Arcerus: Blissful Kiss

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#7 of General

RAPID HEARTBEATS This is to introduce Arcerus, a go-to "Big-daddy" who just wants to get me off as best he can.

Arcerus: Blissful Kiss

I found him on the nationwide 'guy finder' type apps that I'm sure a great deal of the population has by now. Looking at his profile picture I could see bovine and ursine features, so I was immediately interested. I logged him as a favorite, dropped him a hello.

Shortly after I got a response. He didn't live far, and he was behind on his schedule for jizz-intake. Ten minutes away? I made it in just over seven.

I knocked in code on his door, three times, then once.

"Come in" he said. His voice carried, and was deep. I liked the way he sounded.

I twisted the knob and walked in, and I found him immediately. He turned to look at me, and he smiled. Right off the bat I could see he had on no shirt. But he stood up and my heart skipped as this...beefy monster was completely nude. I could see it all. And as I looked (while he made his way over), I found I liked what I saw more and more.

He was a hybrid as I surmised, with short tan hair over a developed set of muscles. He had great, dense pecs that sat above the hottest muscle gut I've ever seen, and under that was a sausage like you wouldn't believe. It was definitely fat, angling under his gut as it tried to meekly hide his awesome balls. They were a bit darker than the rest of his body with a great bit of slack, and swung freely as his great legs carried him to me. As he approached his face warmed up and he stretched out his arms as he hugged me. I returned it, loving the feeling of not being able to connect my hands around behind.

We stood there, gently assuring each other of our comfort wordlessly as his big hands rubbed my back and scritched the scruff of my neck. And we went further than that, as he hugged me tighter. I chuckled and he rubbed my back some more.

"Who's a good boy?" he asked me softly, and I nuzzled his chest.

"Me, surely" I said, and he looked me square in the eyes. They were almost his shade of tan, with rounded squares for pupils.

"Arcerus" he said, as he introduced himself.

"Knuckle" I responded. He pressed his bear nose to mine and giggled.

"WOW you're a handsome guy!" he said, and I burst into laughter.

"No, YOU take the cake there.." I said with another short laugh, and he buried his tongue in my muzzle. No, further... He licked all around the inside of my mouth as his hands moved to slowly undress me; only breaking as he lifted my arms overhead to remove my thermal sweater. As soon as it cleared and my ears fluttered free, his tongue met mine once again. His hands were at my belt, sliding the end through the tension bar before he undid the button with a snap of his fingers, first time go. I was impressed. He flicked the zipper tab out and down, and smoothly dropped them to crumple around my ankles as his tongue made magic in my mouth, carrying me to a soft plane where only this studly monster and I would exist. My eyes were half-closed; each breath I took were only huffs of his musk that flooded the room and I was drunk on that manly scent.

After a little more of that eternal and blissful kiss, one of his hands traveled south to my shorts. He rubbed around, playing with the fabric until one hand found my nuts, churning and low from the heat of our play. He cupped them softly through the fabric and I jumped in his embrace.

"I see why you wear these.. In case of a lucky break, you like them to be used on you." he said with a light squeeze and tug of my wolfsac. At this point, his fingers were making me melt a little at a time, and his bullbear tongue made me burn up on the inside. Not long after, his fingers met my at-capacity shaft and took slow strokes with the aid of my shorts. A little pre oozed through the front and he took some on his thumb and tasted it. He passed it back and forth between us, sharing my spicy flavor as his hand went back to working my equipment in a way that made me swoon. I lifted a leg to give a little more access, and his hand went up one leg to meet my nuts in genuine. He went right to where my sac started and tickled around. I responded with a yelp and he held me closer, chuckling into my mouth as he finally let our lips part. I stood there, the present unapparent to me as I watched him take a step back, then away as he rounded a corner with a smug grin, his eyes locked to mine.

~I slapped the fuck out of myself and followed.