The Lion's Den: A Short Story

Story by Irving on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories (M/F)

For almost 8 years, I dismissed my inability to complete stories or focus on one project as writer's block. I would write a few paragraphs, become transfixed with editing and then stop for the night. When I came back to my stories, weeks and sometimes months later, the process would repeat. The exact words needs to be used or else a paragraph could be thrown out entirely. Sentences needed to be a precise amount of letters long. It was an almost infuriating level of obsession with perfection. It was just about a year ago I went to see a doctor and was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as "Predominately Inattentive."

Learning that I had ADHD was, at first, an annoyance. I didn't want to be medicated, felt like I was being diagnosed with a children's disorder and overall, I didn't want to change my lifestyle. But in a big way, learning I had ADHD was a godsend, because otherwise I would never have discovered the reason I had fallen out of love with writing and gotten help. It wasn't that I didn't love writing anymore, it was that something was holding me back. Through counseling and accumulating mental strategies, I began to see my love of writing return.

So here it is, for the first time in 8 years, a complete work to show. It's a bit of triumph for me, not so much in the context of writing, but a sign that I'm slowly reclaiming control over my life.

This took me a little over 3 days to type up. It is far from perfect, I'm still finding my literary legs again. You may find some typos and repetition. I'm well aware of their existence, so no need to point them out. Any other observations, notes and (especially) compliments are welcome.

Special thanks to Morticus, who graciously allowed me to use a clipping from one of his paintings as the thumbnail and cover art for the piece. I'm very grateful. If you have time, please check out his work here:

Story and Characters (c) Irving

Cover artwork and thumbnail (c) Morticus

Art is used with permission

The Lion's Den

by Irving

Artwork © Morticus

Jasper's leg throbbed up and down feverishly like a piston. He clutched the steering wheel of the car tightly, his knuckles curled around the mechanism in a viselike grip. He glanced at himself in the rearview mirror--he'd been sweating profusely. But here he sat, in the driver's seat of a parked car, contemplating his fate.

Jasper, being the timid mouse he was, felt vastly out of his element. Both the time and place were horribly unfamiliar to him; he'd stopped at a parking meter in a particularly unsavory part of town at an unthinkable hour of the night. Well, he supposed hour of the morning was more accurate.

It wasn't too late to turn back. Perhaps this had all been a very bad idea. He should have been asleep hours ago. Surely, any minute now better judgment would prevail. Jasper found his trembling hand reaching for the gear stick, ready to put the car in drive and set off for home, leaving this little excursion as a small detour and nothing more.

No. He'd come this far. It would be cowardly to rethink things now. Not only that, but the decision would weigh on his soul for eternity if he were to beat a hasty retreat after coming so very close. His hand slowly came off the clutch, leaving the car in park. Jasper took one last look at himself in the mirror, dabbing at the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief.

The stout, mousy man opened the car door and placed a foot on the harsh hardtop of the street. It felt akin to stepping on the moon. Emerging from the car, the mouse skittishly looked around. Only errant street-lamps provided any reliable source of light. He could see his breath in the air. He'd best be getting on with this.

Jasper crossed the street at a somewhat wimpish pace, head on a swivel, scanning. As he made his way across, he stared up at the building before him. It was tall, made of brick and laden with ivy. The structure was sandwiched between two other buildings on either side, making for a patchwork quilt of architecture that spanned the centuries. From it's outward appearance, it did not beget one any feelings of dread at all. What was inside, however, sent pulses of uncertainty up Jasper's tiny little spine.

As he neared the front entrance, he could feel his Adam's Apple twitch. He craned his head to look at the wooden sign, which hung on hinges just beside the door.

"The Lions' Den. Est. 1914."

He winced at the name. He wondered why the proprietors of the establishment would use such a phrase. But maybe he was giving it too much thought. With slow, patient steps, he climbed the small stoop and up to the entrance. The mouse stepped to the wooden door. A small metal slot stretched across the door at about shoulder height. Too large, too high to be a mail slot, Jasper figured. Frightened and stiff, he prepared to announce his presence.

