Ahkina an Thor

Story by ShadowWolf1994 on SoFurry

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Ahkina and Thor

A human man takes in a brother and sister wolf and it leads to much more

By: Shadow Wolf

It was three in the morning. All was quiet through the cabin. Nick paced the living room unable to sleep. The meteor impact was all over the news and he couldn't wait to get his hands on a fragment to study it.

Nick was a handsome man at twenty-two years old, standing at five foot six and weighed approximately two hundred pounds, all muscle. His thick black hair was shaggy and hung over his electric blue eyes, giving him a tough rugged look. He had a scar that sliced over his chest that he said came from swinging out too far on a rope over a pond and landing on a piece of jagged shale. Some people didn't believe it but no one pushed him for answers.

Nick worked for the federal government as a mercenary soldier. Basically, he was paid to eliminate high value targets that the government deemed as a threat to national security. He was on a two week's leave at the moment with one week to go.

He lived in Montana outside a small town called Wolf Point. His cabin was average size built on the side of a mountain with a view

of the town below. A deck was built to the front of the house with stairs leading down to his drive way which ran nearly a mile to a main road that serviced Wolf Point.

He sighed to himself as he sat on his couch and watched the news.

"So far no fragments from the meteor have been found," the announcer stated. "Astronomers all over the world are confused by the phenomenon as they say the meteor was large enough to breakup and cause craters but no material from it was left behind."

'That's nothing new,' Nick thought. 'Could've vaporized on impact.'

He sat back in the couch but suddenly stopped as a sound entered the room. He listened and after a few seconds he heard it again. It was coming outside under his deck where he kept his trash cans.

"Probably a local black bear looking for food," he said to himself.

He got up and grabbed a shot gun from a gun rack over his tv. He went outside and looked over the railing but saw nothing. He descended the steps from the deck and saw that the trash cans were tipped over and spilled.

"Alright mister bear. Time to go home," he called out. There was no reply from the supposed bear.

He caught movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see what looked like two kids crouched and huddled together under the steps. He approached them but stopped when they made a move to bolt.

"Easy now, I'm not gonna hurt you," he said. He lowered himself to a crouch and placed his gun on the ground. Then he stood and moved to a light switch that was mounted next to his basement door. He flipped it on and what he saw astonished him to speechlessness.

Squatting under the steps were two humanoid wolves; one male, the other female. They looked like they were in there mid teens but with fully mature bodies. They were both as tall as himself if they stood and the male looked to weigh about half what he did. The female looked healthy enough except there was fresh blood on her tattered clothes. The male was scarred everywhere. He blinked his eyes a couple of times, not believing what he was seeing. They were both covered in tattered clothing that just barely covered their bodies and he could see black fur covering the female and blue fur covering the male. He stared at them for a few moments but soon regained his senses.

"Can you speak?" He asked.

The male nodded. "Hungry," he managed.

Nick sighed to himself. 'What the hell am I supposed to feed you?' He wondered. He ran a hand through his hair. "Alright, come inside. I'll see what I can do."

When he picked up his gun the two huddled closer together. He realized they were afraid of him.

"I won't hurt you," he said to them.

He beckoned them to follow him up the steps and into the cabin. Then he ushered them back to a spare room where he ordered them undressed. He entered his bathroom as they did and got some warm water running. Then he ushered them in. And helped them clean themselves up. He was especially gentle with the female for she had fresh gashes on her midsection and breasts.

"What happened?" He asked the male.

"Hurt," he uttered. "You hurt her." His eyes suddenly filled with rage and he made a show of attacking him.

"Easy, easy," Nick soothed. "I didn't hurt her. Someone else?"

The male nodded baring his fangs.

Nick turned his attention back to the female. Then a thought passed through his mind. "How old are you two?" He asked.

The male shrugged. "Don't know. Things changed with big crash."

"Big crash," Nick repeated. "The meteor?"

Both nodded this time.

"Let's get you cleaned and patched up," he said to the female.

