Super Market Skeet.

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissioned: TTGHIN

Third part of the ongoing story of David and his amazing, semi-sentient, cock. David's been having to learn to live with his recent changes... which would be so much easier if his dick would stop growing at inopportune times.

It had been almost a month since David Hemming had left his job at the Wurf Beer bottling plant and had gone into relative seclusion out in the country. He had never really intended to quit his job; in the beginning he had just taken a few days off of work citing medical concerns. His buddy Alex had vouched for him with the brass; having seen David's physical state on his last day at the job, Alex could wholeheartedly claim that the grey wolf was not feeling at all well that day. What Alex didn't know was the nature of David's affliction.

You see... David had found himself with a two-fold problem. First off, he seemed to be horny 24/7. To some guys this may sound like a dream come true, but David could safely say that it was not as great as it sounded. He constantly felt the need to cream. If he even went twenty minutes without rubbing one out he would get a clinical case of blue balls. Which leads to the second part of his problem. His junk had grown immensely. His massive nuts were the size of beach balls, and that was when they were drained. The things tended to swell up to even more immense sizes if he really needed to get off.

His dick had also grown to a fairly substantial two feet long when soft, and that was its small size. Just like his balls, his dick had a tendency to grow to even more massive sizes when he was aroused. It was kind of nice, actually, but it did tend to get in the way a lot, especially given its propensity to be rock hard at inopportune times. On the plus side, it hadn't come alive and fucked him senseless in weeks... Although, given how dull and lonely it was in his current residence out in the sticks, he actually would have welcomed the company; not to mention, that that was still the best sex he had ever had.

His change in residence had all happened so fast that he still wasn't sure what had actually gone down. At first, he was forced to leave his apartment due to the continuous flooding and offensive odors that came from his pad on account of his constant and massive cum shots. Fortunately, he had purchased renter's insurance and so did not have to pay the repair and cleaning costs, but he was out of a house with no real options available to him. He had called up his cousin in a neighboring town, hoping against hope that he could stay there for a week or two until he could find a better solution, but as fate would have it, his cousin offered a far better solution.

It turns out that David's great aunt Ethel twice removed on his mother's side had a small house out in the rural countryside of a neighboring county. David had all but forgotten the old bat was even a relative of his let alone that she had a place not too far away. He didn't even remember hearing that she had passed away, but apparently she had, leaving her small, country villa uninhabited. David's cousin had been overseeing the place and keeping it clean and functional as they searched for a buyer, but with the housing market what it was, there really wasn't anyone looking to buy the place anytime soon. Both David and his cousin decided it would make more sense to sign the deed over and allow the overhung, grey wolf to take up residence.

David was glad to have a place to stay all lined up, but his other problems seemed to always be building up. His allotted medical leave from the brewery was all but used up. In the near future he would have to officially quit his job, and he was still no closer to getting signed up for any form of medical disability benefits. He had tried, sure, but the second he had to explain that his cock was simply too large to hold down a real job he was either laughed at or just straight up hung up on.

He had plenty of money saved up to stay afloat for a few more months, but he really needed to get some groceries soon. He had stocked up when he moved in, but his dick had grown three sizes since then. He hadn't dared go out in public at his current measurements, but he knew he was going to have to brave the small town grocer in the near future or he was going to be living off of coolwater sandwiches with sawdust garnish and rubber biscuits.

David shut the refrigerator and sighed as he stared out into the woods that bordered the country property. Despite all of the inconveniences he really did like the place. The house was outfitted with all the latest amenities, including surprisingly spooge repellant hardwood floors and laminate countertops, and the country air was doing wonders for his health. He also really loved the woods near the house. He couldn't put his finger on it, but it felt nostalgic somehow, almost like he was coming back to a long lost home he had never been to before.

He took a moment to just stare out the window and try to clear his mind. There was no two ways about it. He needed to get into town and get some food, and he needed to do so yesterday. First, though, he needed to get cleaned up. His hygiene had not suffered during his seclusion; quite the contrary, actually. He just needed constant showering on account of the frequent cum baths that he found himself enjoying. He had hosed off just two hours ago, but already he had a noticeably thick layer of spunk caked to his grey fur.

He stepped into the shower and turned the nob to full heat. He didn't even need to get undressed first; he had all but forsaken clothing while mucking around the house. Not only did he have trouble finding clothes that would fit him, but on the rare occasion that he did, his dick tended to bust through the front like the Kool-aid man breaks through a brick wall. It was simply not cost effective for him to even bother.

The steaming, hot water felt great against his fur. He could already feel the current layer of spooge sliding off and leaving his fur soft and silky smooth. His constant showers were great for his mental health but hell for his wallet. He had gone through three bottles of shampoo just this morning. He'd have to pick up a bunch more of that while he was at the store today.

He hummed softly to himself as he scrubbed the shampoo into his scalp. It felt so nice that he was barely aware of other things that were happening around him. For starters, his dick was hardening all over again, and for seconders, his balls were inflating at a rapid pace. It wasn't until he began to feel something very strange that he perked up and took stock of what had happened. He couldn't quite pinpoint just what he was feeling. There was something poking against the head of his cock, of this much he was sure. He would have to wait until he got the soap out of his eyes before he could figure it out, though.

Another strange sensation coursed through his dick; a sensation that was so powerful it literally brought him to his knees. His legs wobbled briefly before giving out altogether. His whole body felt like putty, except of course for his massive cock which was as hard as ever. His dick felt... warm... There was no better way to describe it. He could feel the heat washing through it. It was like thousands of tiny, red hot finger were massaging his cares away from deep inside the towering spire of dong.

