The Forest Revisited: meeting of the cats

Story by Mickeylion on SoFurry

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#12 of Deep into the Forest

This is where the "Forest" and "Daytrip" stories converge.

Now I'm free to move on to something new! Taking requests for my next story arc!

As always, comments, ideas, etc are always welcome! More info on this story universe if you want to read more, or even participate in it!

Steve remembered the day that the witch brought her latest two victims back with all too much clarity. It had been a few weeks ago but she still remembered it like it was just yesterday. After all, its not hard to remember a break from the usual routine. Well, that's with using the word "break" as a relative term.

Ever since she and her family had been imprisoned so many months ago, her life had been a living hell. It had been a living hell for all of them. From the moment he was tied up and transformed into this god forsaken shape, to now, after countless matings. Countless humiliations.

The witch took a special pleasure tormenting her family. She wasn't sure why, but it might have been as a collective punishment for his brother escaping, something which obvious pissed the witch off. And so she took it out on them. As bad as her father had it being the resident blow-job. Or her mother, constantly laying an endless stream of eggs, the witch seemed to target Steve the worst. Perhaps she was getting a double dose of punishment in her brother's stead. Who knew. Whatever the reason, she sincerely seemed to relish in torturing him personally.

It was bad enough that she was forced to allow her own father to eat her out several times a day, and even eating her own father's female cum in return. But she probably would have preferred being the one dishing out the service, rather than being the one receiving it all the time. Although her cunt was abused on an almost seemingly constant basis, the witch's magic assured that by the next day she always had as-if-new virgin folds. Tight and ready to be taken again, fresh, every single day. The witch herself would attend to this rape every morning, doing so in various different ways, depending on her mood. Most often she would do so using her fingers, then her fists, just like the first time she abused on that fateful day. Sometimes she used objects, or sometimes enlisted the help of some of the other poor souls she had trapped here.

Sometimes she was quick, but usually she took her sweet time, teasing her tight lips for a time before subjecting her to the humiliating pleasure and discomfort of being stretched open for the "first time". Sometimes she stopped there, but sometimes she kept going, using her fingers (or fist, or toy, or whatever) to tease her until she was wet with arousal. Ultimately she would be eventually made to cum around whatever it was she was being raped with, then forced to swallow her own juices.

On the average day she was bred with at least once. Regardless of how pregnant she was (and she was just about always pregnant), the witch treated her like her own personal fuck toy. Turning herself into a hulking male cougar, the witch would ravage her brutally every time they mated. The barbs on the male cock raking her inner walls, causing both pain and immense pleasure. Or the feeling of the huge jaws biting down on the back of her neck as his huge balls pumped streams of cum into her waiting womb. Or her body betraying her each time she came around him, whether it be his cock, or his rough sandpaper tongue. She experienced these terrible things on the daily. Sometimes for several hours at the time. It was almost like the witch enjoyed being a male more than a woman.

The birthings weren't much better. She'd lost track of how many litters of cubs she had be forced to push out. It never got easier. Again, the witch's magic made sure of that. And as she painfully squeezed each cub out of her tight birth canal, her family watched. Big happy family. Her parents watching each and every time one of their grandchildren were born.

And each time she finally gave birth to a new litter, she was immediately impregnated again. And again, her parents would be watching. Witness to the great circle of life, she supposed. It took a few weeks for the cubs to wean (of course during this time it didn't give her any escape from her other torments). The feeling of her own cubs suckling on her uncomfortably swollen teats was also something she was way too familiar with. Maybe it was punishment for what she did to the goat the first day she was here. During those weeks the nursing almost felt more pleasurable than climaxing around her father's small white furry muzzle.

She didn't know what happened to the cubs after they grew up. They typically wondered off into the wild. Lucky bastards, they could actually leave this place, like her brother did. The first few times she felt a little sad when they left, but at this point they were all pretty much the same to her: the unwanted product of her raping, and a means to relieve the intense pressure in her mammaries.

And so the days went. Always some combination of being raped by the witch in both her forms, cumming into his father's mouth, eating her own cum, and alternating between being swollen with milk or being swollen with cubs.

