Captain's Mast
Written at a time when I was kind of obsessed with space-navy sci-fi.
This story was written back in 2012 for Fang 5, but it understandably didn't make it in. Re-reading it now, it's not so good.
"Come to, you filthy flea-ridden mongrels!"
Immediately my whole body went rigid. The voice demanded obedience. My fist froze inches away from the nose of the ship's other lieutenant.
All thought fled my mind as I snapped to attention, arms rigid at my sides. Lieutenant Marley, so recently in my grasp, staggered for a moment before he too came to attention. The black panther's eye was swollen shut and his nose was bleeding, but he didn't dare move to wipe the blood trickling over his bruised lips.
I wasn't in much better shape. My mane felt knotted and tattered - I was sure a good chunk of it was still under Marley's claws. I felt something wet on my right cheek and a deep burn on my shoulder where that fucking panther sunk his teeth earlier.
The captain stood in the doorway burning holes in us with his eyes. If looks could kill, I'd suicide out the airlock before subjecting myself to this. Captain John Kerhoeven was feared among the service with good reason. He was rigid, intolerant of poor discipline, and treated his lieutenants exactly as he treated his galley crew. He expected perfection and was not the type to take disappointment with good grace.
The aging ferret's pink nose quivered, his face a mask of rage, as he stomped forward and stood in front of us, glaring upwards. Both Marley and I both had a good two feet on him, but Captain Kerhoeven had a way of reducing you until you felt no taller than his impeccably-shined boots.
"Lieutenant Casey, would you care to explain what situation I've found my officers engaged in?" the captain asked, his voice deceptively calm.
I licked my lips before replying and resisted the urge to clench my paws at my sides.
"Lieutenant Marley and I were having a discussion about the Imperial Soccer League, sir," I said, forcing the words into as monotone voice as I could while attempting to control my breathing. "I apologize for the noise."
It was a lie, of course. We were fighting tooth and claw, yes, but not over soccer. The captain glared at me and I felt my balls shrink. I stared straight ahead, examining the grey steel wall of the small bunk room I shared with the other lieutenant.
"Lieutenant Marley?" the ferret asked, holding his arms behind his back casually.
"Lieutenant Casey is correct, sir," the panther said.
I saw Marley wince out of the corner of my eye as he spoke. Good - that last punch to the jaw must have done some damage to the fucking feline.
The captain continued to glare for another agonizing minute. Finally, he said one word: "Dismissed." He spun on his heel and walked out of the room. His disappointment in and his anger at us was clear - we both felt it in the way his boots smacked the metal floor panels.
There are only two kinds of officers in the Imperial Navy: lieutenants and captains. Everyone else is enlisted, usually against their will. Officers are volunteers who start out enlisted and distinguish themselves and earn a rank. Lieutenants report only to the captain, who is their judge, jury, executioner, and oftentimes their deity. We know how the captain feels better than he will most of the time.
And right now, Captain Kerhoeven was pissed.
We both held parade ground poses until the captain left the room before we relaxed. Marley went straight to the head at the back of our shared compartment.
"Fuck you, Casey."
"Fuck me? Fuck you! What the fuck is wrong with you, Marley? I'm First Lieutenant and picking fights every day isn't going to change that!"
The panther leaned over the sink and turned on the tap. He used both paws to scoop water over his face, which turned pink as it dripped down the metal sides into the drain.
"Two months seniority," he said quietly. "Two months. And you'll get the ship because of it."
He splashed a few more handfuls of water on his face, then turned towards me, fur plastered wet. His snarl wasn't nearly as scary as Captain Kerhoeven's glare.
"I can't help that, Marley. But you can learn to live with it."
"Fuck that, hero."
I abruptly turned and crawled into my bed - a flat, thin mattress set low to the floor, on the opposite side of the room from Marley's. I turned my back and closed my eyes, ignoring his jibe. I couldn't ignore the pain in my shoulder or the wet trickle on my cheek, but I'd take care of it later, when Marley was gone.
Yes, I was a hero to some people, as much as any officer who loses a ship can be. The loss of my ship precipitated my transfer to Kerhoeven's command - he'd lost an officer to, of all things, leukemia. It was rare for cancer to kill anymore, but it was possible. I'd finished recovery for my injuries sustained on my last ship, the I.R.N. Skal, a few weeks after my predecessor, Second Lieutenant Combs, collapsed on the bridge.
The Imperial Royal Navy had strict succession rules. Once assigned to a ship as an officer, you were there for life - or until you reached Admiralty, which was even more rare than becoming an officer, since even volunteers started as enlisted men in the lower echelons of the ship. Captains could only be replaced by lieutenants who had served under them on the same ship. First lieutenants were also the first in line to replace the captain upon retirement or death.