He struggled as best he could to clear the suds from his eyes, but it was a surprisingly difficult task. It was as if all the water had suddenly dried up. He used the beads of moisture that still clung to his soaking wet fur of his forearm to rub the soap away enough that he could open his eyes. It wasn't quite enough and so his eyeballs stung a bit, but the slight discomfort wasn't enough to cause him to flinch or even squint. No, his eyes all but bugged out of his head as he saw the true nature of his plight. His cock had not only hardened, but it had grown as well. Even from his position down on the tile floor, the massive tool rose all the way up to the head of the shower and then some. In fact, the showerhead had straight up been wedged into the cavernous slit at the tip of the beast. The warm, therapeutic fingers he was feeling were in fact the piping hot beads of water spewing from the stainless steel fixture.

It was then that he became aware of something soft budging against his knees. It took a feat of superhuman willpower to take his eyes off of his massive, pre and water oozing cock, but he did so and stared down at his steadily expanding nuts. His jaw dropped as he stared on in awe. Sure, his nuts had swollen to ridiculous sizes before, but this was something new entirely. He could tell by the warmth emanating from them and the extra viscous sloshing going on inside that his family jewels were storing far more than just jizz this time. The water from the shower was actually pooling in his nuts and mixing with his own semen to form a new, goopy concoction that would no doubt be all over the tiles and his furs in a matter of minutes.

He was faced with two options at that point; he could lament his curse and bemoan his fate, or he could learn to roll with the punches and embrace his situation... David Hemming chose the latter. After all, he had been living with this condition for over a month now, and he had learned early on that if you can't beat 'em, beat off instead.

He leaned forward and latched his arms around the towering shaft. The beast was far too thick for his paws to meet on the other side, but he could latch on well enough to get a nice, firm grip. He then put his back into the task of stroking the immense cock. It was a task far easier said than done, but the payout was more than worth it. He could feel his tiny little arms rubbing across the almost six feet of overly sensitive erogenous flesh, and the steady back and forth motion of his body as he rocked up and down along the humongous dong caused his turgid nuts to slosh and wobble like water balloons. It was a unique experience even in his crazy world where growing dicks and swelling nuts were considered par for the course. His humongous nuts felt amazingly sensitive and it was as if the substance stored within was somehow rubbing and massaging his balls from the inside out. He found himself wishing that he had someone who was physically capable of giving his nuts a nice sensual rubdown, but in the absence of super massive sex buddies, this new development would serve him well.

It didn't take long for him to reach a fever pitch. His tongue lolled out the side of his mouth as he huffed and he puffed and he chopped wood like something out of a Japanese fairy tale. He was no doubt going to need another shower after this, but it would so be worth it. Already he was in danger of losing his mind from the intense pleasure wracking his body. His cock shuddered violently, threatening to tear the shower head clean from the wall as it did so. David wrapped his grey furred arms around the titanic member even tighter as he braced for what was sure to be a cataclysmic cum shot.

When the dam finally burst, David's mind went blank. All he could think about was how great the constant torrent of spooge erupting from his cock felt. The bathroom fixture still wedged in the slit caused the bursts of jizz to spray outward like an ornamental fountain as opposed to the normal direct path that his high powered cum shots usually took; the slightly watered down consistency that his spunk currently had probably didn't hurt either. As such, instead of the wad staying mostly inside of the protective, glass sided enclosure, it was spraying out over the edges and getting all over his sink, and his towels, and his toilet, and his rug, and even that picture of his parents that he had for no good reason decided to hang above the toilet. He had considered moving that because it got to be a little awkward having ma and pa smiling serenely down on him while he did normal bathroom duties, but he supposed having the glass covering the photo coated in a layer of murky white would be a decent enough fix for the time being.

Heavy spurts of watered-down spunk rained down upon the bathroom one after another. By the time the third burst hit, David was barely even conscious anymore. He was lying with the side of his face mashed against the side of his massive dick, shuddering with orgasmic pleasure as he made a few weak attempts at stroking his trembling cock. Finally after what had to have been twenty or thirty powerful blasts of jizz, the torrent erupting from his cock finally began to taper off.

David lay there for almost an hour just basking in the afterglow and trying to catch his breath. He was coated from head to toe in a layer of watery jizz. As much as he would have loved to stay there even longer, he did have things that needed to be done; not the least of which was taking yet another shower. He was coated from head to toe in a layer of spunk that clung to his fur and caused it to mat to his body in uncomfortable ways. If he waited too long it would cool and dry making it even harder to get off. He would need to hose off quickly if he wanted to avoid that.

Fortunately he had a spare shower which he could use in the interim. The small, rural cottage had a surprising number of restrooms given the small number of bedrooms it had, but it was all the best for him. Sometimes, like today, he just didn't have the time or the inclination to scrub down the bathroom between loads.

The second shower was relatively uneventful. His dick had started to wake up again, but he had managed to keep his paws off of it for the five minutes it took him to stand under the hot water and let the jizz drip off. The spunk was extremely watery to begin with so it came off a lot easier than it normally did. Once he was sufficiently hosed off, he gathered up some clothes and set to work getting presentable for a trip into town.

He had had the foresight to special order some pants that would fit his current measurements. He had actually ordered several pairs, each larger than the last. The pair he was using now wasn't even one of the larger ones. He had a few that had frontal pouches that were easily three or four times as large as the one on this pair. He hoped his junk didn't get so large as to warrant such a choice of attire, but somewhere in the back of his mind he knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

His nuts slipped into the pouch easy enough. There was even plenty of room for him to slide his dick in there too... if he could ever get it soft. Realizing that his cock would never soften on its own, David set out to pound one out. Not here though... there were far better places for this task. He had a room on the opposite side of the house that was surprisingly spooge resistant that he liked to use as his unofficial wank tank. He could easily make the short trek across the villa, choke the proverbial chicken, and then get on his way down the road without getting so much as a drop on him... his dick had another idea, though.

