Where 1

Story by Weisse on SoFurry

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#1 of Where

This is my first horor story thats still in progress :)


Matt stormed out of his house and slammed the door. He had just gotten into a huge fight with his parental figures about his most recent form of body modification. The night before he decided to get his nose pierced without their permission, knowing exactly how they'd take it, he did it just for that satisfaction. When the fight got too heated, he called his mom a slut, and she slapped him across the snout, and it was this that caused him to leave. He had always considered himself a lone wolf, no pun intended but if only he had known that with his leaving, he was about to be the most alone he would ever be.

Matt was a well-built wolf that had recently turned the wonderful age of 17. He was a very striking grey with a black spot over his right eye and if he closed it, it looked like it had just disappeared. He was very quick on his feet, he had to be of course, he was one of the top kids in track, that along with his almost flawless body, added to his ego

He stomped away, one block, two blocks and so on until he was in a neighborhood he hadn't been in before, not that it looked bad, the houses were actually fairly large with plenty of lawn ornaments, but they were foreign none the less. As he stampeded further and further away, he started to regret his decision, which was a first because he'd betrayed them countless times before, but this time it felt different, maybe this is called growing up.

"Dammit" he huffed out and grabbed his phone from pocket, accidentally pulling out his charger with it.

"When did I put this in my pocket?" He asked himself, without answering himself. He put it back in his pocket and unlocked his phone. He went to contacts and on the one that said "Ma", and hit the green call button. She didn't answer, probably still pissed at him. Well if she was still pissed then Matt decided he still was too and walked on.

From the sidewalk he looked into one of the large houses front windows, A family of otters were sitting down to a dinner, not a single one of them looked angry in the warm glow of the chandelier, they were all too busy smiling and licking their chops at the fish that was just placed in front of them. Matt immediately got sad again and realized he-

All thoughts were suddenly ceased when he felt the sidewalk give way from beneath his feet. He gave a small yelp and instinctively reached for the sidewalk's edge as it rose above him but failed to keep a grip and fell into a dark abyss. Suddenly the ground appeared beneath him and he crumpled to the ground in a cloud of dust and cobwebs. He laid there for a few seconds with his eyes closed thinking about what just happened. When the dust settled he opened his eyes just a tad but he might as well not have seeing as how it was pitch black, not even a distant square of light above him. The air smelled dusty, yet clean like a thrift store that just opened after a couple years of holiday. He stood up slowly, his knees still hurting from the fall and brushed off his clothes, his shirt had a small amount of blood from his now bleeding nose. After he got used to the darkness, he rubbed his eyes and looked around at the room he was in. It appeared to be a doctor's office from a number of years ago with dusty bottles in the white cabinet and a countertop underneath with scattered instruments. Looking down him, saw a dark, dried up puddle in the middle of the room, and next to that one was a smaller, lighter puddle. He edged around it towards the door on the other side of the room and leaned his head against it to try to hear something, anything, and yet, nothing was heard, he was positive he was alone. He looked back at the room and looked up to see if there was a hole that he might have fallen through, yet there was nothing. At this moment it clicked what the dried up puddle was, He slowly looked down at it and came to the realization that it was once a puddle of blood, and the smaller one was from his nose. Suddenly his ears perked up to a loud, ravenous roar in the distance somewhere. His mouth stood open for a few moments just listening to the silence that followed, then slowly walked over to the cupboard and opened on of the cabinets underneath and stuffed himself into an empty one. He sat in this cupboard for a few minutes just praying that he'd wake up soon, to no avail. He began to cry. He was numb with fear; at the only thing he ever was afraid of, the unknown.

Not knowing what to do he sat in there for a while, silently waiting to see if anything happened, or if whatever made that awful sound would find his way into the room he currently inhabited. Suddenly the silence was pierced with the sound of his ringing phone.