Return of the Rat King Chapter 2

Story by lordgriffin on SoFurry

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Fan Fic from the 2012 Version of TMNT

The Story continued with Jason Falco gaining strength. Artwork was commissioned BY me and is posted with permission of the artist who can be located at

Return of the Rat king

Part 2

April's Conquest

With a sigh of satisfaction Jason Falco left the limp rat in the trap, and turned out the lights, drawing the curtain back across he smiled to April O'Neal "Come on April" he smiled "I want to get cleaned up and I am sure you have questions" The younger boy walked past her headed to a back room, pulling at his shirt as he walked.

April turned "Wait...where are you going, what about Master Splinter?"

Jason continued to walk, as he tossed his shirt on the floor, showing the smooth fair skin of his shoulders and back, despite being young he was filling out nicely muscled. "April...will you forget about the's a RAT, stop treating it like a PERSON."

April was forced to follow if she wanted to continue talking with Jason, when she walked into the next room, unlike the previous, it was clean, a polar bear rug, a large King sized bed, plasma TV, wood paneling, and Jason was tugging at his belt kicking off his shoes as he walked. April moved to the discarded shirt picking it up to fold it. Without turning Jason smiled as she cleaned up after him.

April folded the shirt and picked up the shoes, following the handsome young man "Wait what do you want with Splinter, and the turtles?"

Jason moved to his shower and turned on the water to warm as he smiled "The turtles nothing, as for Splinter, I need a lab rat to experiment on, once I plunder his mind for every bit of ninja knowledge it will take its place under my feet where it belongs, but you have my word neither he nor the turtles will be hurt. Jesus April you just watched me NAIL that rat under its that REALLY what you wanna call Sensei?" Jason hooked his thumbs into his waistband and shoved his breeches down stepping out of them, his back to April.

April blushed staring her eyes widening as Jason's smooth tight ass, she had never seen a boy naked before, let alone one so...incredibly handsome. The muscles of each cheek moved as he bent to check the water temperature. She continued to stare as she caught glimpses of his soft scrotum "W...what are you doing.

Smiling, Jason turned, giving April a full frontal view, his length was uncircumcised, and nicely think, and well endowed, he was obviously proud. "I'm taking a shower, I want to get cleaned up after touching a rat...Is something wrong April?" he smiled standing without any modesty at all.

April continued to stare, Jason's smooth chest was well muscled with a light sweat on his chest, in the male department he was well endowed, with a runners build and firm muscular legs.

Jason stepped into the warm running water and began to soap up "I'm the first guy you ever saw naked aren't I?"

April nodded dumbly, watching with his clothing hanging over her arm.

Jason lifted an arm and soaped up his side "Well April I may be younger then you, and this may surprise you, but I am no virgin" Jason let the warm water flow over him, standing in profile "Did you know Samurai and Ninja felt it was an art bringing pleasure to a woman, pillowing they called it..."

April was trying to catch her breath watching the boy bathe "No...I didn't....but what, are you trying to accomplish, why...take out Splinter and the turtles?"

Jason stepped from the shower, grabbing a towel "That's easy, First off we have a common enemy, the Krang, they will be stopped....second, I have no intention on being one of these moron lackeys, Shredder, Karai and I will run this City, not openly, but we will derive the benefits....You could share in that April.

April blinked "Me? How are you going to do this?"

Jason chuckled, stepping up to April to caress her cheek, enjoying how she closed her eyes "We will use the rat....Once he is my permanent slave, He will capture the Mayor, and the Police chief, We have discovered how to use the Mutagen with more control April. I have discovered. The Mayor and the Police Chief will be mutated into rat warriors I can control...and Splinter will train them."

April blinked "you can control the mutagen? That. much?"

Jason shrugged "Well we think so, that's why we need to test it, on the rat and the turtles, but as I promised they will not be harmed....I am sure we can reverse the Mutagen effects as well.

April immediately forgot about the naked boy "my father!'

Jason nodded "yes we will reverse the effect on your father..."

"And Splinter?" April asked.

Jason shook his head "With your help...I will take the last of his humanity, he will be a rat, my lab rat and pet, my slave. Do not tell me the idea does not excite you April...I will have him crawling around on my leash, that's why I had his cage built....

April began to protest when Jason reached up and slid his hand behind her neck gently and pulled. Their lips met and he felt her respond, muffling any protest. The kiss was warm and firm and she felt his body against hers.

Jason smiled as he felt the older girl slowly relax into the kiss, her arms slipping around his naked body, he let her hold the kiss and enjoyed the feel of her body, slipping his own arms around her to caress up and down her back and sides.

