At The Vet's

Story by benjamin33 on SoFurry

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Poor Tyler, kidnapped, sold, and now he's about to lose those little pup nuggets between his legs... And if his master has his way, a whole lot more might happen to help erase those silly ideas of him being a real male ever again.

Written with my awesome co-writer BoingGoat

Alfred grumbled softly to himself as he thought about what was about to happen today. The doctor had already been instructed not to ruin the surprise he had waiting for his dog. The big bruin looked down at the teenage boy sitting next on the floor in front of him. He could already see the dog was fighting back a snarl, and the bear sighed softly to himself. He'd tried everything with the boy. He'd tried spoiling him, beating him, and locking up his cock so he'd have to earn his orgasms, but nothing worked. The teenager still had so much spunk in him. Thankfully, he wouldn't have that spunk for much longer.

Alfred rolled his eyes as he thought about how bad this dog had been. The great dane still thought of himself as something more than just a dog, he wouldn't accept his fate as something to serve his Owner. He'd lost those rights when his father had signed on that dotted line. He became property that day, and now the fat pup belonged to the bear, and he always would whether he liked it or not. Hopefully today would bring that dog into line, and make him realize he had one purpose in life now; to serve Alfred's dick.

The receptionist was a very prim beaver, she smiled at the bear in the waiting room. "They're ready for you now Albert and Tyler. Just down the hall," she motioned, indicating a corridor on her left. It led to an open door through which the doctor, a lanky, shaggy goat, waited.

The bear looked up from the naked teenager at his feet as when he heard his name and Tyler's called. He stood up and yanked on the leash, dragging the boy along with him as they passed the beaver girl. They met the goat and Alfred greeted him with a smile.

"Ah, come on in, Albert and...Tyler," he said with a smile, glancing down to consult a clipboard. "We can get started right away if you're ready. Please help your pet onto the table, and we'll get him comfortably secured. If you need any assistance, my nurse is at your disposal," he said, motioning to a pleasingly plump, and rather buxom beaver female in a nurse's outfit that was at least a size too small for her. Her chubby cheeks dimpled as she smiled and waved with a chubby hand, her generous breasts rocking under her tight white top.

Alfred licked his lips as he looked at that cute beaver girl, when he'd been looking for a pet in the first place he'd wanted a female just like her, but sadly women cost ten times more than a boy, like the one crawling beside him. They were always rare to find, and quickly snatched up. The bear looked at the goat in front of him, "Ahh, doctor Boing, so nice to see you again." The bear said as he shook the doctor's hand. "I hope you've been well since you helped me with this scamps first checkup a few months ago." The bear said with a toothy grin, still remembering the long conversation they'd had about the benefits of neutering one's pets, and part of him wished he'd taken up on that offer months ago, it might have saved him a lot of time.

The goat smiled and shook the bear's hand pleasantly. "I've been well. Business has been brisk." He said before he grabbed the dog's chart and gave it a glance as they got the dog ready.

Alfred reached under his dog, and lifted him up onto the table, helping him onto his back, and sliding the boy's ankles into the stirrups. He took a step back and watched as the cute women before him began locking his pet into place, making sure he was tightly secured. Alfred watched as she leaned over the boy to tighten his arms in the shackles next to the boy's head. A bright blush growing across the great dane's face as her large breasts swung right over his face. The bear's eyes slid down the beaver's backside, noticing the slightest bit of a some rather naughty panties poking out from the beaver woman's waistline. He held back a rumble in his chest, but his pet didn't have the luxury of controlling himself. The bear moved his eyes to the boy's crotch, his wood was already standing straight up and pulsing as he inhaled the woman's sweat scent.

Hopefully he enjoys it, because it'll be the last time he likes that scent quite so much. Alfred thought happily to himself.

