a hypnotherapist.

The bear was quiet for a moment as he glanced out the window and frowned. "Danielle, I think we're done," he said it so bluntly that Danielle was winded.

"W... what?! Peter, what's wrong?! Is it something that I did, I promise that we can fix it," even as she tried to scramble to change his feelings it was obvious that something had changed in her boyfriend.

Peter looked at her with a sneer of distaste. "Danielle, I'm not interested in dating a superhero. Honestly I think they're disgusting, and to be dating one is... nasty."

This wasn't like her boyfriend at all, but Danielle was far too panicked to realize. "Peter, please..."

The irony of having a superhero beg a regular person was hillarious to Peter, and he couldn't help but laugh at her pitiful attitude. "We're done, Danielle. I'm leaving now." He did as he threatened, and only with a bag in hand that he'd broughten in with him he left.

Danielle found herself sobbing on her bed, and it took her a while to realize that something was off with her now ex-boyfriend. "Something's happened..." she muttered, and quickly moved into the living room to glance around until she found a paper with the hypno therapist. "This must be it..." she muttered before rushing to grab her outfit.


"Peter, you're here," the doctor said with a satisfied smile.

"I left my girlfriend," Peter explained as he stepped inside for the doctor to close the door without a care. "I felt like I should come here," the bear said in a blank voice.

Doctor Danier chuckled as he walked around the bear and noted his glossy eyes. "Yes you did my dear bear, for you've been hypnotized to do so."

"I have..." Peter stated.

"I'm sure your girlfriend is on her way now for I know that she is intelligent enough to realize things, but by the time she gets here..." the Doctor said as he pulled off his regular clothes to reveal a tight leather suit with the letters DH on them, "Doctor Hypno will have netted his greatest slave."

"Yes, Doctor Hypno..." Peter said in a blank tone.

"Now dress up as I've commanded, Slave," Doctor Hypno said as he slid a black mask over his eyes.

"Yes, Doctor Hypno..." the bear said once more before stripping. It took him mere moments to slide the thong over his cock allowing it to throb painfully in its new red binding.

Doctor Hypno's eyes were glowing a light blue as he walked towards the rather chubby bear with his hand extended. "It's time to make you a permanent edition to my slaves, Slave Melter."


Power Vixen smashed into the Doctor's office to reveal two very horny bears. "What the fuck?" she asked in a shocked tone as she watched a sneering Doctor Hypno cum in his newest slave's maw.

"Surprised, Power Vixen?" Doctor Hypno chuckled, "meet my newest slave, Melter. I'm sure you knew him as Peter, but now I've given him a new identity... and powers."

"P... Peter?" Power Vixen stuttered.

The newly masked bear stood up revealing his ripped body and throbbing speedo. His sneer was just like that of his master, and his eyes glowed a light blue revealing his new obediance. "Power Vixen, I'm glad that you could be here to see me with my new master. He's freed me from being straight and powerless. Now I can be a super villain with him, and as my first order from him..." His hand started to burn bright with a orange flame. "I'm to defeat you!"

Power Vixen would've laughed if not for her boyfriend's horrifying state. "You can't beat me, Peter!"

Melter laughed as the whole room became superheated with the flame in his hand. "Well let's test it out then!"

As Power Vixen launched herself towards the bears she found her last thoughts being that she would save Peter, but that thought disappeared as the flames touched her body.


"Today it's been confirmed that Power Vixen has been ultimately defeated by the new super villain Melter and his master, Doctor Hypno," the reporter explained with a gloomy expression on the television stuttered. Doctor Hypno laughed as the crown tilted on his head; the Doctor had long been the ruler of the world having hypnotized all male superheroes to be his bitches, and the rest of the male population as well. The women had been hypnotized into completely slavery, and not one of them had any resistance. "I always love watching my first conquering of a superhero, and it even features you, hun."

Melter chuckled as his husband groped him, long ago his boyfriend had learned how to instill a permanent hypnotic effect into anyone and as such he had become Doctor Hypno's loyal husband and bitch. "Yes, I love watching this. It shows how hot you are, and with the fact that we've been made invincible due to you hypnotizing the immortal man, we can live forever this young."

Doctor Hypno chuckled as he looked out at his kingdom, before him was a army of bears that he'd made his personal army and harem. "Yes... forever young and powerful, I love the sound of that..." The two supervillains laughed as the world bowed before his image, and even as he spoke he knew that there would be resistance at one point, but with his constant signal of hypnotic power being transferred through the world he had mastered the world's population with an iron hypnotic grip.

Doctor Hypno's Rule