Odd Jobs: Pt: 1

Story by AishaDroid on SoFurry

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It was the first day of summer, Pinkie opened one eye, then the other, looking immediately to his alarm clock, then realizing there was nothing he had to be up early for. A smile spread across his muzzle as he nuzzled his pillow a bit, debating on whether to sleep in or not. Deciding that he wanted to enjoy as much as the summer as he could, he rolled his hips along with the rest of his body to the edge of the bed and stood up rubbing his eyes. His room was a mess, he intended to clean it, but had gone to a party the night before and passed out upon returning home. Looking around a few minutes, he found his phone on the charger, staring at the countless message icons and groaned a bit, realizing he was rather sore. Remember how the previous night had gone, he smiled to himself and stalked off for the shower. He smelled of sex and alcohol, it had been a long rough night, and that was the way he preferred it.

Pulling the shower curtain back and turning on the water, he let the water run over until it was nice and hot, then peeled his clothing off and tossed it in the corner, not even bothering to shut the bathroom door. Stepping into the shower he sighed happily as the hot water ran through his fur, not caring if it made him look like a drowned rat. Paws deftly reaching for the shampoo and pouring a healthy amount out, beginning to work it into his fur. Besides, if he was going to be attractive during summer, he couldn't very well go around smelling like sex and booze. Taking very much time and pride, Pinkie finally rinsed and washed his hair, before rinsing again, turning the water off, and stepping from the shower. Grabbing a towel and lazily drying off, not even completely, he tossed the towel onto the floor and went to the bedroom, tugging a pair of tight summer shorts out and slipping into them.

Padding around for a few minutes, Pinkie went out to the front porch and settled down in a chaiz lounge chair feeling the sun wash over him and "Mmm'ing" gently. Tilting his head to the side a bit and half snoozing. Til he was rudely awoken from the sound of his phone ringing in the house. Grumbling, he got up and went to retrieve it, looking down at the number and answering. "Hello?". "Yes, I can work this week..." Pinkie spoke into the receiver reluctantly and hung up. Froaning as it meant he had to work today too. Walking back in and changing into something more appropriate, he picked up his keys got into his car and left for work. Grumbling to himself the entire way there. They had just hired a couple new boys, whom, he had found attractive, but didn't know a whole lot, which meant he had to teach them. Pulling into the lot and parking, he stepped from the vehicle and stormed into the massage parlor. There was no one at the front desk, but one of the new boys had just called him. Pinkie looked around the empty parlor. The lights were on...but no one was home.

Sighing and tossing his bag up on the counter he went into the back hallway and started checking rooms. All the doors were open, save for the one at the end. Curious, Pinkie walked down and listened to see if he could hear if anyone was in the room. But there was nothing. Looking down, he also noticed that no light was coming from the space under the door. Slightly worried, his paw reached down and gripped the doorknob. Turning it slowly, he pushed the door open. The room was very dark, it was one of the bigger rooms they had, so it would take a minute for his eyes to adjust. Stepping into the room, Pinkie called out, "Hello?". But no sooner had he said it and let go of the door, it slammed shut and he was grabbed. His head whipping from side to side in panick, he notied two pairs of glowing yellow reptilian eyes. "Z...Zoey? Zane?!", he cried out. The two new boys dragging him through the darkness. They could see perfectly, Pinkie, was blind in the darkness.

Feeling them lift him onto the massage table, he felt them holding his wrists and ankles. For having a feminine physique, they were quite strong. "Hey! Let me go! This isn't funny anymore!". Pinkie called out. Zane then spoke, in the cool voice he always had. "Oh on the contrary boy...we are having loads of fun. See, in the few weeks we have been here, we have observed your...little habits. Giving customers happy endings to make sure they come back, just so you can get your fill again. And we know you've been stashing away a little on the side out of the drawer.". Pinkie gulped a bit. He had taken money from the register, not a lot, a few bucks here and there so no one would notice, which, now that he thought about it, did add up to quite a bit. Zoey's voice then rang softly in his ears, "See, we've got the goods on you now boy...you do what we say, or you go to jail...". Pinkie gulped again, and tried to relax. "O...Ok, what do you want? And if I do it, you won't tell anyone right?", Pinkie blurted out.

Zane then whispered into his other ear, "Oh, we will do whatever we want...". Pinking then felt them strapping him down to the table, his tugs futile as they anchored him down, wrists, ankles, thighs and even his waist, pinning his hips down as well. It didn't take long for the ordeal to excite him. He had always kinda been into bondage, but he never figured his co-workers for it. The lights flicked on, his eyes immediately looking down at himself tied to the table. Noticing he had a bulge in his shorts and that Zane was standing at his side. "Looks like you need a massage Pinkie...", Zane said, his scaled hand reaching and rubbing over the bulge in Pinkie's shorts. Pinkie shivered and let out a slight moan, then clamped his maw shut. The situation, coupled with a pair of attractive sergal boys was causing his body to betray him. Zane's hand continued to massage, Pinkie's bulge growing a bit as his erection strained against the shorts.

Pinkie whimpered a bit, knowing he was hard. "Ok...ok! I'll do whatever you want!" Pinkie exclaimed and gasped out. Zane smiled and undid his shorts, his claws shearing them and dropping them to the floor in tatters. Pinkie's cock standing up in the cool air of the room. Zoey moved into view, his hands playing with something as he spoke, "You see kitten...we know you have barbs..." his scaled hand reaching and wrapping around Pinkie's cock, stroking downward, feeling the barbs as he smoothed them downward as not to get pricked. "So, we are going to take care of that", Zoey continued and revealed the item in his hand, a thin silicon sleeve. His hands tugging it over Pinkie's cock snugly, causing the feline to gasp and twitch a bit.