He bawled his hand into a fist and motioned to knock, but he hesitated, leaving his knuckles to hang there, suspended in time, just an inch from wood.

Suddenly, there was a most foul screech of metal. The eye slot in the door opened with such speed the mouse nearly bolted for the car in fright, but his heels held fast against the wooden porch. Two angry eyes and a wrinkled forehead appeared in the small portal, leering harshly at Jasper.

"Password?" came a gruff, commanding voice from the opening, decidedly male.

"Uhhhh," mumbled Jasper, his memory suddenly wiped clean in the commotion, like a blackboard being erased before students could jot down the contents. His lower jaw slackened in hesitation, unable to speak, like a solitary hand trying to clap.

"Password?!" barked the eyes behind the door again, louder and with more gusto. The brow above the eyes slanted downward at a steep angle in frustration.

"Oh, um, it's uh...," Japser fumbled with the words, as if trying to fish it out of his pocket. "Sejant e-erect. Yes, Sejant erect."

The eyes rolled in their sockets in annoyance and the slot slammed fiercely with a loud clang. Jasper stood there, dumbfounded. Seconds passed, though the passing felt like centuries. His heart began to sink. Had he gotten the password wrong? Maybe he had mispronounced it. His Latin was rather rusty. Still, maybe this was meant to happen, he pondered to himself. He would just go back to the car and head home for a nice cup of t-

Just then, the door lurched and swung inward, revealing a dimly lit antechamber. An invitation to come in, if nothing else. After one last look about, shooting a longing glance at his car parked so safely under a streetlight, the mouse took a large breath, summoning up a reserve of bravery and stepping inside.

As he entered the tiny foyer, he noted the stern-looking rhinocerous holding the door open. No sooner had Jasper taken just a scant few steps past the threshold did the man close the door quickly before stepping back against the wall. They made brief eye contact and Jasper immediately made notice of the stern countenance on the doorman's face--the eyes that had looked at him through the slot.

"E-excuse me, I'm l-looking for-" started Jasper, hands folded together nervously.

"Downstairs," came the boisterous reply from the doorman, without letting the mouse finish. He tilted his head sideways slightly, motioning in the direction of a carpeted staircase that led downward to parts unknown.

"Oh, I, uh, I see. T-thank you," managed Jasper, not quite satisfied with the answer, but too afraid to ask for clarification.

It only took a few steps to reach the top of the flight and the mouse paused there. The plush carpet trickled down the steps like a river of velvet, down to where it bent around a corner and out of sight. A soft, warm light seemed to emanate from that very corner, as if beckoning to him. Jasper gulped again and looked back to the doorman, who had just placed a cigarette to his lips. He took notice of Jasper's staring and the eyes shot back a scrutinizing sneer.

It might as well have been a firm push for all the motivating it did. Immediately Jasper spun on his heel and set down the staircase. There was no going back now. Even if he were to turn right around and leave, the risk of having to pass by the doorman again was enough to press him onward. Taking hold of the railing with a trembling hand, Jasper reached the landing and turned the corner carefully and emerged into a long, wide corridor, with many rooms on either side.

Unlike the previous area, this one was much more visually pleasant. Victorian era decor decidedly dominated the hall. Framed paintings and old photographs hung with care on walls lined with striped red wallpaper. A grandfather clock stood in the corner, it's metronome dutifully beating out the passage of time. Candelabrums were spaced every few feet, giving the hall a rustic look.

"Hello there, Mr. Bennett. We've been expecting you."

Jasper jumped at the mention of his own name. To his immediate right stood a figure behind a small podium, expertly concealed from the view of the staircase's lowermost steps. The mouse turned to the source of this new voice, but as his eyes located the speaker, he froze.

There, standing beneath the veil of one of the candles was a gorgeous female lion. Two glorious golden eyes peered back at him in the darkness, burning with ardor. Her short, tan fur glistened in the candelabrum's light while a train of russet hair that spilled onto her shoulders provided the perfect mane.

Jasper lost all traces of his vocabulary in that instant, unable to issue anything other than an unsteady, "H-hello."

