Made To Fit

Story by KlausNightfur on SoFurry

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#6 of Time, Confusion, and the Feelings that Arise

Well here is the next installment fresh from the depths of my mind! I must admit sorting through what all the characters had to say was a bit frustrating so I had to take a bit of time to go through it all.. then midterms struck like a viper in the underbrush. I am thankfully finished and was able to get my story straight! I hope everyone enjoys and as always comments and critiques are welcome and appreciated! :3

Sunlight streamed through the bay window bringing with it the warmth of a mid-Spring day. Caim stretched across the luxurious cushions of his day bed as the heat warmed his golden fur. The feline gazed down dreamily checking to make sure his fur was not in total disarray from his short nap. It was a pleasure to see that every spot was intact. The ocelot took great pride in his coat, not even chancing a step outside if every hair was not just so. His raven hair was kept relatively short, just long enough to give a flip every now and then when the need arose. He supposed it might be called medium in length, though it was still the shorter than in the past. He stood, stretching once more and purring at the immense pleasure that comes with waking up. For him, it was always a pleasure to greet the world after a good sleep. His greetings never went unappreciated, that was a certainty. Why else would nature have graced him with such beauty?

Caim pulled his skinny jeans onto his slender frame, pausing only to appreciate himself in a nearby mirror. What a sexy sight it was; his jeans down just enough to show off his light blue boy-shorts. Some furs claimed he was conceited, not at all true. Was it conceit to appreciate what hard work and a strict diet rewarded? Of course not. That was a preposterous notion. He suffered to look this way and no one could ever convince him that it was wrong to admire his achievements. His perfectly slender frame and the way his hips flared out to conform to his ample rear was nothing short of art in his eye. His upper body worked just to the point of being muscular without getting that muscular, hard look that many of the thinner furs seemed to have. Femininity incarnate was what he strove for. There was nothing like the seeing the looks he received when the male hitting on him realized that he was not a female. A priceless reaction he never failed to enjoy.

The ocelot smiled at his reflection before pulling on a tight fitting shirt and stepping gracefully through the door. It was a short trip to the school from here, a two block walk with only minimal street traffic. A beautiful day such as this deserved to be enjoyed with a walk, not to mention the light exercise would ensure his attentiveness during lecture. Today would be a slightly boring day. His only class was an introductory level biology, which was hardly informative. It was aggravating that Chu had suggested taking the course, though one could not really argue with their academic advisor. Plus Chu went out of his way to help his students, which did not always turn out well for the scatterbrained lemur. Still, he admired the ditsy primate for caring so much.

A warm breeze and the soft din of voices stirred him from his daydreaming. The feline smiled at the passersby as they gave him appreciative stares. The fur on his arms prickled as he purred contentedly. Their stares were as sweet as fresh milk. Another couple approached, two males chuckling at some hidden joke as they exited the very building Caim was heading for. He walked on and smiled as he awaited the inevitable... that never came. The shorter, white canine had given him an approving smile. The collie on the other paw never even gave him more than a friendly nod. There was no want in his eyes, no recognition that Caim was anything more than the average fur. Was he blind? That must be it, there was no other explanation. Caim would have to accept that as sufficient reasoning. For now, it was time he focused on classes.

The cold inside was a stark contrast from the heat of the outdoors. He shivered slightly but adjusted quickly as he neared his destination. The fact that his mind still brooded on the collie seemed to quicken his adjustment. The sound of his name tugged his mind back to attention. Caim looked around to see who had kindly taken his mind away from the unkind event. A tall, black German shepherd smiled as he approached, the loose fitting shirt failing to hide the muscular frame within.

"You okay man? It's not like you to have your head in the clouds with such a miserable expression. Is your perfect hair slightly askew today?"

Caim glared at the comment, though he knew Brandon was only trying to lighten the mood. "My hair is always slightly askew, that is the appeal puppy..."

"Well my apologies for my minuscule knowledge of style. What's got you in such a bad mood? You're usually all sunshine and rainbows, forgive the expression."

