Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 23

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#23 of Text adventure

The idea of this chose your own adventure is that I will write a page of a story ending in a choice of what action our hero takes next. You can then vote by commenting with your choice, I will then write the next page using the most voted on option to build a story page by page. It will be an adult story with sexual scenes and you get to chose partners, positions and such. I will look to post a minimum of once a week but with the aim of doing it twice a week whenever possible.

I never promised happy endings for all.

A 111

B 1111111

C 111111111

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Close call but you guys have opted to run for it further and deeper with the skeletons in tow.

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As a mass the wall of skeletons charged down the steps Aleoric let loose a powerful blast of icy wind. Skeletons flew everywhere in the tempest he created some shattered against the walls and the steps. In the confusion the bear shouted "to the tunnel!" As he led the charge into the narrow tunnel, more steps in a giant spiral staircase. Cold rock walls surround them and they have to travel in single file.

Runo brought up the rear pulling back to the entrance of the tunnel and coiling ready to strike. More skeletons arrived and those that were shattered start to reform the thief waited patiently shattering a stray skeleton as it approached and then as a wave of them finally organised and began to charge he flicked out suddenly with his tail. A thick band of pure muscle smashed into the lightweight skeletons sending many flying, several falling into the chasm. The naga snorted as he heads into the tunnel, "didn't even need magic."

However, as the never ending wave of skeletons poured in the naga picked up the pace, knowing that his tail would be a long way behind him. He slithered down into the dark the light of Aleoric far in front and fading. Rushing to catch up the naga chased down hundreds of steps. The stairs seem never ending and it was hard to tell just how deep they were running, however the snake could hear the clatter of skeletons above him and catching up.

Running out onto a small landing he found the group waiting for him. Aleoric pushed him behind him, the landing was too small for all of them and his full body so his tailtip ended up going down the passage leading further down. The bear had his book out and was chanting quickly, brown glowing runes spinning around his head and his paws. He held his huge paws out and then started to bring them closer together straining against them. As he did so the walls of the tunnel they just fled down began to shake and dust fell down. Then just as they saw the flash of white of skeleton bones the tunnel collapsed behind them.

The bear gasped and stumbled a little at the effort. "Going to need a moment," he muttered softly as he sat on the floor.

"I really hope there's another way out," Runo observed as he put his daggers back in their sheaths.

"If there isn't we will make one," Kenia announced patting the bear on the shoulder. "It was a smart move, those skeletons would have kept coming until we were run to a corner and exhausted."

"I'm not so sure they won't still," observed Jarus as he placed his head against the fallen rock. "I think I can hear faint sounds of digging."

"Then we should get going soo AHHHH!" Runo screamed suddenly and his tail thrashed heavily, pulling back into the little landing area to reveal a spider fiver foot across with it's fangs buried in the snake's tail. Kenia yelled a battle cry and stabbed the furry body of the spider, black blood stained the floor as the spider died.

Aleoric stood up and casting a small fireball down the tunnel revealed a mass of furry spider bode waiting, setting several alight as he did so. The discovered spiders started to charge, dozens of them pressing forward onto the tiny landing. The bear shouted, "I need a few seconds!" The group backed into the corner Runo, Kenia and Jarus backed up around Aleoric. The horse having trouble wielding his halberd in such tight confines, he thrust and poked. While Runo and Kenia stabbed and stashed, trying to ward off the incoming arachnids.

Several spiders were killed and a few others lost limbs as Aleoric chanted, fiery runes forming around his head and then spinning around his body. His paws waved in a rhythmic fashion as more and more runes glowed around him. Then he jumped forward pushing past his friends and releasing the spell, a giant fireball burnt the spiders and then passed into the tunnel slowly following the spiral staircase down, killing everything in it's path leaving crispy spider remains.

He turned to see Jarus passing his healing paws over the naga's wound. "We sound go as soon as he is ready."

"That was an amazing spell!" Kenia shouted excitedly as he poked a charred spider corpse.

Runo pushed the horse off him, "ok I'm good we should..." the naga paused and swayed a little. "Just a little woozy from the wound I think, we should go before the skeletons break through. If we can get out of sight they might lose track of us."

The group pushed into the other tunnel heading down until they reached the end of the second staircase, this time to a huge room and a single door on the far side. however, as they reached the bottom of the steps Runo slipped over shivering, "I feel funny." He moaned softly, Jarus and Kenia rushed to his side, while Aleoric kept watch.

The naga's scales were red hot to the touch, as he gasped and panted, the horse applied his healing paws and yet nothing happened. "I... I don't understand."

"It... it's p.. poison from the spider," the snake whimpered as he felt his muscles begin to spasm. "I need... I need." However, he never managed to finish what he needed, the poison having spread quickly thanks to the fight and the flight down the stairs the naga lost consciousness.

"We have to heal him!" Kenia whimpered holding the naga's head in his lap.

"I don't know how," Jarus whispered looking to the bear.

Aleoric looked away unable to face the fox or look at the naga, he knew that the poison had spread too far and that they needed an antidote, only he had no idea what it was. Tears formed in his eye and he whispered, "I don't think we can."

"NO!NO!NO! We have to heal him, just Jarus try your magic again, Aleoric look in your book!" Kenia screamed and half begged as he clutched the naga. The snake's breath was already growing slower and the unreal heat of his body was beginning to fade.

Jarus put his paws back on the naga and concentrated trying to heal him, however, there was no wound to close only the dark sense of the poison in his system a darkness he couldn't purge.

Blinking as tears fell the bear sighed, "I don't have any magic for healing, or for curing poison. I... don't think we can..." unable to finish his sentence he turned away.

"But... we were... going to take back his kingdom and... and free the slaves," the fox whispered tears dripping off his chin and onto the naga's body. The snake seemed to be struggling for each breath now and then with a cough he lay still.

Jarus stepped away, he and Aleroic recognising the fox's pain and need for a moment alone. The two looked at each other, their faces wet with tears their eyes glassy. Still they knew they had to keep watch for they had no idea who or what else might be waiting for them in the dark.

The fox's moment was broken by the distant sound of bone on stone, their ears all pricked up. The skeletons had broken through and were on their way. Aleoric was the first to move, "Kenia, we have to go."

"We were going to break his father's curse," the fox whimpered nuzzling the body of his former lover.

"We still can but we have to go," the bear stated urgently.

"Runo would not want us to stay," Jarus said urgently as the skittering sound got louder.

"I don't want to leave him," Kenia stated defiantly staying put his paws stroking the lifeless face. "He wouldn't leave..." He never got to finish as a huge bear paw smashed into his face and he grunted as he lost consciousness.

Aleroic grabbed the fox and threw him over his shoulder, whispering, "sorry we don't have time to argue. Run!"

Jarus and the bear turned and charged for the door at the far end of the room just as the skeletons reached the bottom of the stair. Glancing back the bear got one last glimpse of his former friend before they left the room. There was an old oak door to the room and the bear slammed it shut and thrust the wooden bolt into place locking it.

"This won't hold them for long," the bear whispered as the two looked at the way in front of them. Three passages, one to the right, which seemed light and Aleoric could see moss and what looked like plant roots around the entrance. The one to the left had a strange red glow coming from within and the passage straight ahead, the doorframe appeared to be made of bones with a huge gem just above the door.

Well... I think you all know the drill vote by commenting below

A Plants to the right

B Fire to the left

C Bones in front