Hide and go Fuck

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#3 of Chapter 2: The Reign of King Scourge

Agumon walked down an empty street. His eyes glaring at the pavement. He survived at nightmare and nothing around him seemed the same. He went back to school the students sort of walked by him as if he was a shadow. He stopped when he noticed Frost the cat leaning against the red lockers. He walked up to him unsure of what lied ahead.

Agumon asked, "What's going on?"

Frost looked up, "Things are trying to return to the way they used to be. But no one can truly seem to get back time to when things were simple. We can't turn back now. I was a fool to think that by bottling up my emotions that I'd be in the clear. In the end I was dragged in too."

Agumon looked around seeing nobody asked, "When you kissed me, was that for real?"

Frost fiddled his hands inside his black jacket, "It was a thank you. I don't know if I wanted it to be more though. My feelings got the best of me. Maybe I wanted to leave it in your hands."

Agumon clawed at his hands and said, "I don't know if I'm willing to risk getting hurt again."

Frost started to walk away, "Then that's the answer."

Agumon extended out his hand, "Wait..."

Frost stopped and took a deep sigh. Agumon looked down a bit, "Maybe we could try."

Frost said, "You can't turn back the clock. If you think you have control you better take care of it."

Agumon asked, "Are you trying to be philosophical or something?"

A blue creature came down the hall. Agumon turned, "...Veemon?"

Reemon grinned and accepted this name and extended his arms in a hug, "Hey cutie."

Frost shook his head ready to leave. He turned again. Reemon called out, "Wait..."

His voice froze Frost in place. None of them saw that reminisce of darkness pouring out of him and seeping along like a cloud. The cloud touched Frost's hands. Reemon asked, "Don't you want to play tag?"

Frost turned back with a big old smile on his face and said with glee, "Tag sounds fun."

Agumon asked, "Aren't we a bit old for tag."

Reemon turned to Agumon and said, "That's why it's going to be a lustful game of hide and go fuck."

Agumon crossed is arms, "Veemon you stabbed in the back once. I'm not going to let you back into my life so you can ruin it some more."

Reemon puckered his lips, "Agumon, didn't we have a great time together? You should have known that I was going to end up being the slut type anyway. There is no harm in it."

Agumon voice deepened, "Maybe not for you but you can still hurt others."

Reemon came over and slanted his arm around Agumon's shoulder and whispered, "I know you already have the hot's for our feline friend over here. Image if you're it and you find it. You'd be able to do whatever you want to him. I know deep down you've been longing to find a true love and he is it. I'm a professional when it comes to making relationships work out. You just have to trust me."

Agumon felt a faint and serial presence the entire time Reemon was making contact with him. Reemon said, "Plus the rest of students are already on board. Come on lighten up a bit."

Agumon took a deep breathe. That horrible event with Dracmon was over now and he came to grips that his friends was a slut pretty fast. Agumon nodded, "Ok, I'm in."

Reemon grinned, "Excellent."

The rest of the day wrapped up pretty quickly. The students gathered around Reemon. Everyone was indeed there. Reemon said, "Ok let this game begin. The first one to be it will be...Agumon."

Agumon gulped and went over to Reemon. Agumon asked, "Are you sure, I sure be first Veemon."

Reemon nodded, "This is the best way for you to get over whatever's been fogging up your mind."

He pulled back, "Now counted to fifty and find someone. Once you do you can do whatever you want to them. Then that person will be it and it will start over once that creature is it."

Agumon placed himself next to a huge tree and started counting. Reemon was running with Frost. Reemon said, "You should hide somewhere easy to find. I think my counting friend there wants you really badly."

Frost hid his blush, "You really think so?"

Reemon nodded, "I'm dead sure about it."

Frost stopped finding a close house. He went into the basement. Reemon stopped as well he leaned against the building. He stayed nearby. Frost hid behind a bed. Agumon reached fifty, he muttered to himself, "I hope I find Frost...Oh man I really do want him."

Agumon started to look going into the nearby houses. Reemon took a small peak seeing Agumon approaching. Reemon clasped his hands together and rubbed them in cynical way. Agumon went inside the house. He first searched the top floor first. He searched in every room and found nothing. He proceeded downstairs and looked at the bed. He went toward it then saw the top of Frost's head. He jumped on the bed and looked down. Frost looked up and Agumon extended his hand, Frost blushed taking Agumon's hands as he got slid onto the bed. Frost muttered, "You found me...That means you can do whatever you want."

Agumon asked, "I you sure you want me to do this?"

Frost asked, "I agreed to the game didn't I?"

Agumon leaned in, "I suppose you did."

Frost closed his eyes as Agumon kissed him on the lips. Frost deeply pressed his elbows against the bed. Agumon lowered the zipper of his jacket. Agumon's passion grew kissing Frost deeper and deeper. Frost accepted each one letting Agumon have his way. Agumon slid of the jacket and Agumon proceeded to kiss down Frost dark furry chest. Frost let out a soft moan, "Mmmm."