"Forgiven. I don't really want to discuss it right now. What about you? You have been attached at the hip to this new mate of yours, yet I have yet to meet him. I'm hurt..."

Brandon chuckled softly, smiling in that childish way that was so oddly appealing. "You actually just missed him. He walked out as you came in."

Caim huffed, "He's not a blind border collie is he?"

Brandon's ears perked attentively, "Why no, he is actually a jindo, though his best friend is a collie. Why? Interested? I could introduce you to him if you'd like."

"What? No! Absolutely not! I never want to see that mutt again! Someone with so little taste as to not even notice me? Me?!"

"Ah... Now I see why you're so upset. The old ego is deflated. You do realize that not everyone is going to ogle you right? There were plenty of guys in high school that blatantly showed more disdain than interest."

"Jealousy is an ugly thing my dear Brandon. Even the dumbest of brutes can appreciate my art. Though that collie may prove me wrong..."

The shepherd sighed, shaking his head and giving a slight chuckle. "Flynn is not stupid, that is for sure. Aloof maybe, but not stupid. I'm curious as to why you are so worried over this. Usually when something like this happens you claim the fur is just jealous. Why does Flynn have you in such a tizzy?"

The ocelot's eyes narrowed sharply, his round ears twitching. "What are you trying to say? I hope you're not implying that I wanted this particular fur's attention..."

"Why not? Flynn's cute, though I suppose it doesn't really matter either way. He's on the straight and narrow. Which is odd seeing as he lives with a rather irresistible canine."

"Your mate I assume? That's so cute. I really am happy for you. It takes a lot to tie yourself down like that. He better be good to you or I will just have to steal you away..."

"Whoa there, you know my boundaries with that Caim. We have tried that before and it almost destroyed our friendship. I'm not going there again."

"Calm down puppy. I was only kidding! Besides I know you well enough to know how picky you are about your mates. That being said I need to meet this Emrys soon. If he is as cute as you say then maybe we already have something in common!"

"And there's the old Caim. Didn't take long at all."

Caim shrugged, "You know me! Water off a duck's back and all!"

The two furs said their goodbyes and Caim rushed off to class. His outer self was back to normal, yet his mind still lingered on the collie. Brandon had said something that set the machine in his head off. Why did it bother him so that the collie had not noticed him? Yes he was a perfect specimen and should be admired, but when others failed to admire it just meant they were jealous or too dim to appreciate. This Flynn was neither. Caim saw no jealousy in those eyes. There was a certain intelligence there that was apparent even at a glance now that he really thought about it. The collie was even kind of cute.

The feline's face heated at the thought, making him gasp softly as his forepaw shot up to softly feel his cheeks. He was blushing, something of a rare occurrence for him. Maybe the shepherd was right. Maybe there was more there than anger at going unnoticed. Was this what it felt like to have a crush? Caim looked up at the professor as he continued on about some unknown subject regarding nucleotides. He would have to read the chapter to catch up as there was no way his mind could concentrate on lecture today. Not with the collie holding his thoughts hostage. It was going to be a long day.

"Earth to Flynn! Hey, what's on your mind? Kat I assume. Look Flynn I know it is a difficult situation but you two will be fine! Y'all have been through so much already. Distance is nothing! Have you thought about trying Skype? Nothing like a little dirty video chat to remind you of old times!"

Flynn kept his eyes lowered as he walked, forepaws fidgeting anxiously. "We may have to try that... I don't know buddy. It just seems like we are growing so apart. I haven't even seen her in almost two months. It wouldn't be that bad if she wasn't always so busy. Did you know that she has been hanging out with Conall?"

"What? Why? If he tries to move in on her I will kill him myself..."

"The worst part is that I don't really care... I mean at first I found myself stressing over all of it. I hated the fact that my older brother was spending more time with MY mate. Innocent conversation or not it is not something I am comfortable with. At least, wasn't comfortable with..."

Emrys' ears perked curiously as he waited for the collie to continue. After a moment of silence the jindo pressed forward. "So you're telling me that you don't mind them hanging out? You know how Conall works, yet you don't care?"

