Just One Drink

Story by Blake_Foxx on SoFurry

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If you like this story please go here, and hear me out =3https://www.sofurry.com/view/699141

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I hope you enjoy my naughty little one-shot story here ^-^

Alex was cute little thing. The sweet white furred mouse stood a hair over four foot, and had a charming feminine build. His hips were lush, and his lips were supple. The boy had piercing ocean blue eyes that seemed to draw others in. His slim tail would flicker in a hypnotic tease as his hips swayed with every step. The cute little mouse was quite the piece of eye candy.

It was a Friday night not much different than any other. Alex had been coerced by friends into playing the role of designated driver for their night of fun. This wasn't new to the boy, he was used to his friends taking advantage of him in such a way. He never once complained though, he dreaded the thought of killing anyone's fun.

He had taken them all to some hip new club that'd just opened up on the other side of town. The place seemed full of life. The line to get in stretched all the way to the other end of the sidewalk, but even from the back of the line they could hear the music faintly. Everyone was excited to get in, well everyone except Alex. The little mouse dreaded the thought of drunk shenanigans and loud music.

Among the group of Alex's friends were: Kasey, a rather charming and seductive feline who often used her chest size to score a free drink or two. Mark, a tall proud stallion who was a wall of pure muscle. Jerry, a rather charming bear who was normally polite, but with a few drinks he could be the wildest out of the group. They were a mix-matched bunch, but Alex appreciated all his friends.

The wait to get into the club felt like hours to Alex. He spent most of his time idly listening to his friends chatting while he twiddled his thumbs dully. Mark and Jerry were already making plans to try and pick up a girl or maybe a twink inside. Kasey was running through her game plan for a night of free drinks and fun. Alex, on the other hand, was worrying away about how he was going to get the band back together when they all scattered about to get wasted.

They came up and at the entrance they were all given pass to go inside, once they showed ID of course. The group of four made their way inside, and Alex could hear the unhindered music hammering into his ear drums. It made him uncomfortable, but Kasey seemed to already have found her groove as she danced her way through the club. He turned to say something to Jerry, but when he looked both Mark and Jerry were already headed towards their first prey of the night. Once again, Alex was left all alone to sulk around the club while his friends had a good time.

Lucky for the mouse there happened to be a bar off to the side. Even better the music wasn't quite as loud from there, he could almost hear himself think. His tail idly flickered about as he mused over what to do with himself. The bartender offered to fetch him a drink, but he politely refused knowing he had to take everyone back home. Alex wasn't much of a drinker, but on occasion he liked to toss one back with the rest of his friends.

While he was busy sulking away he felt a touch against his shoulder and spun to see who was there. His eyes quickly caught sight of a rather charming lion. The male had a confident look in his green hues, and a gorgeous mane that displayed his masculinity boldly. On top of that, he was built with a broad chest and strong arms. It took Alex a moment of pathetic gawking to compose himself enough to be engaged in conversation.

"Hey there mousie, can I buy you a drink?" came the deep voice of the lion, which felt rather inviting to the mouse.

"I'm sorry, I'm sort of my friends DD for the night" he admitted, his own voice coming off as rather meek and feminine.

"Oh come on, one drink isn't gonna hurt. Besides, I don't see these friends of yours around anywhere" the lion added.

"Well...ummm" he turned and looked out into the crowd. He spotted Kasey flirting away with some stallion, and caught a glimpse of Mark and Jerry slipping out of the club with a couple of girls. If the mouse had his guess they wouldn't be back in the club anytime soon, "You know, one drink really couldn't hurt" he admitted as he turned his focus back to the strong green eyes resting into his own gaze.

"Great! I'm happy to hear that. Hey barkeep can you fix me and this cute little mousie over here up with a drink" the lion asked in a light-hearted manner, seeming to be enjoying himself enough.

"T..thank you" Alex mumbled sweetly.

"No need to thank me." the lion spoke, "I consider it my duty on this planet to ensure every cute mousie I see gets a proper drink" he offered in a playful tease.

"Well I dunno about cute..." the boy replied blushing a bit.

"You seem cute enough to me. Oh and the name is Leo by the way, and yes...I know. Leo the lion, I guess my parents had a sense of humor or something." he spoke seeming to be not overly bothered by his name.

"Well I like Leo, it's a nice name" Alex offered with a soft genuine smile.