It did not take long however, for Jasper to notice...other traits as his eyes began to adjust to the romantic lighting. The woman was wearing an ornate black lace bra and seemingly nothing else. She wore it well. Very well, in fact, the young man observed. The ribbon of lace pushed her breasts tightly together, firmly squeezing them into a heap of cleavage. The lack of covering on her shoulders showed off her exquisite collarbones and lean neck. Jasper began to perspire at the mere sight of her.

But despite being garbed in only her delicates, the lion simply smiled back at him confidently, as if none the wiser: "Welcome to The Lion's Den Bordello. My name is Imara, I'll be your hostess tonight," spoke the lioness brightly. "I see you admiring my uniform."

Jasper's head snapped up quickly as he found himself gawking at the woman's breasts. What an awful thing to do! He silently scolded himself for letting his concentration get away. That was no way to behave like a gentleman.

"I apologize, miss. You simply took me b-by surp-p-prise. It was r-rude of m-me to stare," he began, embarrassed. In that instant he wished he could just disappear and vanish into the ether and spare himself the awkward predicament he had landed himself in.

The lioness laughed tenderly, putting a few fingers to her lips to stifle herself. "Oh, nothing to be apologetic about, Mr. Bennett, especially not staring. That was the intention."

Jasper's conscience was soothed by the woman's words, but also at her voice, which was sweet and motherly in nature. He nodded solemnly, still feeling a tad guilty, but relieved she was not upset.

"According to the book, this is your first time staying with us. Is that correct, sir?" asked Imara, looking down at a large calendar on her podium and then back up at him inquisitively. Goodness, those eyes. Those golden orbs. Every time she shifted them in his direction his heart skipped a beat. If only she could keep them trained on him forever!

"Y-yes," admitted Jasper, head shaking in confirmation. "F-first time." He thought he caught her smile widen just a bit. It was becoming difficult for him to maintain perfect eye contract, every so often feeling the temptation to steal a very quick glance at her stunning chest.

"Very good, sir. Your stay was all ready paid for well in advance, so there's no need to discuss payment. We have a room all picked out for you. We think you'll be very happy with the accommodations we've prepared, if I do say so myself," the lioness continued in a cheery tone, closing the book and stepping out from behind the podium. It was here Jasper received yet another surprise.

Rather than a skirt or pants to adorn her lower half, the lioness simply wore a matching set of lace panties and black stockings. Her long, lithe legs were displayed in all their grandeur. Powerful yet trim, immaculate inner thighs seemed to cross one another like a set of clashing swords. The mouse even thought he saw the outline of her most intimate place in the dark fabric of her panties. It took a fair bit of willpower to keep himself from staring.

"Right this way, sir," motioned Imara, leading him down the hallway with a keyring in hand. Jasper followed dutifully behind her, but at a slight distance. Mostly to give the lady some polite space, but, then again, it was hard to resist shooting a glance at her ample posterior. Her rope-like tail, dotted by a tuft of fiery fur on the end bent to and fro like a playful serpent trying to hypnotize him. As if he needed hypnotizing, that is.

As they marched down the hallway, the lovely lion began to engage in a bit of chatter.

"Oh, and don't mind Felix upstairs, either. He's always a bit protective of us down here. I hope he didn't scare you," explained Imara, eyes momentarily shifting back at him with a sincere look, damn near catching him eyeing her lovely derriere. Jasper realized she must have been referring to the rhino.

"Oh, heh," chuckled Jasper politely. "No, not at all."

That was, of course, a lie. But he'd rather not trouble such a nice lady with his experience on the upper floor.

Imara stopped abruptly at a particular door, Jasper nearly walking right into her and her pert bum in the process.

"Here we are Mr. Bennett. The Pride Room. Please, make yourself comfortable," said she, opening the door to the room and ushering him inside.

What lay within took the mouse again by pleasant surprise. It was a lavish bedroom, decorated much like the hallway outside, festooned with old paintings and photographs of beautiful women. An enormous bed in the shape of a diamond was pushed flush against the wall on one side of the room, topped with innumerable pillows and cotton comforters. It looked as if one were to fall into it, they could sleep for centuries in the pillowed silk and scented down. Jasper moved to it and stroked the blanket with the back of his palm and shivered as the glossy silk glided beneath his touch. Oh yes, this would all do quite well.

