Poker Night 3

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#3 of Poker Night

The third installment in the poker night series.

Poker Night 3

Seth made his way back to the living room, surveying the group waiting for him there. This poker night had been one of the longest. The stakes had never been higher, after Will had unwittingly lost his penis in a bad beat hand the night crossed a line that Seth was more than happy to leap over. The donkey bits might not have been the largest he had ever seen, but he was happy that he had won them nonetheless. Will looked as though he were lost in the moment, stung bitterly by the alcohol he had consumed throughout the night. He probably didn't even realize that it was his own junk that was now hanging around Seth like a necklace. Seth rubbed it, keeping it in mid erection, loving the aroused sounds escaping the donkey.

Mikey's horse bits were next. As he had been trying to win back his friend's dick, he managed to lose his own in the process. Mikey had attached his cock to the base of his tail and used it as a butt plug. In between the tufts of hair were a pair of the tiniest horse balls Seth had ever seen. They weren't even big enough to produce a true orgasm. Mikey had not been drinking as much as Will, he knew very well what was going on and didn't seem to be enjoying it one bit. While Seth was washing his prize, Mikey had a nearly dry orgasm. Seth gave the horse a small wink to indicate that he knew what had just happened. Mikey blushed as his cock softened further in the young fox's hands.

There was only one other friend sitting at the table. A badger by the name of Ben. Ben had been quiet throughout most of the night, and even played a pivotal role in Seth's obtaining his friends packages. He had cheated when it was necessary to force the fox a winning hand. Now he had requested a single hand, heads up.

"Okay, so how is this going to work?" Seth took his seat at the table, placing the horse penis/tail/butt plug down behind his stack of chips. He knew full well that there was nothing the badger could offer up that would be worth three cocks. At most he could lose one of them, but at least that means he could have fun with the other even if he lost. He couldn't imagine which of his two won possessions the badger would care for more.

"One hand, face down, no betting. The wager, my cock and yours." The badger unfolded his hands to reveal a small pink object sitting on the table. The pointed tip already sporting a small drop of pre from the excitement. A small sac underneath loosely held a pair of round badger orbs. Seth found himself nearly drooling. Ben had always been fairly reserved. Seeing the glorious prize waiting for him, it was all he could do to keep himself from reaching out for it right then and there.

"Which one?" Seth held up his friends junk, Mikey's in his left hand and Will's in his right. Both of his friends blushed. Maybe Will wasn't as drunk as he originally thought, could he have just been pretending because he didn't want anybody to know he was secretly excited to have lost his junk?

"Nuh uh. Yours." He pointed down through the table to indicate that he was looking specifically to win the fox bits. Suddenly the hand became a little more serious for Seth. He would be taking home his friends dicks no matter what, but it was possible for him to lose his own in the process.

"What if I just decline?" Seth asked, hesitant to make the deal. Ben smiled and picked up his own glistening member, licking up the pre slowly. Seth imagined his own lips smacking on that beautiful tip, the salty sweet pre on his tongue. The thoughts were driving him wild. At the same time, Ben looked as though he had a lot of practice at sucking his own cock, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to entrust his member to someone so skilled.

"Okay, I accept." He squeezed the horse's nuts again as he placed the guy's cock back on the table, eliciting a grunt and glare from his friend who had begun hardening back up against his will.

"Mikey, don't you dare cum on my table." Will said suddenly.

"Don't worry, he can't really cum." Seth laughed, causing the horse to blush even deeper. Seth reached down under the table and fiddled with his cock. It had been a while since he had last detached it, but the method was never really lost. Just a small twist to the left and the base would split away, balls and all. The popping sensation was never one he could get used to. His feelings conflicted with nerves and excitement all mixed together. At the same time he felt like he could both be on the edge of orgasm and on the edge of going flaccid, either being incredibly likely.

"Jeez, girly fox is excited." Will rolled his eyes. There it was. He had forgotten who was in control and used that terrible insult again. Seth grabbed the cock around his neck and tightened the slipknot that had been holding it up. The slipknot gripped around the balls, pulling them together in a vice grip. The donkey winced, veins throbbing as blood flow had been constricted.

