
Story by KibouKumara on SoFurry

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#1 of Journey Of The Lonely Wolf

This is a teaser for a new series I'm going to start soon. I'm still working on the details of the story, but i wanted to give you guys a little taste. Sorry if this makes any of you sad or anything...i wrote this when i was down and it sparked a idea. Well hope you enjoy and don't haste to comment and leave feedback. Thanks :)

Journey Of The Lonely Wolf

They say when a person dies their lives flash before them, like a movie starring them. I've been told that during this long flashback people look for certain moments and certain individuals to prove that they lived a life with meaning, but is that true? Do you really look for one moment or one person? Or do you look for many moments with many people to prove to yourself that you actually existed? I ask because as the rain falls upon me on this barren battle ground...my movie is being shown to me. The memories are flowing by before me, as if someone pulled them straight from my mind. My childhood of searching for true friends, my years of loneliness and confusion, including the years of being bullied, all leading up to the present where I finally have friends who are there for me and slowly taking my pain away. Is that.....is that why I feel a true smile forming? It has been so long since I truly smiled so wide for me and it is all thanks to them. I finally felt wanted and needed in my life by people who care and make me laugh and smile. They are amazing, always there for me and I'm there for them were true friends...we care for one another. Seeing these moments with them make me smile, but at the same time sad. Why must this realization come now, now when I lay here in the cold dirt cut and bruised, half dead staring at the rainy sky? "What are you smiling about?" said the wolf towering over me. I smile and strain my eyes to look at him before replying. "My favorite movie was just on and...and I finally got past the filler to my favorite part." He gave me a confused look before placing his sword to my chest. "So you lived a good life? I didn't want to do this, but you gave me no choice." I stare at him speechless and build the strength to talk. "My life has been a long lonely road...but in this last moment...yes...I feel I have." I couldn't tell because of the rain, but it looked like a tear fell from his face. He nodded and raised his sword...before plunging it into my chest. The pain made my eyes widen before they slowly began to shut. In my mind I had to say my last words...my body was too weak and as the darkness came in the faces of my friends flashed before me for the...last time. "Everyone...I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you no matter how hard I tried. Thank you...for giving me my one...true...smile. I'm not ready to go, but for the sake of you all...I have to...I hope we meet again, but for now this is...this is goodbye." As the metal was slowly pulled out of my body, I began to go cold and the darkness swallowed me whole. "Goodnight....Aerogama Skywell."