When she broke the kiss she was breathless...he could see her faltering but needed that push...over the edge "April, this is not some silly cartoon, where your side always wins....I need Splinter to breed an army of rat slaves with the real rats I modify, he can live a life of pleasure and servitude or he can be exterminated like a rat, I have you my word neither he nor the turtles will be harmed, and for most of the public they will not even know who is pulling the strings in the background, AND you can have your father back. We need him to research and he will have a FULL Facility, besides is there anything you can do tonight? April I promise I will prove to you that Splinter, is already finished...he cannot protect himself let alone anyone else...I just ask you to let me SHOW you."

April considered, her head was swimming she had never been in the arms of such a handsome boy before, and she liked the feel, no fighting, no threat, she looked back toward the room where the helpless splinter stood captive on the giant rat trap. Her life had been so much turmoil, her father gone, the boy made it sound so reasonable,

"So....what do you want from me...tonight?"

Jason smiled "It's not what I want, it's what I'd like to give..." he smiled gently as his erection began to harden in anticipation.

" want to..." she took a step back nervously.

Jason put his hands up "Not if you do not want to...but I just gave a hand job to a rat....." He reached up to trace her jawline gently, pleased to see her flush "I promise to care for you, am I wrong that you have, had a fantasy about this for some time?'

April blushed and slowly shook her head, her long ginger pony tail swaying.

Jason reached up and gently began sliding his hands under her yellow top, he felt her stiffen, even as he did, but she did not resist him. She blushed as he slid his hands gently up and felt her lift her arms as he pulled it over her head. Stepping back he considered yer young firm breasts, not yet wearing a Bra, he smiled "your...beautiful April.

April had always been treated as a tom boy; she had never had anyone, so...interested in her. She watched Jason slip back onto the bed in the room, and slip under the sheets, lifting the corner of the sheet so she could see his full naked body "Join me?" he smirked.

Swallowing hard, April felt her hands unbuttoning her jeans, and slipping off her shoes. She saw Jason's hungry eyes as he looked at her soft bare lips of her nether regions. She nervously moved to the Bed, and Jason backed to the far side holding the sheets open.

Her body was warm against his, and smooth as they embraced, his lips going to her soft nipple to suckle, his tongue tracing her areola, feeling her smooth leg as she tossed it over his flank, he felt her reach down and guide his erection to her soft sex.

She whispered into his ear "can, you really bring my father back?"

Jason nodded his hand sliding along the smooth young ass and he felt her hips press toward him, the smooth slippery warm walls of her sex clinging to his erection as his head slid up against her hymen. He paused "Are you sure you want to do this?"

A hungry look in her eyes April looked at the younger boy "Prove to me that...Splinter is no match for you, Promise not to harm him, and bring my father back...and I will do anything for you...."

Jason felt her hands reach around to grab his firm ass and pull, feeling her hymen rip as she sheathed him within her body. The Smooth firm walls of her sex squeezing around his erection. She was not Jason's first, and his years of studying with Shredder on pleasuring the female, the Japanese secrets to pillowing, he now used without mercy on April. Beneath the sheets the 2 of them wrestled as Jason played the girl's body like a harp, thrusting deeply into her unprotected sex, lunging firmly as he whispered to her "that's it April...concentrate...tighten your muscles within, as I withdraw.." he arched as he taught her, teaching her the same technique he would get her to use on the rat in the morning. He groaned and nuzzled her ear "Yesss like that...JUST like "he felt her relax and he thrust in firmly eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her as she climaxed.

But Jason was not done with her, he continued to thrust "That's it April, I can be all things to you, your Sensei, your lover, I can teach you things the rat never could, and I will know everything he did.

April felt his strong body against her and moved firmly against him, learning from him as he taught her how to pleasure a male, and he was so handsome, so warm, as their bodies became slippery with a pleasant sweat. Each time April would shudder in a female climax, he would back down, only to bring her once again to a pleasured climax. It was late into the night when, with a smile, Jason pressed close into April and felt the pleasant flush of his climax, releasing his seed into her body, Holding her there, allowing his balls to drain directly into her unprotected womb....

April lay in the pleasant warm afterglow, feeling Jason gently stroking her pony tail. He looked into her eyes, as a tear rolled down her cheek, "Are you ok"

April nodded with an embarrassed smile "More Ok then I ever been, I never knew..."

"shhhh" he put a finger to her lips "There is plenty more where that came from....."

April felt very confused, conflicted, but so...nicely warm "I...I'm so...tired.

Jason slide up behind her to spoon, feeling her virginity and their combined juices as he pressed his softened erecting against the cleft of her ass, spooning with her, his arm over her body to gently cup her breast, a thumb gently sliding around her nipple. She felt him place his smooth cheek against her shoulder, and she closed her eyes.

Jason waited an hour, listening to the girl's rhythmic measured breathing.

