
Story by Howard Trueman on SoFurry

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Posted on FA for hypno bear week 2014 !

If you feel inclined to leave a comment, a review, please do so !

Gregory and this story belongs to me.

This city was really becoming unsettling. The night had fallen upon the sky and Gregory was walking home quite late from work, from a very tiring release day at the video game shop. The round panda kept glancing left and right, clearly uneasy with the dark, deserted streets and cold wind blowing. He adjusted his glasses and kept walking, the poor lighting from the street lamps was barely enough to help guessing what was thee or four meters away in the thick fog that had settled down.

Winter was here now, and if no snow was in sight, the days grew shorter and shorter. The cold air from the north cut through his thick fur, and bit into his flesh, despite his thick blue jean jean jacket and black winter coat, yet, the shivers that kept coursing down his spine were far from being caused by the weather alone.

It was notorious that this part of the city was fringing with a new rising gang, and that police forces had, up to now, proven helpless against them. They were ruthless, bold and quite in an expansion mood as of late. They were, in any case, quite not what a quiet, peaceful and geek panda would like to bump into at such a time.

On the other paw, he had to chose between a twenty minutes walk through this couple streets, or a two hours long detour. And thanks to having to close the shop today, combined with the release, the panda found himself way too late for the last bus. He grunted and tried to distract his thoughts from their gloomy trail. He felt like thinking about bad things too much was going to summon them to him. Then, he shook his head at his own stupidity. He was going to be home really soon. Just one last turn, one last straight street, and he would be home. He quickened his steps, taking one sharp turn and bumped into something relatively hard. But that didn't really felt like a wall.

''Ooof ! What the heck, watch your fucking steps !''

Definitely not a wall. The panda took a couple unsteady steps back, a bit dizzy from the unexpected encounter. ''I'm s.. sorry I didn't saw you, I was just... I was... hum...'' The black and white bear swallowed with difficulty, as he adjusted his glasses. While his sight refocused, he could see two guys before him. strong, large and.. sortof mean looking. A tall, muscular tiger, the one he bumped into, who was bare chested despite the weather, and a large and angry looking boar on his right, wearing black leather and a confusing array of jewels. And just a few second after detailing them, Gregory's brain registered the symbol tattooed over the tiger's arm and the boar's shoulder. He saw it painted on walls in the news... This gang he heard about. Five thick lines looking like a large scratch mark. The Black Claw Gang.

''You shouldn't be 'round here at 'tis time, lil' panda.'' said the tiger with a smirk. The panda was breathing and thinking fast, his eyes going from the tiger, to the boar, and trying to evaluate his best chances. Something was distracting thought. Something with their faces was off... their eyes... something was plain wrong, he couldn't stand looking at them in the eyes, it felt plain disturbing. ''ain't heard about here being the Claw's territory ?'' added the bear, with a grunt... ''I.. well, y'know.. I'm just not really...'' started Gregory, before suddenly taking a run for it approach. He darted away, running for his dear life, toward the lights of the houses away... If only he could reach them.. get close enough to scream for help or anything.

The two grunts ran after him almost immediately. ''He's a panda ! The boss is going to enjoy him !'' ''They fuckers are rares, that's true. But better not let him go.'' The tiger was clearly a better runner than Gregory, a simple glance behind him told him that much... He looked at the house before him, so close but still too far... With half a regret, knowing he wouldn't get to them before getting caught, the panda took a sharp turn, stumbling awkwardly, only managing not to fall on the ground by an inch, and tried to disappear into an alley between the abandoned buildings. He could hear the tiger's claws rattling against the concrete behind him, the grunt going all feral in his hunt and running on all four, taking twists and turns to avoid his pursuer pouncing him as he closed in, unaware that the tiger was leading his course, guiding unconsciously every twist with more noise on a side or the other... and when the panda finally ran straight for enough time to allow him to wonder where the boar went, it was too late. A large forehead, a pair of tusks appeared in his field of vision, and everything went black.

He felt the kinetic force of his relatively soft body colliding with the buff boar, a sharp pain going through his head as his forehead collided with the grunt's, and a sudden loss of notion of up and down when their two bodies flew a few meters in the air, before landing and rolling on the bare concrete, their fur and hide thankfully preventing most damages aside a few bruises, cuts and scratches...

He blinked a couple times in and out of consciousness, grunting... He felt something carrying him, the rhythmic steps echoing with his pouncing head, lulling him back into blankness almost as fast... when he really came back to his senses, he was being pushed toward some sort of abandoned office, in one of the ruined buildings scattered around the area. He could barely react, when he was shoved in the room, blinded by the sudden artificial light and could hear the loud click of the door being locked behind him. He was partially aware of another presence in the room, something large, big, black, moving, morphing in a corner of the room... He had lost his glasses in the process, so he could only guess.. that and his head still pulsing painfully. He managed to focus enough the realize it was a body, someone had been laying on... a bed or couch over the side of the room and was now standing and walking toward him...

''... ... ... panda ? ... ... ... -sual... ... Ought to be interesting...'' slowly, the ambient noises became words again, and the confused panda managed to hear again the words thrown at him, little by little.

