Bunny Tail, Finale

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#3 of Bunny Tails

I was at the age when I thought I knew everything. I understand that now, but at the time, I was wondering what he meant. I was uncertain if I could take any more of him. I mean, I wanted to. Oh god I wanted to. But I was just coming down from a sensual high unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

He rolled me over onto my stomach, which instantly made me nervous. Like I said, I thought I knew everything. I assumed he was going to do me in the butt. A lot of guys claimed to have done it with their girls, though in reality, most of the girls denied it. My guess was that they were doing to themselves and passing the experiences off as being with girls. Either way, I wasn't looking forward to having something rammed up my bottom. I mean, I was willing to go along with it. He was so good in everything up to this point that I guessed it was OK.

He straddled my back, sitting on the lowest part right above my tail. He was a bit heavy even with him supporting some of his weight on his knees. I was wondering what he was going to do. His manhood was nowhere near my holes. Then I felt his strong hands on my shoulders. He was giving me a massage! Of all the things I was prepared for, that wasn't one of them.

He was incredible. In no time flat this bunny was putty. He could have done anything with me, even that thing that I was dreading. He kneaded my muscles until they relaxed into limp strands of noodles. His fingers worked their way down my arms, all the way to my paws. He worked them over until I couldn't even hold them up. It was like being paralyzed, only I had no fear. I simple didn't wish to move.

After a while he worked himself onto my butt, rubbing my back right down to my tail. That soft bit of fluffy he grasped gently and pulled, all the while rubbing the base. It wasn't a sexual feeling precisely, but he could have kept it up forever!

I felt him slide back on the downhill side of my butt, until he was resting on my thighs. I could feel his cock wedged between my butt cheeks. I only hoped and prayed that I wouldn't embarrass myself by screaming.

Nothing happened. I knew he was ready to stick it in me again, so I grew anxious waiting for it to happen. Like he said, I was young and impatient. As it was, all he was doing was rubbing my buttocks. I could feel his nails from time to time. It was the only thing that really betrayed his species, for he was working them just like any other feline might, in a slow methodic way. Thankfully, as a proper gentleman, he maintained them in a cut and groomed manner. Otherwise my skin would have been smarting!

He shifted again, and this time his manhood slid down and pushed against my hole. I exhaled a sigh of relief! He apparently heard me.

"Did you assume that I was about to go where no puma has gone before?"

I was really embarrassed. "Yes!"

"There is time for that kind of exploration later. I see no point into packing everything into one day, that is, unless you still intend to jump?"

That made me jerk. I had already forgotten about that! Before the sun had come up I had found I had nothing to live for, and now, I was thinking to the days ahead!

"I won't jump. I promise. Not as long as I can come back here when I need to!"

I couldn't see his face, but I could perceive it in my mind. "Within reason. You have to understand that our new found relationship will not pass the scrutiny of my peers, much less your parents."

He was right. I doubt mom and dad cared where I was right then, but if they knew, all hell would break loose. "With your permission then?"

"That will do nicely. Besides, perhaps you need direction in other things as well?"

I was about to wonder what he meant, but the feeling of him penetrating me from the rear was enough to take my breath away. As it turns out, he was referring to my school work. I don't know how he figured it out, but it had been suffering. I think I mentioned that already. But right now the only thing that mattered was feeling good. As I was beginning to find out, good for him wasn't good enough.

He worked himself in, his legs on either side of my hips, and his weight resting on them. His hands were still on my body, those expert fingers working my flesh until I was a puddle again. His hips were working in such a way that his manhood was stroking my insides in much the same manner. He was slow and methodical, and I as usual was eager for him to pick up the pace.

After a while (I don't know how long) he stopped. I whined just a little. I couldn't help it. I didn't want that to be it. He pulled out and I knew I was pouting uncontrollably. He moved to one side, grasped my hips and pulled me backwards. I could tell from the way he did it that he wanted my butt in the air. I complied, using my paws to grab the edge of the mattress, and burying my head in the sheets. Again, I figured he was going for my butt hole.

It was no such thing. He climbed back over my legs and slid into the proper place. I was so wet he did it in one fluid motion. The groan that escaped my lips might very well have been shoved out by that swift movement. My fingers curled up in the sheets while I pushed my butt towards him. His hands held my hips.

"Hold on!"