"I trust you find the accommodations acceptable?" inquired the lioness, standing near the doorway while she let her guest explor the room.

Jasper nodded enthusiastically without looking at her, "Oh, of course, just wonderful."

"Good, then let's get started."

Huh? Get started? As Jasper turned to ask the woman what she meant, he was entreated to the sight of her...taking off her top. Easily the woman unclasped the article of evening-wear, leaving her bare breasts exposed to the room. Calmly they thudded at gravity's ploy, released from their infernal prison of lace. Yet they were still quite large, even when not lifted into position.

"What in heaven's name..." trailed the mouse, quite uncertain of what was going on.

Slowly Imara padded up to him on her sleek legs and when she was close, she draped her lithe arms around his neck. "Oh come now, sir, you came to relax at The Den, did you not? Let me relax you."

Jasper retreated a few steps, taken aback by the sudden show of affection. "A-are you m-my...escort for tonight?" he stammered, backing up into the bed. His feet slid along the carpet, vying for traction, but to no avail. His escape was cut off.

"Oh, yes. I may be the hostess, but I still entertain too," cooed the lioness as she inched closer, her arms wrapping around him further. "However, I am required to inform you that we have a dress code here at The Den. You're far too overdressed."

She grinned mischievously and began to unfasten his tie and then proceeded to unbutton his shirt. Jasper tensed up a tad, but the seductive nature of her voice, her light chuckle and those beautiful, beautiful eyes eased him. Too scared to do much of anything, he simply resolved to let the lioness work.

With his tie and shirt well out of the way, the lioness then proceeded to unfasten his belt. With expert flicks of her wrists, she unzipped his pants and before long, the bashful little mouse stood there in boxers alone, a notable bulge stretching the cotton fabric slightly. Jasper's cheeks turned a heavy shade of scarlet.

At this, the lioness tittered. "Oh my, what's this? Is all this for me?" said she, cradling the appendage in her paw through the garment. Her fingers slipped around him gingerly, brushing up and down in painstakingly slow strokes. The mouse moaned lowly at the touch, something of which he had long been deprived. His chest heaved in excitement, erection bobbling in the lion's soft grip.

"Goodness, so tense," noted the lioness, taking her hand off his organ and slipping her fingers through his own. "This way, dear."

Taking him by the hand, she led him to a leather armchair at the side of the room and guided him into the seat. As Jasper reclined, he watched as the lion woman began to kneel, maneuvering down so that her head was at his hip. With a deft pull, she finished removing his boxers, liberating his member from it's hiding place in the undergarment. His breathing was heavy and his mind, dizzy with excitement, was growing hazy.

"Oh, Mr. Bennett, such a fine specimen you are," intoned the lioness, a hand once again wrapping itself around him and stroking him lightly. "But so very uptight. Allow me."

The mouse's eyebrow curled upward in curiosity, clueless as what his lion lover intended to do next. He would not have to wait long to discover what.

Imara's face neared the twitching m, using her hand to rub the needy shaft on her cheek before flitting out her tongue and tasting it. Jasper gasped in both surprise and delight, but settled quickly. He peered down at the lion, whom was quite preoccupied with her work.

At first, the predatory woman's actions were practiced and precise. She planted supple kisses on the cock, sometimes allowing her lips to tug ever so slightly on the skin. Not enough to hurt him, but just enough to wake up the. The boy's skin seemed to melt at her command. Soon, however, the lioness was taking long, slow licks from the base of his pike all the way up to the tip. With deliberate, trained slowness, her ribbony tongue lapped delicately at his skin, coating him in warm saliva. The mouse groaned and grunted in ecstasy, each lick more savory than the last.

But the lioness was not content to rest on her laurels. Imara positioned her stately lips at the very top of his phallus, the crown. Her eyes darted upward, meeting the mouse's gaze once more. Taking the very first inch of him into her mouth, her pillowy lips slipped around the head gently. He squirmed in his seat, but not in displeasure. On the contrary, no, he was simply bursting with excitement and need. All of these new sensations, ones he never knew were a part of this existence, came rushing into his brain. Never had he been touched like this.