''Where... ? gh... hrmf... Where'm'I ?'' Mumbled Gregory, rubbing his head, keeping himself back pressed against the wall in fear.

''Where you are hold little importance, panda. Who you are is way, way more interesting.'' The sudden answer made Gregory almost jump in fear... eyes opening wide after what he thought had been just a blink. The deep, drawling voice had answered him so very close, it felt like a whisper, but the strength of the voice made it sound like a shout. A growly, thick voice that made the panda trembles in both fear and strange delight, sending shivers down his spine... ''I'm... I'm Gregory ! I'm... Nobody interesting, really... Please.. Let me just go...'' As he observed the large body that was so close to him, he noticed a typically ursine shape, quite the muscle gut. A round, firm belly, and arms that would make any bodybuilder jealous. The panda realized that this bear could probably dislocate... anything from its normal place in his smaller body. His eyes trailed up but when the came to the bear's face, something again felt off.. something wrong made him turn his head away immediately. The... the bear's eyes where... they where... -something- abnormal...

Not far from them, to his right, the panda noticed the remains of a desk, and a typical work chair... a lot of papers where laying over the workstation... He tried to think fast, that's all he could do to avoid simply collapsing... ''I can give you my money... My card.. everything. Just let me go.'' He could almost hear the black bear grin with his answer ''Oh no, you're a far more interesting prize than mo...'' this was all he needed. By now, the panda realized he couldn't bargain himself out of here. Negotiation had just been thrown out of the window, and the room lacked any window for him to throw himself out and try to run... He plunged on the side, to the bear's surprise, and grabbed the wood and metal chair, before slamming it violently over the large ursine's face.

The piece of furniture burst into shards and bits, leaving the gang boss face unscathed. Instead, a look of surprise, mixed with some weird satisfaction ''My, my... such hidden violence, such brutality, hidden under your innocent mask... My boy, you really surprised me... this is something I like to see... Actually... this is something I will help you nurture !'' The look on the bear's face was almost demented and Gregory decided his very last option was to try to run to the door. Before he could reach it, thought, he felt the bear grabbing him firmly and pinning him to the wall. The bear firmly secured the panda's wrists within one paw and kept him up high enough so the panda's feet didn't touched the ground, helplessly kicking in the air... ''Here I was, thinking about making you a grunt, like most of the others... but you deserve something special, Greg... hmmm.. Gregor.. I like the sound of that. Gregor. I'll make you a big, burly brute... It fits what you really are inside. You're going to be a very, very bad boy, panda... '' the bear's large, meaty free paw was rubbing strangely gently over the panda's belly, winter coat probably lost or stolen, only the blue jean jacket keeping the invasive touch separated from the panda's fur.

One of the large jacket's button had been torn by the collision earlier and to the panda's distress, with slow, calculated movements, the bear slipped his paw under it, kneading, caressing the soft, silky, white bellyfur... then pressed his black, sharp claws against it.. starting to graze and scratch softly... It felt strangely pleasant to the panda, he had to hold back a groan, not understanding what the bear wanted to do... the boss placed his paw right in the middle of the panda's belly, above his belly button and gently, slowly scratched down in a deliberate pattern... Gregory's belly felt incredibly warm and his head felt all of sudden very fuzzy.

Unknown to the panda, five long black lines where tattooed over his belly, the black oily substance that seemed to ooze from the bear's claws, painting his fur, seeping under his skin... Making him feel so warm and light headed, and slightly aroused... His bulge started to tent quite visibly, even if he didn't noticed so at the moment...

''What... re.. .you..'' managed to pull the panda, feeling his thoughts starting to slip away... The bear's voice answered him a strangely gentle and inviting, deep ''huuuusshhhhhhhh my boy... Easy now.. let go... Look up to me, boy... look.. into my... eyes...'' he ordered, in his throaty, drawling voice, his paw forgetting the panda's belly to gently grab the panda's muzzle and force him to look up, eyes finally meeting eyes, two blue irises, pupils contracted in fear staring into two solid oily black orbs...

the moment their eyes met, the uneasy feeling awakened in the panda again, he squirmed and trashed a bit, trying to look away, but the paw kept his face locked this way, and the two black orbs where slowly pulling his attention to them... ''N.. no.. wait.. I...'' ''silence boy... hushhh... Look... into... My eyes..'' The bear's deep voice, the warm breath blowing against the panda's face made him so weak, so helpless... His eyes felt more and more glued to the two black holes that sucked his attention, enough for the paw to let go of his chin and gently rub his cheek, almost with affection and possession... ''Focus boy... Look deep into my eyes... listen to my voice... Only my voice... I will guide you now boy...'' the panda could barely mumble back and shivers, the voice and eyes becoming more and more present, more and more invading... The bear's voice felt deeper and thicker by the second, bathing the panda with the words, each one sounding truer than the previous one, inescapable.

A thin, silverish line appeared at the rim of the bear's eyes, a glowing pair of ripples fading into existence and captivating the panda's mind immediately... as they shone brighter and brighter, every other lights, everything in the background slowly disappeared... Soon his only focus was a lazy, slow moving couple of rings that shrunk slowly to tiny dots in the center of the two captivating orbs, before disappearing completely, leaving the panda to catch a breath he didn't knew he was holding...

