College Bound: Chapter 5 - Practice

Story by CodgetMage on SoFurry

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#5 of College Bound

It's been a few days, I'm sorry! But I've got a new chapter for you all to read. I'm sorry that it might be a little short. The week's been pretty hectic (further explained in the Journal). But now, more College Bound!

Warning: This story may contain sexual and/or romantic interaction between two males. If this is something that bothers you, feel free to leave the page at this time.

Nate gulped. He was now in the spotlight. Tyler stared at him with a gentle smile, waiting for the fox to answer his question. Nate just stared into Tyler's eyes helplessly as he was unable to think up words. Everything around them seemed to slow down for a moment, as if someone was playing a cruel joke to be video recorded and displayed to the public. Nate could see it now; "Faggot Fox Crushing on Star UCF Quarterback Tyler Selend" on the video broadcast in the Student Union's cafeteria. The students would watch the video and see Nate trembling and sweating, his face flush red, and they would laugh hysterically at how pathetic he looked. Only two days at UCF and he'd become the laughing stock of the entire campus.

Tyler frowned a little as he noticed Nate starting to shake and sweat. "Hey, are you feeling alright? You're shaking."

"I-It's kinda c-cold in here..." he said quietly.

"Hmm... I'll buy you a jacket or something if you want. I don't mind."

Nate looked down at the ground. The wolf was so nice and he loved it, but at the same time he hated it. "Okay..."

"You like green, right?" the wolf asked, then received a nod from the fox. "Find one that you like and I'll pay for it."

Nate wandered through the clothes racks of winter wear. It seemed odd that stores in Florida would even consider selling things like sweaters and scarfs and the like since it never truly gets that cold, but there are a few days where it can get a little chilly if the wind blows. Nate figured he'd at least get something. After all, a jacket was something that he never packed. He ran his paw through the clothes as he looked through them for something nice. After a few minutes of searching, he found a dark green and black jacket with gold on the hood and interior folds.

Tyler chuckled. "This looks more like a skiing jacket, but if that's the one you want then I'll get it."

Nate blushed. "Are you sure? I mean I like this one, but there are others."

Tyler grabbed the jacket from the fox's paws. "Nah, I like it. I think it'll look great on you."

Nate blushed even harder. "Maybe we should go and get the other things that Gina wanted us to get first."

Tyler smiled. "We will, but you said you were cold. Here, put it on." Tyler held the jacket open and walked behind Nate. The fox slowly held his arms up and out at his sides as the wolf slipped the jacket on. It fit perfectly. Tyler walked in front of Nate and looked at him for a second, then smiled. "Looks nice."

Nate couldn't have possibly been more red in the face. "Th-Thanks..."

"By the way, you never answered my question. What's been bothering you?"

"Oh, uh... just school. Social life. Homework," Nate thought quickly.

"Ah. Makes sense. Yeah, school's gonna be tough for me too. I got classes on top of making new friends on top of being in a different state on top of football. It's gonna be pretty hectic for a few weeks until I get used to all this. Speaking of football, you're still gonna come to the practice later today, aren't you?"

Nate nodded. "Sure. I mean, if you want me to. It'll be good practice for shoots anyway."

The wolf grinned. "Good!"

The two of them made their way through the store and found the items on Gina's list. Eventually they went to the front to the registers to meet up with the rest of the group to pay for their items. Cory was with them.

The bear turned to see Nate and Tyler walking up. "Hey, there they are. Way to not answer your phone, Nate. By the way, nice jacket."

Nate looked at himself. He'd actually forgotten about the jacket through the conversations he and Tyler were having. He took the jacket off. "Oh, thanks. Tyler's buying it for me."

Cory smirked. "Oh is he?"

Tyler nodded. "Sure am."

Gina let out a delighted squee, but kept to herself... for now.


Cory made his way back to his dorm after helping Nate and his friends get everything inside. Once he opened the door, the open living room was surprisingly quiet; aside from the muffled creaking noise coming from down the hallway. Upon further listening, Cory swore he heard what sounded like moaning. Very sexual moaning. He walked slightly down towards where his room was, and sure enough the moaning got louder. It was coming from Doug's bedroom.