The goat follows Alfred's eyes to the comely, soft-bellied female. Her tight skirt clung to her thighs snugly, and constantly rode up as she walked around. It stretched taut across her wide, plush rump as she bent over the suddenly very cooperative canine, locking his wrists, ankles and knees in place on the table, getting his thick thighs well apart. She glances at his rising bone and giggled quietly, giving him a smile and rubbing his fat, soft belly when she gets him all locked up. "So, how would you like to proceed?" the goat asked, looking towards Alfred again.

"Well, first, I think we should tell Tyler, why he's actually here." The bear said with a grin as he turned towards the bound up boy on the table. "Well boy, I gave you a chance, I did everything I could to keep you in line, but I've decided to go with my last option." The bear strolled over to the boy and grabbed his white pouch between those thick thighs, and squeezed. "We're going to get rid of the root of your bad behavior, and by taking away these balls that make you think you'll be a real man one day. This way you'll know just what you are," he paused as he gave the boy's balls a squeeze to make his point, "a bitch."

The young dog's eyes widened with terror. He went to open his mouth to say something, but he winced a bit as he thought about the shock collar around his neck that kept him from speaking. Tears began to well in the corners of his eyes as he looked down at the pole throbbing between his legs, his balls backed up with weeks and weeks worth of cum. Balls that would soon be in a jar on his master's mantel. "Aww what's the matter pup? Wanna cum one last time before we fix you up?" Alfred asked.

The dog nodded, knowing there was nothing he could do at this point. The bear looked at the doctor, "Hmm what would be better, doc? Should we keep him pent up or give him a chance to release his balls before they're gone for good?"

The lean goat smiled wickedly. "Well, that's entirely up to you, my good sir! Some feel that their pets should get to "say goodbye" to their hopes of manhood, others feel that letting them enjoy their genitals only encourages them. Some feel getting that release helps them mellow out faster, others think that pets shouldn't be given pleasures they haven't earned. Some masters like their eunuchs to lose their virginity to a lady, before they lose their manhood," he said, sliding over to the plump, coquettishly grinning nurse.

"Some think it's better to have their pet watch their masters enjoying that pleasure, and reflect that they'll never have it. Whatever you decide," He leered and reached around the beaver's chest, and YANKED her top open! "Beverly here can make it happen." The beaver blushed and gasped as her big breasts were exposed, and she tittered as they bounced around, loose and heavy.

The bear growled softly as he watched that lady's breasts pop out right before his eyes, and just like that, his dick made his decision for. He walked forward, his paws reached out to cup the beaver girl's large breasts in his paws, squeezing softly as his thumb rubbed over her soft pink nipples. "Mmm maybe if he'd been a better dog I would have let him fuck her before his nuts ended up in a jar, but I think it'd like to show him just what he's going to miss once we fix him up." The bear says with a toothy grin, before he leaned in and whispered into Beverly's ear, just loud enough for the doctor to hear, but soft enough for the dog to miss it. "Oh, and I want you to make sure the boy is on the edge as the doctor snips him. I want him to always remember he came so close to cumming from a beautiful women like yourself before he lost his nuts. I know he'll think about it at night as I'm ramming my dick under his tail, just like I'm about to do to that little beaver between your legs." His hand wandered down to the silk panties between the girl's legs and started to rub at the soft plump groin there.

The plush beaver moaned as Alfred grabbed her breasts, her chubby cheeks blushing cutely, and she bit her lip and squeezed her thick thighs together around the bear's hand when he groped her groin. She put her supple hands on his chest and belly, rubbing over his chest and caressing his big furry gut while the master's pet watches in lust, fear and sexual frustration! She looked up at Alfred, and kissed him softly on the lips, whispering back "Yes, sir," as she let her tongue slip into the bear's muzzle... and her hands slide down to play with your manhood.

Alfred growled, sliding his fingers across the silk panties that covered the beaver's soft slot. The bear, slid his paws up to those supple hips and, following the goat's example, he yanked the girl's shorts down, leaving her bare for his trapped pet to see. He helped guide her over to the boy, and he grabbed a near by stool and helped her step up onto it so she could lean over the boy as he took her and the doctor did his work.