The bear grinned nuzzle touching the smaller ursine's one, leaving him catching his breath, now panting and sweaty in the intensity of the feeling that had invaded him. But, just as he was collecting his thought, the bear rumbling voice started to talk to him again... ''Surrender, panda... submit to me... Let go...'' as the premises of another ring started to shine at the edge of the bear's eyes.. but this time, the same phenomenon started to occur in the panda's, delayed only from a few seconds... ''Pan... da... s.. surrender.. .sub... mit...'' he repeated weakly, a thin line of drool starting to slowly draw itself down his chin...

The boss still held the panda up by the wrists, delighting in each of his squirms and helpless noises, observing with glee the shifting expression over the black and white ursine's face as he was slowly falling under the bear's sway... another ring followed.. then another.. faster and faster... the panda felt like falling into those black eyes, spiraling down, deeper and deeper, each ring filling his head with a nice, pleasurable buzz that only made the bear's words easier to listen to... to submit.. to surrender...

And as the large ursine's words worked over the panda's mind, the black tattoo started to work on his body... the jacket felt tighter and tighter, the panda's belly growing larger, rounder underneath it, and his arms and chest became more and more muscular by the second, a few buttons popping open, and cracking noise coming from the sleeves, as thick, veiny muscles filled rapidly all the space... and during those change a large paw gently rubbed down the transforming body, to reach, rub and caress the now pulsing, painful tented bulge... He teased there for a while, before shamelessly plunging his paw under the pant's and boxer, the pants button giving, already strained by the panda's growing mass... the helpless, wild moan that the panda gave in answer made the bear lick his lips, before talking to his new toy, whose wide eyes where now withstanding a barrage of silver rings that suppressed any thoughts from his head... and made his eyes turn darker and darker... A deep, pitch, oily black... ''Feel the power my boy... Becoming stronger.. bigger... So bad... this violence in you.. brutality.. Part of you... Let Gregory go..Let Him fade... My big bad brute...Obey your boss, Gregor. Surrender to your boss... Give up control... give up your mind... feel the pleasure... being bad feels good...''

''Yeah boss... I.. f. .feel.. so... so strong... so.... good... to be... baaad !'' grunted the panda, his voice sharper, deeper now, as the last buttons of his jacket popped, revealing completely his large tattooed panda belly, at the same moment his sleeves burst open, revealing rippling, veiny muscles under the fur, The panda suddenly too big and large to be held up, the bear let go of his wrists, both arms falling along his body, as the enthralled panda droned each instruction given by its master...

the sweaty, musky scent that hung around the two ursines literally made the bear's mouth water... And the sight of the nearly finished panda thrall before him did not helped the matter !

''Paw yourself, panda.'' Ordered the bear, stepping back and observing the result of his work.. although something wasn't quite perfect yet. A little detail to add to this muscular, chubby panda brute... As the black and white bear started to pump his thick cock, silverish rivulets of pre painting his black paws and gliding down in a musky, gooey torrent down his balls and legs, the bear gently placed a paw over the brute's head, gently rubbing, caressing... a thumb going gently along the rim of his ears... and he started to talk again...

''Stop thinking, panda...'' He started, as the beast before him grew wide eyed, something happening in his head, so intense and pleasurable.. and yet terrible at once... ''Big brute... Dumb brute... Powerful.. loyal.. brutal...'' ''lo...y.. al... bru..'' the bear grinned widely, hearing the panda parroting his words with an empty, subdued voice... ''Brute don't need to think... Panda don't need to think. The Boss think and my Brute obeys. Brute is a tool.. Brute is a slave... Brute is not a person anymore... Brute have no mind... '' Ho yes, the way the panda moaned, the way he stuttered over the words, his glassy, empty black eyes... But the bear would break his beast in... until no return would ever be possible...

''Let go of your will, panda. You have no will, no desires. Let my will fill you. Let it in... let it empty you... Don't slow down... Paw yourself harder boy.'' He barked, as the poor panda had unconsciously slowed down to a more bearable rhythm, but was now forced to pump his cock harder and harder the pleasure overloading each fiber of his being, the pressure breaking every barrier of his mind....

''This is now, Panda... Feel it rise... this pleasure.. Crushing, drowning everything else... don't fight it... Let everything go with the pleasure'' whispered the bear to the panda, now back arched, and masturbating feverishly, out of breath... the panda was way past repeating his Boss' words... this was way out of his abilities, now... he heard and obeyed... and it anchored, deeper and deeper... emptying him into a husk with no individuality, no thought, only his Boss desires or will leading his sheer brutality to do his bidding... The panda came explosively, cum splattering all over his belly and around him, including the bear... He threw his head back and bellowed a powerful, growly scream, that slowly, gently died down with his climax... then slowly, an empty, blank smile grew over his face, thick, profuse lines of drool starting to glide down the unthinking beast's chin, as he felt onto his knees, motionless before it's boss and master, his puppet, forevermore...