Predator and Prey.

Story by jamie_stsin on SoFurry

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Meet Braeydon and Dylan.

Braeydon is my brainchild, a character that's undergone many changes and versions to eventually end up here. He's a young feminine deer, more doe than buck except where it counts.

Dylan, on the other hand, is a character belonging to my dear mate. He's a big bully that's always paired with Braey, only this time he came out as a Snow Leopard with a more humanoid penis to make things easier.

This is actually my first story written in well.. furry ways. So, this might be rusty/terrible/inaccurate in a lot of ways but hey, I had to try.

Cripes, I haven't written smut in a while. Oops.

Black tipped fingers reached and touched the mirror in front of him, stopped only by the reflective surface so he couldn't touch what he saw.

Braeydon frowned to himself, his soft muzzle curling into the expression while his wet nose twitched slightly, flaring and relaxing just as it did in his reflection, the septum piercing wiggling slightly. He could never get over just how ugly and disgusting he felt as he stared at the mirror. Large fluff filled ears, wide eyes the shade of jade with strikes of gold and lighter greens, a large nose that took up a good deal of his muzzle and just the antlers sprouting up and back along his head in a sweeping curve on either side, ending in four points a piece.

Yeah, he was a deer, and he hated it.

Hated he wasn't as smooth and lithe as the canines and felines that were in his school. Hell, even the dragons were better looking than him, with glistening scales and powerful bodies. He... well, he was a bob tailed figure of long legs and femininity, awkward and gangly to himself.

Braeydon sighed, reaching a hand up to push the black strands of hair from his face and scowling a little at his reflection again before turning away from it, flicking his tail at it while he finished getting dressed. The shirt and pants slid on easily, covering the creamy fur of his front and the darker gold tan fur of his back, keeping him modest before he let himself out of his room, grabbing a backpack and darting out to make his way to school. Maybe if he was lucky he could just daydream away in the back of class.

Daydream in the back of class, yeah right.

Braey should have known the moment he came into class that he'd be confronted by his own personal bully, Dylan. The larger male was a stacked powerhouse of muscles confined under soft fur that still gave him the build of the athlete that he was. Even with the long swishing tail of white and black, he was a formidable opponent that stood over Braey with his feline face curled into a wicked grin.

God damned snow leopard.

"Dylan, I'm just trying to get to my seat." Braey's voice was blunt, his expression less than amused at the bully's antics.

"I'm just trying to get to my seat," Dylan sing-sang at Braey, uncrossing his arms before giving the small deer a shove towards the back of the class.

The force was enough to send Braey wheeling back a few feet, and his rounded ears flattened in shame as he shouldered his bag and took to his seat instead, feeling his face burn as the laughter of his classmates erupted around him. Maybe if he'd been built stockier, more muscular and less..elegant and female-like, this wouldn't happen. 'I hate being me.' The words drifted around his head and he sighed, lowering his chin to rest on his hands as his eyes closed for a moment.

Or so he thought.

Braeydon didn't expect to feel his shoulder being shaken, his small body lolling a little before he perked his ears and opened his mouth with a groaning noise, yawning and stretching from the tips of his fingers down to his hooves. Doe eyes blinked opened before shifting around and focusing on the hand nudging him awake, startling a little to see Dylan smirking down at him.

"Way to go, you slept through the class. Come on, the teacher is staring and I'm the one getting you out of here." Dylan looked less than amused as he talked, his back to the teacher at the front of the room, watching with sharp eyes.

Braey flattened his ears again and grumbled, groping for his bag and packing it hastily, standing up with a bang of the desk and shouldering his bag. He winced, his knee throbbing from the contact with the desk as he made his way out quickly, not even hearing the silent padding behind him until it was too late.

An open door on the right was something he curiously glanced at despite himself, not pausing his pace but suddenly staggering to the side with an impact to his side. He pivoted on his hooved feet and pitched into the door, which turned out to be a type of supply closet, his body hitting the wall near a shelf and his teeth rattling.

"Hey! What the-" The words were cut off as his eyes widened and he stared at the form of Dylan walking into the closet and closing the door with a soft snap, the click of the lock like a gunshot that made Braey's heart jump into his throat. What was this?!

"H-hey now..D-dylan. I didn't do anything to you today! I didn't tell, I didn't even say anything to you!" Braey's voice hiked up, hitching in volume as he started to panic. The predatory smile on Dylan's whiskered muzzle did nothing to soothe the terror, and Braey's small body pushed back against the wall, his hands clamboring against a smooth surface as he was crowded further against the wall. The only thing he could smell was the distinct musk of Dylan's scent, covering over him like a veil and making him choke slightly on his own breath. It wasn't a bad smell, oh no. It was enticing, seductive, calling out for him; in his panic he just didn't register it.

"Oh shut up. I've seen you staring at me in class, Braeydon. Those big eyes watching me from across the room. You think I wouldn't notice you looking at me?" The gruff voice made Braeydon flinch slightly, his large ears folding back as he stared up at Dylan, the flush washing over the creamy color of his fur.

The blush drew a smirk on the whiskered muzzle and Dylan purred deep in his throat, a satsified and cocky noise that only made Braey's breathing rock his chest in short bursts. His frame heaved slightly as he trembled, overwhelmed by embarrassment and fear, his jaw tensing so hard his teeth felt like they were going to break.

"Relax my little doe," Dylan cooed out, his massive body shifting to press subtly against Braey's, rubbing slowly and inhaling the scent of femininity and fear wafting from the male pinned between him and the wall.