"Oh! Oh, Doug! Fuck me!" the bear heard from inside.

Apparently the two stags had finished their workout early, or perhaps they were just about to finish it. The door was cracked just slightly - probably by accident since Cory knew the couple liked their privacy. But his curiosity got the best of him. He very slowly pushed the door open just enough to see the bed the couple were making love on. Immediately, Cory felt a tingle in his groin.

Doug was standing on the bed and holding Jeremy's legs high up in the air enough to lift his lower back from the sheets. The smaller stag's legs were hanging off to the side in the air. Doug was practically fucking him straight downwards, pulling his cock all the way out and then all the way in with every thrust, successfully recieving a loud moan from Jeremy. The bottom stag was in a pure state of bliss; his whole body was at the mercy of Doug and that's just how he preferred it. His moans were high pitch, almost feminine, every time Doug's balls smacked his rump. Doug's moaning was much lower, growling in a way. Clearly he was much more dominant.

"Whoa, is that the Butter Churner position? Damn, I've always wanted to try that. Wow, Doug and Jeremy have incredible bodies. Doug's chest and ass look fantastic, though Jeremy's ass probably looks better. Doug must have a good nine inches on him."

The two continued in that position for another minute before Doug slowly lowered his mate's legs again and he knelt down on the bed. He leaned his body over Jeremy's and kissed the other stag deeply on the lips. Now in the Missionary position, Doug picked up speed as he continued to go in and out of Jeremy's tail hole.

"Yeah, you love that big cock, don't you?"

"Oh yeah, fuck me!"

And Doug did just that, somehow thrusting even faster than he already was. Both stags were moaning loudly as their bodies rocked back and forth in perfect motion. Jeremy started stroking himself in time with one of his hooves. The two kissed again briefly and then parted again. Doug did a set of rough thrusts, getting a sharp moan out of Jeremy with every hit. The smaller stag's eyes clenched shut and he threw his head back, his body limp.

"Oh, babe. I'm gonna cum," Jeremy said with panting breaths.

"Yeah. Cum for me, Jeremy."

Jeremy moaned louder and stroked himself faster. He took hard breaths as his screams of pleasure became longer and longer until he finally exploded and cum flew out of his cock and all over his belly and chest. Doug panted and moaned at the same time as he didn't slow down his fucking even for a second, reaching orgasm a split second after Jeremy did. He shot rope after rope of cum deep into his lover's ass before he collapsed onto the smaller stag without pulling out. The two lay there, panting with sweaty bodies. They kissed gently and nuzzled.

"I love you," Doug said quietly.

"I love you too."

Cory couldn't help but smile at their true and meaningful words, but then immediately got out of vision and went to his bedroom before the stags saw him. He sighed as he took off his jeans to let his hardened cock get some breathing room. He had to get off now after seeing all that.


Tyler walked out of his bedroom fully donned in his football gear except for his helmet, which he held under his arm. It was now around 4 PM and practice was starting in an hour and a half. He knocked on Nate's door. "Nate, you ready to go?"

The fox opened the door, wearing a pair of jeans and his new jacket. Funnily enough, he still wore his flip flops. His camera bag hung from his shoulder. "Yeah, I-" He stopped as he actually glanced at the timber wolf in front of him. His muscles became much more prominant in the uniform, especially near his mid section and upper legs. Nate scratched behind his own ear. "I'm ready."

"Why are you wearing your jacket?"

"There's a cold front moving in tonight. I wasn't sure how long we were gonna be out."

Tyler snickered. "Practice is only two hours or so. Were you expecting us to go somewhere after?"

Nate blushed. "No, I... I just..."

Tyler shook the fox's shoulder gently. "I'm teasing, bud. Though if I'm not too exhausted and smelly after practice, we could go for a walk on campus."

Nate couldn't help but smile a little. "Alright..."

"Come on," Tyler said as he motioned his hand down the hall and led the way to the door. He held the door open once again for the fox and then shouted his goodbyes to Will and Andy.

Nate turned to the left and started walking towards the parking lot, but then Tyler's voice stopped him.

