Mhisani's Desire - A commision for Mhisani

Story by Sura on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissioned Stories

A commissioned piece for Mhisani!

This is my very first commissioned story so I hope you like it Mhisani! It was a pleasure writing it! hope to write more of these lovely characters soon!


Mhisani looked at himself in the mirror his black hair falling in his face. He was tired of being lonely, going through his daily routine of getting up, going to work, coming home, feeding himself and then doing nothing out of the ordinary. Just to start the routine over again the next day. Sighing Mhisani washed his face then looked at his image again. He thought himself an attractive grey fox but nothing to special,. Shaking his head he grabbed the nearest hand towel and dried his face and muzzle. Today was Saturday and he figured if he was going to get out there today was the day. It was now or never. Apart of him wanted to say never but he knew if he didn't go out he would be doomed to a life of solitude. Seeing as it was winter Mhisani needed to find something that would keep him warm. Granted he had fur but it was the middle of winter and it was damn cold. Going through his closet he found a pair of long bottoms, jeans, a shirt, a sweatshirt and his winter coat. Now you may think it's a bit much for someone who has fur but Mhisani loved his body heat. After bundling up he grabbed his house keys and left the apartment.

The air was crisp as he stepped out of the main doors of the apartment building. There was fresh snow on the ground from the night before and as he walked he could see the street come alive with early morning folk. As he walked Mhisani made his way to the corner coffee shop. On occasion he would grab a treat before work and have to rush to get there on time. Today on the other hand was a different story, he had all day to sit inside and bask in the warmth of his coffee. Looking around the interior of the coffee shop he could see several tall tables along with shorter tables. The tables had green and brown mosaic pieces on each. In the corner was a small reading area with big comfy looking chairs and a round coffee table with the same mosaic patterns and colors as the tables around him. Soon it was time for him to order. Taking his ticket from the cashier he waited for his number to be called.

As soon as he got his order he went to one of the tables in the corner where he looked out the window watching people walk by. Mhisani wondered what their lives were like. Where they worked. Who they loved or if they loved anyone for that matter? As he sat there thinking he felt ice cold hit him. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" looking up he watched as the bear who had spilled his ice coffee on him frantically try to clean up his mess. Mhisani chuckled. "It's all good accidents happen." The bear looked frazzled. "I'm so clumsy I'm so sorry." Mhisani stood up. "What did you have to drink?" he asked the bear who was a tad on the confused side for being asked what he was drinking. "An iced caramel coffee why?" the bear asked as he followed Mhisani. Making his way to the counter he bought the bear a new drink.

"You don't have to do that. I'm the one who spilled it on you." The bear said. "Again don't worry." The bear sighed in defeat as he took his drink. "What's your name?" Mhisani asked the bear as they sat down at the table he was at. "Rojono, you?" he replied drinking his coffee. "I'm Mhisani. It's nice to meet you." He said causing Rojono to blush lightly due to the circumstances. "It's nice to meet you too."

Instantly the seemed to click, Rojono and Mhisani talked for hours about themselves what they did for a living, and Mhisani enjoyed himself. "I know this may sound crazy but I like you." Rojono said out right. Mhisani was shocked but he felt the same way. "I like you too." He said smiling. "Do you want to come over? I haven't gone to change my clothes yet. We could watch a movie or something." Rojono nodded. "Sound like fun." He said laughing.

So they got up and walked to Mhisani's apartment. "Well this is it. Not much but it does its job." Rojono looked around there wasn't much to the apartment. There was a door in the far corner which was most likely the bedroom and the kitchen area. He suspected the bathroom was through the bedroom because he didn't see any other doors besides the one. The main room was the living room where there was a television on a stand and a computer desk in one corner. "So is it just you that lives here?" Rojono asked still looking around. "Yes, it can be a bit lonely but I make it work." Mhisani said as he worked on taking his sweater off. "Go ahead have a seat, get comfy and I'll be right back."

Rojono sat on the couch waiting for Mhisani as he changed. "Ok what do you want to watch?" Mhisani asked coming in with a shirt draped over his shoulder. Rojono looked up, his eyes stopping at Mhisani's bare chest. He couldn't peel his eyes off of him. His muscles rippled with every step he took and Rojono had thoughts he knew he shouldn't have but he couldn't help it. "Um it doesn't matter whatever you want to watch." Mhisani looked at Rojono who was blushing profusely. "You alright over there?" Mhisani asked. "Yea I'm fine." Rojono said rubbing the back of his neck.

Mhisani chuckles and sat down next to Rojono. Being a bear he was significantly larger than he was but he didn't mind. Mhisani pointed to the movie shelf. "The movies are there you can pick which one you want." Rojono nodded then went to look through the movies. "Do you want some snacks I have popcorn, chips, chocolates." Rojono picked the movie and walked over to Mhisani. "I think popcorn would be best with a movie." He said giving Mhisani a hand.

Once they got the snacks they sat down setting the snacks between them and Mhisani put the movie in. "Brother bear huh?" he chuckled before sitting down. Rojono blushed, "I like the movie." he said taking some popcorn, "The movie is about findings oneself through love." He said. "I agree, there's just something about it you know?" Mhisani said starting the movie. As they watched Rojono was fixated on the movie. His features were soft but when he smiled Mhisani melted. There was something about the bear that he couldn't help but fall for.