This led to stability on ships, with every ship developing its own unique personality over the years. It was jarring to come to the I.R.N. Hegemony, which was stricter in discipline than the Skal.
That was the crux of the problem, though. The regs didn't say for how long a lieutenant had to serve under a captain in order to succeed him. I'd only been here a few months, but Verhoeven's paperwork on retiring had been in place for a year already. First Lieutenant Marley had been looking forward to being captain since Verhoeven had told him. But when I joined the crew of the Hegemony, I pushed Marley back to Second. I'd joined the service first and had seniority, so I was First Lieutenant and I would get the ship.
Marley was not pleased.
Things built towards our latest brawl over the past few weeks, our third since I came aboard. Fighting amongst officers was strictly forbidden, of course, leaving Kerhoeven little choice but to turn a blind eye when he could. Marley's dark fur hid most of his bruises and scratches, though his eye would be shut for some time. I felt a pang of guilt at the pleasure I took in both that and the nasty shot to the jaw I'd delivered just before the Captain entered. I was an officer, damn it, not some idiot enlistee down in the engine room scrubbing oil off the walls.
I waited until after Marley finished cleaning himself up at the small sink in our room - a luxury only afforded to officers. He left, presumably to go on watch, and I levered myself painfully out of the bed.
I was a mess. Blood dripped from my shoulder where the panther bit me. Fortunately, my mane took the brunt of the bite. Speaking of my mane... I sighed and fingered my treasured brown head fur. Clumped, matted with blood, chunks missing. There was nothing for it. I found a pair of scissors and did something I hadn't done since my first day on a ship, after I'd enlisted: I trimmed my hair. Regs said officers could grow their hair however they liked, long as it didn't interfere with their work. My head hadn't been touched by scissors since the day I took the oath to be an officer.
How many times had I promised myself I'd never cut it until I made captain? But under the circumstances the idea seemed petty and vainglorious. Bloodstained dark brown hair fell to the floor as I snipped, cutting the mane down to a scant few inches. I stared at my face in the mirror, hardly recognizing the reflection: a blunt, square muzzle and strong jaw made much more prominent by my short hair. I splashed water on my face and head, rinsing out more blood and loose strands. It didn't look pretty, but it was passable swept back. I took a few more minutes to try and get the top and sides level. Wouldn't do to have stray clumps sticking out all over the place.
I sighed and cleaned up the hair trimmings, then set about cleaning up the rest of the cabin. Marley and I were lucky in that we shared such a large space. Enlisted crew members bunked four to a room the same size as this, but they didn't get a sink or shower as we did. They had to use a communal shower.
Skal was not a large ship. It held 123 crew. Most were untalented, uneducated enlisted, but a few were of higher status: the doctor, the pilot, the engineer, and the crew chief. Though they were technically enlisted, tradition had them bunk down in their workplaces. They weren't officers, but they were treated with the same respect. The entire crew shared exercise rooms, relaxation lounges, and the other few amenities the ship afforded.
The ship was broken up into several decks. The overall shape was flat, with large fins protruding from the top and bottom. The lower decks held the engines, dorms, and storage rooms. The upper decks had the bridge, of course, as well as the bunk rooms, exercise areas, medical bay, all that.
My thoughts turned from the ship back to Marley. Fraternization amongst officers wasn't officially banned by the regulations because it was assumed not to happen. I'd heard stories, though. Everyone had. Hell, on the Skal there'd been a rumor, never proved, of the former captain's involvement with the current captain. The current, deceased captain.
Marley... slim hips, firm belly, nice pecs, all covered in a luscious layer of thick black fur. I couldn't help but wish we'd met under different circumstances. Out of the navy, not constantly at each other's throat, able to relax together over a bottle of wine...
Hell, I didn't even know what wine tasted like. I enlisted before the legal drinking age and liquor is banned on Imperial ships. When I was enlisted, I avoided all contraband like the plague in order not to get any marks on my record. When I joined my last ship, the captain gave me a drink of whiskey. It burned my throat and most of it ended up on the floor. The captain laughed, slapped me on the back to help my coughing fit, and hid the bottle in his safe. Told me when I was captain the bottle would be mine. Tradition, he said.
I wonder what happened to that bottle.
So yes, I wanted Marley, even after our violent fights. It's hard not to fantasize about him. I'm stuck with him and his scent almost all day, every day, and I'm sure as hell not going to think about the captain like that, so my options are limited.
The door to the room opened. My hackles rose as I turned, expecting to see Marley, but it was the captain. I snapped to attention and saluted, but he waved me back.
"At ease. Marley's not here?" he asked, looking around. "Good. We're going to have a discussion. You will not speak of this to anyone. Understood?"