Zoey then climbed up on the table, stripping his clothing off and letting them drop to the floor. Stretching a bit and gripping the rail above him, one scaled foot lifted and pressed Pinkie's cock down against his belly, causing the feline to grunt and groan, his wrists tugging at the restraints gently. "Unngh! What...are you gonna do?", Pinkie groaned out. Zoey looked down and smiled, "Oh...pretty kitty, we are going to make you scream...then we might leave you here for the boss to find you tomorrow morning.". His scaled foot moving up and rubbing the tip of Pinkie's cock, making him pre on his own stomach a bit. The feline blushing madly and turning his head away. Zane slipped under the table, looking up at a hole that was there. The feline hadn't notice they had tied him down to his special table. Zane's paws moved up, giving the kittens exposed cheeks gentle scratches with his claws, causing Pinkie's hips to push up the bit they could in surprise, Zoey's foot pressing down on his sleeved cock, causing him to moan out again. "A..Ahhh! Mmmmh!". Zoey smiled down, "Oh...we are going to use the hell out of you...".

Pinkie gasped and panted, unable to fight the two double-teaming him, his cock growing rock hard then going a bit soft as Zoey kept it pressed against him firmly. His mind drowning in all the thoughts of what they would do to him, causing the felines eyes to lid, head staying lulled to the side, feeling pre seep out of him, making his stomach slick with a little pool of it. Zane dropped his hands, one reaching into a bag he had placed there prior, pulling out a thick plug and small bottle of lubricant. Looking between the two, debating whether or not Pinkie deserved the lube. Finally making his choice, he flipped the cap open and lubricated the plug then set the bottle down, his hand pushing the plug up between Pinkie's cheeks, teasing his tail-hole with the tip.

Pinkie's hips bucked a bit again, but Zoey's foot pressed on his cock again, causing him to pre a bit more and groan as he went soft and whimpered. Zane hand began then to slowly push the plug in. Pinkie gasping and trying to force it out. Zane grunting a but and finally pushing it in, watching Pinkie's tight hole clench around it and take it in, leaving the end sticking out a bit. "A..Ahhh! Mmmmmmh! Mmmh!" Pinkie moaned and tossed his head, his cock hard under Zoey's foot, the plug being forced in making him cum, his milky seed spurting out onto his stomach, his ass clenching around it, only making his orgasm harder as he tensed up as much as he could, feeling the ace bandage squeeze him tightly, causing him to go limp quickly as soon as he was finished cumming. Leaving the feline moaning and whimpering gently.

Seeing Pinkie go limp, Zoey's foot moved away from the twitching cock, turning Pinkie's head from side to side, seeing his eyes slightly open as he panted. "He's good for a few more", Zoey said. Zane nodding under the table, hand reaching up and tugging at the plug a bit. Pinkie suddenly moaning out. "A..Ahh!", his sleeved cock standing up almost immediately. Zoey smiling and crouching down, one hand guiding Pinkie's cock as he set down, taking Pinkie's cock into his tail-hole, making the feline moan and whimper again. Also making Zoey moan gently. "Ohhh, you feel good kitten, especially without those barbs...". Pinkie blushed furiously and turned his head to the side out of shame.

Zoey positioned himself over the restrained kitten, rocking his hips gently, using his walls to massage Pinkie's tip, knowing it would be torture, as the sleeve wouldn't allow Pinkie to feel the entirety of the pleasure on his shaft, only the tip. Pinkie moaning and shuddering gently, his hips trying to jerk but unable as Zoey teased him. Wrists pulling tightly at the restraints but to no avail. Zoey's voice whispering softly in his ear, "Im going to milk your pretty little cock". Just the words making Pinkie moan and whimper, knowing if he didn't let them, he would lose his job and possibly face jail.

Zane heard Zoey moan gently and decided it was time to make the feline cum to please his vorcious twin brother, his hand reaching up and gripping the bottom of the plug, pulling gently, hearing the feline moan and beh him not to, he pulled it out anyway, watching the table shake a bit and hearing Zoey moan, and Pinkie scream as the sensations forced the feline to cum again, sending the milky seed into Zoey's tail-hole. Waiting a few seconds, knowing Zoey would keep the little slut kitten hard, his hand pushed the plug back in again. "A...Ahhh! Mmmmmh! Nnngh!" Pinkie moand and groaned, trying to hold back his orgasm, but the thick plug stretching him abit and forcing him again, his stomach tightening up, hurting a bit, not having cum this frequently in a short amount of time ever. His seed pushing up into Zoey as Pinkie pulled at the restraints tightly before falling limp, a string of drool falling from his maw to the table.

Zoey smiled, feeling the kittens cock finally go soft and slide out of him, clenching immediately to keep the felines seed from escaping as he stood up and climbed down off the table, leaving Pinkie laying there, cock oozing the last of his milky seed onto his stomach. "Zane, lets roll..." Zoey said and pulled his clothing back on and picked up his things. Zane gave the plug one last little tug, making Pinkie twitch and moan, then came out from under the table, both of them looking at the restrained mess of a kitten they had made then headed for the door, flicking the lights off and closing it behind them, leaving Pinkie there restrained and helpless.