Naughty Girls Get Spankings

Story by Am bi go us on SoFurry

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Night Two: Naughty girls get spankings

Jack slept until Alice came home staying in bed and contemplating the thought of his mother, he didn't really remember that much of his real mother, his earliest memory was that of a woman who he called Aunt Ruth, she was rather stern and cold with him which lead him to be transferred around, well after she died that was, it seemed that most of the people Jack met, died after a while of being with him. "I'm cursed" Jack sighed pretending to be asleep as Alice entered, again his heart began to hurt, like the night prior.

"I wonder will she come today?" Alice looked at the ceiling hopefully and smiled thinking lovingly of her mistress. "I can't believe it's already been one day, none of my friends believed me but when I showed them this" Alice pulled her pants and panties down exposing her pierced clit and the fang that served as a binding ring going through it. "AH I could barely sit through class, I almost came twice in gym" Alice blushed and lay back stripping herself in case her midnight mistress would want to play with her.

"Delusional" Jack growled and felt his body begin to ache. "Fuck!" He threw the covers off and rolled out onto the floor scaring Alice as she thought she was alone. "FUCKING GOD GET HELP!" Jack roared out as his form began to melt away, becoming slender and form, breast raised from his chest and his cock sank deep into his own body. "Damn, it" Jack writhed as his transformation was completed. "

Again I wake up on the floor THIS LIFESTYLE IS NOT BEFITTING OF ME!" Suria stood and dusted herself off looking over at Alice and shaking her head, she had bigger fish to fry. "I need to find father and tell him I am alive, oh how overjoyed he will be" Suria decided to ignore Issac's warning and leaping out the window shot off towards the entrance to the sewers her home sweet home. She pushed the door open moving the grate with her strength, this was a mere security measure to ensure no humans went wandering into the sewers, less a feeding frenzy ensue.

"Oh no Father will be sore about me leaving the door open, oh well he won't be too cross when he knows I am okay" Suria smiled, she was and has always been Father's favorite child, doted upon and given special treatment since the day she was turned into a vampire. Suria had been one of the few pure vampires in the family, she had chosen to become a creature of myth and speculation unlike her sisters and brothers who were either forced or saved by the same methods. Suria in her past life was miserable.

Suria continued down the sewers until she reached a split walking to the left and seeing two guards standing in the shadows watching her with their arms crossed. "You two" Suria turned standing proudly despite being bare naked. "Open that door and make it quick I want to speak to father" Suria flicked her hands as she spoke, a very bossy girl and annoying in her method of speaking.

"Fuck off princess no one gets in or out, Father's orders" A dark skinned rhino spoke back in a gruff voice, making a move to seem intimidating to Suria, but Suria would not flinch. "BEAT IT BEFORE I EAT YOU!" The Rhino roared and charged at Suria now hoping to scare her off, he was not authorized to actually hurt anyone but no one said that he couldn't have any fun, his large dark jacket fluttered behind him as he ran only accompanied by the thundering of his steel toed boots.

"I will give you one last chance to just open that door before I...." Suria sighed as she saw the lumbering brute charge getting on one knee she waited, timing herself until he was half way to her then springing up she bound over him clawing the ceiling and hanging until he passed under her, dropping down she kicked off his back hard sending the thundering Rhino into the opposite wall head first the impact shaking the room as a large crack ran up the wall to the ceiling. "Should have just obeyed weakling" Suria landed now facing a slimmer Dingo who only grinned at her.

"You got some moves kid, the name is Joey, and you will not get past this gate, alive at least" Joey laughed and vanished only leaving a blur of color where he once stood. Suria was taken aback she had not seen speed like this since she fought Father.

"I commend you for learning how to move fast enough to avoid detection by sight" Suria closed her eyes and growled a low shimmer of sound ringing out from her body. Her ears perked when she heard something and raising her claws to intercept the attack, a flash of sparks coming from the dingo's claws as they met. "But speed is nothing next to superior skill" Suria threw Joey away and braced herself for another attack crouching down and closing her eyes, putting her hands to the ground she began to purr, sending vibrations all through the ground and surrounding area

"Oh glad to see I meet your expectations princess" Joey snarled and raised his leg vanishing again and coming up behind Suria preparing to send her into the floor bringing his leg down at the same speed he was moving he heard a sickening crack that put a wide grin on his face. "So sorry princess" Joey went to walk away but something was wrong looking down Joey grew pale seeing Suria standing with the same smile on her face, in her left hand was his right leg.

