Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 4

Story by GraveyardGreg on SoFurry

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#4 of Welcome Back to Cappuccinos!

Now Serving:

Patriarchal Interference

Venti steeled himself as he answered the door. "Hi, Dad," he said to the grizzled hyena standing in front of him.

"Put on a shirt, son. You're making me feel inadequate."

Venti's ear flattened at the criticism. I'm over thirty years old, outweigh him by a half ton, and bench press more weight with one arm than he can with both, thought Venti. So how does me feel like a midget around him? "Yessir."

"Good boy," his father said as he entered the apartment. "Is Art around?"

"No sir, he's at work."

"Too bad." His father then snapped his fingers. "Oh, I hope you don't mind, but I brought Ted along to keep me company."

As if on cue, Ted entered the room. "Hi, Reggie!"

Venti shook his head at the sight of his sibling. "Well, if it isn't my little brother." His eyes followed his father as the older hyena entered the bathroom, and once he heard the door close, he turned his eyes onto Ted. "You suggested you come along to keep Dad company, didn't you?"

Ted didn't even try to hide his grin as he nodded. "Yup!"

"And how soon before Otis shows up?" The two had been trying out a long distance relationship, but considering how often they saw each other, Venti wondered how it could be labeled as such.

Ted glanced at his cell phone. "About ten minutes."

Venti frowned. "Remind me to thump that secret-keeping otter."

Ted patted the jackal on the arm. "Don't be too mad at him. I just called him about ten minutes before we got here."

Venti walked into the bedroom to fetch a tank top to wear, Ted closely following. "It's still enough time to warn me of impending patriarch and little brother arrivals."

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?"

Venti put on the tank top, glowering down at Ted. "You know, you're not even related to me. So how is it you're so much like me?"

Ted shrugged. "Duh, big brother. You helped raise me so my evil nature is all your fault."

Venti rolled his eyes, a gesture he knew he'd be doing a lot, so long as family was visiting. "I'll get the extra blankets and pillows from the closet. I'm sure you two will be staying here."

"Thank you, son," said Venti's father. "That's very good of you. By the way, don't go into the bathroom for a while."

"I did _not_need to know that," Venti said.

His father shrugged casually. "Suit yourself, son."

"Actually, Reggie, I'm going to stay at Otis's place."

"Like Hell you are, son," his dad growled. "I don't know this Otis."

"Don't worry, Dad. I've known Otis for years. He won't do anything to sully what little dignity Ted has."

Ted stuck his tongue out at Venti. "Gee, thanks, Reggie. You're the best brother I never wanted."

"I don't care," his father said. "Until I meet this Otis and determine his intentions towards my flesh and blood, Ted is staying here."

"Don't I get a say in who's staying here?" asked Venti. "I mean, it's not like I don't pay the rent for this place."

"Fathers trump sons, Reginald. Always have, always will."

Venti rolled his eyes, hoping the constant gesture wouldn't give him eyestrain.

Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 5

Now Serving: Responsible Stress "Dad," Art said, hoping his father couldn't hear the waver in his voice, "I appreciate what you've done, but do you mind if I ask you a question?" Art's father folded his hands on the table. "Is it regarding my sudden...

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 3

Now Serving: The Lion's Share "Dad?" Art said as he saw the elder lion enter the coffee house. "What are you doing here?" Art's father gave him a bemused grin. He loomed over his smaller son as he approached the counter. "Is that any way to greet...

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 2

Now Serving: Webshow, Interrupted Venti's cellphone started vibrating, and a quick glance at the caller ID showed his adoptive father was trying to reach him. _Hey, I have an important phone call._ His fingers flew across the keyboard, praying...

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