A Mother's Love, Bryony's Desperation - 2014

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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#2 of Redwall

Bryony and Veil are from The Outcast of Redwall by Brian Jacques

Bryony has nearly lost hope of reaching her son, whom she wishes dearly to bring back to Redwall. She has only one idea left to try to bring him around to being good, as he was, briefly, when he was little. Talk hasn't work, actions haven't work, maybe showing him how she loves him in the most intimate way will work where all else hasn't.

Kindly edited by Foxpiper, with a few edits to the edits by me.

A Mother's Love, Bryony's Desperation by tannim April 10, 2014

"Leave me ALONE, Bryony!" The ferret pulled away from her, but she touched his cheek anyway.

"Please, Veil, I know there's some good in you. There has to be!" Bryony wiped a tear away. "I love you and I know that my love must have done something." She sniffed and took a deep breath. "Maybe it just needs coaxing out in a different way."

Her mole friend Togget stood at the cave entrance, waiting and watching. He'd have preferred to just do away with the young ferret. It was obvious the vermin had grown up evil despite her best intentions. Attempting to poison Bunfold at Redwall was clear enough proof of THAT.

Veil seemed reluctant to hit her, though, so he let the mousemaid do her business. "Oi'll stan' 'e guard out yur, miss Broinee."

There was a strange look in her face that made him really want to not watch whatever it was she'd come up with. Veil was feeling uncomfortable too. There was something in her eyes and the way she was standing in front of him that seemed unusual.

"Oh, Veil..." She tugged the chest laces to her dress until they came undone. "I've said I loved you many times. Maybe I should have shown it for you, instead. I remember you tugging the tails on the pretty young dibbun maids when you were a little one yourself. You got into so much trouble for touching but I don't think it was your fault." Bryony pulled her dress open to expose her small bare breasts. "We never let you explore that aspect of your body or anyone else's."

"What... what are you doing, Bryony?!" Veil couldn't look at her face anymore. He couldn't look anywhere but at the mouse doe's soft chest. "You all, Redwall... nobody, what?"

His adoptive mother took his suddenly very limp paws and guided them to the frilled edges of her dress. "I remember your fondness for tugging skirts down when a maid ran from you. You never tugged mine down, though. Perhaps I should have ran from you so you'd have tried." She giggled like a young dibbun would, but pushed up against him rather than away. "I'd like you to take that off for me now."

Her son only managed to look up into her eyes when her breasts disappeared pressing against his chest. Things felt very wrong. Very different, very wrong, but quite enjoyable at the same time. He'd seen the maids naked when he was little. They'd been fun to splash and torment. That fun had ended as he got older and he hadn't been allowed to see females like that anymore.

With his mother standing there practically begging him, thoughts he'd hammered into the back of his mind came back. Urges he hadn't been allowed to explore came with them. He felt her guide his paws further around to her rump and she pressed her hips against his. The young ferret grunted at her heat against him. He hadn't realized how much she'd aroused him before she pressed against his erection.

"See, Veil?" Bryony kissed his neck and nuzzled her cheek to his. "You do feel something for me. Please, let me show you what I feel for you. Pull it down for me."

That last part was whispered into his ear. Veil jerked his paws down, still squeezing her butt, and her dress popped off her shoulders and hips to slide to the floor down her legs. He felt her pull back and followed her gaze down her body, still numb from the kiss.

New thoughts flooded his mind, overwhelming the desires to batter her aside, kill that annoying mole, and fight whoever was in his way. They focused on his mother's feminine body. All those soft curves he'd been teased with but never shown growing up. All the welcome invitation without a hint of revulsion at what he was. All the soft flesh with such interesting folds that she had to show him. He wanted to touch her more than he ever had, and she wanted him to as well.

Veil's mother stood up straight in front of him with her back arched to make her breasts look bigger and legs spread to give him the best view. She could see her new tactic had affected him. The bulge lifting his tunic was proof of that. The sureness and aggression in his posture had gone to awkward embarrassment mixed with interest.