After a few moments their drinks showed up. Alex wasn't sure exactly what he was looking at, but as he brought it to his lips it tasted fruity. The mouse's eyes lit up as he took another sip savoring the taste, unsure of what the alcohol content was. It didn't matter though, he was perfectly satisfied sipping away at something so good.

"Looks like Mousie likes the drink" Leo offered playfully taking a sip of his own, "I'm glad you do, I'd feel bad if I had disappointed"

"This is lovely, what is it?" Alex inquired.

"Oh it's just something the barkeep here fixes up for me from time to time" he explained casually.

"Well whatever it is, it's delicious" the mouse praised.

It wasn't long before that one drink turned into several, and a nice conversation turned into flirting. The mouse and the lion idly chatting away, their speech slurring more and more with every drink. Alex had long since forgotten why he'd come to the club. The charming lion teasing him was far too distracting to focus on much else.

Alex smiled and flickered his tail, "H..hey.." the boy muttered, "You know I don't say this often, but yerrr...uhh" he pauses for a moment to try and find the right words, "hot" he muttered with a bit of a giggle. The mouse's posture had faded to near slumping as he rested against the bar. The lion smirked at his compliment.

"I'm hot huh?" he spoke with an air of confidence in his voice. Leo seemed rather composed, clearly able to hold his alcohol better than the mouse slurring across from him. "Can't really argue with you there. Don't think I argue with someone so cute even if I wanted to" he added drawing another blush from the mouse's cheeks.

"oh you" he mumbled and playfully pushed the lion in teasing manner.

"Well this has been fun, but how about you and I get outta here?" the lion offered with a wink.

"Well wait...what friends about my?" he mumbled and looked around a moment, not seeing any of them, "Guess they already went home" he managed to blurt out and giggled again.

"Well that's settled then. You're coming to my place"

"Sounds fun"

Leo was sure to help the mouse to his feet. Alex stumbled from time to time, but with the strong lion guiding his steps it wasn't much work to lead him out of the club. The duo quickly hailed a taxi as neither were sober enough to drive, though that didn't always stop Leo from trying. They climbed inside and the lion gave the driver some directions before turning his focus on holding the cute little mouse close to himself for the ride.

The ride back to Leo's place didn't' take long. The two were quickly ushered out of the taxi before Leo fumbled around for his wallet to offer the taxi driver his dues. With that the driver took off and the lion wrapped an around the mouse guiding him into his apartment.

Alex kept himself close to the lion, enjoying the feel of the male's soft fur against his own. Each breath that the mouse drew in filled his nose with the pleasant scent offered by Leo. His small arms holding the male close as he struggled with every step, occasionally stumbling. The lion didn't seem to mind as he managed to prevent Alex from falling every step of the way. Before long the mouse found himself in Leo's living room.

The room was fairly nice: A modest couch and loveseat combo, a 42" flat-screen, a few pictures hanging from the walls, and from the looks of it the lion was a very tidy person. Alex smiled and stumbled his way over to the couch before falling into the soft cushions. With a playful smile painted across his lips he beckoned the lion over.

Leo moved swiftly across the living room before climbing on-top of the little mouse. Without any warning he leaned down and pressed his lips to Alex's own. The mouse's eyes widened, and his heart began to race as he gently moaned into the unexpected kiss. With a delicate touch the little mouse gently worked his fingers into Leo's shirt pulling the male in closer to deepen the kiss.

The two embraced the kiss, savoring the taste of each other on their tongues. The moment felt like a blissful eternity to Alex as the lion's tongue slipped past his lips. Soft moans left his sweet lips as that strong feline tongue continued to tease and brush against his own tongue. The moment quickly growing more and more passionate as they shared the taste of alcohol between themselves.

Alex gently gripped his soft delicate fingers into the lion's shirt. Not wasting anytime he began to peel it away from the tower of masculinity above him. Leo was quick to help wiggle out of his shirt exposing his broad furred chest to the mouse. Without much thought the little mouse broke the kiss and nuzzles into the lion's fur breathing in his scent. Alex placing little kisses, and teasing licks along the lion's chest.

The duo were lost in a drunken haze of lust and the lion didn't take long following Alex's lead and removing the mouse's own shirt. The boy's lithe little upper body exposed. His soft delicate fur embracing the open air as the lion's strong paw worked through it, drawing a soft little pleasured moan from Alex's lips.