The goat grinned as he watched, and he pulled his white coat open, revealing himself to be in only fur under it as well! He stroked his rapidly rising staff as Alfred worked over his fat nurse, and the goat's huge balls churned as he took it all in. He loved his job. "Mmm...So, let's settle out the details, before we get going...Did you want his just his nuts taken, or the sac as well? Is your boy losing his prick also today, or keeping it?" the doctor asked as he stepped closer to the table, his lean fingers fondling the fat dog's chubby thighs, and played with his pale plums!

The bear started to slowly slide his paw along the beaver girl's supple rump, squeezing it as he looks over to the doctor who's dick is starting to rise to the occasion. "Good question..." The bear said with a growl as he reached down, unzipped his pants, and let his stiff dick slide between the girls thighs. She was at the perfect hight now, he could just slowly rock his hips back and forth, and let his cock tease those sensitive lips between her legs as his pup whined and squirmed. "I did want a girl in the first place..." The bear said with a grin, "I think I want a slot between the boy's legs."

The boy let out a horrified whine as he heard his master's plans for him, his heart pounded in his chest, kicking himself for not just listening to the bear in the first place... But if he could do this to him, what else could he do? Would he soon have a pair of fake silicone tits, and be forced to act like a girl for the rest of his life? The thought made him shiver. He looked down at the bone he'd called his best friend before he ended up in the bear's clutches, he mouthed a silent good bye, knowing he'd soon have a slot where his manhood once proudly stood.

"Oh and before I forget..." The bear said as he leaned forward to nibble along the beaver girls neck, and making sure her tail was flat against his chest so he'd have no trouble mounting her when the time came. "Feel free to pound his hole while you work. Once he's healed up, both of his holes are going to start getting a major work out when I start taking him... well, her, to work with me, and then let the boy's in accounting get their paws on him. Those poor chubby nerds never seem to get any pussy, I might as well give them something that's at least close."

The goat lewdly licked his lips, and leered. "Well boy, looks like you're getting cut out of the manhood club," he said with a snicker, and lightly stroked his fingers along the fat teen's throbbing prick. He reached over and picked up a selection of steel cutters, ranging from small snippers to big heavy cutters, and sizes them against the fat boy's erection!

"I think you've made a good decision...cocks are for men who fuck pussies! Slaves don't need them...and this one will never get to use his, ever." He snickered and started to fondle the boy's balls, making the chubby slave ooze pre against his will. The goat stroked himself as he watched Alfred having his way with the fat beaver girl, her legs stepping apart as the bear stroked his shaft across her pussy! "Look, boy...your master and myself will both be fucking that fat pussy. Albert, why don't you bring her a little closer, let your future cuntboy watch you have your fun?"

The fat teen whimpered again as the goat's voice rings through his ears, he can look down and he can see the tools laid out on the tray, wondering which one would turn him from a man into a cunt boy... His dick pulsed as the goat played with his pent up orbs, he kicked himself for being so bad now. He just hoped they'd let him cum before all this was over, but sadly he didn't know they had other plans.

"A wonderful idea, doc. I think he'll get a big kick out of it." The bear kissed his way up the beaver's neck, nibbling on her stubby ear before he whispered "Don't forget what I told you sweetheart. Don't let him forget this." And with that the bear helped guide the beaver girl up.

The fat beaver climbed forward onto the table, pausing for a moment to lean over the young boy, and whispered hotly. "Poor thing," she teased, caressing his soft belly, "you're really cute..I would've let you cum in me." She kissed him softly on the lips before the bear pulled her face away, and steered her around to have her hips above the boy's head, her bare, plump slot staring down at him. The position making the boy inhale every ounce of her sweet scent. She wiggled her chubby ass as Alfred get into place behind her, the fat girl yielding to his urge to fill her belly!

The dog humped into the air, his dick begging for release as he smelled her. He whined, and watched as Alfred's dick came into view, sliding across the woman's slot, as those brown balls dangled above his face. They were almost a cruel reminder of who the only man of the house would be once they leave today. Alfred growled giving that girls ass a playful slap, before he adjusted his dick, and let his thick ursine member start to slowly slide into the warm tunnel before him, as his dog was forced to watch as every inch slid into her and those fat brown balls churned with lust.