He gently washed her, showing her how to do it herself and soon she was cleaned and her wounds were sealed with antibiotic ointments, linens, and medical tape. Then he rummaged around in his drawer for clothes and found some that might fit the two. He had to cut holes in the butt of the pants to accommodate their tails and they were dressed. He took them out to the dining room and sat them at the table. Both were obviously nervous and he tried to sooth them. When it didn't work, he went to the fridge and found two thick steaks and cooked them. He then placed the steaks in front of the two but neither touched their food.

"Eat," Nick said. "You can have it."

He watched as the male picked up his steak, ripped it in half and gave one half to the female.

'That's why he looks underweight,' Nick realized. 'He's been giving most the food they find to her.'

The female looked at the male and gave the half of steak back. She wouldn't accept it. But he was insistent and Nick interfered.

"She's right," he said. "You need your strength back."

"Sister needs strength too," the male said.

"That may be so. But there's enough food here for both of you."

The male looked at Nick then, tears coming to his eyes. "You give us food?" He managed.

Nick smiled then. "Yes. Eat as much as you want. And you can stay as long as you want as well."

Then the female stood and did something that wasn't expected. She hugged Nick and the male joined. They nuzzled their heads to his and started crying. Nick put his arms around them and held them close, patting them and scratching behind their ears.

"Go ahead and eat," he said.

The two wolves sat back down, tears still dripping down their faces, dug in.

After they ate their fill, Nick showed them where they could sleep. He gave the male the couch and he took the female to a guest bedroom where he tucked her in.

"Do you have a name?" He asked her as he was leaving.

She shook her head no.

"How about..." Nick thought a moment. Then, "Ahkina?"

The female nodded with enthusiasm.

"Ahkina it is," he switched the light off and closed the door until it was open just a crack.

"And you will be called Thor," he said to the male.

"Ttthhhorrrr," the male repeated. He nodded and wagged his tail.

Nick smiled and turned the tv off and the light. Then he retired to his own bed.

Six hours later at ten in the morning, Nick awoke and checked on Thor and Ahkina. He was surprised to see them both in her bed curled into furry balls back to back. He awoke them and began to teach them that siblings don't sleep together.

"Protect sister," Thor said. "Protect from hurt."

"No one's going to hurt you anymore," Nick said. "But right now, you two need to get up. I need to replace her bandages."

They both nodded and Nick took Ahkina back to his bathroom where she stripped down to bare fur. Nick blushes as a feeling entered his heart and he felt he was attracted her. He unwrapped the medical tape from around her waist and each time he put his arms around her to switch hands, Ahkina would move closer. He gently pushed her back and shook his finger at her and continued to unwrap the tape. He then removed the linens and saw that the wounds on her stomach and breasts were almost completely healed. He sifted through Ahkina's fur and she wriggled under his probing fingers. He didn't find any scarring which surprised him.

"Looks like you won't be needing these anymore," he said as he threw the linens out.

Ahkina moved close to him, pushing her body against his. "I like," she said.

He didn't know how to react but he knew he couldn't do anything with her. He gently but firmly pushed her away and handed her clothes to her. She cocked her head to the side.

"You not like?" She asked.

"So you CAN talk," Nick said.

Ahkina nodded, still standing naked in front of him.

"I don't know how to explain this," he muttered to himself. "Get dressed and we'll talk, ok?"

He let her dress and went to see what Thor was up to. He found him in the living flipping through the channels on the tv. "Looks like you're learning fast," he said.

Thor immediately dropped the remote and stood, his tail drooped.

"It's ok," Nick said. "You can watch. Find something you like."

He left Thor to the tv and returned back to his bedroom. Ahkina was wondering around, examining things but not touching anything. She paused next to picture of a man in full combat gear standing next to a heavily armored humvee.

"This you?" Ahkina asked when Nick joined her.

Nick picked the picture up and shook his head sadly. "My brother," he said. "He was killed by bad people on the other side of the world. They never found a body."

"Bad people," Ahkina repeated. "Those hurt me?"

"Similar," Nick replied. "They hurt and kill people just because they can much like some people here."