"Where are you going? We're walking there."

Nate's eyes opened in surprise. "Walking?"

"Yeah, sorry. I don't have a car. Do you mind?"

Nate chuckled. "No, not at all. I was just surprised. The stadium is on the other end of campus."

Tyler did his signature grin. "That's why we left so early, silly."

The two of them started walking towards the gym so they could cross the street. Nate was pretty quiet as usual, holding his camera in front of him and scrolling through the pictures.

Tyler laughed. "You and that camera, man. I swear it's like you're married to the thing."

"Well you kinda have to be, if you think about it. It's just like any form of art. You've gotta have a connection with your tools or else it's just not the same. A photographer's gotta love his camera, or a musician's gotta love his instrument, or..."

"A football player's gotta love the ball?" Tyler rang in.

They both laughed. And then Nate spoke again. "Yeah, that's true. Though I probably wouldn't have thought of it."

Tyler smiled. "I get what you're saying though. If you're not really into it, then there really isn't a point in making it a career goal."

Both furs crossed the street, getting a few glances from the furs passing by; most of them to Nate. The fox started feeling awkward as eyes kept watching him. Why were they staring? He unintentionally moved himself closer to Tyler, and then jumped as he felt the wolf's paw rub his back for a quick second.

"You okay?" the wolf asked.

"People are... staring at us..."

"Are they? I usually don't notice that sort of thing."

Nate looked at Tyler, confused. "How do you not notice?"

Tyler shrugged. "People stare at me all the time. After a while you become a little oblivious to it. Though if I were to guess, I'd assume they're staring because they see a random nobody fox walking with the big celebrity." He then stuck his tongue out to Nate, showing he was just teasing.

Nate fake-scoffed. "Oh, so I'm a lesser person now, huh?"

"You know it, stranger," the wolf laughed.

Nate laughed too and then did a soft sigh. "You know, I wish I was more like you."

Tyler looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, it's like you don't care at all what people think about you. You're so carefree."

"I guess. But I always figured it was a waste of time to worry about people's opinions of me. So long as I'm doing what I want to do, it shouldn't matter what other's say about it. Granted that I'm not breaking the law or anything."

"But... how do you know what's right and what isn't?"

Tyler shrugged. "I guess when you've got that good sensation inside of you."

Nate took in the words, spacing out and staring in the distance for a moment as they continued walking.

It took a good fifty minutes before they got to the stadium, and Tyler had to head into the locker room close by. Nate however went up into the stands and looked around him. At that moment he realized that he actually hadn't been in the stadium before. The whole field was surrounded by a ring of silver bleachers that went up about forty rows to the top on all sides, where a few students were just randomly scattered. A giant announcer's tower was on the left side and the scoreboard was on the opposite side of where Nate was standing. On the field was the football team and coaches, or at the very least most of them, starting their warm-ups for the practice that was to start soon. The little fox took this time to start walking up to the top of the stands and he gazed outwards to the distant landscape. There wasn't really much to see other than some scattered small bodies of water and tons and tons of trees. But the sight was still breathtaking considering how high up Nate actually was from the ground. He turned back around to look down at the field; all the furs on the team looked like little ants from this high up. After a quick laugh, he trotted his way back down to the lowest row and leaned against the railing. He looked around for Tyler, getting his camera ready.


"Alright, ladies. The first game is next Saturday and we've got a lot of work to do. So I want you to give everything you have at this practice," shouted the football coach, a large bovine. He blew on his whistle. "Offensive and Defensive lines form up. Coach Tery will lead the defense and I will lead the offense."

The football team split up into their two separate groups on opposite sides of the sidelines. Nate still hadn't found Tyler yet, but obviously they were about to start some action. The wolf would be easy to find once they started playing.

"Red 29, Red 29! Hut, hut, hike!" came Tyler's voice.

The ball snapped and the teams took off. Tyler held the ball firmly in his paws, scanning quickly for his options. To his left came one of the Running Backs, a panther named Josh. He held the football out for his teammate to execute a rushing play. The panther grabbed the ball and took off towards the opposite end zone, dodging and weaving whatever came his way for a good eight yards before he was slammed in the side by another player. First down.