He felt a slight tingle down below. Agumon drew closer and closer and finally reached his pants zipper. He unzipped him and kissed the underwear feeling the bulge throb once. Agumon didn't tease to long lowering the underwear as well. He went down on the furry shaft rather quickly. Frost quickly moved his hands to Agumon's hands. It was a bit rushed for him but at least he was sort of used to it. Indeed his father took advantage of him when he was younger. Frost didn't feel any force as this was his choice too. Agumon was eager with this being his third possible mate. He wanted to show that he would love first and fill Frost with a new happiness. Agumon worked skillfully and Frost couldn't hold it in too long. Frost grunted, "Agh!"

Agumon came up after the small warm drink. Agumon sat on his knees. Frost looked on as Agumon looked down. Frost crawled on his belly seeing what Agumon wanted. At this moment Reemon slid inside a window to the basement in a separate room. He landed where there was a pile of boxes. He peeked out where he could watch these two get it on. Reemon stuck on his tongue, "That's it."

He sat on his bum and slanted out his hand. He got on a hard on by simply watching Frost return the favor and suck off Agumon. Agumon didn't want to come off as too strong so he held back all his moans.

Agumon still became rather desperate when he was close and guided Frost by the head as he paced him rather quickly. Agumon shot out and Frost drew back still not used to that taste. Agumon lifted Frost's legs ready for more. Reemon started to rub himself more while coming out where they'd be able to see him if they turned their heads to the left. Agumon started to hump after a deep penetration. Frost had felt this before too. The pain was still there but he was willing to take it this time. Reemon lost control too closing his eyes. Reemon purposely moaned, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh."

Frost turned his hand and stopped Agumon. Agumon turned his head too seeing Reemon go at himself. Frost walked over and Agumon whispered, "What are you doing?"

Frost when into the next room. He slid down and poke Reemon, "Tag."

Reemon opened his eyes he looked down, "Ha, ha woops. Loos like I got carried away."

Frost came down and started to like his shaft. Agumon came over and asked, "What are you doing?"

Reemon moaned, "Just playing the game and having some fun. Care to join us. My butt is available my cute little dragon."

Agumon felt the strange presence again. It was something he couldn't control. He went behind Reemon unconsciously and even went as far as penetrating from behind. Reemon moaned, "That's it two in one baby."

They both worked Reemon, Agumon from the back and Frost from the front. Both of them now both lost in pleasing the fake dragon who looked like Veemon. He kissed both of them and let his lust breath into them. He was spreading his influence as they were more deeply involved. Agumon and Reemon gave way together. Frost lifted his legs, "May I?"

Reemon nodded, "Take me kitty."

Frost did so. Agumon kept at it still being kissed by Reemon once every so often. Reemon could do whatever he wanted to them. They were already his tools. Of course Reemon's mission was so obscured every time from pure pleasure. Now Frost would hump until having another orgasm. When Reemon instructed them to stop they did. They entire eyes were white. Reemon came up, "Two more for my beautiful army. Well boys tag was fun but now the game is over."

Some of his blue skin started to turn black. Reemon took both their hands and led them upstairs.

Scourge was at his throne. More and more activity seemed to be going on now. Scourge was already proclaimed the world's longest ruler. Scourge never took the title seriously anymore. This mask sickened him. He knew that some people and creatures would break the fantasy soon enough. It was only going to be a matter of time. Blackgatomon joined him sitting on his lap. Scourge hugged her and sighed, "Soon this dream will end."

Blackgatomon said, "Will still have each other. To me the dark days never ended though. Everyone was closer their eyes but that only made the darkness stronger. They had everything all mixed up."

Scourge asked, "Was this worth it then? I should have just found you and ran off. Instead we probably made things worse."

Blackgatomon turned to him and kissed him. When she broke the kiss she said, "We should have an escape plan when the shit hits fan."

Scourge said, "Let's take a walk. I think we can figure something out."

They went down the stairs and got a huge reaction. They waved and smiled and did whole suck it up part to perfection.

Reemon was busy finding other students from the school to take over. Each student made him transform more and more. He had black fangs and black tentacles added to him. His claws got bigger and sharper. While he was busy doing that Monodramon was fleeting together the humans. Monodramon was the brains behind this entire take over. He gave the humans something to fight back with. Something strong. He wasn't alone in this plan either. He had creatures from other worlds helping him. First was Angel, when Stitch had never returned to her she resorted back to her old ways. Monodramon found this intriguing and enlisted her services. From a world filled with Foxes and Bangaa's he enlisted the help of a young fox named Cain. Soon enough he would require help from Scourge's old partner Fiona. And his future plan would be to capture and enlist a Pokémon. Right now he had more than enough help. Each had their own little area and missions. Reemon was still the key player. He was using his ability to infect all the other creatures into his darkness. Sex was the key. Reemon used Veemon's sexual desire by others to his greatest advantage. Everyone wanted to be with him. Scourge found the motorcycle Agumon used to escape from Dracmon. Scourge said, "A bit of paint and this bad boy will be the perfect getaway."