By the end of the day her loins were always a mess. Always. Her cunt lips would be loose and stretched, oozing a mixture of semen and her own juices. It was always a lewd site at the end of the day because her pussy basically would be on display, wide open, her inner labia no longer able to stay shut. Sometimes the witch would take advantage of her loose wide open state by coming up with creative "family games". For example, having her father shove as many of her mother's eggs as possible in there. One of the witch's personal favorites was instructing Steve to lie on her back with her legs spread so that her vagina was as wide as could be. Then her father would have to do her thing and work her over and over until she was overflowing with her own juices. Then they'd all three be forced to drink it up.

So much cum eating. The witch clearly had some unhealthy fascination with forcing others to eat each other out. Oh well, just another sadistic thing that seemed to float her boat.

And that was her life, always cumming, always being stretched, always the one with something being forcefully shoved into her.

But that all changed with the new arrivals. Well maybe not so much changed, but she at least got to do something new. She could now be the one on top for a change.

The first time she saw the lynx she was lumbering behind the witch as she came back from one of her walks. Where this lynx came from, or who he or she once was, she didn't know. But what she did know was the lynx was walking awkwardly because it had the biggest cock dangling between its legs. Or at least what she first thought was its cock. When it got closer, she realized it was a fish. A fish. The lynx had a freaking fish shoved up her cunny, with its limp tail flapping around in the open.

She would later realize that the fish was also one of the witch's victims. No idea who, but she didn't care. Based on the way the witch talked about it, seemed like he must have been an asshole in real life, and totally deserved its fate.

As for the lynx, she was a completely different piece of work. Every time she took a step, she made some kind of sexual noise when the fish shifted inside her. And she reeked with pheromones, of heat. She must have literally been a whore, or at least a pervert, in her human life. It soon became clear that just about any touch between her legs turned her on. A mere breeze under her tail would get her juices flowing, literally. And that tail. Steve thought her own tail was erogenous, but that lynx's short little thing was just as sexually charged as everything else between her legs.

When she watched the witch slowly pull that poor fish out of that lynx's snatch, it sounded like kittens were being murdered. She squeeled and squeeled, and she could actually see her cunt spasming like it was having a seizure. Her lips quivered and dripped cum for a good several minutes. It was like she was having the most raging orgasm ever.

After his father was forced to demonstrate just how much of a whore the lynx was, and after they both got familiar with the new recruit's taste, the witch came up with a new idea.

As per the witch's instructions, Steve lay down on her back as she was told. And like with so many other things, the witch grabbed the fish, still coated in the lynx's cum, and shoved it into her vagina. It went in tail-first, and pushed half-way down its length before it'd go no further. The fish struggled abit, but it actually felt quite good with its fins and scales rubbing inside of her. Her clit too. Its massive dorsal find raked against her mound as well as the g-spot inside her. The fish's body was wide enough to fit nice and snug too.

It was a funny sight seeing the fish's head sticking out of her own vagina like that. Staring at it, that was the first time she noticed that the fish's eyes had a strange awareness to them. That's when she realized this was also one of the witch's prey.

Before she got too worried about who the fish was, things got real strange when the witch forced the lynx to "present herself". Then Steve was told to "mount her". He didn't know what that meant at first, but soon caught on and realized this was something she might actually look forward to. The fish being thicker in the head than the tail made it a VERY tight fit for the lynx, who was already the smaller of the two cats. But the lynx didn't seem to mind too much apparently, as she was soon moaning and squealing in delight. Steve had wasted no time climbed ontop of her and forcing the fish into her eager cunt.

It was so tight going in it should have been painful, but the lynx seemed to love every minute of it. The lynx especially loved when she pushed in as far as they could go, and their sexes met lip to lip. The lynx huffed and moaned as Steve humped. The fish making a perfect double sided dildo. She kept humping, like she'd been humped on so many times before. The fish writing inside them made it even more pleasureful.

Best of all, this was a pleasure she had control over. Cougar and lynx both came at about the same time, although the lynx seemed to enjoy it alot more than her.

Damn lynx. She always seemed to enjoy everything so much more than her, something which Steve was kind of jealous of. What a whore.

And so that was how Steve went from being the witch's fuck toy, to being the witch's fuck toy who in turn had her own fuck toy. Nothing in her life really changed from that point on, except the fact that she now had a bitch she could enjoy. Every day she got to play with their living dildo. Closest thing she could get to feeling like a man again. Best of all, she didn't have a to even feel guilty about it. If anything, the lynx enjoyed it more than she did!