"April?" he whispered "April?" when he got no response. He slowly slipped out of bed, but not before giving her smooth bare ass a gentle caress.

Jason walked out stark naked into the room with the rat. He was away now, though weakened, and Karai was there, admiring splinter's naked body restrained to the rat trap.

Karai smirked looking at Jason "Looks like you and April got acquainted."

Jason smiled "Hello Karai, yes she will give me fine children; she will undoubtedly have found the monitor in my room that I keep focused on the dumb rat." He moved over to Splinter and reached out to cup the rat's furry balls with the familiarity of ownership, feeling their warmth, their weight, the soft fur.

Splinter lifted his chin, his neck secured to the dotted line by the neck strap "Do NOT touch me there" he growled.

Jason chuckled "Why don't you stop me Rat? You forget I can see in your mind" he smiled more...using a thumb to gently feel along the furry sac"

Splinter's eyes rolled back as he felt his body respond, his glistening fleshy shaft emerging "Ohhhh ...s...stop that...."

Jason smirked "Relax and enjoy it rat, soon you will not care if your copulating in front of an entire audience.

Splinter moved his hips gently in the trap as he was fingered, his length already dribbling pre down onto his own belly. "I must say rat, you sure are a filthy beast, your seed from your last encounter is still soaking into your fur" He heard Karai chuckle "What about Shredder...will he agree to my terms?"

Kari smiled darkly at her father "Oh to do this to Splinter, I am sure he will..."

Jason looked at her "How can you be so sure" still teasing the rat, sliding his other hand along the bare tail.

Karai smirked "you do not know the History, my father, that...RAT, fought Shredder over my mother. My Mother died, but I survived and Shredder raised me as his daughter." She watched as Splinter stared sightlessly grunting as his human master fondled him. "Shredder could not have my mother, but being as he isn't my BIOLOGIC father, I am sure he would enjoy, having her daughter just as much."

Jason chuckled teasing the rat without mercy. "What about Splinter here?"

Karai wrinkled her nose "I do NOT want a RAT for a father, and I have only known Shredder, and I love him as a father, and soon as a wife, and I like the just do your part and finish off the rat, if April is watching on the monitor, won't she hear?"

Jason smirked lifting Splinters chin to look into his eyes "No sound, only video"

Panting Splinter felt the young boy lift his muzzle, and stroke down the beard on his chin "Why...are you doing this?"

Jason nodded "Because you're a rat, I like genetic research, and you, my big rat, are going to be my slave, and I will be your master.

"I will never call you Mastah...OOH!" his eyes bulged as Jason made deeper contact with his mind while the warm hand gently played along his furry sheath.

"I am told you always tell the truth Splinter, and of course I can see really HAS been a long time hasn't it, your one PENT up like this don't you....the truth" Jason smiled.

Splinters eyes were open wide breathing heavily as he slowly nodded "y...yes...w...what have you done to me...."

Jason continued to feel the firm muscles and soft fur of the rat openly, using his fingers to lewdly pull down at the furry sheath and expose the tapered fleshy length as it hardened "Good boy Splinter, as to what I did, I am not as crude as my father, there is more than just seizing yer mind, the Rat DNA you have has instincts...desires...manipulating that and a few Pheromones." He pointed to the Mutated female giant rat "that's your new mate Splinter...

Splinter shook his head " I will not...I will..." his eyes opened wide as he felt the boy's hand grope him gently "Ahhhhh!"

Jason reached over picking up a leather animal muzzle "Tomorrow you will kneel passively as I put this on you."

Splinter shook his head "N...never..."

Jason smiled "April already pleasured you once, without that, I would never have been able to bring you this far....tomorrow she will mount with you, and for all intense and purposes you will be my slave, it will only take one last time to make it permanent...Oh yes Splinter you will mate her, and you will not care if you have a whole audience.

Splinter groaned unable to keep his hips from bucking as the human continued to tease his neither regions without mercy. Writing "Ohhhh....please.....stop....I cannot meditate, maddening....

Jason moved close "I will stop....when you call me master, and obey me...crawl to my feet.

Splinter closed his eyes "N...ever...OHH!" his eyes flew open as he felt Jason's mind touch him, the new link stronger, driving his pleasure center.

"Had enough Splinter? How does the area under your tail feel?" Jason chuckled as he continued...the rat's scrotum soft in his hand as he gently let them slip thru his fingers.

Splinter held his breath, his body arching off the board he was strapped to...he tried not to think about it, but every time the lad's mind was there to focus him on his frustration " stop" then realization dawned on him, the stretched burning feeling from behind " used me?" his eyes wide unbelieving.

"Jason continued, teasing up and down the rat shaft with a finder "What was that Rat? I didn't hear you."