Half way through the movie the snacks had been depleted and Mhisani cleaned up the remains while Rojono continued to watch. It felt nice to have someone to spend time with. Sitting back down he inched closer to Rojono. Knowing there could possibly be no chance for them to be together he had to try anything to feel wanted. Loved even.

Leaning in closer Mhisani kissed Rojono's cheek then pulled away waiting for his reaction. Rojono jumped slightly at the feeling of Mhisani's kiss. He turned to Mhisani who was blushing. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." Mhisani said. Smiling slightly Rojono took Mhisani's face gently into his paws. "Why should you be sorry? You did what I've wanted to do this whole time." Mhisani smiled loving the warmth of Rojono's touch.

Mhisani leaned into Rojono's touch. He could hear the movie in the background but he didn't care. He wanted Rojono. And he wanted him now. Rojono held Mhisani as he explored his body. Mhisani's touch was intoxicating. His paws roamed Rojono's chest as they kissed. They were in heaven. It had been so long since either of them had been with someone that they almost forgot what it was like. Mhisani ran his paws up and under Rojono's shirt feeling his lean body. He ran his fingers through Rojono's fur delighted in the way it felt. "I want you Mhisani." Rojono said in between kisses. He nodded in agreement standing then holding out his hand took Rojono's in it. He led the way to his room then turned to Rojono. "I confess that I haven't done anything like this in a while so I apologize in advance for whatever I do wrong." Mhisani said causing Rojono to chuckle. "I'm in the same boat you are babe." He said tugging on Mhisani's shirt wanting so badly for it to be off and out of the way of his ravaging.

Running his paws up and under Mhisani's shirt slowly he managed to get it up just enough to show his belly fur. Mhisani wasted no time in doing the same. Soon both of them had each other's shirts off and tossed to the side. Sitting on the bed Mhisani looked up at Rojono as he gently placed his paw on the now evident bulge that awaited his ever hungry maw. Rojono sucked his breath in as Mhisani felt his cock. He wanted so badly for Mhisani to just take him but he loved the slow methodical caresses Mhisani made. Taking his tongue Mhisani slowly ran it along the bulge in Rojono's causing him to shudder. "Keep that up and I might not make it to the fun." Rojono groaned unbuttoning his pants for Mhisani. "I look forward to the fun part." Mhisani said as he unzipped both his and Rojono's jeans.

Rojono held Mhisani's head gently as he kissed the tender spots on his hips. His clothes were on the floor at his feet now Mhisani's nowhere in sight. His breathing was heavy with anticipation of what was to come. Looking down he watched as Mhisani rubbed his fat cock to stand ready for his tasting. Mhisani looked up into his eyes the instant he took him in his maw. Toe curling sensations racked his body as Mhisani had his way with him. He couldn't breathe from the pleasure he was experiencing.

Mhisani sucked and licked Rojono's cock reveling in the taste of it as Rojono tightened his grip on him. He could feel the sensitive skin glide across his tongue each time he took him in. He wondered what it what it would feel to have him inside him. Rojono pulled away he couldn't take much more he felt an overwhelming need to be inside Mhisani that he had never felt before.

Laying Mhisani back he grabbed the lube he noticed on the way into the room and brought it over. He lubed up before looking at the fox that had in one night changed him. "Are you sure you want to do this. I don't want to hurt you." He said rubbing Mhisani's legs lifting them above his shoulders resting his ankles there. Mhisani nodded as he rubbed his own cock gently. "I've never been more sure in my life" Smiling Rojono probed at Mhisani's entrance getting it ready for him. Mhisani moaned softly as he felt Rojono's explorations. When he was ready Rojono rubbed the head of his swollen cock against Mhisani. Probing gently as to not cause any injuries. When he was able to he slowly slid in and out of Mhisani groaning at how tight he was.

Mhisani whimpered slightly at the feeling of Rojono's bear cock slid in and out of him hitting just the right spots. He was in the throes of ecstasy. "Oh god yes! That's it." Mhisani groaned getting close to his climax. He could feel Rojono pulsing inside of him close himself. Leaning down Rojono kissed Mhisani passionately before he let himself release inside of Mhisani. They moaned together as they both came.

Panting Mhisani lay on the bed still filled with Rojono inside him. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" Mhisani shook his head holding Rojono against him. "You did everything but hurt me my lovely." Chuckling Rojono slowly slid out of Mhisani and wiped them clean. "We should shower and clean ourselves off." Mhisani nodded as he got up with Rojono's help and went to the bathroom.

Not being able to help themselves they had a little fun in the shower, "Fuck that's it right there!" Rojono said as Mhisani pinned him gently to the wall of the shower. Groaning he slammed into Rojono. "you like it like that?" he asked curiously. Rojono nodded loving the dominance Mhisani showed. Suddenly the curtains had been pulled back to show a large black and red dragon. Naked like them his huge cock hung low as his maw slowly curved with the most mischievous grin they had ever seen. His cock slowly rose to attention before stating. "How come you started without me?"

Rojono and Mhisani looked at each other wide eyed then down to the dragons humongous cock both maws drooling for a taste. They both grinned up at the dragon. The party had finally arrived.