Mist and Shadow (chapter 4)

Story by SoulCharms on SoFurry

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#2 of Mist and Shadow

Another chapter, since this seems to have been the more popular of my uploads. Feel free to comment, correct my grammar and horrid spelling, and just leave your thought in general~

When we got back to our room, Misty sat down on the bed and pulled her knees up to her chest. I looked at her with a bit of a pained look before sitting next to her. She was opening the letter, and keeping it mostly in the shadow of her knees. I looked over at her and leaned over to kiss her cheek, whispering into her ear, despite the fact that no one could hear us anyway. "Can you read it to me? I'm curious what Fox has to say."

She looked back over at me as her paws unfolded the paper, her ears folding back against her head. I knew she likely didn't want to, but I also knew that she would because I asked. She nodded slowly and let her knees down a bit, letting the fading light of the sun shine onto the letter. It wasn't as long as I thought it would be. A lot of the letters Misty got were pages long.

Misty pecked my cheek and looked back down at the letter, starting to read quietly to me.

"Dear Misty. I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written. Things are hectic currently. John has been causing more trouble, enough to keep me on my toes. He keeps turning children all over the world. Well, not really. Mostly just the U.S. and the U.K. Though he also made his way to Canada recently. He only ever turns one kid at a time, though. Maybe two, if they're siblings. Which I am glad for, at least. You know as well as anyone that siblings need to stay together.

And on that note, I have a favor to ask you. I am sending over a new kid soon. He is a special case. I found him up in Oregon, around the place where I found you two. He's not on the list, and he's near the right age.. I would like you and your sister to watch over him. He's a wolf, and small for his age. Witch only adds to my suspicions. It would be so much easier if I was informed about naturals. And I almost feel like I should send them to Simon, rather than the school. But he's much too occupied currently with the last kid I sent to him. She's a special one too. Though not in the same way. She'll turn into something great, I know she will. But that is getting off the subject.

You'll know him when he comes. He will likely stand out. And I don't want him getting in trouble with the guards. Because of this I am.." Misty trailed off them, her ears folding back again from the happy perk she got when she started reading. She loved knowing what was going on in the world. And she loved hearing from him.

I could tell from her face, though, that she wasn't going to continue reading. I could see there was more, but I didn't want to pursue the subject. She scooted to the edge of the bed and the wall so I couldn't see anymore. I watched her for a long while, her eyes moving across the page. I smiled a bit when her mood seemed to calm, her ears perking back up. She relaxed then, and even started smiling. I wanted so much to know what it said, but I had a feeling that now what she was reading was just for her. I brushed my paw against hers before rolling off the bed and standing, looking around a bit.

There wasn't much to do now, at least for a while. Since it was growing dark I knew the mandatory lights out was coming soon. About an hour after that, though, they were opening almost a nightclub. Well, it really isn't a nightclub. Just the dimly lit after dark time in the recreation room. But over the years we've turned it into something more interesting. A cat named Alexander decided to set it up. Since most of the people were had different sleep schedules than humans, this was the compromise. Which was good, because forcing a bunch of nocturnal furs to be awake when the humans wanted was a recipe for disaster. It eventually turned into a music and strobe light room. At least for an hour or two. If no one complained though, sometimes it went on till it was time to wake. Since most of the people here were teens, with Alexander being one of the eldest at nineteen, this wasn't a surprise to anyone.

Misty got up, then, and crawled over to the edge of the bed. I didn't see the letter anymore, so I assumed she put it with the rest of them. She kept them in the hollowed out bit of bed frame, rolled up. I've known where they were for basically forever. And used to read them. I quickly realized though that most of the letters were written for her, and just her. So I stopped, for her sake. Everything I did or didn't do was for her sake. She tried to keep a strong face around humans, but with me and most of the furs, she didn't bother. She grew distant a lot, seemed to get lost in everything. It used to terrify me when she got like that. And sometimes it went on for near a day at a time. It rarely lasted that long anymore, though. And I could protect her now. And despite what people said, she was worth it.. Anyone who met her knew that. But, that's getting off topic.

I wrapped my arm around Misty as she laid her head on my shoulder. She seemed to be in a good mood, which I was happy about. I smiled at her and flicked my tail against her own. She giggled and flicked her tail back at mine, her eyes seeming to spark up with life. I growled playfully at her and turned to look into her eyes, smirking. To which she rolled her eyes at me and places her paw on my nose, smiling. "Don't growl at me in that tone of voice." She giggled.

I raised an eyebrow at her, my tail flicking slowly.

"I can growl in whatever tone I do fancy. And.. There's nothing you can do about it." I smirked back at her.

She pounced then, pinning me down against the bed by sitting on my belly, her paws holding my own down. I blinked in surprise before starting to laugh. It was rare to see her do anything like that, no matter her mood.

"No you cant. Because I caught you. That means you're mine, and I can do whatever I want with my stuff." She smiled, leaning down close to me.

I was about to reply with a playful and defiant response, but suddenly there was a knock on the door. We both paused and were perfectly still for a long moment before looking in the direction of the door. We hadn't bothered to close it when we came back, and there was a soldier standing in the doorway, his hand on the frame and his cheeks red. He looked so uncomfortable we both had to resist giggling. He just stared at us for a few more moments before coughing.

"Uh.. You two have been requested by the supervisor."

We both just kept looking at him blankly, Misty still poised above me in a very suggestive manor. This made even more amusing when he seemed to realize that we were both near naked. He eventually got the hint that he ether needed to keep talking or leave.

"S-something about a training incident. Or something.. He wants both of you. Right now." He said, looking even more uncomfortable the longer he stood there. Misty nodded slowly, her eyes flashing darkly. The soldier then backed out slowly before turning and quickly walking away.

Misty's tail was flicking in a very irritated manor. Which was very unlike her, but she sighed.

"I suppose we will have to wait for this, then. Won't we." She said quietly before getting off of me. I sat up to and looked over at her in a curious manor. Something was up with her, but I didn't feel like I could get an answer right now. More so since we were just called to be punished for something that was clearly my fault.

"Let's be quick, then. Mister Litch isn't generally happy if we're late." I said softly. I felt like our roles were suddenly switched. And wondered if this was how Misty felt while dealing with me all the time. She stood slowly and walked out, her tail wrapping around my paw and pulling me after her. I followed quickly, with likely a very confused look on my face. I just shook my head though and kept following after her, wondering what the punishment was going to be this time.

Mist and Shadow (chapter 5)

"You have got to be flippin kidding me." I stared blankly at mister Litch. He looked somewhere around how I did, I think. Irritated, mad, wanting to strangle someone. Though I think he was feeling that directed towards me. "Cant you just, like.....

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Cinders and Shadows (Chapter Six)

Chapter six It felt good to take a shower, I hadn't had one since the orphanage. But as good as it felt, I was shocked by the amount of dirt that washed out of my hair. For the first few minutes the water running down my body was almost black. I...

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Foxie scribbles (Not but a memory)

Well, I have a habit of writing little things from time to time when an idea finds it's way into my mind. I like to toy with it till I make something that I fancy is decent, at least a little. And that is going to be here~ Starting with song lyrics.....

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