M&FF: Pool Party

Story by Epic Quest on SoFurry

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#6 of Monsters and Fairy Folk

Public Bathing can get pretty hectic when you toss Satyrs and Nymphs in the same pool together!

"Concentrate, it will come to you." the instructor said as River held her arms outstretched over a basin of water. She was undergoing her first day of magical training and as per the druid's advice, she was starting off with Water Magic. After all, she was a Water Nymph, so the element most identified with her.

Scientifically speaking, she had been spliced with a form of hydrokinesis, the ability to manipulate water with her mind. But in keeping with the theme of the game, it was described as being a spiritual connection. As she focused her mind and tried to force her will into the basin, she saw ripples gently beginning to form upon the surface of the water.

"Good, feel your magic flow through you." The guide said, "Now hold that focus, I must tend to the others." she instructed, before turning and leaving River to get used to her ability.

It was harder than it seemed. Holding her arms outstretched was causing them to tire out after a while, and she had to keep her thoughts completely focused on the water. Any distractions threatened to disrupt her concentration and end the "spell" from taking effect. No wonder they were given two months of training. If controlling her signature element was this much work, she couldn't imagine how difficult it must be to learn others.

As she redoubled her concentration, the ripples in the water began to increase in their pulse, turning from a gentle current into a more agitated rythm. She had to increase her concentration to block out the aches and cramps forming in her arms.

"The first step towards elemental mastery is being able to connect with your element!" The guide known as Monsoon explained to the crowd of Sorcerers and Sorceresses. "Feel your magic flow through your body and touch upon that which you seek to harness. Once you form a bond with the element, then you can seek to manipulate it." she watched as the other students continued to work as instructed.

Those who had been given a natural affinity towards a certain element, such as Earth for the Wood Nymphs, or Water for the Water Nymphs were doing far better than those who tried a completely different element. One particular Satyr looked like he was going to have an aneurism trying to bond with the flame of a candle!

"Once you have bonded with the element," Monsoon began, "imagine it rising into the air. Think of your magic as an invisible hand, sculpting it to your will. The element will bend as commanded, but your will must be strong enough." she continued.

River was satisfied that she had properly bonded with the water, and began to try forcing it up into the air. Much to her surprise, the water did begin to raise up in the shape of a jiggling, unstable sphere of liquid. She was so amazed that it worked that she lost her focus, causing the water to splash back into the basin, spraying the left over water in all directions. Soaking her hair, face, and chest!

"You did well, River." the druid said, "But your pride caused you to become unfocused. You must learn discipline if you seek to truly master your power. Try again." she instructed. After River took a moment to rest her sore arms, she nodded and took a deep breath before trying to influence the water again.

The elemental spell books that had been placed on the podiums were actually instruction manuals that detailed all the various methods in which a particular element could be manipulated. A so called spell was just a different way in which to utilize that element, and River had been attempting the first spell in the book, called the Aqua Sphere. The book described it as a compressed mass of water that could be hurled at an opponent to deliver a forceful impact. But as River had demonstrated, focusing the water to retain its shape was much harder than the book described it.

Meanwhile Pan wasn't having much luck either. He was currently in the combat training grounds overseen by Stone Fist, and before today had never wielded a weapon in his life. So when he was given a wooden knife and told to spar with another trainee, he was doing rather horrible. His fighting style was basically just swinging away and hoping to get a lucky strike, completely lacking in style or strategy.

Some of the other players were doing a little better, they had actually been semi trained in melee combat either because they were LARPers in the outside world, or they had studied, knowing it would be expected of them in this type of game. Still, the large majority of them were undisciplined and unprepared for the training that was expected of them.

"You're telegraphing, stop giving away your thoughts!" Stone Fist instructed loudly as he watched the students failing miserably. "Its all in the body language, you learn to tell what your opponent is thinking by watching their movements!" he went on.