Scourge went on and behind him was Blackgatomon. She wrapped around him as they took the motorcycle for themselves. They would bring it to a vehicle spray paint area. They would have it painted black and have the flames that matched Scourge's jacket painted on the sides as well. All that while Reemon was getting more than his expected fill. He was just painting along the streets with an army behind him. He was still aroused though. There was never enough to satisfy him. Once a just a memory of Veemon and now he was his own entity with a greater power to take over creatures with his presence and a little bit of extra sexual work. There were creatures that remained started to see Reemon's true form while hiding really well. They started to leave the area all together not wanting any part of this game.

Bearmon said, "Shit man, run."

Kotemon said, "I'm right with you."

They went down an alleyway. They ended up near a lot of buildings to cover them. They could see in another alleyway Shoutmon and Gummdramon were also running around. Bearmon said, "We got to fight back man. We can't keep running."

Kotemon said, "That thing is too strong. You saw it, the creatures that even near him fall into his trance."

Bearmon said, "Then we gotta find a way to get some distance."

They saw the army of creatures where starting to catch up. Bearmon found a manhole, "Here."

Kotemon asked, "Are you nuts? That's where the humans are."

Bearmon said, "I'd rather face them then get turned by that freak." He lifted the manhole and they went under. They found it surprisingly empty. They walked along the dark brown filth induced corridor filled with smells. They saw a staircase and up it and just a bit a head was a huge metal door. They went up and opened the door. They walked inside and gasped. They looked around the wide huge open area. On the walls of this huge circular room where tubes with Reemon clones in slumber. Bearmon's mouth dropped, "Fuck me..."

Kotemon looked around going down the hall. Kotemon said, "There must be thousands of these."

Bearmon said, "One of them is bad enough. We got to find a way to shut this down."

Kotemon said, "There's no way we can reach them."

Bearmon looked down at his hands, "We need some guns."

They walked along the bridge. They got to the other side. The opened the next metal door. They were two paths. One hallway said 'Exit' the other said 'Veemon'.

Bearmon said, "Come on let's get out of here."

Kotemon looked down the other path to Veemon. Kotemon said, "This thing was a copy of Veemon. Veemon might have some answers for us. I think we should go toward his path."

Bearmon said, "If that's what you want to do. That's fine. I'm want to leave."

Kotemon sighed, "So this is where we take different paths then."

Bearmon grinned slightly, "Seems like it." He extended his hand out, "No matter what happens, were friends forever."

Kotemon nodded extending out his hand and shaking it. They both went separate ways.

Bearmon reached the exit first. He swiped his head. Bearmon said to himself, "Damn what a walk."

He opened the door. Monodramon and Reemon were both standing there waiting for him. Monodramon said, "Looks like our plan is going better than expected. You got here faster than I thought."

Bearmon backed up but the door closed. He slammed against the metal. Bearmon said, "So it's you..."

Reemon came up and turned blue. Reemon insured, "Hey, hey everything will be ok. I promise. In fact you and I have never had the pleasure of properly introducing ourselves."

Reemon turned around and shook his butt in a seductive matter, "The name is Veemon. Wanna come and play."

The darkness was all over the room. Bearmon eyes became fixated on Reemon. Monodramon walked away. Monodramon said, "Let Kotemon save Veemon. He needs to be welcomed into the new world with open arms. In the meantime have fun with your cuddly bear friend here."

Reemon waved his arms back from each side of his hips. Bearmon walked closer and closer unable to fight such strong temptation. Bearmon looked down already in the mood for action. Reemon said, "Don't be afraid to hurt me. I've been a bad dragon."

Bearmon slipped out his tongue. He was already in the mood. The temptation was just grinding up against him now. Bearmon moved his hands to Reemon's hand gripping them. He started to push in. Reemon head arched up. Even with all the action Reemon had taken before he didn't prep him for the surprising thickness of Bearmon's dick. On top of the Bearmon was able to move faster than any previous sexual encounter. Bearmon was just slamming his hips, grinding against Reemon's asshole so fast. Bearmon still had a tight grip on Reemon's wrist. Reemon yelped, "Fuck! Fuck, aghhhhhhhhhh!"

Reemon was extremely pleased. Reemon moaned, "Next time, make sure I'm the bitch again."

Bearmon grunted, "Ah! You bet, little slut."

Reemon rushed, "Cum inside me already."

Bearmon closed his eyes. He continued to have that quick pace. Bearmon let go, "Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Reemon moaned, "That's it big bear. Remember our little secret."

Reemon pulled his arms down and started to leave, "Bye my lovely Bear."