Jasper's hands went to armrests on either side of the chair, fingernails digging hotly into the gummy leather. The mouse could feel himself sweating in desperation. All this and she had only just started.

The lioness seemed to notice his fidgeting and took her lips off his swollen flesh a moment to speak: "Mr. Bennett, I realize this must all be quite new, but, please, relax. You're my guest here, after all."

"Heh, s-so I am," blurted the mouse in between bated breaths. He leaned his head back on the chair and tried to ease himself, per the lioness's instructions. She had been so nice thus far; he would hate to ruin her performance or make it unnecessarily difficult.

Imara beamed up at him sexily, before resuming her work, returning her lips to the tip of his spear. Soon, the first inch of his pike was engulfed her warm maw, then the next inch and the next. By the heaven's, she was going to suck him. Jasper looked down to see the voluptuous lion slipping down his length, peering up at him with those tender, loving eyes.

Imara continued impaling herself deeper and deeper onto his manhood, until she had the entirety in her oral chamber. Every time her lungs exhaled, Jasper could feel the breath from her nostrils tickle his fur. Her lips pursed, closing firmly around his malehood, a pleasant vacuum enveloping Jasper's girth as the woman began to draw lightly on it. On most nights Jasper felt like a toothpick. Tonight, he felt like a cigar.

"Ah..." cried the mouse, his excitement escaping him by way of his throat. He tensed for a moment before remembering the lioness's recommendation that he relax. He took a deep breath and tried to enjoy the show.

Imara's tongue, which had been used at this point only to cradle his member in her mouth, came alive. It began to dance beneath him while her lips were sealed tight, entwining itself around him, spiraling around his cock like ivy climbing a branch. It brushed and flicked against his sensitive masculinity. Every subtle move of her muscle sent waves of pleasure through his pelvis.

"Ohhhhh!" exclaimed Jasper, hips bucking a tad reflexively. Between his own inexperience and Imara's masterful technique, he would not last much longer at this rate.

"It's all right dear, just let go, I've got you," murmured the lion, pausing a moment to reassure the mouse. With loving care, she pressed the member to her cheek again, brushing it against her fur before setting her tongue back on it. Quickly she swallowed the lot of it once more, lips sinking further and further down. But before she reached the base of his penis, she pulled her head back, lips still puckered around him. But she didn't not spit him out, no. As she neared the head, she lurched her head forward, diving back down. But again, before she reached his base, she reversed the motion, this time quicker than before. Soon she was bobbing her head back and forth on his handsome cock at an impressive speed.

Jasper's limit had been reached. The swift movements of the lioness, her supple lips, the slick tongue, all of it was too much for him to withstand any longer. As he looked into those wonderful eyes, he could feel his loins slip free and in the next instant, his member was pulsating, firing hot seed directly into the throat of his hostess. He practically howled in rapture.

The lion's eyes grew round as her client's issue sprang forth from his rod, gushing out onto her palate. Her eyes narrowed seductively. Her entire maw moved to the tip, tongue swirling around it like a painter's brush, lapping at him for a taste of his male essence. Jasper looked on as the female feline swallowed every drop, until his member's pulsations exhausted themselves and fell silent.

"Goddess," huffed Jasper, completely out of breath. "That...w-was....incredible. You're incredible."

Imara giggled seductively, "Well, thank you, sir, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Such a tasty boy." After taking his penis back into her hand, she stroked him lightly, massaging him through his afterglow, "I take it that was your first time?"

Hmm, Jasper was unsure how to answer. Would she laugh at him if he said yes? Surely not, not after all that had just happened.

"Y-yeah," squeaked the mouse, eyes looking away from Imara in slight humiliation.

"You did well. I was beginning to think you'd never pop. You have a lot of stamina. Good size, too."

The rodent's soul grew stronger at her words, though somewhere internally he doubted their legitimacy. Still, her voice sounded so very honest, he had trouble interpreting it as anything other than a genuine compliment.