"Okay, let's finish up this game." Ben allowed Seth to shuffle the cards so that he knew there hadn't been any setting up of the deck. He was also allowed to deal the cards. Two face down to each of them. Seth slowly lifted his two cards, a two of clubs and a seven of hearts. One of the worst hands possible, there was very little chance of him pulling out a win. Luckily there was no more betting, otherwise his boner would have given his hand away completely. His cock sat exposed on the table, slowly diminishing and shrinking back down, the small nub elicited howls of delight and laughter from the two that had already lost to him. Will reached out and grabbed it from the center of the table before anyone could stop him. Seth felt the donkey's cold hooves fondling him and blushed, causing it to shrink even more.

"You really are a girly fox, this flap of skin looks like a vagina!" He held it up and started rimming it with his tongue as though he were going down on a female. Seth winced and tightened the knot even more. If the donkey kept this up, he would lose be neutered by the end of the night.

"Put it back." Seth said sternly.

"Okay, okay." Will was beginning to breathe heavily, not understanding that the two of them had technically been in a stalemate. Seth loosened the noose slightly as his member was returned to the center of the table. Seth pulled the pot away from the center of the table, out of arms reach from the donkey, who sat pouting. His donkey balls were beginning to turn a slight shade of purple. Once Seth was certain that something similar wasn't going to happen again, he continued the deal.

The three cards flipped up for the flop didn't provide any help for him. Three different suits, practically ruining his chances at a flush. The 2 and 7 were too far apart for a straight, and nothing paired up. His odds of winning were reduced to little more than a three percent chance. The turn card was an ace, normally something he would love to see on the board but not something he wanted to see with his current hand. With no option of buying the pot, he would have to ride out the river. The inevitable loss of his member approaching like a freight train with him caught staring at the light without the ability to jump out of the way. He crossed his fingers and prayed as the river card flipped over. Out of the corner of his eye he caught what appeared to be his last hope. A two. He had paired up, but there were so many higher cards on the table there was no doubt he had lost.

"Show 'em!" Mikey yelled. Seth was first to show. He flipped over his two cards unenthusiastically.

"Pair of two's" He announced. Ben placed his hands on his cards giving absolutely no indication of how good or bad his hand was. Seth looked down at the badger cock on the table to see if it was giving anything away, but it was still as hard as it had been before the hand had started.

"I muck." The two words came out so casually that Seth had barely registered what they meant at first. The badger was refusing to show his cards, while at the same time announcing that he had lost. The pair of two's had held up? Seth scooped the members together, dragging them across the wooden table top in disbelief. They were all his. Will and Mikey stared with mouths open wide. Seth was the big winner of the night and would be leaving with all four dicks.

Seth picked up all of the cards and placed them back in the deck, shaking his friends hand while placing his friends cock in his pocket carefully.

"Good game." He wanted to leave. Before placing the cards back in the box, he casually snuck a glance at the cards the badger had mucked. A pair of pocket aces. He lied. He hadn't actually lost.

"We will be getting our junk back right? That was just for fun?" Mikey asked as they were making their way out the door to head home. Will was already passed out inside his house and hadn't joined them outside. His cock still hanging around Seth's neck, completely flaccid but balls still pulled tight against the knotted string.

"I'll consider it, but you guys were the ones that bet and lost them, I'll be holding on to them for a while. Don't worry I'll keep them safe." Seth smiled and pat the horses cock.

"Oh... okay... I um... I kind of like to get off at least five times a day if you could... uh... yeah." He cringed, trying to skirt around the sensitive issue.

"I've seen you cum once from just a small bit of touching, I'm sure that won't be all that difficult." Seth laughed and rubbed the cock until it twitched and spurt a small amount of pre. The horse shuddered, his muscles tightening. "If you cum that easily, I'm sure it will be more than five times a day with me playing with it."

"Just uh... don't tell anyone about it okay?" Mikey gave it one last look before hopping into his car and driving away. This left just Ben and Seth.

"Why did you lie about your hand? You should have won my dick." He looked down at his crotch, where his penis was now reattached. The badger cock still safely in his pocket.

"I really like you, I wanted you to have it. I've been wanting to tell you for a while but couldn't find the right words to say it. After they lost theirs, I couldn't just give you mine, they would have been mad if I didn't try to win them all back. I had to lose it to you like they did." He blushed and smiled.

"Really? I've liked you for a while too. Hmm, what do you say we continue this back at my place tonight?" Seth suggested, rubbing the badger's cock back to full erection.

"Sounds good to me." Ben beamed ecstatically.