"" Joey turned white falling backwards and grasping the wound screaming. "HOW DID A FUCKING PRINCESS LIKE YOU BEAT ME!?" He screamed in agony and rolled like a wounded dog would.

"Simple" Suria looked in disgust and threw the leg at it's owner. "I am superior, no matter what attack, what technique, what weapon or form you use I will beat you because I am just superior" Suria walked past the bleeding dingo and up to the door taking her claws and digging them into the frame, ripping it from the wall. "Learn that before you challenge me again lowly dog" Suria slammed the door down and walked into the hidden entrance to the vampire city.

"Home" Suria gazed upon the underground paradise, built in resistance to the legend that vampires were squalid creatures who lived in the wild and dwell in caves, Father turned some of the best engineers and architects in the world taking them down with him to build a sun light void utopia. Suria spread her arms out and basked in the glow of the neon lights letting out a sigh and jumping down from the balcony and landing gracefully on the streets below without so much as a glance from the passers by.

"The first thing I want is a drink" Suria dusted herself off and walked down the street, not a single person being bothered by her nudity. Young children walked in hand with their foster parents along the busy paved road looking at the stores and mentioning toys they'd like.

Suria said nothing and turned her head, she hated children like nothing else, they were annoying, needy, and deceitful, every vampire child had the same ability as their parents the same chance to overthrow and demolish, children were only children in appearance, a perfect example of this rule walked by a small vampire looking to be no older than seven holding the hand of an older man about fifty in years.

"Good morning Sir" Suria bowed in respect to the younger vampire, his name was Charles and he was nearly five hundred years her superior the fifty year old nodded and was tugged around by the younger.

Charles turned his head and yanked the older man along. "Come James pay her no mind" Charles walked on dragging the older vampire

"Have a nice day sir" Suria faked a smile, wondering why Charles wouldn't talk to her. "Children" Suria shook her head and turned left walking into a bar. "YO!" She shouted loudly, a regular at the bar. "Mace give me a black widow" Suria leaned back and sat in her favorite seat not noticing the glares she was receiving.

"Excuse me princess but that spot is reserved for a regular customer, and well you wouldn't want to be here if she found you in her spot. An average gray bat woman wearing a lace up bra and high heels, spoke as she wiped the glasses peering at the strange lioness in her bar acting like she knew the place.

"Yeah if anyone sat in my spot I would kill them, now give me a damn black widow, don't act strange Mace, I've had enough fucking people looking at me like I have a bomb on my face" Suria leaned back and then heard the footsteps of two bouncers. "Mace don't make a mistake, you're smarter than this" Suria growled and stood placing her hands on the bar.

"I don't know you princess, but if you think you can hold your own against my muscle then you are welcome to try, I love seeing the pretty girls bleed" Mace grinned as her muscle moved to do a pincer on her but it was too late, Suria pushed her hands up and flexed backwards kicking both of the bouncers in the chest, her feet dug in and pierced their chests impaling them and knocking them over. "Holy shit" Mace whistled only remembering one person to ever do that to her bouncers, both of the burly men standing up and rubbing their wounds as they healed up instantly recovering from the normally fatal wound

"So which will it be?" Suria grinned seeing the impressed face of Mace sitting back down and releasing her claws from the bar, picking up a single glass before the bar came crashing down around her, now just a series of stools and broken glass on the floor. "A black widow, or a black eye?" Suria grinned and followed Mace with her eyes as Mace took a pack of red liquid and poured it in, mixing it with some hard scotch.

"We thought you were dead girlie" Mace chuckled and brought out a table sitting with Suria and smiling. "Terrible news, well actually good news for your dad, he's been trying to convince the Family to wage a war on the humans for a while, you getting whacked was his ticket to the council's aye" Mace poured herself some scotch and put the bottle on the table.

"Father and his war, why doesn't he realize that waging war on the day walkers won't prove useful, they'll only come back ten times stronger and with a vengeance, the thing about day walkers is that they're useless unless they have a purpose, a purpose will drive them to kill their own, to eat their own a purpose brings the day walkers power he's asking for a war, a war that we can't win because of our weakness to the sun" Suria swirled her drink and sipped it.