Meanwhile, the goat had slid up between the boy's legs. She leaned forward, resting her muzzle on the boy's crotch, letting her cheek tease that jutting erection. She saw the goat step between the boy's legs, his cock standing tall and proud. She opened wide and the goat slid right in, his fat and heavy balls tapping against her chin.

"Mmff..oh yeah. Suck me you fat girl," the doctor snorted, and grasped the fat boy's balls firmly, pulling them down as he picked a large tool off of his instrument tray! He pointed it at those plump, full young cummers...and the young dog felt a sudden rush of COLD as his crotch was covered in shaving cream.

The beaver's words just excited the boy more, what he wouldn't have given to feel his dick slide up into her cunt just once. To feel what a women felt like... he whimpered as he realized he would soon be feeling what a women felt like... it'd just be from her perspective. He heard the goat give his command, and then he felt her cheek start to rub against his shaft. It was the first time in months he'd felt something touch his dick, and it was making him whine and squirm even worse as the doctor snatched his nuts up on his boney paw.

Meanwhile Alfred was having the time of his life. He let out a soft groan as his hands ran along that fat woman's back, his cock slowly sliding in and out of her soft folds, making sure his soon to be former boy got a nice view of the cock that had been fucking him for months as it fucked the pussy he would never get to enter. It made the bear growl, his chest rumbling, as he leaned over her so he could get a nice view of the doctor as he worked, watching as the girl's well trained muzzle made sure the doctor's stiff prick was very pleased. "Mmm I'd forgotten how good a pussy can feel... it'll be so nice to have one around the house to take whenever I get the urge." The bear let his paws slide down and he squeezed the girl's heavy chest again. "I might even need to get him a pair of these... I would love to have someone to give a quick titty fuck."

The fat beaver moaned and panted around the goat's hard shaft as the bear slidhis fat bear cock into her chubby pussy, her slick lotus stroking his erection smoothly and hotly. She rocked her round hips back against his thrusts, her big ass bouncing against his groin, the big girl eager to get fucked, and deeply enjoying sucking the goat's dick too, it seemed! She writhed lewdly when Alfred grabbed her tits, her chubby body trembling when he squeezed them and her broad tail stroked over his belly.

The goat nodded, leaning to one side and groping the doughy dog's belly and breasts! "We should be able to give your pup some tits! He's got some fair ones already," the goat observed, kneading them, "and estrogen injections or implants will make them even nicer." He smirked with satisfaction and gathered the pup's plump, aching, foam-covered testicles in his bony hand, gripping them tightly...and picked up a sharp blade! The helpless fat dog felt a sharp prick of metal against the skin of his ballsac! And then...and then a slow, machine scraaaaaape of the sharp blade alone his tenderest organs, as the goat started shaving the fur off his balls...

Alfred growled louder as he felt the beaver girl started to get into it. The way she pressed back into his thrusts seemed to drive him wild, and he started to kick up the pace, letting his fat balls tap the boy on his snout as he trusted in and out of that sweet cunt, knowing he was going to wait until that boy felt his balls fall off to unload into her, just to rub it in that he would be the only one cuming like a man from now on. His fingers rubbed over the girl's nipples, stroking them harder, and a deep rumble in his chest as he listened to the doctor. "Oh fuck yes!" The bear roared. "All of that, and I want his boobs as big as you can make them... I want him to know that he's a bitch every time he looks in the mirror or bends over for me or has them jiggle as I fuck his new cunt. He was never a good boy, but maybe he can be a good girl... or a least a proper breeding bitch."

Tyler was nearly sobbing at this point, but his collar kept him from being two loud and the girl's thighs ate up the rest of his noise as they squeezed against his face, almost pulling him closer to the soft fat slot that his master's cock was sliding in and out of. He could feel as something cold came in contact with his nuts... and he wondered for a sec if that would be the moment he lost his balls, jerking as he felt the first long hard scrape, a cold washing over his white orbs as the goat began to shave them. He shook, wondering what he was going to look like when he crawled out of this office... Wondering if he'd even be able to recognize himself in the mirror.