Bryony just had to push him a little further and she hoped her son would come back to her. She could see a hint of his scrotum with his cock pushing his tunic at its full length. Her thoughts circled in her mind. 'Come on, Veil, I know you love me. Show it!'

Veil pulled away, but his eyes kept going right back to his adopted mother's beautiful hips, breasts, and face. He'd been erect many times at Redwall. The arousal from seeing Bryony naked and begging him to be with her, though, was more intense than he'd ever felt. His groin hurt from the stiff need. There was just such a fire to her eyes and posture that it spread to his loins, too.

"Fine." He practically spat the word despite his desire. Something in his nature wouldn't let him be tender, even with his arousal so high. "You want me touch you, 'mother?'" Veil jerked his own tunic off and let his modest ferret cock sway before him before grabbing her by the shoulder and shoving her to the cool cave floor. "Then I'll touch you."

Veil had no idea what he was doing. There was fear in Bryony's eyes, but there was love and trust with it. She rubbed at her butt, then lay back against a boulder for him. Her eyes never left his face after an appreciative glance at his erection.

The pride in her gaze at his shaft made him feel good. It had always seemed too small for him. He had no idea that modest for a ferret was large for a mouse.

Veil's cock reached just a bit further than halfway to his ribs and Bryony couldn't imagine how it would fit inside her small slit. She still wanted to feel it, though. She wanted to feel his love inside so he could see how she loved him back. The need to finally be with a male made it seem all the more logical to her.

"Yes, my beautiful Veil. Even that touch is welcome. You're perfect. You're so grown up now." The mouse lifted her foot up to press it against her son's rampant cock. "So tall... so long and strong. Just how any mother would want her young one to turn out." Bryony ran her paws over her breasts and down her belly to her loins. She pulled her small vulva open to show the six clawed ferret her wet, pink pussy. "Touch me here, please."

Veil's lower jaw trembled. He felt fear. Something made him feel fear, or something unpleasantly awkward, and he didn't like it. Why should his mother, Bryony... Why should Bryony make him feel so strange? It even pushed the violent urges aside. Her lovely pink flesh and that stiff little button at the top filled his world.

He knelt down over her until his cocktip touched her clitoris. His dangerous sixclaw caressed her breast without him even thinking anymore. The need to be with her overwhelmed him completely with her inviting flesh and heady feminine musk suddenly so delicious to his nose.

"Bryony..." Veil didn't know why he said it, he simply had to as he sniffed her deeply and pressed his face against her chest. He felt so good suddenly, SHE felt good. Her hot living body against his erection felt good. "How's this?"

"Perfect, my love." Bryony wrapped her arms around him and pulled him tightly to her. She kissed his forehead until he looked up into a kiss and their lips met. "Just perfect."

The two held still against each during another kiss, then Veil's urges made him pull away. He positioned his cock against her soft pussy lips and thrust forward, hard. His mother yelled in surprise and discomfort as his tip stretched her open for the first time. He felt so big!

Veil gnashed his teeth. He wasn't inside her. Another thrust pushed only a little deeper into the tight virginal mouse cunt. The ferret grabbed her hips for the next and felt her inner walls open around him further. Something gave way against his stiff thrusting cock, but he didn't even notice.

Bryony did, though it didn't upset her. She'd been told her first time with a male would hurt, especially if he popped that barrier so carelessly. The mouse bit her lip to stifle a pained yell and simply lay back limply to take him. He really was huge for her first male. The few mice she'd seen naked in Redwall were nothing compared to her Veil down there. Pride in his growth and having him against her drove the pain away. How could the ache of intimate stretching compare to loving her son?

Bryony pushed her hips up to meet Veil's after a few seconds of recovery. She was still very tight around him and could see the frustration on his face at having to work so hard to fully penetrate her. He looked so handsome when concentrating.

"You're inside me, Veil. I can feel you so deep inside me." Bryony clenched her eyes to focus on her son sinking steadily into her. She felt her loins gaping open around him, swallowing more of his gift to her. It was a pleasant experience being fulfilled at last, even more so when she felt his hips finally press flush to hers. "Oh, my lovely, sweet Veil. I have all of you in me now."