He replaced the picture and looked at Ahkina. He did find her quite attractive for being a wolf. She looked to be a year or two younger than he was with a perfect body to match. He traced her curves with his eyes and felt his cock begin to harden. 'No,' he scolded himself. 'She's a wolf for God sake!'

He decided then to teach the two wolf furres the ways of the world. He took Ahkina by the hand and led her out to where Thor was watching a program on the Discovery channel about digging for gold. He turned the tv off and looked at both of them.

"I'm going to teach you both the ways of life," he said. "To begin with, we humans go by names like I've given the two of you. My name is Nicholas."

"Nnnniiiickoolllllaaasss," the two wolves said.

"No, no. Here, repeat after me." He said. "Nih"

"Nih," they said in unison.





"Now say it as one word, nih-cole-las"

The repeated it.

"Now say it a little faster," Nick instructed.

"Nicholas," the two wolves said

"Very good," Nick said.

They wagged their tails at his approval.

"Let's start with the alphabet now."

He began teaching them letters and putting those letters into word and words into sentences and so on. They went on like this for a few days and they were both catching on fast. They moved to reading on the fifth day of teaching and after a few days of reading short stories they both moved to reading full novels.

After a month of reading and even writing, Nick moved them into numbers. He began simple of course with addition and subtraction. They caught to that very well and after the first day, they moved to devision and multiplication. After a few days they went to geometry, then algebra and all the way up to calculus. Nick was surprised at the rate they were learning.

After two months of teaching he dubbed them ready for a final exam of one hundred questions of mathematics, reading, and writing. It took them both a whole day to complete it but they both passed with flying colors.

Over the course of the teaching, Nick had grown close to the two wolves he took in only three months ago. He and Ahkina had especially bonded but he didn't realize what the extent of their relationship was until one night she crawled to into bed with him.

"What's wrong?" He asked rolling over to face her.

"Nothing," she replied.

"Do you want to sleep here?" He asked hesitantly. He traced her body with his eyes and his shaft began to harden.

"I want to do more than sleep," she said. Then she startled him by kissing him.

He hesitated at first but his lust won out and he kissed her back. He ran his hands over her breasts and she moaned in pleasure.

"I've wanted so much to do this," Nick panted.

"And I've waited so long for you to accept it," Ahkina replied.

Nick tore at Ahkina's night clothes and soon they were both completely naked, Nick's shaft pulsing with lust. Ahkina moved down and licked the head so tenderly, it made Nick shiver with agonizing pleasure.

"You like that?" Ahkina teased. She licked again.

"Oohhhh-ho-ho I do indeed," He replied.

Then she took his whole eight and a half inches and shoved him down her muzzle. He groaned as she bobbed her head, forcing him down her throat until her nose was touching his belly. She then pulled him out with a slight pop and licked his shaft up and down.

"I wanna feel you inside me," she said seductively.

Nick smiled with pure pleasure. "I've wanted so much to hear you say that."

She moved up until they were face to face and raised herself on her knees. Nick took his throbbing cock and teased it along her beautiful pussy lips and banged it against her clit.

"Put it in me," Ahkina demanded. "I wanna feel you're hot cock inside my pussy."

Nick complied and slipped the head of his shaft into her hole. He was surprised at how tight she was and realized she was a virgin having never been mated in the wild. He pushed into her gently, having to hold her still to keep her from ramming down on him too hard and potentially causing harm to the insides of her vagina. She groaned in pain and he stopped to let her adjust to him. Then he pushed a little more, each time her groans turning more toward bliss. He had about three inches to go when she decided enough gentleness was enough and rammed down on him. She screamed in pleasure and pain mixed and her pussy let lose a torrent of juice. She let herself adjust complete to Nicks shaft for a moment and began to hump up and down on him.

"UH, UH-HUHHHH! OH GOD THIS IS GOOD!" Ahkina yelled. She threw back her head causing her black hair to swish over her breasts.

Nick ran his thumbs over her nipples and teased them with his tongue, Ahkina moaning in pure pleasure. He then sucked on each and she went over the edge again.