David had gotten so far as to scooch forward on the bed enough so that his paws were rested firmly on the ground. He was just about to hop up when he felt the powerful shockwaves of sexual bliss wrack his body. He had not so much as laid a finger on his dick. It wasn't even leaking pre yet. He did not pass go. He did not collect two hundred dollars. He went straight to orgasm without even having time to mentally prepare himself.

Cum flew forth from the tip of his three foot long hard-on and splattered noisily against the wall on the far side of the room. The heavy load clung to the pastel green paint and slowly oozed down the wall. It was incredibly thick and heavy, especially considering the sheer volume of spunk he had just unloaded into the shower barely a half an hour before, but that was about par for the course for his life nowadays. Even five minutes could get him such a severe case of blue balls that it would feel like he hadn't gotten off in five years.

He struggled against his own body to keep himself upright and keep his spewing cock aimed away from his face and chest. For the most part he was successful. As spurt after heavy spurt of warm, thick jizz erupted from his cock, only minor splatters came back to hit him. He must have been creaming for ten solid minutes, but he had only small splotches along his legs. A quick wipe down with a damp cloth was all that was needed to get himself presentable, and better yet, his dick was seemingly ready to calm down and let him get on with his errands.

David was convinced his dick had a mind of its own, and not just because of the incident over a month ago where the thing had quite literally come alive and fucked him senseless. Even though it had not since shown signs of being able to move around like that, he still had had a number of incidents much like this one where it would start spewing like a fire hose with little or no prior warning. He just hoped that it behaved itself while he was at the store. The last thing he needed was to make a mess of things there like he had at his own house.

He slipped a T-shirt on and inspected himself in the mirror. If no one looked at him below the waist, he looked like a perfectly healthy wolf. He was a little on the lean side, but he was by no means out of shape. His slight muscle definition could even be seen through the layer of charcoal grey fur that covered his body.

Below the belt is where things got ridiculous. His khaki cargo shorts were living up to their name, and the cargo they carried was anything but standard issue. The bulge in the front was simply gigantic. It looked like he had a pair of beach balls shoved in there and a full sized body pillow draped over top of them. He had made sure to get the style of shorts that had the extra pleats hoping against hope that it would help diminish the appearance of his massive junk, but it appeared that they had had the opposite effect. The pleats seemed to warp around his bulge forming a shape similar to a picture frame as if they were presenting his junk for public inspection. He would have been better off taping neon arrows to his pants and wearing a T-shirt with huge letters that said "Hey. Check out my humongous dong!"

It would have to do though. It wasn't like he had time to go online, pick out another style, and special order them. It could take weeks for his new clothes to arrive. He had to get food, and he had to get it today.

David hopped into his jeep and got settled in for the drive. He had slid the seat back as far as it would go when he had last been in this vehicle. At the time it had given him plenty of room between his body and the steering column to rest his package, but today that was not at all the case. The car horn squealed obnoxiously as his massive dick mashed against the large, rubber button located in the center of the wheel. He wanted to plug his ears, but he needed both of his hands for other tasks. He fumbled awkwardly with the huge, soft mass of erogenous flesh that was situated before him. He just couldn't quite seem to reach the lever for the steering column. He eventually had to lay the seatback all the way back and bump the lever with his knee in order to unlock it. The steering column immediately jolted backwards and upwards as it gave way to the impending mass of dong. David now had plenty of room to slide his dick and balls under the wheel. The wheel still dug into the top of his dick quite a bit, but at least it was no longer hitting that infernal horn.

It put the steering wheel at an awkward position, but it sure beat the alternative. David had to hunch over his dick in order to reach the wheel. He was basically laying chest down atop it like a surfer paddling out to sea to catch the next big wave. He had his arms spread wide on either side of him in order to reach around and grip the wheel. He couldn't really see the wheel, but he could at least see the road before him well enough. Unfortunately his position made it so he couldn't reach as far with his feet. The tips of his toes barely touched the pedals. He was able to push them, but he didn't feel comfortable enough with his control of both the pedals and the wheel to risk going at speeds above fifteen miles per hour, as such the seven mile trip to the little country store took almost half an hour.

Once he actually got to the store the real trouble began. David was not at all surprised to find that he, or more specifically his enormous package, was garnering a lot of attention, but he had hoped people would be a bit more discrete about it. Then again, even had his massive, beach ball sized nuts not been so full of jizz that they audibly sloshed and roiled with every step he took, there was very little discrete about his obscene bulge that protruded in front of him over a foot. The sheer magnitude of the junk that was stashed away in the front of his pants simply demanded people stare at it. All of the attention was getting him a little hot under the collar. He hadn't even made it across the parking lot yet and already his massive cock was beginning to chub up. He was going to have to make this the world's fastest shopping trip or he was no doubt going to have a lot more than just a lewd mound in his pants to worry about.

He grabbed a shopping cart and went about his task of procuring foodstuffs to last him for a few more weeks. He was feeling more and more self -conscious by the minute. Now that he was out of the parking lot and into the store proper, he was surrounded by people on all sides. He had been so out of touch with the flow of time during his self-imposed exile that it hadn't even dawned on him that this was a Sunday, and he was knee deep in the middle of peak shopping hours.

He could hear the whispers and murmurs all around him. The comments ranged from jealous praise such as "Wow! Get a look at what he's packing!" to more snide and cutting remarks like "God. You just know that's fake. The lengths some guys go to to make themselves feel better about themselves." He wasn't sure if he should feel proud or embarrassed by all the comments, but more and more embarrassment was winning out.

