The Orphans Among Us Chapter Three: Violet Accademy Part 2

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#3 of The Orphans Among Us


I watched my friend walk up the stairs before I headed down the hall. I glanced up at the sign as I neared the staircase and then down at my map. Seems as if I was in the right place, I headed up the stairs holding onto the white rail and watching my feet so I did not trip.

When I made it to the top, I took a moment to catch my breath. Then I took the chance to look around, the hall is red and covered in beige carpeting. While the color scheme reminded me of the Orphanage, it did not have the comforting feeling that it was supposed to convey.

I sighed and shook off the old memories as I looked for my room number. The door certainly stood out from the rest of the doors in the hallway because this door was black while the other doors in the hall were red. I found myself suddenly hoping that I would not be rooming with the only Gothic kid in the school.

I raised my hand and knocked once on the door almost praying that no one was home. The doorknob rattled and my hopes went down the drain as a boy in a dark hoody opened the door. Silver snakes peeked out from his ears and two of them glared at me from the armlets he wore around his well arms. On his face eye shadow streaked away from his eyes purple and black giving him a predatory look, his eyes were silver as well all together it was a rather frightening effect.

I found myself taking several steps back and with my voice shaking I said, "H-hello I am Travis your new roommate." He gave me a death glare and his voice made me shudder, "I hope you last longer than the last one." "What happened to the last one?" I asked the fear making my voice small and weak. He smirked and said, "I ate him." I visibly blanched and he burst out laughing.

The laugh made him seem more human and I started to relax. "I can't believe you actually thought that was true. My name is Shawn and I was just going to head out to the nearby skate park. Would you like to come with me and meet the guys?" I shrugged and decided to tag along. "OK sure count me in. I never skated before thought." "Well you can just watch." Said Shawn grabbing his board and heading back down the stairs, I followed behind him taking my time on the steps as we reached the ground floor.

Once outside Shawn hopped on his board and I walked at a decent pace behind him. By the time, we had gone several blocks my feet where beginning to hurt and I asked him if we could take a short break. He nodded and I sat down heavily on the curb wincing a little at the impact. My rather lanky friend sat down on his board nearby watching me. "So where are you From Travis?" I looked down as I answered him "I came from an Orphanage just outside the city limits." "Oh I'm sorry. Who sent you here then?" "I recently got adopted with a friend by a couple that visited the place a few days ago."

"Who is your friend?" I did not think it would be right to talk about Sukura when he was not present. "I can take you around to meet him later after we come back if you would like." Shawn gave a quick nod but looked confused. "You sidestepped the question but I won't push it." I looked at him my eyes wary. "Obviously you're loyal to this friend of yours. So what is the catch?"

"He stopped the older kids from picking on us. He is a year younger than me thought." "A year younger, how much older where the bigger kids?" "The bigger kids were 15, my friend was 8." "How could a 8 year old even dream of fighting a 15 year old?" I felt cold sweat break out on my back as I said, "Think about it for a few seconds" Shawn wrinkled his forehead in thought and then it seemed the proverbial light bulb went off over his head.

"You friend... Is he a furry?" "Yes" -I said looking away. "Most of the Furrys are dead right?" I smirked "I wouldn't say that to my friend if I were you. He is very much alive thank you very much." "Well then forget about going to the park I would very much like to meet your friend." I nodded and stood up.

"I don't know his room number so I am going to have to ask at the front office." "OK then let's go!" with that Shawn pushed on the cement while jumping onto his board forcing me to run after him at a brisk pace in order to keep up.

When we arrived back at the school, I stopped to catch my breath again and Shawn jumped off his board and held on to it waiting for me to recover. When I straightened up, he passed me an unopened bottle of water. I twisted off the top and took a long slow drink before swallowing and capping the bottle. At the front office, I ran my finger down the list on the wall showing room numbers and found my friend. Well technically, we were now brothers but it was just hard for me to think of him that way. From behind me, the receptionist spoke up "Who are you looking for dear?" "Sukura" "He recently filed a request for a room change I believe he is settling in their now. He is in room 200 with Pengu." I frowned but nodded my understanding. _ "Why did he change rooms? Who is this Pengu?" _


I had put down the last box of my stuff from my old room on the bed when there was a knock on the door. I looked up surprised then looked at Pengu. "Do you know who that is?" the wolf shook his head making my frown deepen. I walked towards the door and rested my paw on the knob. "Who is it?" I called holding the knob tightly so they could not enter the room. "It's Travis." "Give me a sec Travis I'm not decent" I lied and then I walked over to Pengu and said, "Travis is a friend of mine we went to the Orphanage together but, I can't imagine why he has the sudden urge to see me."

