Bryan's Bio

Story by Nathan Osworth on SoFurry

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Bryan "Succubus" McAllisterName: Bryan "Succubus" McAllister (Nickname comes from his constant teasing)Species: RabbitAge: 18Height: 5'7"Weight: 140 lbs.Orientation/Type: Gay/SubmissivePersonal Info:Build: Lithely (sleek, slender, almost graceful)Look in Appearance: Casual(?) - white polo and tan cargo shorts (with pockets on the sides); white T-shirt with black shorts (tightly pressed against his frame); bright blue speedo/thongSpecial Information•   Species - Rabbit•   Eye color - Gold•   Skin color; type - blue (a little dark with traces of grey in it), darker blue hair (a little long, but cut to make it look sure; messy); short, but EXTREMELY soft (like silk)•   Tail color; type - same as fur; very short (natural), curled up, same as fur•   Ear color; length - same as fur, white on the inside with pale pink flesh too (EXTREMELY sensitive inside, as well as soft); from head to down to chin (a bit above average width)Sexual Information:- Sheath type: actual sheath, loose yet close to body (same color as base fur,

yet even SOFTER than fur above)- Member Length: 7.5 inches long, 1.5 inches wise- Member Type/Color: human-like/pale pink (flesh)