I nodded, ears burning as Captain Verhoeven studied my face.
"When I became captain of this ship, I had to deal with my officers," he said. "Combs was Second Lieutenant then. When he became First, he got a little too big for his britches. The former First was a bastard who rode him hard."
Verhoeven sat down on my bed. I turned to keep facing him as he spoke.
"Anyways, I tried to put Combs in his place. Teach him discipline. But he wouldn't listen. Was convinced I'd retire in a year or two and give him the ship," the captain said. "He was wrong. This is my ship and nobody is going to take it from me until I give it up myself."
Verhoeven paused, but I held my tongue. I had a feeling interrupting to point out his upcoming retirement would not be good for my health.
"Yes, I'm retiring now. I'm old. Too old to even keep my lieutenants from fighting like a bunch of children."
I could feel myself shrinking and my ears burned hotter. Verhoeven looked up at me and suddenly appeared very old, very tired.
"Look, Casey... you're a good officer. You'll make a good captain. I'm not disappointed you're getting the ship before Marley. He's not ready for it, but I think you are. You'll have to prepare Marley, just as I prepared Combs."
I waited, incredibly pleased at what was, for the captain, very high praise, and eager for any advice he would offer me on dealing with Marley.
"Have you slept with Marley yet?"
My muzzle dropped. The captain must have thought I looked ridiculous because he shook his head.
"Guess not. Sit down, Casey."
I slumped onto Marley's bunk, still staring at the captain.
"Marley is a troublesome officer. You can't go easy on him. I didn't go easy on Combs and it put him in his place. You're going to have to learn how to deal with people who refuse to be dealt with, find out their needs, and give them something they can't get anywhere else on the ship. It's a matter of trust, loyalty, and dominance. What you can give Marley is the knowledge that his new captain trusts him and will take care of him, as long as he does the same."
The ferret shrugged and stood. "Combs was doing just fine with Marley. Care to guess why?"
I nodded and clapped my muzzle shut. As the captain left, I stood and saluted.
"That haircut is terrible, by the way."
Verhoeven grinned as he shut the hatch behind him, leaving me alone. What he'd told me sent me reeling. Here I thought this ship was by the book, but the captain had done... something... with Combs, to great effect, apparently - from all I'd read, he was an exemplary officer.
I licked my lips, muzzle dry. My cock twitched. I did want to plow that shapely panther rump. I really, really wanted to. Not just sex. But to feel him close, warm, comforting. And if that's what it took to put Marley in his place, satisfy him with being my second in command... did I have a choice? Did I want to have a choice?
There was no way an officer would sleep with an enlisted. Never. Officers were assumed celibates at sea, but it was more of a tradition than anything encoded in the rules. But if that was how Captain Verhoeven dealt with Combs so effectively, maybe I should try. It couldn't make our relationship any worse.
I finished cleaning the room before going on my watch later. I passed Marley in the corridor - his eye looked better. Probably got some quickheal from the doc. I took my seat on the bridge and settled in. We were on a patrol near an asteroid belt smugglers used, but the night passed slowly, leaving me plenty of time to think about Marley.
When my shift on the bridge was over, Captain Verhoeven relieved me. I stood and saluted, mind set on what I'd do.
"The bridge is yours, Captain Verhoeven."
"Thank you, Lieutenant Casey. Have a good night."
I cast a glance back at the ferret on my way off the bridge. He sat in the captain's chair calm, collected, regal as he studied monitors and listened to reports. A fine role model, though I'd only be able to learn from him for another two months before he retired.
I walked down the corridors back to the bunk room. Marley wouldn't be in there, though. I knew he wouldn't - the panther would be exercising now, as he always did at this time when he didn't have watch. I turned on my heel and headed for the exercise room reserved for the officers and senior staff.
His musk was everywhere. He was on a treadmill, running as fast as he could. When he saw me, his pace increased and he snorted with anger. I thought back to what Captain Kerhoeven told me. I had to break him. If he were ever to survive as my lieutenant, with me as captain, I had to destroy him. But could I? I knew what had to be done. He would figure it out in a minute. Could I live with myself after? Did I care? More than one ship fell to mutiny when surly, subordinate lieutenants decided they'd make better captains.
I watched him from across the room as he kept running. He ran hard, but when his head lifted and I looked into those yellow eyes, I could tell he knew.
He had to destroy his pride. But he'd never do it willingly. I had to take it from him. I felt my body tense, my nostrils flare, as I stared him down, advancing step by step, until my lips nearly touched his.