He pulled in closer to the cart in an effort to hide his humongous bulge from prying eyes. To an extent it worked, but it had the definite disadvantage of causing his junk to mash against the grating of the metal shopping cart. Every bump and shimmy of the rickety old carriage reverberated through his steadily chubbing cock. Every step he took brought on more and more jolts to his oversensitive package. He could feel his cheeks getting hotter by the second as arousal began to take over his body.

It wasn't long before his cock had gone beyond a mere chubby and was entering the realms of a semi. The already partially hardened shaft was straining as hard as it could against the front of his pants creating a massive tent in the process. An unusual metallic creaking sound caught David's ear and directed his attention back down towards his cart. He wished that what he saw actually surprised him, but nowadays it seemed to be about par for the course.

His dick had hardened to the point where it was now all but pointing directly in front of him. His swelling package had long since shoved the wire mesh back panel of the shopping cart out of the way and was now occupying much of the large, open bin. On the plus side, this made it a lot easier to disguise himself. All he had to do was grab a few groceries and he could make a nice layer to cover his bulge. The downside being there was no way he could get all the groceries he needed into just one cart now that most of it was occupied by cock and balls.

David took a brief moment to contemplate his options. On one hand, multiple trips seemed to be a good idea because then he could keep his dick covered at almost all times and not have to worry with trying to maneuver multiple carts, but that would no doubt take a long time. There was not telling how much longer he could hold out. Not only was he getting hornier by the second, but he also was playing a dangerous and erotic game of hot potato with his seemingly possessed pecker. He knew that at any given moment, his dick could burst like Old Faithful all over the aisle and anyone who happened to be in the general vicinity.

As luck would have it, he didn't have to decide; his pants made the choice for him. A distinct popping sound snapped him out of his internal dialogue and back to reality. The seams of the front pouch of his shorts were beginning to tear. Already large swaths of grey-furred ballsack were peeking through the weakening fabric of his shorts. If his nuts got much bigger, there wasn't going to be much of a pouch left. As if to spite him, he felt his nuts begin to slosh even louder as another major tear shot up the side of his pants. That settled it. He was going to be making this in one trip.

He saw an empty shopping cart nearby and made a bee line for it. He barely even slowed his gait as he strode by and snagged it with his free paw. Fortunately it didn't take much effort to steer his first cart. His dick was working much like a rudder and was keeping the cart going in the direction he was headed. David only really needed to pull or push the handle slightly whenever he needed to make a turn. The back cart was proving more difficult though. Before he even made it down the first aisle he had already managed to clip his heel on it more than once. The back of his foot hurt like hell, but it was a small price to pay in order to salvage some semblance of modesty.

He made his way up and down the aisles with incredible speed and precision. He wasn't interested in the latest sales or the newest trend. All he wanted was food that would keep in his pantry for extended periods of time as well as some staples, which for a wolf meant that he loaded down on meats.

David had just finished up on the breakfast foods aisle and was about to make a sharp turn towards the deli when he heard a fairly unforgettable voice split the air. It was a voice he had heard only once before when he was but a young pup. He had long since forgotten the name of the woman that it had belonged to, but he never could forget that shrill, Southern drawl.

One thing that David had forgotten to consider when he had made the decision to head out to the small, country grocer was that he had many extended relatives out in this neck of the woods. Most of them he had never so much as spoken to, but since the advent of things like FaceBark, it seemed like extended country relatives, especially those farther along in years, had little better to do than sit around and stalk their younger, city dwelling relatives and begin long soliloquies about their life on the most random and seemingly unrelated status posts.

David glanced over his shoulder, and sure enough, there he saw the old wolf waving at him from across the store. She looked many years older than when he had met her during a family reunion all those years ago, but other than several white hairs and saggier facial features, she seemed pretty much identical to how he remembered. She was rather heavyset and had her hair done up in a tall, blonde beehive... at least, he thought it was her hair, but every time she moved a little too suddenly, the beehive seemed to wobble a bit. He wouldn't be at all surprised if it was actually a hairpiece done up to cover up her real hair which had long since begun to thin out.

"David!? David Hemming!?" She shrieked happily. "Oh well look at you!? Why, when I last saw you you was just about so big." The old wolf rattled on while making an exaggerated gesture with her arms to indicate how big she thought David was back then. Ironically, the size she indicated was pretty spot on for how large Little David was at this very moment, but there was no way he was going to let her know that.

"Oh, uh... Hey Auntie." David replied nervously. Truth be told, David had no idea just how she was related to him, but given her age and gender "Auntie" seemed as good a name as any. David could already feel the sweat forming on his brow, but it wasn't really a matter of his nerves. His libido was kicking into overdrive. He needed to get out of there soon or he was going to make a huge mess right there in front of dear old aunt... whatever her name is.

"My boy said you was moving into town. Why didn't you stop in to say hi?" The old rattled on happily. David was having a hard time focusing on her words though. He could already feel his junk beginning to swell up even more. He couldn't believe it. Now of all times? He could safely say he didn't have any attraction to his aunt or cousin or whatever relation she was, but he was definitely getting worked up. He attributed it to his semi-sentient cock deciding to troll him again. He just hoped he could keep things under control long enough to get out of here, or at least until he could get away from his relative. If he popped here he had no doubt that it would be all over FaceBark by the end of the night.

David continued to nod and agree without even listening to conversation. It didn't seem to matter though. She seemed perfectly happy to have the conversation completely to herself. Meanwhile the various boxes and cartons that were arranged in David's basket began to shift and roil. The entire cart looked almost like an ocean of groceries. In actuality it was his nuts that were sloshing and churning, and the food was just along for the ride. David tried his best to act casual like nothing was going on, but every so often something would fall out of his cart and clatter noisily onto the tile floor. So far, the old wolf seemed to be to enrapt in her monologue to notice, but David couldn't help but fear that it was only a matter of time.