"No... I mean, I do care. I just wonder if she wouldn't be happier with him. Honestly, I wonder if I wouldn't be happier if I didn't have to worry about her so much. She has ditched me for the past three days just to go hang out at the Dancing Deity with her friends. Yet I can't seem to be upset. More understanding than anything. I think I may just call us off..." Tears stung his eyes as the two let the silence linger for a moment. Flynn wiped his eyes as their professor stepped in. Lecture would be difficult to listen to.

It was time to let go of the remnants of his old life. Kat, who promised she would always be there, was taking her own path. He had to let her follow her heart, and he had to follow his own. A few deep breaths later and the collie felt himself relax enough to give a half-hearted attempt at paying attention. Flynn found himself surprised to see that class had ended by the time he was ready to listen. Either the lecture had been short, or he had been more out of it than originally thought. He and the jindo stepped out of the classroom just in time to meet Brandon in the hall.

"Hey there sexy." Their kiss made Flynn's cheeks heat. "How was class?"

Emrys grinned and pressed himself tightly against the shep's chest. "Not near as fun as this. What about you? Your first class starts soon right?"

"Fifteen minutes. I was just heading to the room now. Hey Flynn, quiet as ever I see."

Flynn smiled, "Sorry... I guess my head is a bit in the clouds..."

"Girl troubles..." Emrys chimed in. This received a sigh from the collie.

"Ah. Well you'll pull through it man. Your whole life is ahead of you, so don't spend too much time looking back okay?"

Emrys kissed the shepherd deeply, "I'm sorry to run off but I have to get something to eat."

"Miss breakfast again? Sweetheart you have got to stop doing that..."

"I know... I'm working on it!"

Brandon chuckled and waved them off. "Go on before I decide not to let you go. See you tonight sweets." They shared one more kiss before parting. Flynn was still blushing at their show of affection. Emrys giggled delightfully at the color in Flynn's cheeks as they walked out into the warm spring air. The laughter quieted down as a slender feline passed, hips swaying seductively. Flynn averted his gaze so as not to stare, though Emrys did nothing to hide his appreciation for the feline's figure. Flynn could not allow any distractions right now, not with so much on his mind already. He would end things with Kat. Hopefully she would understand and they could still remain friends after all is said and done.

Warmth surrounded Kat as she pressed harder against the closest source of comfort. She should be ashamed of her actions. Infidelity is the most heinous form of betrayal and she had crossed that line several times this day. She couldn't do this to Flynn, or to her newfound lover. Telling Flynn would only hurt him, so she would have to break it off under a different premise. They had been growing apart as of late. Kat could not deny that fact. This relationship was turning out to be too much for her to cope with. It was best that they separate. Both of them would be much better off as friends.

A forepaw traced the lines of muscle along the canine's lean stomach. His black fur soft under her touch. The room was filled with a mixture of sweat, sex, and Conall's musky scent. It was breathtaking. No wonder so many females had gone after him. A good conversationalist, an amazing bed-mate. Kat wondered what Conall thought of her. Was she just some floozy fuck buddy to toss aside now that he had scored with her? Or had this romp meant more than that? The care he took to please her spoke of more while the animosity with which he took her soon after left her mind fuzzy and full of doubts. She should not expect much from Conall. His own past remained a constant reminder of his inability to maintain a committed relationship. This was just a fling for them both. Oddly enough, she didn't mind that fact. She had needed the relief that came with such activities. She now felt light as a feather.

Kat purred and nuzzled into the collies firm chest. "That was... fantastic..."

Conall smiled, not his usual boyish grin but a sincere smile. "You are fantastic. I've never enjoyed sex so much as I have with you. All four times I might add."

Kat blushed and snuggled closer, her leg brushing against Conall's flaccid shaft. The feline grinned as the canine's member began to stiffen once more. "My, already?"

"What can I say? I have quite the libido."

"So I see. Well I think before we decide to make it five times I need to hydrate..."