Pan was currently sparring with a Wood Nymph who had been made a Soldier, and she was a tad more equipped to melee combat than he was. After all, he was a Minstrel, fighting was to be a secondary role for him. Indeed, while he used a wooden dagger, she had been given a wooden short sword, and thus had an unfair reach advantage over him.

"Use your foot work, use your foot work!" Stone Fist instructed, his voice loud and commanding like a drill instructor.

"It's kind of hard to do that when I don't have feet!" Pan replied, drawing his attention to the fact he had been given hooves now. His appendages had become largely numb, not having the same level of sensitivity as his original feet. It had been difficult to walk at first, like his feet were sleeping but without the pinpricks. He was gradually adjusting to the sensation, though and found it easier to move about.

When the nymph went to deliver an overhead strike, Pan responded by using both hands on his dagger to block the strike, and then quickly punched her in the stomach before she could retaliate. This momentarily knocked the wind out of the unarmored opponent and made her drop her sword.

"Good shot, Satyr!" Stone Fist congratulated him, "Always play to your opponent's vulnerabilities!" at least martial combat seemed to be easier to get the hang of than magic training. He stole a glance at the magic users to see they were having quite a bit more complications.

The students who were injured from training were dismissed to the prayer circle where the Clerics were trained to mend their wounds. Neither Pan nor River could imagine what sort of miraculous splicing augmentations gave players the ability to heal people just by touching them, but it didn't seem to be any easier to master than their own training. Clerics were holding their hands over bruises, cuts, and scrapes, and trying in vain to sooth the aches and pains.

The instructor tried to give a demonstration, by holding their hand over a Soldier who had suffered a bruised rib. As their hand glowed with a pale blue light, the bruise faded and the Soldier gently touched the wound to find the pain had vanished. He appeared to be completely healed, and was soon released back to the training fields to resume his instruction in combat!

Finally, practice was over for the morning session, and it was time for the inhabitants of The Sacred Grove to ease their troubles. First, they would be treated to a bath, and upon their return, the Druids would have another meal prepared for them. Once they were properly cleaned up and fed, they would rest their minds and bodies for a time before conducting the afternoon's training regiment. Then they would have another bath, dinner, and then have the rest of the night relax until morning.

The bathing area, however, was a public affair. According to the lore of Monsters and Fairy Folk, there was no concept of modesty in The Sacred Grove. The denizens lived in harmony with nature, and there was no reason to be ashamed of one's natural body. As River and Pan followed the others into the forest, listening for the sound of running water, they were soon met with a very large bathing facility.

It consisted of an oversized pool with a waterfall pouring down into it, providing a natural shower, as well as a current that swept the dirt and grime out into the river, and was carried off into the sea, so the bathing area wouldn't become dirty from excessive use.

"Well, I guess this is the place." Pan said as he looked over the pool. Shrugging, he untied his loin cloth and let it drop onto the soft grass beside him. River was surprised at how little hesitation he displayed, but soon realized that she too wasn't as concerned with modesty as she should be. It wasn't until she cast her top away and was working on the sash around her waist that she realized what she was doing, and how she now had her breasts exposed for all to see.

"What's wrong, River? Don't tell me you're feeling shy!" Pan teased as she looked towards him and quickly blushed. The satyr was facing her directly, hands resting on his hips, and his crotch fully presented to her.

Contrary to what most fantasy movies would have you believe, Pan's fur was not thick enough to hide his private areas. The loin cloth had been there for a reason after all, and she stared at him, River found it hard to look away.

Pan's front side was not covered in fur, unlike like his ass had been. Instead, it was bare skin like his upper body. This allowed his male organs to be exposed into public view. His pubic hair was thicker and looked to be made of the same fur that covered his legs, but aside from forming a ring of fur around his crotch, it didn't hide anything else.

River didn't know if what she saw had been like that before the modifications, or if the splicing had augmented him in a similar way to herself, but Pan was quite well endowed for such a short figure. Although he was flaccid, his penis measured roughly 3 inches long, and his balls were nearly the size of her palm! As she stared down at him, she almost didn't realize that her sex drive was emerging again, but just as he senses began to return, she suddenly felt a rush of air strike her privates!