It seemed that every minute that went on, the waves of groceries in his cart got larger and more and more boxes fell onto the floor. David was really starting to worry now. Already he could see large swaths of his own charcoal grey fur showing through the steadily thinning blanket of food. At the rate he was going, his junk would be fully exposed in no time.

As if to confirm his suspicion, the head of his already boned cock began to poke out over the swell of packaging. It was already long enough to shove against the grating on the opposite side of the cart and was steadily growing before his eyes. With every inch of length his cock added he could feel the need to cream welling up in him even more.

He couldn't believe how much this lady liked to hear herself talk. She was still rattling on about some story about when her kid was about David's age and just setting out to start his own family. David really didn't catch much else other than that. He was too busy gawking at his steadily growing cock and balls. How could this lady be so oblivious? With every passing second more and more boxes were buffeted from the cart. Already his entire package was nearly completely exposed. Shoppers were stopping to stare at his cart full of cock, but dear aunt whatsherface was still rattling on about the good old days.

Already David's cock was so huge that the head of it was poking out over the rim on the opposite side. His fully boned cock was oozing pre onto the tile, but that wasn't even the worst part. His nuts had swollen so much that the entire shopping cart was packing to the brim with grey-furred wolf balls. His junk had swollen to the point where he had no hope of pulling it back out the way he came. The only way he could get any relief was if he busted his load right then and there. On one hand he really didn't want to make a mess like that; he was already making enough of a scene as it was, but on the other hand, if he didn't pop soon, his already tightly packed nuts were going to start hurting from the force of the wire cart straining against the sides.

David's head was starting to get foggy from the arousal. His cock was wedged in between his huge, churning nuts in such a way that with each ebb and slosh, his roiling balls would rub pleasantly against his precariously boned wang. He would have never thought it would be possible, but he was being jacked off by his own balls.

David's legs started to feel weak, and he all but fell forward. Fortunately he managed to keep himself upright by propping himself up on the handlebar of the cart. He didn't have to worry about the cart flipping over on him; his nuts were so huge and heavy that they more than counterbalanced the weight of his body.

He could feel it coming. His breathing was getting ragged and labored. His tongue lolled out as he panted heavily. He couldn't even manage to keep his eyes focused. The sight of his lurid, swelling package kept blurring and fading in and out of view. There was no stopping it. The best he could do was delay it for a few more moments.

"Are you ok? You look like you need to sit down." The old woman said. She was standing right next to him now, but to David it sounded like she was a mile away. He voice echoed in his mind as if it was bouncing its way down a long, narrow corridor.

"I'll be... fine..." David huffed. "Maybe I should get going though..." He managed to add.

"Get home! Get some rest! Let me know if you need anything. I'll send you a message to check up on you." She said emphatically as she waved him off.

David was so glad to be rid of her. She seemed like a nice enough lady, but he really needed some privacy. He managed a short nod and veered his cartful of cock in the opposite direction. With each step he felt the need to cream get ever more intense. It was bad enough when he was stationary, but now the rattling and rolling of the cart was making the spunk in his turgid nuts slosh and roil harder than ever before. It was so loud that it even drowned out the steady, rhythmic clacking of the cart's wheels on the tile, and judging from all the attention he was gathering, others could hear it too.

"Clean up on aisle 7." Came a voice over the PA system. David could only assume that that call was in regards to the slimy trail of pre he had left in his wake. He hoped that the cleaning crew got there soon. There was going to be a whole helluva lot more for them to mop up once he was done.

He had completely given up on holding back. His arousal and the erotic sensations that were wracking his body had gotten to be so much that he could barely even hold himself upright let alone shove his cart. His nuts had now swollen so much that they filled every available inch of space in his basket and then some. His cock jutted well over a foot in front of his basket and was bucking and lurching wildly, spraying pre everywhere as it did so.

As he slumped to his knees, the only thought that crossed his mind was "at least I got away from auntie..." He then howled in euphoric bliss as he felt the release rock him to his core. Huge, thick spurts of potent jizz arced through the air, clinging to the exposed rafters of the warehouse style grocery store. The huge jets flew over top of the aisles, splashing down and coating products and shoppers in other areas that had been blissfully unaware of the lurid spectacle that was brewing nearby.

"Clean up on aisle 8." Came the announcer again. David grunted loudly and came even harder than before. This shot easily overshot the last.

"on aisle 9," Came the voice again. "... Aisle 10." The voice added. The man's tone had changed slightly. With each subsequent number he began to sound more and more impressed. "Damn. Aisle 12."

David was in no condition to rest on his accolades. He had still barely even made a dent in his swelling balls. Still they felt painfully packed into the shopping cart that was before him. Still he could feel them swelling and sloshing. He was barely even breaking even. He would need to put out a lot more than what he was currently doing if he wanted to get ahead of his own libido.

As if it was anticipating this, David's cock lurched hard and began to spew cum even harder. No longer was he shooting steady burst of jizz. No, it was like when in one of those disaster survival movies where a fire hydrant explodes on a street corner and then gushes nonstop for the duration of the Hollywood designed apocalypse, only this time it wasn't water that was spewing forth and raining down on the citizenry.

"Aisle 18..." The voice murmured in awe.

David could feel the spunk pooling around his knees, but he was in no condition to think about anything other than how great he felt. He continued to cry and howl in ecstasy, completely oblivious to the glares and stares he was getting from the rest of the shoppers. He couldn't believe he had ever even tried to hold it in. He didn't even care if old aunt somethingorother saw him now. It'd give her something neat to post on her otherwise boring Facebark feed if nothing else.