He slapped the machine and came to a halt, chest heaving, hot breath hitting my face. I could hear him growling, deep in the back of his throat. The fire in his eyes burned into mine as I reached for his neck. My fingers slid into his pelt, claws pricking his skin, and I pulled him forward, mashing my muzzle to his. He resisted, but I didn't give him a choice. I slid my paw down his shorts, palm flat to his groin, until it wrapped around his sheath. I massaged it roughly, squeezing and stroking awkwardly. I knew I wasn't any good, but I didn't care - I wanted him more than ever.
His hips pushed into my paw and he bit my lower lip.
"Fuck you, Casey."
"Captain," I growled. He yelped when I pulled his head back, exposing his neck. I sunk my teeth into his bared fur, marking him as mine - not how I'd imagined what was supposed to be a romantic gesture would go. My first time and it's nearly rape. I pushed the thought out of my head and focused on him. I pressed my tongue to his jugular, tasted his musk, and squeezed his growing erection. I heard him moan as I bit harder, threatening him.
"Cap... Captain!" he growled. I could feel his body twitch as I forced the word out of him, could see his tail lashing back and forth in agitation.
I bit harder.
He was fully hard in my paw and I realized I was too. Time to finish this. My muzzle came away tinged with the scent of copper. I growled at him and flipped him around. He yelped again as he hit the wall. I tore his shorts down, exposing his ass, and grabbed his tail near the tip. He yowled when I pulled on it, forcing his hips out and up. He didn't speak, nor did I, as I pulled down my dress pants and spit onto my paw. It wasn't going to be the best lube, but it would do for now, until my over-productive feline cock got him wet. I leaned forward, resting my chest on his backside. He had both palms flat to the wall, head bowed. I licked the back of his neck as I shifted my hips, sliding my erection under his tail. He grunted, pushed back, moaned.
I didn't give him a chance to think. Though he didn't try to push me away, I could feel him tense up. His legs spread as my erection pushed against his ass through my slacks. The growl in his chest intensified - I could feel it vibrate through me as I squeezed his soft black fur on his shoulders.
A minute later, we were both naked. He needed this just as badly as I did, judging from how he pushed back against me. I leaned over, legs spread around his hips, and pressed my lips to the back of his neck. My cock throbbed against his tail hole, feeling the warmth of his body. When I pushed forward, sliding the tip in, slick with pre-cum, he moaned. I nipped the back of his neck and pushed in hard, spreading his rump open. He moaned again, louder yet, and pushed back, hips rising into the air to meet mine.
Marley's moans turned to hot, cute panting as I sunk in deeper. My claws stroked his arms, sliding through his silky black fur, as I kissed and licked the back of his neck. The panther's muscular body wriggled underneath me, but when my hips pressed to his, fully inside him, he stopped moving and let out a purr. It echoed off the wall I had Marley pinned against and shocked both of us into a moment of stillness.
I snorted before pulling myself back. His insides were hot, tight, and slick. His firm body felt wonderful against me and I wrapped my arms around him, clutching his chest and belly. I pumped my hips slowly, driving myself in and out. His tail pressed to my backside as I rested my chin on his shoulder.
It didn't take me long to finish. I thrust harder, faster, and grabbed his erection in my paw. His maleness was nice and thick, a bit larger than my own. Marley moaned when I dragged my thumb over the head and squeezed the shaft, before tugging down, until my fist pressed into his balls. My other arm tugged on his thick chest fur.
I could feel my orgasm approaching. I thrust harder, growled lower, and bit his shoulder. He stiffened when my teeth broke skin, just as he'd done to me earlier in the day. I came hard, exploding inside him. His tight rump squeezed around me as I massaged his cock. He moaned again, so high-pitched it was very nearly a whine. His hips pushed back against me and I felt a sticky warmth on my paw.
I pulled my muzzle back and he growled again at the pain I'd left in his shoulder.
"Payback is a bitch, Marley," I whispered. His growl grew louder for a moment, but when I licked the thick black fur on his shoulder, it subsided to pants of pleasure.
"I hate you... Captain."
I moaned into his ear, letting him know how good he felt. His cock softened in my paw, though I didn't release him or try to pull out. We stood there together in the workout room, silent once more, for almost a half hour. I stroked his chest slowly, inhaled his scent, enjoyed his closeness. It wasn't exactly cuddling, but neither of us felt inclined to move.
Finally, however, Marley broke the silence.
"I'll stop fighting with you. I'll be loyal, I'll obey your orders. But don't ask for my friendship."
"Only your loyalty."
He closed his eyes and nodded. I wanted to say more, to tell him I hoped to be not just his captain, not just his lover, but his friend, but I couldn't get the words out. It was too awkward still, too fresh.
But we had plenty of time. And as I felt my erection firm up inside him, slipped my paws down his hard belly, over his smooth hips, tugged him close, listened to his groan of desire... I knew he would be mine forever.