"OH OOHH SSSSOOO FUCKING GOOD!" She yelled as her juices poured over Nicks cock and down her thighs.

Nick pushed up into her, matching her pace. She leant down and kissed him passionately and relished the feeling of his human tongue against hers.

"Oh your mouth tastes so sweet," Nick panted once they broke. "Oh god, I'm gonna cum," he said.

"Not yet," Ahkina replied. She pushed down on him one last time and then got off. She crawled up next to him on her hands and knees and wriggled her firm, toned, sexy ass.

"Put it in my ass," she said with a devilish smile.

He complied and moved behind her. She lifted her tail and Nick played his cock head along the crack of her still dripping sex. Then he pushed into her ass.

"Uhhhhh," she moaned. She pushed back against him and after a few thrusts they were fucking in unison again.

He fucked her hard and she had to grab the headboard to keep from being pushed into it. Soon he was ready to come again. She felt him thicken and pulled off. Then she rolled over and moved down until her breasts were even with his shaft. He let loose.


Hot cum splattered forth and soaked Ahkina's fur. She leant up and took his cock in her mouth and sucked every last drop from his balls. He finally stopped coming after a minute and a half. He looked down at Ahkina and she smiled, licking her muzzle free of cum.

"I think I'm in love," Nick said.

"I think I'm in love too," she said. She got up and went into the bathroom and cleaned herself up. Then she returned and crawled back into bed.

Nick laid down and she laid down with him. She pressed herself against him as tight as she could get and he put his arms around her, tracing his hands up and down her back.

"Your fur is so soft and smooth," he said.

Ahkina nuzzled her head under his chin and they fell asleep wrapped in each other's warmth.

The next morning they went out into the kitchen hand in hand. Thor was standing there with his muscled arms crossed and leaning against the counter top. Once he noticed them, he shoved Nick aside and bared his fangs.

"What did you do to her?!" He demanded.

"Relax, Thor," Nick replied calmly. "We had some alone time together."

"We're in love Thor," Ahkina said. "Don't be upset."

"You're in love?!" Rage suddenly filled his eyes and he swung at Nick.

The blow connected square on the jaw and slammed Nick against the wall.

"Thor!" Ahkina shouted. She pushed passed him and knelt next to him.

"I'm okay," Nick said as he wiped blood from the corner of his mouth. He stood. "It's been a while since someone was able to that."

Thor grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against the wall. "If you hurt her, I swear I'll kill you," he snarled. Then he let Nick go and stalked back into the living room.

"That was uncalled for," Ahkina whispered as he left.

"He's protective of you," Nick said. "You're his sister. He has a right to know what's going on in your life." He pushed a lock of hair from her face and cradled her muzzle. "He'll accept it. Don't worry."

They refrained from touching each other for the rest of the morning as they made breakfast. As they ate, Thor had the news channel on and something was being announced about the meteor that impacted Earth a few months ago.

"It appears the meteor that hit the Earth is accountable for a strange phenomenon. Scientists are crediting the meteor impact for the transformation of animals into humanoid forms. Some humans have also been affected by this occurrence being able to shift or as their calling it 'morph' into what ever animal they were close to when the meteor hit."

"There's more like us," Thor whispered. "We're not alone."

"This strange occurrence has scientists baffled around the world. No one seems to be able to explain why or how this happened. We'll be back with coverage from a clinic in San Diego which has taken a few of these new creatures into care and are now studying them."

Thor switched the tv off and they all sat in silence. All of a sudden the phone rang and Nick got up and answered it.

"Hello?" He said.

A pause.

"Yeah this is Nick."

Another pause.

"I'm going to have to decline."

The next pause was drawn out. As Nick listened, his face grew into a look of concern and he glanced at Thor and Ahkina.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." He hung up the phone. He looked at Ahkina and Thor again. "We need to leave."

  • Author's note: First of all thank you to nightshade for allowing me to do my own story(ies) in his world. Really appreciate it. I wanted to do new characters and start from the beginning when the meteorite impacted earth - or at least as close to the beginning as I could get. It's a cliff hanger at the end I know but I'm hoping to do more in time to come.