After almost twenty minutes of solid spewing, his stream finally began to die off. He had no idea just how much he had cum, but his nuts were finally starting to feel pleasantly drained. It must have been a lot though; he was currently marinating in a pool of jizz that was easily a foot deep, and he wasn't even on the aisle that had taken the brunt of the blast. He wouldn't be at all surprised if the entire store was blanketed in a layer of spooge.

David slumped backwards and let himself bask in the afterglow and baste in his own juices. His nuts had now drained enough that his junk was able to slide back out of the cart the way they had gone in. His two, huge nuts landed with a splat in the muck in front of him. Just as he had suspected, his balls had not shrunk back down all the way after the last torrent. Each humongous nut was so huge that they rivaled the size of those workout balls at the gym. David wouldn't be at all surprised if they were large and full enough that he could sit atop one and do a round of sit ups.

Even his dick was slightly bigger than before. This was going to be the smallest they would ever get, unless of course, he figured out some way to reverse the process, but in his current sex-addled state, all he could think about was how great they felt at their new size. He wouldn't be at all upset if they continued to grow and grow. His cock, which was almost as long as his legs now chubbed up slightly at the thought. He chuckled contentedly as he let himself drift off into a semi-conscious stupor completely unaware of the crowd that was beginning to once again form around him.

The disturbance was enough that the rural news team had rushed to the store upon hearing reports. It wasn't every day that someone with at least three feet of cock doused a local supermarket after all. This was probably going to end up making the front page tomorrow and the six o'clock, nine o'clock, and most likely even the eleven o'clock news.

Try as he might, David couldn't bring himself to care about all the attention he was garnering now. He had spent the past several weeks trying to hide his condition, and now the cat was out of the bag in a big way. If nothing else, this would give him the proof he needed to convince those jaggoffs back at the benefits department that he did in fact have a condition that prevented him from working. In the meantime though, he was giving a lot of people a free show.

On one hand, he felt like he should probably at least try to cover up, but there wasn't really anything that he could use. The front of his pants had long since disintegrated into a hail of confetti, and the rest of his shorts were so caked with spunk that they hardly seemed worth wearing. Once he had managed to stagger to his feet, David undid the belt and kicked off his shorts, leaving them to float atop the pool of spunk briefly before eventually sinking into the thick, white bog.

It was tough to say whether David was just riding high on the afterglow or if something inside of him had just snapped after his last outburst, but whatever the case was, he just couldn't bring himself to care about the spectacle he was making by walking around clad in just his t-shirt with his humongous dong and colossal balls bobbing free. It was kind of hard to be modest after all that had just happened though.

He staggered off towards the front and grabbed a relatively unscathed shopping cart before turning back towards the main store to do his shopping all over again. Somewhere along the way he was joined by a fairly serious looking pug in khaki pants and a nice, blue button up shirt. The pug was followed by a couple of cameramen and a few other people who were either assistants or just groupies that wanted to gawk over David's mondo dong some more.

"Todd Rodney. Channel Seven News." The pug introduced himself. "Can I ask you a few questions?" he asked politely.

David shrugged. "Ask away." He said casually.

"Now... I guess there's no polite way to go about it... Have you always been so... well..."The reporter sputtered as he gestured towards David's massive, bobbing semi.

"Nah. It just started about a month or so ago." David replied calmly.

"Oh. So it's not always that big?" The reporter asked as he kept pace with David's leisurely stroll down the aisles.

"It varies, actually. This is a bit on the small size, really." David replied with a shrug.

"That's... small?" The pug asked. He was trying hard not to gawk at the sheer size of it, and the thought that it gets even bigger was simply mind blowing.

"Nowadays, yeah." David replied as he threw the last few items into the shopping cart. His cart was already close to overflowing. The reporter seemed to have a good grasp of the situation and flagged down one of his groupies to go grab a fresh cart so they could continue to interview in relative peace.

"I'm amazed I hadn't heard anything about this." Todd replied seriously.

"Well. I just moved into a place on the outskirts of town a few weeks ago. I try to keep to myself, but I was out of food." David explained casually.

"So you don't plan on coming to town often?" The reporter asked.

"Not if I can help it... I tend to make a mess of things wherever I go." David replied with a chuckle.

"I wondered about that. Can you not control it?" Todd inquired.

"Sometimes I can, but occasionally I just, woah!" David explained but was suddenly cut short by his own cock lurching and spewing another volley of cum. It seemed his dick had a bit of a sense of humor. It hadn't even been fully hard yet. This climax was relatively short compared to others, but it was enough to make a bit of a mess. Unlike when he had creamed with a full hard-on, his spurting semi tended to flail a bit more which caused him to get blasted right in the face with his own spunk.

Once the spewing subsided, David pulled off his shirt and wiped the jizz off of his face. His t-shirt was already pretty well saturated, but it worked well enough for the time being. David was now at least presentable enough to be able to continue with his interview.

"Here. You can use this to wipe off if you want." David said to the reporter as he held out his jizz-stained t-shirt for the pug to use. The reporter had gotten hit by some of the flying spooge as well, not nearly as much as David, but still enough to leave large, gooey splotches on his shirt.

"Uh... I'm fine, thanks." The pug replied.

"Suit yourself." David replied with a shrug as he dropped his soiled shirt haphazardly in the child seat portion of the shopping cart. David then turned and continued his trek down the aisles. He was joined a minute later by one of the groupies who had brought a fresh cart for him to fill.

"Uh... you don't mind that you're naked?" The pug asked.

"It's a little weird, I guess." David replied. "But at this point, if I let something like this stop me I'd never get anything done." The truth is, David had been doing fine until the reporter had decided to call attention to it. David was still riding on cloud nine after the second volley of spunk, but that fog was quickly clearing. Now that he was coming down from his afterglow, he was starting to realize how odd it was for him to be strolling around au natural like this. It was a little embarrassing and a bit exciting as well.