Nate was able to take a few shots from that play. One for when the ball was snapped and hit Tyler's paws. Another for when the ball was passed to the panther. And the last one for when the panther was tackled. The fox scrolled through the pictures quickly before the next play started, grinning to himself.

"Hey, what're you doing?" came a male voice.

Nate looked to his left to see a red fox coming towards him.

"Don't you know you need permission to take pictures of practices?"

Nate frowned a bit, his ears drooping. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know. I was told these practices were open to the public."

And then suddenly the other fox's bad mood disappeared when he smiled. "I'm just teasing you." The other fox held up his own camera that he was hiding behind his back. "I'm doing the same thing as you are. Funny, I don't think I've met you yet. My name's Michael. I'm a sophomore looking to get into the photography business." He held out his free paw.

Nate shook the other's paw out of courtesy. "Uh, I'm Nate. I'm just a freshman and I finished moving in yesterday. But I'm a photography Major too."

"I figured. You're pretty gutsy for coming out here all on your own, as a freshman too."

Nate tilted his head. "Why's that?"

Michael shrugged. "Normally the professors don't take the newbies pretty seriously. They leave big assignments like Sports to the ones who've been here longer."

Nate scrunched his face a bit, feeling a little offended by that. "Well I was invited to come here by Tyler."

Michael's eyes widened. "Tyler? As in Tyler Selend, the quarterback?"

Nate nodded. "He's my roommate and he asked me to come with him so I could take pictures."

The other fox still looked shocked. "That Tyler?" he said as he pointed out a paw towards the field where the practice was still going on. "Right there?" Nate nodded again, while Michael crossed his arms with a smirk. "Well, that's quite interesting. You know, I've always been a big fan of Tyler. Amazing how he got here on that scholarship. Pretty impressive."

Nate just stared at Michael in some slight annoyance. Something about the other fox irked him the wrong way. "Yeah, it is. He's a good player and a really nice person. He and I get to talk a lot."

Michael looked around for a second as if to see if anyone else was nearby before he took a paw next to his muzzle and spoke softer. "I heard a rumor he's gay. What do you think?"

Nate shrugged a little. "I don't know. It doesn't really matter to me." Nate then sighed quietly and looked away. His face noticeably changed as thoughts of Tyler entered his mind again. The topic at hand was a rather sensitive subject to the white fox. Even though he wasn't entirely sure if he was gay or not, he'd secretly been hoping that the wolf was even if he hadn't realized it. Tyler was kind, sweet, funny, and good looking. What wasn't there to like?

"Damn, why do I keep thinking like this? I'm not gay!"

"Your face changed," Michael said.

Nate snapped back into reality as he looked back at the other fox. "What?"

"I saw your face change when I said that. I know that look too. Someone's got a crush on the football star," he said with a chuckle.

"I do not."

"Don't be ashamed, Nate. Honestly, I do too. But I know I'd never compete with someone like him."

Nate looked away again, wishing the conversation would stop. "Well it doesn't matter anyway because I still don't know what Tyler's interested in. He never really talks about girls anyway."

"Well what does he talk about then?"

Nate opened his mouth to speak, but then stopped.

"He... talks about me a lot. Or at least that's what it feels like. Maybe I'm just over-thinking."

Nate shrugged. "Football. School."

Michael just chuckled. "I'm sure there's more to him than that."

"There is, but why does it matter?" Nate said, now becoming truly annoyed with the other fox.

"Just curious." The two of them remained silent for a few moments after. "Hey, could I get your number?"

Nate looked at him, a brow raised. "What?"

Oh man, I can already hear all you guys. "Who the fuck his this Michael guy?!" Man, do I have plans in store. But no spoilers, no spoilers! And a short and sexy scene with Doug and Jeremy is always a plus. I bet you all want to know more with Cory too? You'll just have to wait!

Again, sorry for this one being so short. Writing has been a little harder to do with a busy schedule. But I'm keeping up pacing for my growing and loving fanbase. Hugs to you all.

Thanks for reading!