My fellow Furry nodded and I gave him a small smile "I suspect that Travis isn't here for a friendly visit. I'll come back later and finish unpacking I'm sorry that they have disturbed you." I walked towards the door and said, "Stand back" before I opened it and quickly shut the door behind me. Seeing another boy behind Travis I instantly tensed and backed up against the door. "Who might this be?" I asked quietly with distrust evident in my tone of voice.

Travis to his credit did not attempt to get any closer and, the other boy seemed to be stuck in place his mouth gaping open. "Earth to Travis do you read me?" I asked waving my paw in front of his face, which seemed to snap him out of it. Travis blinked a few times and then made introductions "Sukura this is Shawn, Shawn this is Sukura" I reached out my paw and offered it to Shawn giving his hand a light shake being careful not to injure him as I did so. "Wow you're a fox!" said Shawn still seeming dumbstruck. "No I'm a wolf in disguise. OF COURSE I'm a fox" I said and stuck my tongue out at him, which made Travis burst out laughing.

I shook my head at their silliness and with a smile waited for them to stop laughing. "You seem to be doing well Travis to have already found another friend so early." Almost instantly, Travis stopped laughing and looked at me. "Why did you switch rooms?" "That is for me to know and for you to not find out." I felt my tails beginning to stand up straight an obvious sign that I was either annoyed or mad. Travis gulped and stepped back a few feet.

"Well then it was nice to see you again Sukura I guess we will head back to the room to hang out." With that, Travis started pulling Shawn down the hall and when they turned the corner, Travis broke into a run. I closed my eyes letting the tension flow out of me sighing with relief as I leaned on the door. I took a few minutes to catch my breath and calm down.

Then I opened the door and went back inside the dorm room to start unpacking. "H-hey are you OK?" said Pengu. I sighed and said, "Yeah I'm fine, Travis just wanted to show me off to his friend." _ "What on earth could Travis have been thinking? Even if we are adopted brothers now I do NOT have to tell him everything." _ My thoughts must have shown on my face because Pengu moved to stand beside me and started helping me unpack. For the next three hours, I did not say a word just went through the motions of unpacking, while in my head I cursed myself for being such a naive fool. _ "How could I have ever trusted Travis? I should have known that once he was around others that his outlook on me would change." _

When I put the last pair of socks, away I sat down on my bed and Pengu mirrored me sitting on his. "Thanks for helping me unpack it would have taken me longer otherwise." "You're welcome" Pengu said softly with a light blush that I pretended I did not see.

Now that I had stopped unpacking, I started to notice the room's décor. The walls were a cherry red that reminded me of flames, while the carpet on the floor was a deep blue that almost matched my fur. Both beds had a set of covers, the sheets on my bed where purple and, the sheets on Pengu's bed where green. There were two lamps in the room one beside each bed and, a curtain was hanging on a rod between the beds for privacy. There was also a small bathroom and a closet that we shared. There was a single chest of drawers and I had taken the empty bottom two to hold my undergarments. "This room has a nice color scheme. Did you pick it out Pengu?" Pengu nodded gently and I smiled. "You did a good job picking this stuff out. It really is beautiful"

Pengu blushed a deep red and I giggled as the bell rang for dinner. As if on cue, my tummy rumbled and I laughed harder. "Let's go eat," I said to Pengu tugging on his arm to help him to his feet paws. He stumbled a little and I caught him letting him regain his balance as he rested against my chest. I held my breath and let him stay there for a few seconds before I gently backed up and let go of him. I didn't say a word but I was blushing even thought my tails were wagging furiously behind me.

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