Like I said before, he was old looking (to me at the time) but his looks belied his agility. It was only later that I found out he jogged and lifted weights. He just didn't look like a jock. And to be honest, I never cared about jocks. For the most part they were rude, self-centered boobs who strutted about like turkeys. Considering that most of our sports teams never won, I didn't think they had much to strut about.

Whereas he was gentle before, now he was not. He was far from violent, but I could tell that all of his massaging had an effect on his feelings. He opened up the throttle and went full force. I was glad that he wasn't doing this on my butt or I would have been in a heap of trouble. As it was, my front hole was only newly experienced at this sort of thing and in minutes I was feeling the burn. My fingers tore holes in the sheet, and as I later found out, my painted toe nails left gaping tears in the fabric too. My feet were incredibly strong.

The bed frame was making quite a bit of racket. It was old and sturdy, but the interlocking springs underneath it hadn't been oiled in forever. I doubt there had ever been a need. It was too late now. He was going so strongly that the entire bed was shifting on the floor. It began thumping the wall.

I could feel a rise of warmth inside me, one caused by my body, not his. It increased until I tried to yell. Nothing came out of my mouth. Instead, I bit into the sheets and held on for dear life. It was like being spanked and pleasured at the same time. His fingers were making dents in my hips, though as time went on, his grip grew tenuous.

All at once he grunted and began slamming me into his body, instead of the other way around. I could feel him tighten up inside by the way his shaft rubbed my hole. His hot fluid came out in a gush, and I happily added mine to his.

For the next five or six minutes I lay there trembling, more of a mess than before. Every time he tried to moved, I convulsed in a paroxysm of violent tremors. He was still gently working himself inside me, and each pass fired up my nerves to a level of pure insanity.

At one point he pushed himself into me. I could feel his paws on my shoulders. The expected massage never appeared. His strong paws clamped on with an inexorable grip. The next moment I was hauled into a sitting position. The sheets had come with me, from the tatters in my paws to the clump in my mouth. I spit it out and opened my paws. They were cramped and tight.

The next instant his paws were on my breasts. His manhood was still deep inside me. He shifted to allow me to close me legs, whereupon he straddled me again. Those paws were caressing my breasts in a most enticing way. There was no fumbling or hesitation. He knew what he was doing and he was doing it to me. Never in a thousand dreams would I ever have imagined my first time being anything like this.

Using those wonderful paws, he stroked my front with the care he might show for handling a valuable Chinese vase. I wasn't made of porcelain, but he treated me as if I were. I soon found myself rising with his strokes. I was unconsciously taking over the job of working our bodies together. As he ran up across my nipples I'd suck in a breath before letting it out as I returned to my kneeling position. I never even knew you could have sex like this!

Sadly, after a while I grew dizzy and tired. It's hard to admit when you're out of shape, especially when your partner was far older than you and in better shape. I fell forward on the bed and allowed him to do as he pleased.

I thought maybe I had made him mad, because he slid out again. The next thing I knew I was dragged over the edge of the bed. My hips were over the edge of the mattress, while my feet were on the floor. My toes were snagged in the rug.

He entered me again, and like before, I hooked my fingers into the sheets. That was all I had time to do before he went to work. If I thought that bed had been noisy before, it was even more so now. He went to work like a mad man, plowing me deep with repeated thrusts. I held on for dear life, though I was in no danger of falling off. On the contrary, I was soon finding out the real meaning of friction. As he carried on, I was feeling a mix of euphoria and downright discomfort. It was as if he were trying to burrow his way straight to my heart.

When he came, I was so tense that I screamed. The sheets tore some more and I felt my body spasm from another orgasm. As he finished he lost his footing and pulled out. If you had seen the mess we made of his bed, you would have wondered how we had even managed to survive. The sheets looked like a wolverine had gotten into a fight with them, and the spots of blood only helped confirmed that impression.

My hole felt like it was gaping. He had filled me o fully that now I felt empty without him. It was to be the story of my life. I had no idea what I had gotten into this day. It has haunted me ever since. But I'm sure you don't need to know about that. Let's just finish by saying this. He helped me to clean up. Not just then and there with all of that blood; he helped with my life. I don't know where my life would be now without him. I might have jumped that day. But I know where I'm at now, thanks to him. And yes, we had more fun together, but not as much as I would have liked. Once I grew up, I had to hit the bunny trail. We still stay in touch, but not physically. I'd always like a repeat of that first day, but it's hard to capture the newly evolving emotions of a young bunny. So I have my memories to remind me. They aren't quite as much fun as the real thing, but they beat most of my others hands down.