"You're a hell of a lot smarter than your Father Suria, but you need to consider the hatred we all have for the light walkers, they are allowed to enjoy the sky, to see the birds and feel the glow of the sun, the best we can hope for is a rat and the gentle kiss of a neon bulb, this isn't any way to live but since the dawn of man day walkers have hated us, feared us and misunderstood our culture it's a clash of worlds not of races" Mace picked the bottle up and drank it down, letting it drip down the sides of her mouth, around her showing fangs and to her breast.

" Obviously both sides are stupid, it's up to us superior beings to lead the way, sad I used to look up to father" Suria smirked and leaned over licking the Scotch off Mace's breast and looking up to her. "I suppose his reign has come to an end then should I kill him?" Suria asked as Mace let out a soft moan and held her friend's head.

"I think you should do what makes you happy Suria, if you care about this race then lead us, but something tells me.. you have another priority" Mace ran her fingers through Suria's hair.

"What would that possibly be?" Suria asked with a soft purr until Mace yanked her up by her hair. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Suria snarled and Mace laughed.

"Your left fang is different, Suria you promised me your virgin tooth" Mace licked Suria's fang and sighed. "My little girl is finally growing up, how sad I missed it" Mace released Suria's hair and stood up. "You don't need me anymore Darling Girl, you're ready to go out on your own, away from your father and this prison he created for us" Mace picked up a bottle and threw it to Suria.

"Tch no different than the other adults in this place are you always having some alterier motive and a sensne of superiority" Suria caught the bottle and walked away. "Got some spare threads?" Suria opened the bottle, it was straight fermented blood. "This is forbiden" She smirked and turned her head. "I won't tell anyone" Suria capped the bottle and put her hands on her hips expecting an answer.

"Not anything you're used to" Mace answered and threw Suria a black leather suit to Suria from the backroom. "I think it fits the new you" Mace laughed and marked the suit off her inventory.

Suria didn't say thank you she just left, ducking into the alley behind the shop and changing into the black leather suit, it parted from her stomach to her breast showing the inside of her clevage, it came around her back and to her arms leaving her entire bare back exposed, it looked like a dominatrix suit. "Fucking ass" Suria cursed and shook her head, she did look good in it but it wasn't befitting a nobel like herself.

The next stop Suria had was her Father's mansion. The largest dwelling in the sewers. "A king deserves to live over his subjects eh Father?" Suria mused as she walked up her walkway, being greated by some rather unfriendly guards.

"We need to send the message to Grandfather that the light walkers are a threat to our society" A man sat in a velvet room a glass of black brandy in his hands. "If you stand with me my brother, I will be more than happy to give you as much support as you need in France" Father smiled and looked outside hearing the screams of his guards. "Take care of it" Father returned his attention to the European Father.

"I am getting sick of being attacked by my own guards!" Suria spat on one of the downed guards and then looked up hearing a familiar voice.

"OI!" A young horse walked down the way, his green hair blocking his eyes. "What did I tell ya girlie, just stay away, wherever ya found that wasn't here was a good place to be, but ya had to just come back.. You know naughty girls get spankings" Issac chuckled and then vanished using the same technique as Joey did.

"Cut the shit Issac this is my home, you're just a body guard!" Suria rushed at Issac sure she could take him but before she had been able to open her eyes again Issac had her up in the air suspended by her hair. "Fu-ck" She gasped out and winced in pain.

"Stupid child" Issac brought his foot up and kicked Suria hard between her legs punting her in the rear and the crotch. "STUPID LITTLE CHILD THIS IS BIGGER THAN YOU!" Issac held her and threw her into the air catching her by her neck, using his spare hand he slapped Suria's crotch hard taking two fingers and hooking them as he penetrated the leather suit. "Still such a sweet little girl, why waste your life grasping at power you can not obtain" Issac turned his head and pressed his thumb into her asshole. "NOW FLY!" Issac flung Suria into the sky and jumped up catching her breast and holding her between his legs. "DIE!" Issac plummeted to the ground bashing Suria's head into the cement floor. Suria fell limp, not dead but immobilized.

"Stupid child you can't stop a war that has been long coming, take pride in being the catalyst this will finally reform that broken thing we call a society and maybe even expand our reach to the heavens." Issac picked Suria up and made a mad sprint for the entrance depositing her with a low grunt outside the bridge with the same throw he used taking his sweet time rubbing inside her cunt and hole. "Such a fine material you are, Suria if you ever grow tired of feigning superiority you're welcome back as me slave" Issac chuckled and vanished once more, leaving Suria unconcious outside the bridge as the sun rose, the transformation reversing and leaving Jack sore and naked in the morning dew.