Conall sat up slowly, the smile still wide across his muzzle. "That I can help with. One cold water coming up. Would you like anything to eat?"

"Hmm... Surprise me?" The canine nodded and sauntered off. Kat used this time to check her phone. Flynn had not called at lunch today. Either classes were busy or he had given up trying to reach her during this time. To be fair she usually had classwork to do over her lunch break, though today that was not the case. She was cheating on him with his own brother right now.

The thought hit her like a speeding train. She had done the unthinkable to the only fur she had ever given her heart to. Flynn had given his own heart to her as well, and now she was tainting it by cheating on him. Her stomach flipped and she tasted bile as she considered the repercussions of her actions. It was going to be tough to break things off, but there was no turning back now. Not after what she had done. Not after what she would continue to do...

The phone vibrated along the top of the bedside table, precariously nearing the edge before the feline reached out to answer. The name on the display caused her heart to skip a beat. She had not planned on telling Flynn about her intentions until she could gather her thoughts and prepare something to say. Fate obviously intended for her to do otherwise. Why else would he call at this particular instance, while she lay bare in his own brother's bed? Tail twitching and ears fluttering nervously Kat hovered over the screen as she debated on whether or not to answer the call. Now is not the proper time to tell him, it would be horrible of her to break the news to him like this. Yet where else could she tell him? Would she be able to maintain her resolve if she waited? No. There was no time like the present. Waiting would only make things worse. She took a deep breath and swiped the screen with her thumb.

"Hey Flynn..."

The voice on the other line was soft, almost apprehensive, as if he knew what was about to transpire. "Hey there Kat... What are you up to?"

She swallowed to hold back her tears. Conall stepped through the door and faltered as he noticed the look on her face. He smiled softly in understanding, disappearing after setting down a cold bottle of water. The collie's black tail lowered as he left, a tell that he had his own share of sadness over the events. "Flynn... we need to talk..."

Caim felt his brow twitching as he concentrated on the book before him. His concentration remained shaken from earlier that day. Brandon let out a chuckle as the shepherd observed the ocelot's plight. "My, this really does have you shaken. I still find it quite odd that you are so affected by one canine. You must really have a crush on him."

"Oh grow up puppy! This is not a crush! It has nothing to do with him! I'm just not in the mood to study. I have other things to do... "


"None of your business. Why are you still here anyway? Shouldn't you be off gallivanting with that mate of yours?"

"Actually he is the reason I am here. I am wondering if you would like to join us for dinner tonight. It would be the perfect chance for you to meet him."

"What? You're serious? Of course! I just hope he doesn't mistake me for competition. I may be cute but I am no thief."

Brandon laughed at the comment. "I do not think you have anything to worry about there. Emrys knows me well enough to know he has nothing to fear from anyone else, that includes you."

Caim smiled as his tail curled eagerly at the thought of meeting his best friend's new mate. Brandon was the only other fur he had a real connection with. It was true that their one attempt at a relationship failed miserably, yet his feelings had only grown. The feelings were not those one has for a lover, but feelings of kinship. Brandon was more of a big brother than anything else. It was part of the reason why their relationship failed in the first place.

"Well what are we waiting for? I have to go prepare! I would say I need to look my best for tonight, but let's face the facts. I always look my best. The best in fact. I would however like to change clothes. Something cute, yet a tad more formal than what I have on yes?" Caim was definitely excited. The best friend test was something this Emrys would have to pass this very night.

"I have to warn you though... Flynn may be there as well. I mean he lives with Emrys so I thought it might be nice to invite him. I promise your first impression of him is quite unfounded."

"No, you need not worry. I think this is a happy turn of events. Now he will have a chance to properly appreciate my beauty. If he is as aloof as you say then I suppose I will forgive him this once. Tonight he will have no other choice but to notice me!" Caim's mood was a happy one. It seemed fortune smiled upon him after all. Now the collie would get what he had coming. The ocelot would not be rude, never that, but now he would be sure to make himself noticeable. He even knew exactly what he would wear for the occasion.