The Fox And The Crow

Story by FacelessBuster on SoFurry

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This is a remake of the story I made. For my birthday(yay)I decided to do justice to my favorite fable. So here it is. One of Aesops great stories.

The Fox And The Crow Redone.

It was a nice sunny day in the forest. The sun was shining and not a cloud was in the sky. Nearly every animal of the forest is out and about enjoying the bright rays that Helios has chosen to bestow upon the land. A lone and happy Fox walked about the place with a wide smile on his face. His orange pelt seemed to glow under the rays of the sun and his bushy tail wagged merrily behind him. He took in a big inhale then exhaled but had a very peculiar scent fill his nostrils. He lifted his nose into the air and took a big sniff. He smelled... Food. He smelled cheese. Foxes eyes widened in surprise. He loved cheese. He adored the taste of cheese. He followed his nose all the way to a tree with a crow sitting on a branch high above the ground floor. He could smell the dairy product held in the beak of the Crow. He wanted it. He decided to be nice. "Um... Excuse me? Miss Crow?" He said nicely. He wanted to see if kindness would help him here. His mother always told him to be nice to people. However if they aren't nice back then by all means... Be evil. Fox was more of a thinker. When people were mean to him,He insulted their intelligence. It worked every time. He was fairly prideful. But he had full right to be. He had spent an entire day talking to a Lion once. Back to the story,The Crow looked down at him,With the cheese still in her mouth,And simply watched Fox,Showing he had her attention. "Yes uh,Is that cheese you have with you?" He asked knowing full well that's what it was. The Crow nodded. Fox smiled. "You see I do so wonderfully love cheese and I was wondering if you would mind sharing by any chance," He asked politely. The Crow chuckles at him and then turned her head away,Shunning him. Fox felt a little hurt. But his smile turned devilish and his tail wagged frantically. He tried being nice. Not everyone is nice it seems. "Oh dear Crow. Your voice sounds exquisite. Even a mere chuckle leaves me wanting more. How I wish I could truly hear your beautiful voice," He said purposely trying to attract the attention of the Crow. It worked. Slightly. The Crow had turned her head slightly towards Fox,listening to how he complemented her. He smiled and his ears bent upward in a devilish like way. "What a noble bird I see before me! Her beauty is unparalleled by any other creature. She is without equal. Such heavenly eyes and beautiful feathers. I myself prefer the tail feathers," He said,Continuing to flatter the Avian. She began to blush once she heard him comment on her tail feathers and turned her full attention to Fox. He smiled pridefully knowing that he had the Crows full,undivided attention. All he had to do was continue his silver tongue speech and he could get what he wanted. But in order to do that,He had to leave her wanting more. "It is such a shame however. A shame I could not hear the true beauty that is her voice. If only her voice was as sweet as her appearance. Surely she could be Queen of the Birds," Fox said as he began to walk away,Swaying his tail side to side. Crow didn't want to let her admirer leave. She loved being flattered. She was a rather prideful bird and with Fox praising her appearance,She loved every minute of it. Crow,without thinking,opened her mouth and let out a mighty loud Caw,Dropping the cheese in the process. Once Fox heard that Caw,He turned around,Jumped in the air and caught the cheese. "A beautiful voice. The Gods truly have graced you. But what they have forgotten to give you is wit," he said with a mouthful of cheese before taking off into the forest. The crow didn't bother chasing him. She knew that the Fox could also eat her as well as the cheese. She let his flattery get to her. She fell right into the hands of the Vulpine. And now she had to deal with It. She sighed heavily. "Lucky Dog".

The Fox And The Crow

This is the first story I have ever made. If it's bad,Please tell me. I'm not good at this stuff. The Fox And The Crow Chapter 1 It was a cold,Rainy night. The forest was a dark and covered in water. Everyone was in their home and staying as dry as...

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