Digimon: about time we met

Story by Hex92 on SoFurry


#1 of Digimon

this story will be updated

Along with all of the others

It all started one fine morning were tsume and dorumon an lunamon was exploring the digital world . Its been a long day for tsume seeing that she and Jake got ride of myotismon with the help of tai and the other's . After the fight tsume just wanted to be with her digimon friends as she was walking around she soon was stop by lunamon . " something wrong lunamon?" Tsume ask "i smell a digimon" she said as she dashed off tsume and dorumon try to keep up with her but soon came to a stop near a river and saw lunamon holding what seems to be a little red Sun . " lunamon , what is that is that a digimon?" " Yes its name is SunMon . And I think its hurt" tsume kneel down beside her digimon and picked it up into her hand " I know exactly who can help " said tsume as she and the digimon ran into the forest and soon came to a sleeping tree digimon name cherrymon but to tsume she calls him uncle cherrymon seeing that he tells her story's alot "uncle cherrymon we need help!" Cryed tsume waking him up as he looked down at her " is something wrong tsume?" He asked " well lunamon found this digimon hurt . Can you help him?" She asked sweety , cherrymon pulled off one of his red berry's from his tree and handed it to tsume " give this to him and he will be healed" he said as tsume nod and took the berry and gave it to the little sun digmon ,a minute later tsume was resting next to cherrymon until the sun digimon woke up and was feeling much better " I'm glad that your better, would you mind telling me where you came from?" " i didn't come from anywhere , I was traveling around with my human partner" " human partner? then that means a new digideston is here " tsume said looking at lunamon and dorumon as they nod " so where is your human partner right now SunMon?" " a group of meramon took him, he was able to free me but i couldn't save him, so i had to look for help but i ran out of energy" it said sadly " something tells me this partner of yours isn't too wise in this area, how long have you two been together?" " about 3 weeks" " as I predicted a newbies" " will you please help me get my partner, please " tsume sign and stood up " alright I'll help you, after this I'm going to have a little chit chat with your partner" tsume ran off and said thank you to cherrymon but I guess he didn't hear her considering he was sleeping again . It was a long journey to meramon village so to make it fast tsume digivloe dorumon to dorugamon and flu there , once they got there tsume saw a metal cage and saw a boy inside with short red hair and red eyes , he had on a sun yellow color shirt and a red jacket with black pants with red and white shoes.

Tsume and her digimon hide behind a big rock seeing that she didn't want to be seen by the meramons . She remembers the last time she was here and they didn't seem so nice " psst , hey boy !" Tsume said trying to get his attention as he turns to look at were the sound was as tsume showed herself to him " do you need rescuing?" Tsume asked , the boy tilt his head to the side and nod " what do you think?" He said as tsume gave the thumps up and disappeared. " OK here is what were ganna do, sunmon your with me and dorumon and lunmon you guys keep the meramon away from me as i try to save sunmons trainer got it " the digimon nod and it was time to put there plan into action (vex pov) vex was wondering what the girl was planing, she didn't seem much of help but she was the only one that can help him right now , but whats worse was that he was worried about sunmon and hope he was OK . Vex was so lost in thought he didn't see the girl walk up to cage " hey ." Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked at her and saw a girl with long purple hair in pigtails with blue beas holding them into place , she had on a light purple shirt and a dark purple short overalls with white an purple shoes " don't worry kid , i'll get you out" she said with a wink " you shouldn't be here, you could get yourself hurt" " no need to worry , im sure to stuff like this " she said with a smile vex was confuse to see her so clam , could she be a digidestined to ? He asked himself as the girls started to pick the lock " my god this thing is hard to open what did they do made it out of metal?" " well aren't you a sweet cup of tea" tsume blushed a little and was finally able to break the lock and sunmon jumped out of her front pocket and into his arms " vex, so glad to see you" sunmon said happily "hurry, let's get out of here quick before-" tsume was cut off when she turned around and saw meramon standing there with his arms crossed looking down at her " uhhh this isn't what it looks like " she said nervously " well well well if it isn't the digimon princess tsume" (digimon princess?) Though vex " very nice to see you again but as you can see I cannot stay long so see you later" tsume grab vex hand and started to walk away but soon they were surrounded by meramon " what's the hurry, don't you want to stay and chat?"

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