Imara rose from her place between Jasper's legs and offered him her hand. The mouse took it obediently. With a surprising bit of strength, she pulled him gracefully out of the chair. As he came back to eye-level with the beauty, she wrapped her arms around him, smothering his bare chest with hers, her bountiful rack pancaking against him. The mouse yelped in shock, but was hushed when the lioness leaned in and kissed him passionately on the lips. She locked tightly with him, her lips entangling themselves with his.

Jasper felt as if he was underwater; weightless and free. Summoning all of his courage, he pressed back a bit into the kiss, reciprocating her tenderness, if only just so. It was the lioness's turn to be taken aback, as she welcomed his advance with a low growl of approval.

After what seemed like an eon, with both the mouse and lion running swiftly out of air, the lioness broke the kiss, drifting back slowly, much to the mouse's disappointment. If only that kiss could have lasted forever, he would have gone to his grave the most content man to ever live. But all was not lost. The lioness still looked at him with those sparkling eyes, her lips forming a happy smile. Standing on her toes, she leaned over and cupping her hand to her mouth, she whispered in one of the mouse's floppy ears.

"Follow me."

There would be no argument out of Jasper. He'd follow her to the edge of the Jupiter if she commanded it. He knew not what she had planned, but she had earned his trust thus far, so follow he did.

The lioness paraded over to the bed, wide hips flouncing from side to side, her large bum buckling together with each step. Those supple, gorgeous cheeks kept smacking into one another, barely contained by her jet black panties. When they reached the bedside, Imara leapt up onto the bed with catlike grace. Lying on her back, she sunk into the sheets somewhat, as if floating on water. She glimpsed back at her guest with those flaxen eyes, a look of lusty rage building up inside of them. Fingers on both hands went to her sides, slipping into the elastic band of her panties. All the while staring back at her playmate, the lioness shimmied the feminine garments down her shapely legs, until they were around her ankles. And with deft skill, she kicked them across the room at Jasper, who struggled desperately to not let them touch the floor.

"You can have those, I won't need right now."

Jasper was paralyzed at the sight of the pink pit of passion tucked between the lioness's legs. She spread them in lusty fashion, giving her audience a most dramatic view.

"Come, dear. Make me yours," commanded the lioness, though, again, in the most respectable of ways.

Wait a second... There was more? He had thought it was over.


"Of course, silly," the lioness called back, a sneaky grin on her visage. "You didn't think you'd get to leave the Lion's Den without getting to tame a lion, did you?"

Jasper opened his mouth to protest, but realized he didn't have a reason to. Was he even ready to go again? A quick look down gave him his answer. His erection was flaring yet again, standing proud and upright. It wobbled and throbbed a bit as if on cue. Well, that settled it then.

The mouse hopped up on the bed, going to where his lover was, watching her beautiful form sprawled out before him, lying on a pillow. She outstretched her arms to him, welcoming him into her embrace again, holding him close enough that her chest mashed into his.

"Go on, now, put it in," Imara uttered in a hushed tone, her eyes pleading with him. This was not an easy request for her to make; she apparently wanted it just as much as he did. Her swollen, pink labia were parted slightly, covered in the dew of arousal.

He cried out again as Imara's hand went straight for his cock, giving it a few strokes for good measure before guiding it toward her mound. Jasper's hips went along willfully, adjusting himself to get in close to the lioness. She purred in contentment as the tip of his schlong came to rest at the parting of her velvet petals. As his brain slowly made sense of what was going on, the sensation began to seep in.

Imara's hips impatiently pressed forward. "Come on, now, love, deeper," she cried out, her voice cracking with the pleasure. Jasper was all too eager to comply. He pushed it in another inch or so, before he slipped on the moist walls within, ramming himself home down to the hilt. The big cat groaned, but not in lament, oh no. She had closed her eyes in bliss. Her long, agile legs came up and over the male's shoulders, ensuring he had the best possible angle with which to take her.

"Good, now fuck me, Jasper."