David's nuts apparently thought it was more than just a little exciting. Already they were roiling and sloshing audibly. It was apparent that he was well on his way to another messy outpouring. David wasn't the only one to notice the sounds, either. The cameraman had already turned his viewfinder downward and was gawking at the steadily swelling and sloshing of David's immense nuts.

"I... think we better hurry this along..." David said suddenly. Snapping both the reporter and the cameraman back from their trancelike staring at the hypnotic gurgling and roiling of his nuts.

"I can see that." The reporter replied flatly.

"Anyway. I just need to load up on some meats, and I'll be good." David replied nodding towards the deli section. The reporter turned around and gave a gesture towards his entourage to follow. The whole group continued their trek across the store. It was slow going thanks in no small part to the still several inch deep layer of spunk that was making it so that they were shoving their carts through the muck rather than rolling them across a smooth surface. David's current cart wasn't so bad, but two of the groupies had to team up to move the first cart which was all but overflowing with food.

David tried his best to keep the interview going. He made some comments about how the interview would be good for him because it would give him some proof to send to the benefits office about his condition and he talked about how he had to quit his old job because of his condition, but more and more he found himself drifting in and out of the conversation.

"... you were saying?" The reporter's voice cut through the fog that had descended upon his thoughts.

"I was saying?" David murmured. It was clear to anyone who looked at him that he was in a bit of a confused daze.

"Yeah. You were saying how you moved into a small house out in the country." The reporter said in an effort to jog David's memory.

"Right, right. It turns out it belonged to a relative of mine so I... got the lease... or however you say it..." David tried his best to explain. He was doing remarkably well at remaining coherent considering what was going on down below. His nuts had already swollen so large that they scraped the ground, and his cock was already rock hard and standing fully upright. His dick was so huge that the top of it was about eye level for him.

The reporter was also having a hard time focusing but for very different reasons. "Wow... that's quite large." He said before clearing his throat and trying to resume the interview.

David was no longer able or interested in carrying on the interview. He was reaching the point where he was getting so horny that he could barely focus on anything other than trying to keep himself from cumming. It seemed like the hornier he got the more he became aware of all the eyes that were on him, especially the camera. If he made another mess now, it would likely end up all over the evening news. On some level that was exciting and was getting him even hornier which kind of freaked him out a bit. He never would have thought he could have such a devious exhibitionist streak in him. He knew on some level that once he came down from his current hormone-addled state, he would be mortified about what was happening, but that didn't stop him for a minute.

He haphazardly dumped a few things of steaks into his cart and turned back towards the registers. The reporter was still trying to ask him things, but David was not paying any attention. He merely continued to stumble forward like a zombie while pushing his cart ever forward. His cock had grown even more in the past few minutes. It was now towering over his head and was all but blocking his view, but he was able to guide well enough off of the walls of shelving that served as tracks for him to follow.

He hoped he would be able to make it out before he started spurting all over again, but he was quickly beginning to doubt it. Not only was his humongous cock streaming pre like a faucet, but his steadily swelling nuts were beginning to drag him down. Each turgid orb was like the size of a full size lawn bag packed to the brim with leaves, but his two, ground scraping nuts were filled with something far thicker, far gooier, and far, far heavier than old lawn trimmings.

Even if he hadn't been so close to creaming that he was feeling weak in the knees, he would have had a difficult time pushing forward. The thick bog of cooling spunk had long since gummed up the wheels of the loaded down shopping cart so David was forced to shove it with all his might just to get it to slowly scrape across the floor. The muscles in his arms were screaming at him due to their exhaustion. He hadn't had a workout like this in ages.

Add onto that the fact that his nuts were still swelling. They currently filled every inch of available space between his legs and the cart and then some. He was effectively shoving his humongous, swollen, sloshing, churning balls forward by pushing against them with his legs as he trudged ever forward. The soft shoving of his legs against his legs against his nuts felt amazing and was only serving to get him even hotter under the proverbial collar. With every step his knees would dig into the soft sides of his huge balls and gently kneed the swollen orbs. Every step was causing another shudder of arousal to surge up his spine and through his cock.

It finally reached the point where his nuts were so huge that he couldn't reach past them to grab the handle of his cart. His enormous dick was now thicker than his chest and towered three feet above his head. David slumped forward in defeat. He was too tired to go on and too horny to care. His junk was now bigger than his body. He collapsed face down into the mass of sloshing balls. Each massive nut was now taller than his body. His dick now towered far above his head and was quickly reaching the rafters that were easily fifteen feet above him.

As his package continued to swell, David was lifted off of his feet and up and over his nuts. His towering cock had long since become far too top heavy to remain upright. Gravity was left to take its course. His humongous, towering cock began to fall forward, carrying his body with it. He was suddenly pulled the rest of the way up and over his own immense balls so that he was now face down atop his own immense cock which was now as wide as he was tall. His entire, gigantic, top heavy package rolled over and made landfall right atop his basket of groceries. The force of the impact sent a shockwave arcing through his dick and up his spine. Everything went white after that. His mind completely exploded into a starburst of sexual bliss as his cock erupted like Mount Vesuvius. He was left crying and moaning in ecstasy as huge, solid streams of thick jizz launched out of his cock like rockets from a cannon.

The heavy loads of cum launched across the store and splattered against the large, plexiglass windows that stood on either side of the exit. The sliding doors slid open to allow the volleys of jizz to launch straight out into the parking lot. As more and more spunk erupted from his almost fifteen feet of cock, the plexiglass rattled and shook as it stood defiant against the powerful volley of spooge.