Veil pressed himself tightly against his mother. The joy of being in her hot clutching pussy made him unusually happy. Possessive, happy, and more energetic than he'd ever been. The pleasure of her inner muscles squeezing around his cock made him have to move, but it felt too good to for the first several seconds. The excited energy found only one way out at first, making his tail flick about wildly behind him.

At last, the young ferret found his wits after another passionate kiss and pushed himself back up. Veil let his urges take over from there and gave into the heat of his mother's lust. His paws gripped her hips roughly, his claws dug in, and he jammed his hips forward, losing himself to the act.

Bryony looked up at her son with her mouth open while the sound of his hips slapping against hers filled the cave around them. He snarled in pleasure and sexual aggression while staring right back at her. The hostility and arrogance she'd seen in him before was gone, with only his need to fill her remaining. Her own needs kept her from worrying about what would happen when he did.

Veil slowly regained some control after a while. His let his paws roam Bryony on their own, but he paid more attention to what he was touching rather than just letting it happen. Her nipples were harder than he remembered. They made her squeak when he squeezed them, too. He felt like squeaking himself when she clamped her pussy harder around his cock in response.

A smile slowly spread across his muzzle as the joy built and he found new places to touch his mother. Claws scratching down her belly made her cunt twitch differently to his thrusts. A kiss to her neck had her panting louder. It was almost a game after that, a game in which he could control almost everything.

Veil reveled in that power over his mouse as much as the pleasure he got from it. A shuddering moan followed a particularly hard thrust in. Bryony whimpered when he managed to force himself to hold perfectly still. That sound especially had him happy. At least until she did the grinding and thrusting for him instead.

The ferret snarled. "Hold still, Bryony. Let me do it!"

"Yes, Veil." Bryony went still and let her son have complete control.

He had to love her. She was sure of it. The look on his face as he touched her told her that. He even kissed her a few times. They were rough and quick, but so full of passion for her they almost burned. Her own passion blazed just as hot. If only it could last forever.

They both knew it couldn't, no matter how good it felt. She could feel Veil's control slipping. His thrusts were erratic and wild with the pleasure nearing its peak. Her own was bearing down on her, too. She could barely breath with her heart pounding so rapidly in her chest and he was no better off.

Bryony touched his chest again without thinking, then winced when he slapped her paws way. He was in control still, even as close to orgasm as he was. The best she could do was grab the boulder under her and passively let him drive her to her peak.

Her orgasm came suddenly, when her son bent down to bite her breast just as he slammed in hard enough to make her body shake. Veil heard her choked off grunt of pleasure and sniggered in amusement at her face. He bit his mother's soft breast harder, though couldn't bring himself to actually pierce it with his teeth, and felt her legs quiver around him. The ferret didn't have long to enjoy it.

Bryony's rapidly clutching pussy teased him the last bit he needed to cum himself. He felt the rush of bliss from his groin and lost all interest in biting her. His jaw relaxed, his seed sprayed into her, and he took a long shuddering breath above her.

Veil lay over his mother, panting and just holding her. The haze of his afterglow hid the malevolent thoughts he was used to and let him actually think calmly for once. Did he really love Bryony at all? He certainly enjoyed being in her, he knew that.

She'd always been nice to him and always protected him from those other horrid mice and abbey beasts. He'd never been able to hurt her, either, even with the growing urges to hurt things. Veil found himself smiling grimly and kissing her neck. He really did love her. It was such a shame he'd have to pretend he didn't and shove her away. The afterglow was fading and the dark thoughts were already seeping back into his being.

Togget peered in when the sounds of sex diminished. His already flushed cheeks stayed flushed under their velvety fur at the sight of Bryony and that awful Veil joined hip to hip. It would have been obvious what they'd been doing even if he hadn't heard them. His friend's thigh fur was dark with their intimate wetness in addition to their nudity.

The mole stayed silent, if only for Bryony's sake. He turned away with his paw grasping a heavy rock. That vermin would pay if he broke her heart again.