"I'll take good care of you." The purr was thicker this time as his head ducked and he nipped at the exposed neck with teeth that made the poor boy tense up.

Dylan's paws wandered, claws flicking against fabric that was easily hiked upward over the soft pale fur of Braey's abdomen as he touched, and Braey let out a whimper. He wasn't sure if he was embarrassed, terrified, or just plain out turned on. Sure, he'd eyed Dylan from afar a lot of the time, but damn, he'd never pegged the leopard as someone that was actually into males. The scent and sight of the hulking spotted male in front of him, rubbing, nipping, and touching everywhere was driving Braey's senses haywire. Fear was going to get tossed out of the window soon enough: it was already being edged toward it anyway.

A sharp nip clipped his ear and Braey gasped, arching up against the larger male and groaning to himself. It earned a soft chuckle as the leopard slowly worked on nudging down the slimmer male's pants, reaching and unzipping them, reaching to grab his hips instead and giving them a soft nudge, encouraging the shorter male to turn around and face the wall. His bobbed tail flicked and lifted high, a fuzzy little thing showing pale at the bottom as his pants were finally dropped to the floor, pooling on the ground.

His shapely ass was revealed: a heart shaped handful of pale hair shivering slightly, soft and tender to the touch. It was an invitation to touch that Dylan took gladly, reaching and massaging his paws over the creamy fur and hearing the moan that fell from Braey's lips as he did, a smirk crawling over his muzzle slowly.

"You really want this, don't you?" Dyl rumbled the purr into a large ear, moving to work his own pants off to the ground, unzipping them and pushing them down, letting them hit the ground with a muffled thump of fabric. Already, he was eager and ready to claim the little deer he'd eyed for so long; his cock standing at attention from the sheath that usually housed it. The smirk grew as he shifted his hips, rubbing his cock between the two soft cheeks in front of it, slowly hotdogging himself between Braey's asscheeks and groaning at the friction and feel against the softy spined member, feeling it throb from the base all the way up the thick length to the bulbed head.

A soft gasp fell from the soft lips of Braey, feeling the thick length rub the underside of his tail as well as against the puckered entrance that sat so neat and tucked in between his asscheeks. A slight force on the sensitive rosebud made him squirm, rubbing his hips back against the larger pair pressing against them with a soft moan. The noise was echoed with a soft moaning growl in his ear, the hot breath washing over the sensitive hairs and making them twitch as he moaned again, trembling a little, feeling the flush roll over his face. The grinding and rubbing increased, and dollops of pre began to leak against his ass, leaving behind a slick and sticky feeling that made his heart pick up tempo.

"P-please?" Braey's voice came out in a soft and breathless moan of pleasure before he gasped as the pressure increased enough.

The muscles slowly gave as his body trembled, feeling the large head push into him with a little resistance, helped along by the slick of precum. His tight walls stretched and a gasp fell from his lips, his own cock swelling to attention, aching with need as the buck moaned softly and closed his eyes, trembling. The pleasure coursed through him, only increasing in pitch from the rub of soft barbs on his sensitive walls, the thick girth of Dylan's cock pushing deeper and deeper until at last he was impaled entirely on the thick pulsing organ. Some part far in the back of his lust clouded mind, Braey figured Dyl would be fucking him up into his stomach, but it wasn't too bad. But damn.. he was massive.

"Fuck, you're tight." Groaning to himself, Dylan grit his teeth and started to move his hips, growling and nipping against the back of the buck's neck, panting softly. His movements were fluid and urgent, hips and muscles snapping against the smaller male as the pre leaked in thick gobs, every thrust bringing more pleasure to him and more pressure into his balls and abdomen as it tightened, feeling the walls clamping down on his cock as if trying to milk him.

The air was filled with panting moans and grunts, mewls and pleads of pleasure. 'Yes yes!' or 'Deeper!' 'Harder!' were words heard, mostly coming from the little buck that seemed to be enjoying his fucking more than he should have. His tongue was lolling out of his mouth slightly, his jade eyes hazing over in pleasure as he panted and moaned, leaning his head back or to the side, exposing his neck to the larger male that gladly lunged his head forward and bit down onto the spare fur in a possessive growl. The action was surprising, making the smaller male moan and writhe around in pleasure, his walls tightening around the thick cock pistoning back and forth in his ass before his eyes crossed slightly. One thick arm wrapped around his abdomen, pinning his hips back into the athlete's before a paw grabbed onto his cock and stroked, coaxing thick precum from his tip as he moaned.

"O-oh! O-o-oh s-s-shit!!!" It was a cry of surprise and pleasure, his small hips squirming and twitching in pleasure before his balls tightened and pulled close to his body as a cry spilled from his lips as thick ropes of cum spurted from his tip. Strand after strand poured from his cock as his walls clamped down and his body clenched, the creamy white fluid smearing on the paw gripping him before he was moved.

Suddenly, his hands were bracing on the wall, his eyes hazed still and his head tilting back as his body gave a squirm, lifting on the tips of his hooves as he was pounded into harder and harder, each thrust hitting that bundle of nerves nestled inside his ass to a point where stars were erupting in front of his eyes. The stars turned into fireworks, and Braeydon nearly let out a scream as Dylan pinned his body to the wall with a low snarl, hilting and finally exploding into release, letting the thick cream fill the buck's ass as much as he could.

The duo panted and trembled, the smaller male making soft noises of pleasure as his senses tried to come back, his vision slowly focusing while the larger male merely purred and ground his hips against the perfectly heart shaped ass he was buried in.

Maybe Braey could like himself after all, because hey, someone else liked him too.