Were and Tear: Part One

Story by roadkill on SoFurry

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#1 of Were and Tear

Were and Tear

written by roadkill.

Warning Adult Content. Don't if you shouldn't, do if you want.

Contains gay themes, solo-masturbation, and some bad words.

Part One

Jake woke up in a cold pant. His head fur matted down in odd patterns around his head and a little drool in the lower corner of his mouth. The slim dalmatian slid out of his bed and headed for the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror he stared back at a very tired dog. Turning the knob on the faucet making water pour out he splashed his face with the coolness and fixed his head fur with a brush. Going back into his room he picked up a pair of shorts an stepped into them sliding his right paw down to his furry balls to give them a little rub before hooking the elastic waistband and sliding up the shorts. He also slipped a tight black tee shirt over his head.

Jake padded his way into the small apartment kitchen and swung open the fridge. Bottles still rattling he grabbed a can of soda and proceeded to pop the top and drinking a fourth of the can at once in an attempt to rid his cotton mouth. As he closed the fridge door he glanced up to microwave above the stove.

1:25 AM

"Crap not even morning time." he muttered to himself.

This dog had his day, stuck working on computer systems that should have been replaced years ago if it wer'nt for the fact that he keeps them running past their prime. Jake's boss was all over his ass earlier today about the machines, setting a horrible deadline of one hundred units in need of repair.

He flopped down on the couch in the living room setting the can of soda, only about a third full now, on the side table and looked at his paws. Stretching them out and clenching them into a fist he felt the pain from working with his paws on small computers flow back into them. Damn the humans for not making the systems easier to work with. Leaning forward he buried he muzzle in his paws and rubbed his eyes.

After a few minuets he decided that he should go for a walk and relax in the local park. Standing up and drinking up the last of the soda he headed back to the kitchen deposited the can in the trash and grabbed another from the fridge then headed for the door grabbing up his keys and collar from the table and putting on the collar and pocketing the key in his gray shorts.

Padding down the stairs and along the sidewalk Jake headed towards the big city park where he usually went to smoke a cigarette and unwind. Walking through the open gate he walked in the direction of his usual area of park and sat down on the bench. Taking out his pack of smokes he lit one and puffed on it, leaning back on the wood and metal bench he closed his eyes and let his mind wander.

He decided it was late enough that no fur would be around to notice so he let his unoccupied paw wander as well. Slipping it underneath the stretchy waist band of his shorts he cupped and fondled his black spotted ball sac, rolling his heavy nuts around in his paw until the tip of his dog cock started to slide up out of it's warm furry sheath. Taking another puff of his smoke he let the tips of his short claws dance along the emerging length from his tip to the base of his thickening rod.

He thought of Chance, a raccoon boy he dated for a while, tall, slim, cute little ass underneath that big fluffy tail. By now Jake had quite the damp stain of pre-cum on the front of his shorts so he decided to slip them down to his foot paws and get them out of the way. Thinking again of the hot little raccoon meat that once was his, he imagined the coon licking at his balls until they dripped with spit then he would slide that smooth tongue up to the slowly forming knot and make that soaking wet. Jake's favorite part was when Chance would deep throat his thick dog meat and slide his tongue down inside his sheath.

Jake leaned back feeling that usual flow of electricity as his paw slid up and down rapidly on his cock, bumping into the fully formed knot that had appeared. He grabbed his knot squeezing it tight making him jump just a bit and bang. He thrust his hips into the air and watched as thick ropes of cum exploded out from the tip of his dick. Hitting his eyes, muzzle, neck, arm, then repeatedly hitting his belly until the tight shirt became soaked from pecs to navel.

Panting in the after glow of a good jack off after a long day of stressful work he lit another smoke. Jake cleaned himself up, wiping off his face and licking his paws clean. Sometimes it was hard to see the random places of cum on his white fur but he got it all. Relaxing again with another drag of tobacco he tickled his nuts with his free paw. Chance used to do that after Jake came and he missed it.

"Chance, huh, little whore." Jake mumbled to no one.

Chance had left Jake after two years of being together for some half-wit horse named Spazz. A younger fur who, from the few times Jake every ran into him, didn't seem to have all the lights on upstairs.

"Probably that big thick horse dick,"Jake grumbled a little louder,"a bitch like him would love having that rammed into his ass."

The Dalmatian sighed and put out his smoke then decided his bits had been showing for enough time and slid up his shorts still wet with pre-cum but he figured no one was around on the way in so he should be fine going home. Besides, he liked the shirt he was wearing. Getting up he thought he had heard something. He scanned the area for some fur that had been watching the show but didn't see anyone. He decided it was nothing and walked towards the gate.

End of Part One.