Splinter raised his voice "Y...Yes Mastah!...please...Stop" he said in his stentorious voice, forgetting the other part in his lust.

Jason smiled back to Karai who stood in the shadows watching with a large smile. Jason stepped back, touching a release, Splinter fell forward from the Board on all 4's "Ahhh now that's a rat's place...Now keep your end of the bargain...crawl to me Splinter. You may as well get used to it, you're going to be DOING it...a LOT.

Crouched naked, his soft brown fur glistening Splinter tries to fight " will...not crawl to an...animal..."

Jason laughed "You still think you can fight me....let me show you exactly how helpless you are....You're very hungry and thirsty"

Still crouched Splinter looked up in surprise, his eyes flashing red for a moment "Yes....please...f...feed me"

Jason leaned back "what was that?

Splinter's eyes rolled "P...please FEED me...Mastah"

Jason didn't move, but glanced up at the camera, the red light was on April was watching, from her point of view Jason was doing nothing, the ninja master could attack... "I won't feed you or give you drink unless you crawl to my feet like an animal....

Splinter's eyes darted, he wanted to resist but he was so dry, so hungry, his tail twitched and he scampered to the lad's feet.

Jason chuckled 'That's a good boy' he patted his lower belly standing before the large rat. "UP boy"

Splinter looked up and moved to his knees putting him right on a level with the boys groin, staring at the bare naked human cock, watching the glistening fleshy organ beginning to stiffen as the lad enjoined treating splinter like an animal. Splinter could smell the scent of female on his cock.

"Now say it, say I can touch you anywhere, anytime I want" Jason folded his arms over his chest

As the large rat knelt before him Jason considered the rats facial marking, the black spot on the back of his neck, the soft pink nose wiggling as he breathed, the large white ears, the bucked front teeth "No..please..."

"Say it" Jason says softly.

"You may...touch me, any way...anywhere...any time you wish...Mastah" he said his eyes glazing more.

Jason reached out to grip the soft white rat ears like handlebars pulling Splinter gently by ears toward his cock, still coated with April's fluids and virgin blood and his own seed. Jason said simply 'nurse rat....' looking down his nose and chest at the top of Splinter's head.

Splinter felt the warm hands his head guided forward, but he was so THIRSTY, so HUNGRY, he said simply " are...a monster' but his eyes were fixated on the firm male erection and splinter opened his muzzle and took the length into his mouth, once he tasted the salty sweet, the rat part of him took over and he began to suckle hungrily making soft suckled and mummphs mm mummups' sounds as Jason pulled his pink nose into his groin.

Karai stayed out of the camera angle as she chuckled "mean he's REALLY going at you.

Jason nodded gripping the ears firmly but not painfully as he began to face fuck the rat "have you any idea how long I have waited to make him DO this?" talking as if Splinter was not in the room as the warm slippery map suckled Jason clean, the velvety tongue licking along it, his soft pink nose wrinkling against Jason's firm belly each time Jason dragged the rat into his crotch

Splinter was not even listening to them, his whole mind focused on suckling as if getting water from a rodent water bottle.

Jason relaxed, taking his time, enjoying the feeling of the soft ears, the mouth on his now clean cock "Get used to it rat, after tomorrow you're going to be doing that a LOT more" he gently squeezed the ears causing Splinter to glance up into Jason's eyes "you're going to be an animal and my pet, you will serve us as an animal till the day you die, at which point you will be stuffed and mounted in Shredder's trophy room. Feeling the rat suckle and nurse Jason let his orgasm wash over, pulsing thick roped of pearl white Semen into the rat's maw.

Splinter felt the pleasure of satisfaction fed directly into his brain by Jason, his thirst and hunger quenched at the same time as he swallowed greedily. Once the organ in his mouth finally stopped pulsing, shredder sat back on his haunches panting, a half vacant look in his mind, the rat's length was fully hard out of its sheath. "Master...I need to...may I" his paw going by his erect cock.

Jason smiled smugly again "Perfect his own body is not even his, are not allowed to touch yourself...I want you needful for April tomorrow morning when we finish you up on your trap rat.

From her bed April sat shaken, still naked as she watched Splinter, tail between his legs, scamper back to the trap...standing up Splinter licked his own ankles into the shackles, Then slipped the neck strap over his own head, next his upper arms and finally his wrists, locking him back to the Giant rat trap.

In the room Jason moved over to the Cage with Splinter's name on it, a leather muzzle and a collar and leash with splinter's name on it, He regarded Splinter, now bound again, close his eyes trying to get his mind off his own arousal and Jason smiled "good boy Splinter...tomorrow" and turned off the light leaving the rat alone in the dark, Splinter mumbling "you can touch me...anywhere, any wish... you may..."