That thick beaver moaned needfully, and pushed back harder as he thrusted into her, shoving her pussy onto his big bruin dick -- clearly this fat girl loved being fucked by anyone, for any reason! She spread her legs shamelessly as he screwed her pussy above the boy, even as his plump teenage balls were getting shaved.

The dog could feel the sharp blade stroking slowly across his balls, pressing firmly against them to scrape all his manly fuzz off, making his testicless ache humiliatingly, knowing they were in the hands of another man and he could do nothing! Finally the goat finished, and he tapped the fat beaver's cheeks gently. "Time to remove the boy's balls. Please keep his prick out of the way, nurse...until it's time to remove it." The beaver complied, letting the goat's wet shaft slide out of her muzzle...and nuzzled her chin against the fat dog's groin, slurping his prick into her lips! She held it lightly in her lips, just letting her tongue occasionally stroke it, as she felt the bear fuck her fat pussy good and strong, and the goat bring the razer ot the dog's shaved balls...and slash the sides of his sac open!

This was one of the hottest things Alfred had ever experienced. Not only was this beaver girl making sure he was fucking her like a beast but he was watching as his pet became what he always wanted "her" to be. He hoped "she" would as hungry for dick as this beaver was once "she" came home. The bear reached down around the beaver girls belly, and he let his fingers start to stroke at her clit as he got ready for the real show to begin.

That's when Tyler felt those soft lips slip around his dick, and he gasped for air. Her lips felt so amazing wrapped around his cock, all he wanted to do was thrust forward and feel what it was like to be a real man for a few seconds before he became like the woman that was sucking on his prick. He whined and tried to thrust up, but those boney fingers kept him helplessly in place. All he could do was squirm as his master's balls tapped his nose, and the girl's sweet juices started to drip onto his lips, making his dick pulse even harder inside of the girl's muzzle. He whined as he quickly realized she was just teasing him, she was just letting his cock feel her warm mouth just to add to his torment. And then the blade sliced along his sac, and his whole body jerked, tears rolling down his face as the bear and beaver fucked above him, the sight, smell, and muzzle on his dick making it impossible to get soft even as the doctor began to fish around for his testicle...

Then three things all happened at once.

The first was that the goat licked his lips, his hard prick bobbing above the boy's shaved sac. "Mmm. Some nice balls on this boy, he teased as he squeezed the plump sac, "he woulda made a good breeder..." Then he squeezed the shaved bag in the middle, pushing those two pale plums out and into his hand! He slowly curled his fingers around them...and then slid his snippers around the exposed cords. "I'm cutting off his balls," the goat said, giving Alfred some warning, "" The soft, barely audible *snip* between his legs was like the bang of a snip and your fat young horny hound-boy was castrated! As if on queue, the fat beaver panted and moaned, and her pussy squeezed the bear's shaft hard!

The second was that the pup could feel himself getting close in the girls muzzle, he could feel his first orgasam in months just moments away he just needed a little bit more. He ignored the pain as the doctor pushed out his nuts into the open air, and he tried to fight through the gut wrenching agony as the girls muzzle began to actively suck on his dick. He was so close he could almost... *SNIP* and just like that all his dreams were dashed, and his balls would always stay filled with the final load they never got to shoot. He yelled out in agony as he felt his unmaling, and he soon passed out.

The final was that Alfred was in heaven as he watched as those snips inched closer to his soon to be girls naughty nuts, and just as the doctor cut the cords, he felt that girl tighten around him and he thrusted into her, burying his dick deep as he pumped his seed into her cunt, his seed dripping on the boy's face as he lay unconscious underneath him. The bear panted, a grin spreading across his face knowing when the dog beneath him woke up, she'd be a proper bitch that a stud like himself needed.