The lioness's hips retreated a small bit before slamming back into him. Suddenly his phallus was aflutter with a range of sensations never felt before; wild sensations that rocked him to the core. He too began to sway his hips, thrusting them into her warm, wet and puffy pussy. Each of these plunges produced a gasp or a cry from one or both of them. Jasper could hardly believe his good fortune. Fucking a lioness on a gorgeous bed. And to think he almost drove home!

But the lady wanted more. She slowly picked up speed. Her undulating hips continued to crash onto Jasper's groin, harder and harder, with more speed on each successive circuit. The mouse tried valiantly to match her pace, throwing boyish hips at her, his cock rubbing wildly against the ribbed walls of her tunnel.

It still wasn't enough, though. They both wanted, needed more. With the lion's legs draped over his shoulders, the mouse braced himself, wrapping his arms around the strong but feminine thighs. With this new position, he pounded into her as hard as he could, shoving himself furiously into the tightness that was below. He could hear his own grunts and gasps as he bucked, his mind losing itself to the euphoria.

The lioness screamed in pleasure, yanking the mouse down by the scruff of his neck and holding him in an aggressive kiss while her hips worked him from below.

Their tongues sparred in a play of animal lust, both of them working as hard as possible to bring the other to climax. His hard, long rod smashing into her channel and her tight cunny milking him for his worth. Soon.

In a surprise move, the lioness grabbed him close and rolled over, emerging on top of him, with Jasper being pinned to the bed. Not that he minded. She was quite light. With sturdy palms flat against the boy's chest, Imara pushed him into the bed while she began to ride his meat, practically using him as a warm-blooded sex toy. Her tongue rolled out in ecstasy and throaty howls were heard on every repeated dip. She would rise up to the tip of his cock, so very close to letting it fall out before dropping her hips back down, choking the piston down to it's root again. Just like she had down with her mouth just minutes ago. Or was that hours? Jasper neither really knew nor cared about such things now.

This she repeated over and over, with Jasper squeaking like mad beneath her. He tried to thrust upward into her, but every time he did so, Imara forced him back down. She was in charge now and Jasper was quite all right with that. But even this could not last forever, the mouse solemnly remembered.

The thought was not long for this world, however, as his attention turned again to the hungry lion bouncing on his lions. He could feel the liquid burning welling up in his testicles; he was going to fire again, any minute now. But Imara continued to ride him, undeterred. Her own orgasm was quickly approaching, her walls seeping with moisture.

"Imara, I'm g-gonna c-cumm again!" he shouted, trying to warn her.

"Good! Don't pull out!" she yelled back, in between labored breaths.

He reached up to cup her bounding breasts, pinching her nipples and taking handfuls of the pliable orbs. Imara tossed her head back. Oh god, this was it! The mouse squealed in ecstasy as he felt the lion's tunnel pulsing around him, draining him, coaxing him into orgasm. He shut his eyes tight, attempting in vain to hold on. One last downward thrust and...

Imara's entire body seized, her all ready tight walls locking up firmly around him. The soft and warm prison closed around him once and that was all it took. Jasper's member instantly began to flood her womb with nectarous, white seed, while the lion's own orgasm pelted him with opaque, feminine juices.

"Oh, god, yes!" But Imara wasn't stopping; she was riding him through his orgasm. Her hips continued their downward assault, encouraging him to keep leaking. His well-used malehood continued to fire spurts of hot, milky jets. Soon, however, his tired pecker sputtered and coughed up a final bit of semen, of which Imara's pussy soaked up greedily.

Jasper gasped for air as Imara finally rolled off him and onto the bed next to him. He looked down to see his cock covered in their mingling juices and caught his breath. This was unlike anything he had ever experienced. He felt invigorated and most of all, happy.

"That...was...amazing..." the mouse whispered to his lion lover next to him, who was scooting up to him to cuddle. She propped herself up on an elbow and shot him a teasing look.

"Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Mr. Bennett. We aim to provide perfect service."

He beamed back at her, drinking in her gorgeous form again and placing a hand on her thigh, stroking it gently. "Is it okay if I schedule another appointment?"

The lioness chuckled and began to pet his cock, "Oh, of course. Can I pencil you in for next Thursday?"

Author's Notes:

Story and Characters © Irving

Art © Morticus, Used With Permission