David's whole body was rocked and buffeted as he lay atop his roiling, sloshing balls. They were so packed full of spunk that every spurt of jizz would reverberate through his nuts. It was as if he was riding atop a double king sized waterbed during the middle of an earthquake. The motion was strangely relaxing although he was in no condition to be drifting off to sleep just yet. He was still so thoroughly in the throes of his climax that he would have been writhing and shuddering even had he not been along for the ride as the cum packed into his balls sloshed violently beneath him.

On and on he came, each blast as thick and as heavy as the last. There seemed to be no end in sight for him or for the audience he had accrued, but ever so slightly his nuts began to deflate and his cock began to shrink back down to its official size. By the time his shots had finally began to taper off, he had pumped so much jizz out that the entire parking lot was looking like a winter wonderland. Thick layers of cum dripped off of the vehicles that dotted the lot. The standing pool of spunk was so deep that it came up over the bumpers of many of the cars in the front of the lot.

After what must have been a solid thirty minutes of powerful cum-blasts, David's cock finally spurted out a few last, weak shots. He was so winded and exhausted that he couldn't even stand up. He could only lie there on the jizz-soaked shopping center floor as he struggled to catch his breath. His whole body was coated in cum and sweat which clung to his damp fur.

As much as he would like to have laid there for hours, he knew he had to get out of there. He had already demolished the place twice, and it wouldn't be long before another load was prepped and ready. He groaned as he unsteadily got to his feet. There was no doubt about it. He had seen another growth spurt. His humongous nuts now scraped the ground in front of him, and the tip of his huge, soft cock bumped the ground even after being draped over his enormous balls. He was beginning to doubt that even the largest pair of pants he had bought would be big enough to fit him anymore.

David had more pressing matters to worry about though, namely a very big, very cross looking pig that was glaring at him. The porcine man looked like he could probably bench press David with one arm even with the extra couple hundred pounds of jizz that sloshed audibly in his massively inflated nuts.

"I'm gonna need to ask you to leave the store." The pig muttered angrily.

"Sure... right after I pay for my food." David replied nervously.

"We'll settle the bill later. I just need you out of here before you wreck the place even farther." The pig said sternly.

"Uh... yes, sir." David replied meekly. He quickly glanced over at the tag on the pig's chest. It was hard to read through the layer of spunk, but he could see that this man was the store manager and his name was Ross. "So um.... About the damages..." David murmured awkwardly.

The pig's demeanor softened a bit. "Look. We've got flood insurance that should cover the damages. We just need you out of here or we'll never be able to start clean-up."

David made a few attempts at an earnest apology and then staggered off to his car. His nuts were now so huge that it was getting to be awkward to move around. He hoped he could figure out a way to stop this before it got so bad that he became completely immobile, but for the time being he had more important issues to deal with.

When he finally made it to his jeep he realized what he was missing... his clothes, but more importantly his car keys which were still in the pockets of his shorts. He really was not looking forward to slogging back through the quagmire of cum that the parking lot had become, especially considering how horny being surrounded on all sides by a sea of jizz, all of which was his, was making him. There was something invigorating about knowing that he was virile enough to literally drown a parking lot in his spunk.

He leaned back against his jeep and slowly slid down the side until he landed with a splat right on his rear in the standing pool of spooge. He was too exhausted to make the trek back just yet. Not only had he not had time to fully recover from that last extended orgasm that had rocked him to his core, but he had just hauled his gigantic, sloshing, cum-laden balls across the jizzy marshlands of the parking lot.

He let himself begin to doze as he sat there. He wasn't sure how long he was out, but he was snapped back to reality by the sound of someone clearing their throat. David perked up and looked around. Ross was standing over his with a clipboard in one hand and the soggy, tattered wreckage of David's clothes in the other.

"I had some of my guys tally up all the food in your cart." Ross said and then handed the clipboard and the soggy clothing to David. "On here you'll find the bill for your food and a form for you to fill out."

David took the items and looked at the papers on clipboard; one was a fairly long and detailed receipt for all the food he had purchased, and the other was what appeared to be a shipment order. "What's this for?" He asked as he looked over the form.

"It's a form to get you set up with deliveries... I realize that you can't really help it which is why we're willing to let you go without filing for damages, but from now on I think it's best for all of us if we just deliver your orders right to your home." The manager explained.

David had to admit, it made a lot more sense than doing his own shopping. As it was he wasn't sure how much longer he would be able to drive, let alone remain mobile. He took a few minutes filing out the paperwork and handed the clipboard back to the manager. David then sifted through the wreckage of his shorts for his wallet and gave Ross his credit card to pay for all the food.

With the business aspect of their encounter taken care of, Ross slogged back to the store to process the credit and give the word for his workers to bring the carts of food out to David's jeep. David was once again left to sit and wait. He tried to think about the logistics of it all; what he needed to freeze immediately, how he was going to fit it all into the car, how he was going to decide how much to order on later days, but his mind kept drifting towards how horny he was. The scent of his own spunk was flooding his nostrils and clouding his brain. He could already hear and feel the sloshing of his nuts ramping up. He could already see his balls swelling.

He was snapped out of his hormone-fueled daze by the sound of four people approaching with two full baskets. Ross led the charge and returned David's card to him while the three shop workers loaded the jeep down. They work was done surprisingly fast, but David figured that was because they all wanted him out of there as quickly as possible, and to be fair, David wanted out of there as fast as he could too.

With the jeep loaded and his credit card returned to him, David shook hands with the manager and they said their goodbyes. David could tell that these people were only all too glad to be rid of him, and he couldn't blame them. All that was left was for David to hop in his jeep and speed off back towards him home off in the country... but not before filling the nearby storm basin with his most recent load.