The rest of their clothing quickly followed suit. A small pile of clothes forming on the living room floor as the now exposed couple embraced one another on the couch. A soft moan left the mouse's lips as the lion kissed along his neck, racking his claws delicately over the fur on his small chest. Alex could feel his body shivering with every touch, his arousal growing as the moment continued to build for the two.

"Mm" Alex moaned sweetly as the lion moved himself between the rodent's legs, teasingly grinding his hardening shaft against the boy's soft rear. Alex could feel every thick inch of that barbed meat teasing along his sensitive rear, lightly stroking along his tight entrance ushering a soft whimper of need from his lips.

"Is mousey ready for me?" the lion questioned gazing into Alex's lust filled hues.

"Yes..please t..take me Leo" he moaned out in heated need. The mouse's body was aching, and his cock was throbbing eagerly his body anxious for that thick feline shaft.

"I love an eager slutty mouse boy" Leo offered, drawing a blush to Alex's cheek. He found himself rather heated and turned on by the way the lion called him a slut. Before he could dwell too much on it, however, he found himself whining in pleasure as he felt that thick feline shaft spreading his tight entrance working its way inside of him.

"Oh! S..so big" he whimpered out cutely. Leo smirked and leaned down pressing his lips firmly against Alex's, drawing the boy into a kiss. As the two made out the lion worked his shaft into that hot rear, teasingly working every thick barbed inch inside of the rodent. Alex could feel the barbs rubbing against his inner walls sending a shiver along his spine.

The mouse's inner muscles wrapped around that thick cock, milking Leo for all the pleasure he could. Alex's body craved the lion's meat, the boy's own shaft dripping pre in response to the sensations he was being offered. Leo held the kiss enjoying the boy's moans vibrating against his lips. The lion moved a paw down to gently grip the mouse's shaft, drawing a gasp from his lips as Leo began to stroke the little mouse's member.

Whimpers were quickly filling the room as the little mouse rocked his hips against the lion's strong paw. His body was aching with pleasure and need, and the lion was only teasing his pleasure further. Leo could feel that slick pre soaking into his fingers encouraging him to continue stroking. The little mouse lost in a euphoric daze below him.

That thick lion meat was working eagerly into the mouse's tight backside. Alex's little body assaulted with pleasure as he felt the lions hips working eagerly against him. The lion's size buried into his entrance, as his walls squeezed and massaged that barbed length. A soft blush formed on the mouse's cheeks as he could feel the slick pre coating his insides helping ease the lion's thrusts inside of him.

The room was filled with moans, and the scent of their lustful passions was creating a sex fueled haze. Their two bodies intertwined in a passionate embrace as the lion drove himself deeper into the mouse. The sounds of their lewd display grew louder, and Alex whined as he felt the lion's hips smacking against his own. His body quivering under the strong lion's grip as he found himself struggling to control his needs.

The way that the lion was stroking him, and the feeling of that barbed meat grinding inside of his tailhole made the mouse shudder. He could feel himself already steadily approaching his climax. The petite thing squirmed under the lion as he whined and groaned out his pleasures. Leo smirking the whole while as he began to stroke the small mouse faster, rocking his hips harder against him picking up pace. He wanted to see the cute little mouse's face as he came.

Alex couldn't last any longer. With a cry of sheer pleasure, his toes curled and his spine arched up. The little mouse's body hitting it's peak as he began to spill his seed over the lion's fingers and his own chest, making a mess. Leo purred dominantly as he began to ram himself now into the mouse, helping him ride out his orgasm while building into his own.

"Get ready little mousey" Leo warned, "I..I'm g..gonna c..cum" he moaned out between heavy pants as he continued to rock his hips into the mouse's hot little ass.

Without any further warning the lion growled deeply as his hips slammed into the mouse's own. He buried every inch of himself into that hot little ass, and began to pump his thick sticky mess into Alex's tight rear. The femmy little thing whined out heatedly as he felt that sticky seed flooding his inner walls, and leaking out of his hot backside.

Leo kept himself buried inside of the mouse as he wrapped his arms around him, snuggling affectionately with Alex. The two were lost in the afterglow, and still in a bit of a drunken haze. It wasn't much longer before the two gently nodded off to sleep in each others arms, sleeping peacefully through the night.