Chapter Nine: Everything Goes Boom!

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#9 of The Orphans Among Us

A/N: Yes the ********* indicates a curse word but consider it beeped out.


I was shocked that the fox had managed to get out of my circle and now I did not care that my left eye was beginning to swell. I was carefully watching the two furries interact. "Well that was impressive." I said aloud and the fox spared me a glance full of venom before he made to open the door. I made a gesture like the one you make when yanking on a string and the locking rune on the door came to life. The fox turned back to me and then looked at the door and back at me again. He sighed and shared a look with the wolf. A look of understanding briefly lit the wolf's face before the wolf shot something at me. I was to tired to bother with a barrier rune and it struck me in the middle and made its way towards my mouth. I suddenly felt very could and realized that I was encased in ice from my torso up. My head was free but in a few more seconds that would not matter. I managed to link to the coven. HELP ME!!!!!! I sent in panic and felt the members of the coven come running to my dorm room.

"Let us go or you will suffocate under the ice." growled the Fox. He pronounced each word carefully as if I would not understand. "I don't ride the short bus thank you." I spit out my temper flaring. That was the wrong move on my part. Before I could blink, the Fox was in front of me and he had his claws out. "I would hate to scar that pretty little face of yours." he hissed putting his claws just under my chin forcing me to look up at him or be impaled. "You'll be sorry" I muttered, "I doubt that" he retorted and took a step back. "Remove the rune from the door."No" as I spoke, I sensed the coven just behind the door and I let the rune fall silent.


"OK girls let round it up!" As I spoke each girl in the hall held a small bubble of their elemental power to their chest. I carefully set my bubble in the center of our group and one by one everyone added their bubble to the mix creating a big white floating sphere. Then I reached out with my senses to detect any type of magic on the other side of the door. I found a rune on the door and that the New Head Witch frozen in a block of ice. Then I felt the rune on the door give out and with a gesture, I made the door open then gathered myself and threw the orb of power inside.

"NOOO!!!!!!!!" I heard someone scream before the explosion. Our group was blown back against the wall and I groaned. *I guess I forgot that part of the plan * I thought to myself while my body merged with the brickwork. I coughed my chest burning from the impact. My back felt like it was on fire and my head felt like it crushed in. The stupid fire alarm was going off which only added to my pain.

The dorm room was a complete mess and nearly everything was in multiple pieces. There was a fox on the ground and the distinct smell of burnt fur. The fox stirred and growled loud as a wolf began to stir underneath him. The fox's ears where down and his sparkling canines made me gulp.

"YOU ********" By now several students were fearfully peeking out of their rooms and a few teachers had made it to the scene. The Fox stumbled a bit and the wolf leaned down to help him regain his balance. I took the opportunity to find the Head Witch while they were distracted. She was slumped against the wall out cold. I frowned disappointed that she had not evaded the blast.

Several teachers had entered the dorm room and the Fox and the Wolf roughly grabbed along with the stumbling Marissa. Well damn seems like I got them all in trouble. I thought and made to follow them down the hall but blocked by a teacher. I stepped back and turned around making my way to the upper staircase.

Wordlessly the coven followed me from behind as I led the way to my room. Once there I collapsed onto my bed and started thinking of a way to get our head witch out of trouble.



My head was spinning and all I could hear was the low growling from the Fox. When I screamed for help I didn't expect them to EXPLODE MY DORM ROOM! I was beyond furious I was pissed! If it were not for the teacher keeping a firm grip on my shoulders I would have gladly turned him into a toad and then went at it with the fox. Both furries had several people holding onto them and while the wolf remained calm, the fox was holding in barley-contained fury.

Because of the temper that he was in more teachers were holding onto him then the rest of the group combined.

"Would it ever occur to you that instead of marching us down the hall like prisoners that it would be a good idea to have a physician look us over?" I words dripped with sarcasm and I saw the fox smirk a little. Instead of the Teachers answering me he did.

"Well as a teacher it is always best to blame those that are different than you. I bet they know that you practice the craft." I nodded taking in that information. It honestly would not surprise if they knew however it wasn't like they would be able to stop me. They could make it more difficult but other than that, their actions were useless. "What of you wise old vixen?" I queried

"Oh that one is easy. If you have fur and your around something that went bad it's automatically your fault." I weighted that logic of that reply in my head while we walked ever closer to the headmaster's office. I decided that the furry had a valid point. A frown creased my face for a few seconds before I carefully schooled my expression into one of innocence.

Glancing over at the furries I saw that they were confused as to why we were being taken to see the headmaster. "When stuff goes boom bad things happen kiddies." I muttered sarcastically.

"I don't recall seeing an explosion" claimed the fox.

"Then why was everything destroyed?" cross-examined the teacher. The fox raised his eyebrow.

"Hmmm maybe because it was an illusion?" he challenged sounding like the one trying not to laugh.

_Smart fox _ I thought to myself. I sensed my coven had already magically fixed up my room so I decided to give them a non to subtle hint Amy you better have cast an illusion spell that made everything still look destroyed I sent via the Coven's mind link. I got a confused feeling from the other end but I also sensed the spell being prepared.

"Illusion?" "Yes it was nothing more than a glamor." Therefore, our fox has a way with words

The wolf was looking at his fellow furry with obvious confusion but then something seemed to click and he hastily straightened his face.

"Then remove the glamor and show us the place undamaged." Ordered the teacher behind the wolf and we were marched back the way we came. When we reached our destination, I grabbed for my magic while watching the fox.

He seemed to have quite a flare for the dramatic as he pretended to say some nonsense spell then gave me a covert look and with a wave of my hand the glamor was gone revealing my dorm room. It was completely normal; except for the few candles and a basket of eggs that had ribbons on them.

The teachers stomped down the hall and the fox sighed and leaned against the wall rubbing his head with his paws.

"You gonna be OK ?" I inquired watching him. He waved a paw at me idly in a shooing motion and turned towards the wolf whispering something to him. The wolf blushed a little but nodded his acceptance and started to head down the hall. The fox watched him leave the look on his face clearly stating that he would rather be following his friend. Then he turned his tired gaze to me, sighed before pushing off the wall, and as I stepped aside to let him enter he went into my room and plopped down on the edge of my bed.

"Since we got off on such a good start before lets try this again" he said "My name is Sukura. As you can see I'm a 9 tailed fox furry. I am 13 years old." He offered me his paw to shake and I took it in my hand feeling a little weird as the fur touched my skin. I gave it a quick shake then dropped his hand. I then glanced up at his face to see his eyes dancing with amusement. "Not used to fur?" he smirked and a smiled back at him.

"My name is Marissa. I am 14 and I'm human" I stuck out my tongue at the last part. He shook his head and then made to stand. "Well Marrissa it is nice to officially meet you." With that he walked out the door and closed it behind him. I heard his footsteps head down the hall and I stayed up for hours afterwards reliving the day.