"Come on, don't be shy!" exclaimed another player who had unceremoniously stripped off River's sash, leaving her as naked and exposed as Pan. Turning around in surprise, River saw a fellow Water Nymph, completely exposed and dropping River's sash to the ground with a cheerful laugh.

"She's right, River." Pan said, "We're supposed to remain in character, and you're a Nymph, remember?" he reminded her before the little Satyr pushed her backward and she went toppling into the water.

"Skinny Dipping Party!" shouted Pan as he jumped into the pool and was soon followed by the excited cheers of fellow Satyrs and Nymphs.

River expected the water to be freezing since it was outside, but much to her surprise the water was pleasantly warm. Almost like an indoor bath, and as she rose to the surface again, she was greeted to the sight of naked bodies scattered around her. Some were standing up, and others lay on their backsides. The water was deep enough to come up to her waist, but was a tad higher on the Satyrs. As she adjusted to the warmth, she felt the urges wash over her again, and they were becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore. Everyone was naked and carefree, and the heat of the water against her sex wasn't making it any esier to concentrate.

The Unicorns and the Ents were not as rowdy as the sex addicts. The Unicorns stripped down casually and waded out into the water to bathe in peace. The Ents, on the other hand, began to make their way towards the waterfall. The water barely reached their knees, so if they wanted a full cleaning, they had to take a shower instead of a bath.

As River tried to think of a way for how to avoid jumping the first cock she saw, she was drawn to the realization that others were not sharing her reservations. She looked around and quickly saw that Nymphs and Satyrs alike were already getting very friendly with each other. There was much kissing, groping, and fondling going on around her as they playfully cleaned each other off. One Satyr even had two Nymphs attending him as he squeezed their asses and watched them squirm.

River knew about the request to stay in character, and when she joined the game, she had every intention of doing just that. But she did not expect to be turned into a Nymph, and the idea that her character was supposed to be a shameless cum dumpster was quite embaressing. Despite her reservations to the matter, her body was much less resistant and she soon found her breathing growing shallow as lust rose between her legs.

She was vaguely aware of the fact she sat back and leaned against the edge of the pool until she felt hands on her thighs, spreading her legs apart. As she looked down, she saw Pan kneeling down and smiling at her.

"Don't worry, I'll help ease that need." he promised, before diving his face into her crotch. The moment his tongue pierced her folds, River felt all resistance leave her body, as she moaned in surprised and wrapped her hands around his horns. Even her feelings of embarassment and willpower could not suppress her urges any longer, she was far hornier than she had ever been as a human.

River's moans were soon joined by a chorus of others as the Nymphs and Satyrs began to offer themselves to any who would have them, and the public bathing area quickly became the site of a public orgy!

River's mind was a haze of confusion, she had been a nerd in the outside world. A shut in who found the idea of playing Dungeons and Dragons to be more entertaining than clubbing. She wasn't the type to go out on dates, much less have a sexual relationship. She had masturbated, of course, but never had actual sex. So when the splicing machine gave her the body of a porn star and the sex drive of 100 rabbits, she was completely unprepared!

Pan's tongue sent shock waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her vision was watery with tears of euphoria, and her nipples were fully erect within moments. She rocked her hips against his face and tugged on his horns greedily as he continued to eat her out. She couldn't form proper words, only managing gasps, yelps, moans, and squeaks. She climaxed quickly, her body rocked with her orgasm as she released the goat legged bastard and ran her fingers through her hair, squealing loudly.

Pan emerged from between her thighs, gasping for air, as she had still been half submerged , and was smiling at River's gasping, helpless body. He rose to stand at full height in the water and rested his hands on his hips.

"Next time it'll be my cock." he said, "But I hope that took care of any doubts you're feeling?" he asked. River slowly began to collect her strength as she leaned up and looked at him, resting one palm over her left eye.

"A-absolutely." she replied, before slipping deeper into the water to clean herself off.

To be Continued.

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